Marvelously Charming

By Joseph Foster

Published on Jun 5, 2007


This story will contain characters of Marvel Comics and Charmed the stuff written in this story in no way is meant to dictate anything about the actors sexual preferences, the characters are owned by Marvel, and CBS. I do not claim any ownership

Marvel-ously Charming

Chapter 1

Sweeping up a dusty floor Piper Halliwell brushes some hair from her face and in mock anger faces her sisters, "how many times are we gonna hafta get this damned thing fixed," she says glaring at the spot where the grandfather clock once stood.

Paige chuckles "probably about as often as we get windows replaced."

Phoebe smiles big "or as many times as you get pregnant."

They all look at each other with love and share a good laugh

"Is that.. laughter I hear, coming from this house." Chris asked

"Oh be quiet you, and where is your brother he's supposed to drive you to school." Piper said in a maternal way

"I'm right here." Echoed Wyatt

"Wyatt Matthew Halliwell, you better not be orbing into this living room!" Piper yelled

"I'm not" He says coolly as he orbs into the front foyer "Let's go little brother"


"One of the perks of being older.. Bright side, you're still older than all of the other kids" Wyatt says throwing an arm around his brother's shoulders"

"That boy.. I swear if he wasn't going to be such a force of good in the future I'd strangle his lanky ass." Piper said as the flowers in the center of the entrance exploded without so much as a flinch

"Oh god, don't tell me it's time for another blue moon already." Phoebe said looking worried

"Well if it is I may become a mother that eats her young, but it's hardly been 50 years yet, so its probably just."

"Menopause!" Squeaked Melinda

"Not you too. You used to be the sweet one.." Paige interjected "What it's not like she's pregnant again.." Melinda chirped

"How old are you now Melinda?" Phoebe asked

"16 in August" she states proudly

"and did you wanna live to see Sweet Sixteen?" Piper asked with some mock anger

"Oh you guys are too much, oh and mom, Brian is gonna come here after school if that's ok with you"

"Sure honey, as long as you cleaned the kitchen"

"UGH I swear mom you are the only mom that makes her kids do all the leg work."

"What leg work honey, I own a restaurant a nightclub, I'm married to a man that literally spends his days in another world, raising three kids, and I still find time in my chaotic schedule to fight demons every day, is it too much to ask for there not to be a mess when I get home?"

"I guess not mom GEEZE I didn't know you were such a drama queen"


"That's my ride, HEY BRIAN"


"No quips Pheebs"

"Have you even talked to her about sex?" Phoebe asked Piper with sincere concern

"Of course I have but she would rather get hit by a runaway train that sit with me to talk about it, look at you though, giving me maternal advice, how are my little nieces?" Piper asked in an attempt to change the subject."

"They're good, little Cooper is really learning to control her cupid powers, the other night though she accidentally made me fall for the demon we were fighting while she was trying to throw his fireball back at him with empathy, it was so cute, when I kissed him she reversed it like nothing happened, I was so proud." Phoebe said with pride.

"Yeahhhh.. sure.. um so Paige how's little Henry, and of course the twins Mini Patty and Penny"

"They are good, still a little bummed about Henry being so far away, I mean if he has to take off every time a parolee skips town, we may never see him again, but Henry is so advanced in his martial arts, thanks to my lovely older sister, emphasis on OLDer, he is top of his class, and is scheduled to fight the teacher next week to be promoted to top dog.. I don't know what it's really called.. and the twins, well they are really into Nature, last week they magically helped out the wood nymphs, and re planted lost rainforests."

"Wow, and I thought my son coming out was news, that's all great guys.. now if Chris would just come out, I mean for real.."

"PIPER!.." Paige said

"What Cooper's the one that felt his attraction when we got pizza that night.. Not that you could blame him. So I mean, he knows we don't take issue with Wyatt, I just don't know whats going through that boy's mind."

"Is it bad that we skipped school to come to New York City?" Chris asked his older brother

"Well I suppose you only live once, but I don't know if it qualifies as skipping since we paid those shape-shifters to pretend to be us."

"Shape-Shifters huh? I haven't eaten all day..." A horned demon said

"Great! Wyatt you take the left I'll take the right." Chris said as he orbed out, people around him shocked to see this, yet somehow undisturbed by it.

Wyatt kicks the demon in the face and floor sweeps him off his feet

"FLAME ON!" Wyatt heard from above and then he saw a line of fire, and anbother blue line but it wasn't a line it was a man, oh and a woman, then he felt the ground move, and this thing that looks like a rock approached where he was standing.

Chris appeared in a kicking stance and knocked the demon down again.

"Nice!" Said the illuminated man

"We'll take care of it from here.." an attractive yet nerdy looking man said

"No.. we've got it under control" Wyatt quickly replied, doing a back flip kick to the demons face

"Vanquish we the Halliwells cry spirits of our magic bloodline, take this demon from our sight, no more chances for him tonight!" The boys chanted

The demon cried out in agony, and held onto himself protectively as he burst into flames and is enveloped by a sonic boom

** That was so hot! ** the illuminated man thought

"Thanks!" Both boys said at the same time and went on their way

"Why did they just thank you Johnny?" The woman asked

"God Sue how should I know?" Johnny asked trying not to say that he found both boys very appealing

"Johnny for once could you just answer your sister?" The line man asked

"Look MR FANTASTIC, just because you're our FEARLESS leader, does not make you my father!!" Johnny screamed angrily flaming a bit

"Answer the question before you deal with me" Ben said

"Ok.. fine.. we've been down this road and im still waiting for a replacement Porsche"

"They somehow heard my thought"

"Wait what JOHNNY! That's not something you just don't tell us, we need to tell the school about this, they could be mutants lost and confused"

"Well.. I.. DID THEY SEEM LOST?" Johnny asked in a last effort

"No, as a matter of fact they just seemed used to that sort of thing, but nevertheless, I think Xavier should know about this." Reed stated

"Let's go then, Flame on Flamer" Ben said mocking Johnny

As they arrived at Xavier's mansion they rang the doorbell

*** Feel free to let yourselves in and come to my office, I sense there is something we need to discuss***

"You don't quite get used to that now do you?" Reed said a little shaken

As they reached the solid wood door, they saw familiar faces, Ororo, Jean, Scott, Logan, Hank, and of course Charles Xavier.

"Please pardon the intrusion Professors but we felt that we have witnessed something that needed to be brought to your attention." Reed explained the reason for their presence

"There is no intrusion I'm sure I speak for all in this room when I say you four are always welcome here at the mansion, what was it that you wanted to tell us?"

"Two boys, we saw them in the city, they fought off a horned... thing.. no offense Ben, and they didn't even blink, but they didn't get rid of it with powers, though they used those too, incredible ones I might add, and then they said an incantation of sorts and the being, just exploded into a well, it looked like a sonic boom to be precise about it." Sue explained

All of the professors were floored, even Logan looked slightly impressed

"I'm not sure they are mutants, from the sounds of it they may be, something else." Xavier stated

"They displayed some powers far beyond what I have seen before, given the chance they may be able to destroy the evil that mutants cannot, with the right training." Reed said

"I will attempt to use cerebro, if I cannot locate them through that then they are mutants, but first I must invade one of your minds to get their coding.. but only with your permission will I do so."

"You can go in mine, I feel like my sis and slim over here have done all the talking, I wanna help to, invade my mind, go for it X."

"Please kneel, as I cannot reach" The professor said

Johnny did so, and then he felt as though he was being hypnotized, and then he started having flashes of everything that could possibly be connected to the 2 boys.

"My lord!" Charles said as he came back to the moment "The blonde one could be considered a class 7 mutant, and his brother a 6!"

"But professor there had NEVER been anything above a class 5, it's not possible.. How could they be in such control." Ororo said very worried

"I do not believe that they are only mutants, I sense something else.. something not mortal, but still human alike.. a coding I have never seen before." Charles said.

"Did you locate them?" Jean asked with real concern

"Yes Jean I did, they are in San Francisco." Charles said plainly

"How is that possible we just saw them in Manhattan 15 minutes ago." Sue exclaimed

"Everyone to the jet we're headed to 1329 Prescott Street in San Francisco"

"Ahh, feels good to be home, we had a busy day, and that demon was a cakewalk."

"How did you do that thing Chris, you materialized, and it wasn't like orbing."

"It's wasn't, I did think it was odd that I would orb into a kick like that, I've never done it before, it was like all I was doing was kicking, and I wanted to orb, and it felt like I was but apparently it was something else."


"and how about you Wyatt, I mean that was a pretty serious after effect of that spell, the sonic boom.."

"I think that was because we did it together not because of you or me individually."

"Anyone home? I need help with the groceries!" Piper called

"Oh hey you guys, was today that half day?"


"Ok Wyatt I've had it up to here!" Piper said with a hand above her head

"What?" He asked, trying not to look guilty

"Just call for the groceries and magically shut the back of the van, people will assume it was automatic."

"You got it mom!"

Wyatt did as he was asked and even magically put the groceries away

"Thanks Kiddo! It's been such a long day I couldn't handle it."

"Your telling me" Said Phoebe as she orbed in with Paige, and Cooper and Henry

The house started to shake and they heard a loud noise

"What in god's name is that...?!"

"Um... Mom... There's a fighter jet landing on Prescott..." Chris said a little confused

"Great, it's probably some government agency that's come to dissect us!" Paige said sarcastically.."

"Don't worry Mom, we're 7 powerful witches, we can take them on!." Henry Jr. chimed in

"When they least expected it, the doorbell rang


"PHOEBE! You're supposed to be one of the adults!" Piper scolded "Now answer the door!"

"NUH UH, you're the oldest!" Piper casually walked to the door and opened it to see a bunch of people dressed in tight black jumpsuits with an X on the breast.

"HaHaHa... The Star Wars convention is next door!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Look man, whatever disease your collecting money for, we've already donated."

"I don't think you understand.."

Piper slams the door

"Damn charities!"

"Now someone's trying to go into my mind DAMN IT!" Piper screamed causing the front doors to explode and all the people behind it to be thrown back

The sky changed and clouds rolled over, darkness over took. Thunder and lightening began to strike.. "GREAT and we don't have a front door"

"Sure we do!" Wyatt said and with a wave of his hand a new door was in place.

"Thanks son." As Piper was finishing this a woman with shock white hair burst through the front door.. "Didn't we vanquish her already?" Piper said as she froze the woman in mid air

Piper unfroze only her head

"Who are you? And why are you bursting into my house?" Piper asked strongly

"What have you done to me?"

"Put you on ice for a bit, now answer the question!"

As she was about to get her answer the rest of the crew burst in..

"When will they learn?!" and she froze all of them then unfroze the head of the bald man

"Now maybe you can help me with this, who the hell are you people, and why are you invading my house."

Charles looked at his people "They're fine! Now just answer the question and I'll let them go."

"Ok, we are mutants, and we have come because two of your children are one of us, and we would like for them to attend our school for gifted children."

"First off, yeah right, and second of all, if that's the case then what's with the show, couldn't you have maybe drove here and not landed a jet on our street where god knows how many people can see, and think we're weirder than they already do?"

"Ahh yes, Mrs. Halliwell, I'm sure you can accept that fact, as you are a, well, a special being as well. And the jet is invisible to the untrained eye and not solid so it does not block the roadway, now would you mind releasing my team, and the Fantastic Four as well, we have much to discuss.."

"One false move, and I dust you all." Piper said as she waved her hand to unfreeze the crew, "Everyone to the conservatory!"

"Everyone looked confused, as the X-Men, and the Fantastic Four stood and sat on one side and the Halliwells, and Matthews families sat on the other

"Well..." Phoebe said

Johnny winked at Chris

"We are here, because our friends the Fantastic Four witnessed your sons performing extraordinary abilities on the streets of Manhattan.."

"MANHATTAN?!?! When?"

Sue decided to speak "About 2 hours ago


"We just wanted to go to New York.."

"Wait abilities.. ON THE STREET?" Paige said

"You did magic in the OPEN? Piper asked in a scary tone

"Mom we live in a time with Superheroes and Mutants do you really think anyone would assume witchcraft."

"Wait magic, like abra cadabra?!" Logan said with a laugh

"No magic like this!" Paige said.. "CIGAR!" and orbed it into a vase of water "No smoking"

"That's not magic that's a mutation." Ororo said

"is this magic?" Wyatt said and recited an incantation and turned Jean into a flower arrangement

Everyone including his family looked surprised at that.

"You change her back this minute!" Logan said extending his claws

"Calm down pussy cat." Wyatt said telekinetically pushing Logans claws back into his skin "Wait your turn" and then with a wave of his hand turned Jean back into herself

"What happened?" she asked slightly freaked

"I turned you into a beautiful arrangement of red roses." Wyatt said cheekily

** My god look at him sitting there so calmly, so beautiful, I just wanna slide my long...wait stop Johnny, first of all he's way too young for you and second of all he's a guy.. you don't do guys**

You're more than welcome to do this guy. And I'm sure not gonna tell anyone how old I really am Chris sent back to him

** How can you hear me? It's cool but weird..**

** Just a gift I picked up along the way I suppose**

** You wanna go out sometime?**

** I'd love to go out with you, but you're Johnny Storm, if people see you out with a guy, it'll shatter your entire image, do you really want that**

I'll get back to you on that after we have our date tomorrow night Ocean Front Bistro

** Wait isn't that in New York**

** Yeah but if X gets his way, that's where you and your brother are headed tonight anyhow**

** If he actually convinces my mom to let us go then you've got yourself a date**

"Well I'll have to discuss it with my husband but, since I think its for the best they should go with you, at least then they're hidden from demons.."

"Very Well, We Shall prep the jet" Charles said

"No that'll take too long we'll send it back for you." Phoebe said "and the boys will orb you."

"I need the exact name of the area where this is headed, and if you've got a picture even better" Paige said as she drew the curtains overlooking Prescott Street, there they could all see the jet, she opened the window, "Piper a little cover"

"You got it." And everyone watched in awe as everything including planes in the sky stopped in mid air

"Very Impressive" Charles stated while his group nodded

"Will a mental picture of the hangar do?" Jean asked Paige

"Yep send it to me"

"X HANGAR!" Paige called and waved both of her hands at the jet "Sorry I forgot the name, but the mental picture should help"

"It's quite alright.. That was some display of power you've both shown us, now, we will be going."

"Everyone join hands" Chris ordered and Piper noticed he was holding Johnny's just slightly tighter than anyone else was "Hang on good!" Both Chris and Wyatt Orbed together and everyone disappeared.. "What a day!" Piper exclaimed, at least we live in a world that accepts people like us."

Phoebe spoke up "If only it could have been like this when Prue was still alive"

"Well at least something good came out of that ordeal" said Piper patting Paige on the back

"Mom, will they be back?"

"Sometime baby, sometime"

Everyone was abuzz, at the Mansion, with no one except Bobby, Piotr, and Rogue overseeing the school things were to say the least, chaotic.

Everyone was talking about the 2 powerful new mutants starting at Mutant High

"I heard they're hot.."

"I heard they took out a sentinel with WORDS"

"I heard they're brothers!"

"I heard that they can do whatever they want."

"I heard one of them was a class 9"

"That's not even possible!"

"Is too" Everyone fell silent as they heard a strange sound, and then saw a great swarm of Bluish white lights and every one of the teachers and the two new students appeared before their eyes

"Ahh Bobby, Rogue, and Pete how did things go in our absence?"

"They went alright." Rogue replied in her thick accent

"Swimmingly" Pete replied

"Normal." Bobby said

"Now, these two fine young gentlemen are Wyatt and Chris Halliwell, they are going to be starting school here and I would like Bobby to room with Chris and Piotr to room with Wyatt."

"Sure" Both Junior X-men replied

Wyatt and Chris were both in a trance when they saw two gorgeous guys walking up to them

** think of Johnny, think of Johnny**

"Hi, I'm Bobby, but you can call me Ice Man" Bobby said reaching for Chris's hand turning his own to ice as he gripped it

** thank god he's not my type, ohhh that's cold**

"I'm Chris Halliwell I don't really have a good response to that power but, I can do this" and Chris orbed behind Bobby tapped him on the shoulder and orbed back in front of him before he had a chance to look for who tapped him

"I'm Piotr or Colossus, Piotr said as he turned his hand to metal to shake Wyatt's"

"Lord do I feel bad for the chick who gets fingered by that thing" Wyatt said as he shook Piotr's hand

"I'm not really into chicks as you call them."

"Well then maybe I'm your type Wyatt said with a wink"

"Perhaps you are."

"So what Class are you guys, did they tell you?" Bobby asked

"They said we were more powerful than they'd ever seen before." Wyatt said

"They did???!" Chris said.. then remembering that he was talking to Johnny when he should have been listening.

"Something about a Phoenix and us being the key to stopping it for good"

"Ok.. did they mention anything about classes??"

"The doc said preliminarily bro here is ummmm.. he's um oh yeah a 6, and that I was a 7.. I have no clue what that means..."

"DUDE you are such a LIAR! You haven't been here two minutes and your already bragging well the jig is up, there are only 5 classes of mutants."

"and those two make an amendment to that scale." Said Professor X "But they are in complete control of their powers, and are not a threat to anyone, now Bobby, do you have something you'd like to say to Wyatt?"

"Yeah I do, watch your back"

"BOBBY! ENOUGH! Nobody lied and nobody has threatened you what's gotten into you?!"

"I'm sorry, look I'm not like that honest. I really am sorry"

Coulda fooled me

** I know right.. kinda cute but way too emo**

"Hey Bobby wait up!" Chris called and ran after him

"What do you want?"

"To know where my room is...."

"Right.. so whats your deal, why you scamming on my ass?"

"I'm not, and I have someone to scam on, at least, someone, who is a prospective person to which I can show feelings for."

"So you have a first date coming with someone?"

"Yeah, I just didn't know how to word it..."

"When is the date?"

"Tomorrow night 8 o clock at Ocean Front Bistro"

"This is us." Bobby unlocked the door

"Your stuff won't be here for weeks, you wanna share the bed, or you can have it.."

"Oh no im not gonna give you that opportunity.. I'll get my stuff in about three, two, one NOW PAIGE!"

and quickly and efficiently all of Chris's stuff was set up how it should have been bed made and all

"I guess you really are a high class mutant."

Öh no, that was my Aunt Paige, she's been doing that a lot longer than I have, she even orbed the X-Jet into the X Hangar from San Francisco."

"um.. orbed??"

"You know when we got here how we just sort of appeared in bluish white lights.. that's orbing"

"Oh we usually call it teleporting.. but it is different so I guess it should have a different name, wait wow, the jet? From San Francisco? That's a LOT of power"

"Yeah our family contains the Charmed ones"

"The CHARMED ones... I've heard of them, they're like the most powerful witches to ever rise.. but I thought that was just some story.. I went through a phase when I was studying Wicca."

"Well now you know, all that stuff is real."

God I wanna see him naked Bobby thought

"What?!" Chris asked

"What.. what?" Bobby asked innocently Shit he must have heard me... Wasn't what you thought...*

"It's fine if you feel that way I happen to be going out on a date tomorrow... with a guy."

"Who is it.. I swear.. their secret and yours are safe with me."

"I can't tell you, then if you think it, other people will pick it up and be able to know his secret, I don't care if they know mine, but not his."

They both heard a girl scream and ran down the hall to the rec room

"Look!" Amara pointed at the T.V and there was a headline

"Fantastic 4 Ladies Man Admits to Being Gay!

Newscaster: We are now coming to you live from an impromptu press conference in which the ladies man of the Fantastic Four has come out of the closet

Johnny: I reached a point in my life, where I didn't want it all to be image, I don't need a girl at my side to be a happy guy, all I need is my first date with a guy to go well.

Newscaster #2: Gregory Neuball, Gay People Times, Is there someone special in your life?

Chris was dumbfounded that Johnny would do such a thing, because of him

Johnny: Well it isn't official yet, because we haven't had our date, but there is someone I hope will become my special someone, and that person is Christopher Halliwell, and I hope he remembers our date for tomorrow night at the Ocean Front Bistro at 8 pm.. FLAME ON!! Johnny said as he flew away

Newscaster: Well that was interesting good luck to Chris and Johnny ever happiness to you both.

Every single eye in the room was on Chris.. and there was complete silence, some people looked stunned, and others look impressed, while others looked a little put off.

"Wow.. so.. that's who your date was for tomorrow.." Bobby said a little jealously

"Yeah.. I didn't think he'd broadcast it to the nation, but I guess, it would have come out anyway, So if anyone has anything they wanna say, do it now, cause I wont let it happen later!"

He was then flooded with questions, most of which he couldn't answer, since he hadn't actually been out with Johnny yet.

Then he decided it was time to head up to his room, but Bobby said he was gonna stay up a while

And so Chris headed up to his room alone, and then he saw a bright light outside his window.. Its was JOHNNY

He opened the window and Johnny flew in an landed next to him "Hey did you see my little press conference?"

"Yeah I did, it was so great, I felt like you did that for me."

"I did, until I met you I was so afraid of who I am, but seeing you being so great and carefree and then finding out you were not afraid of yourself, just made me want to be with you."

Chris leaned up into Johnny because he was slightly shorter and Johnny leaned in until their lips were barely touching, and then Chris grabbed the back of Johnnys head and pulled him into a lip crushing kiss, and they fell back onto Chris's bed and started to make out, Chris pulled off Johnny's form fitting uniform off, surprised to see he hasn't wearing anything under it.

Johnny unbuttoned the buttons on Chris's shirt, and began to undo his pants but Chris stopped him "I don't think we should do this."

"It's ok, but do you mind if I ask why not?"

"I just think we should get to know each other first, but if you borrow a pair of pajama pants I would love to spend the night asleep in your arms..."

"You got yourself a deal.. I think ill take those..." Johnny said pointing to a pair of pj pants with Spongebob on them, "and I'll just wear my underwear.." Chris said

"Oh you sexy little devil!" Johnny said as he started to tickle Chris and then he wrapped Chris in hi arms and kissed him lightly "good night my angel"

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Next: Chapter 2

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