Martins History

By Rufus Jones

Published on May 9, 2023


Martin's History 6 Please donate to this noble cause: Please respect copyright.

A couple of weeks went by quickly. Marek was knee-deep in organizational details and spent long days working, sometimes into the night. I was not so busy but, rather than hook up with Tim, I waited until Marek had more time.

He messaged me on a Friday, wanting us to have a video chat. When he came on the screen, I felt immediately relieved, as I always do. He smiled at me broadly. I smiled back and said,

"It's so nice to see your face!"

"And yours. I miss you so much."

I felt all warm hearing him say that. We were going to be all right. "What's up?"

Marek looked almost uncomfortable. "So, as per our conversation, I met someone who I like and, well, I wanted to know if you wanted to watch us. He's totally into it and so am I. But if for a second you're not comfortable..."

I cut him off. "I'm all about it. I told you, the thought of watching you with someone is a total turn on."

He looked relieved. "How about tomorrow night? But I can't remember if you have Sadie or not..."

"Nope. She's at her mom's."

He looked relieved again. "That's great. One thing Norm -- that's his name -- asked, is what you want to see. He's pretty adventurous, I think. Actually he's done this before, so there's that."

"Where did you meet him?"

"Believe it or not, he works for us, but he lives here and will be running the new office."

I laughed. "That's awfully convenient. It's ok to be hooking up with a co-worker?"

"He seems pretty chill. I won't be here for very long, so we decided it was fine."

"Then it's a date. I can't wait to see you...doing whatever. But I do miss you."

"Me too."

The next day we had arranged for five my time, so just before that I set myself up on the sofa with the computer on the coffee table. I didn't bother with clothes, just some lube and me. I was excited.

At the appointed time, I saw Marek's face on the screen. Then he moved aside and another guy appeared who must have been Norm. He was beautiful and a little older than us, with lovely brown skin and big, liquid eyes. I could see why Marek was into him. I was into him.

Finally, I spoke. "You must be Norm. Nice to meet you."

"And you're Martin. Same."

"So what's on the agenda?" I smiled as seductively as I could.

Market reappeared. "Well, we're going to get naked. Any requests?"

I thought for a moment. "Why don't you just see what happens...maybe I'll think of something." I was getting excited and cock was already hard and I slid my hand a few times on it.

Norm lay down on his back and spread his legs a little. I could clearly see his balls, and his very hard dick which he was jerking very slowly watching Marek who lay on top of him, grinding their cocks together. They were kissing, but I could only hear them. I loved watching Tomas's ass, and their balls almost mashing together. After a little while, Marek slid to one side and starting sucking Norm's nipples, reaching for Norm's cock and feeling the head of it which I could tell was getting slippery. I could hear the sounds Norm was making, almost guttural and harsh.

Licking his way down Norm's belly, Marek then starting sucking on the head of his cock while still sliding his hand on it, then taken him down to the root. I was amazed since Norm was bigger than I was, but Marek seemed eager. He slide Norm's dick in and out a few times before letting go, turning and bringing himself close to Norm's face. I couldn't see, but then Marek leaned forward and raised his hips up and I could see his cock disappearing into Norm's mouth, steadily and the whole length. They were both so into this and I wished I was there.

Marek slid out of Norm's mouth and leaned down and they kissed for a while. I tried to imagine the feel of Marek's mouth, his tongue. It was making me a little crazy. Marek turned to me on the screen.

"Who should fuck who, do you think?"

"I want him to fuck you...if that's all right?"

Marek grinned and began to lube up his ass, then turned to Norm and dribble lube on his cock, rubbing it in which made Norm gasp. He lay down on his back and I had a good view of him as Norm got between his legs, pushing them back and positioning his cock. I watched him push forward into Marek who immediately began fisting himself. Norm slid forward some more until he was right over Marek and they kissed hungrily. I had to stop jacking myself because I almost explored watching this, watched Norm really start to pound into Marek. I could see the whole length of him slide out and then plough in. They kept kissing as he pumped into him. I wanted to be there so bad, but this was almost as good.

They kept this up for a little while. Marek came off Norm's mouth and turned to the screen and asked,

"I want to see you what you're doing."

I adjusted the screen so my cock was completely visible, so he could see me desperately jerking my cock as Norm continued his assault on Marek's ass. His thrusts were so intense that Marek was pushed into the bed and I could tell he was having trouble holding his cock things were so cramped.

Norm looked at the screen, barely able to talk he was working so hard. "Should I cum inside him, or out?"

I thought a moment. "Out."

"Any particular place?"

I hadn't thought of that. "How about all over his cock, then you get to clean it off.

"Geez you are dirty. But ok."

He must have been close because he pulled out of Marek and began to jerk really fast and hard and I could see his cock almost in contact with Marek's. With a groan he began to splash cum all over his dick and his balls. Marek just watched him.

When he was done, he leaned down and licked his cum off Marek, off his balls and the base of his cock. Then he started sucking him down, which I had hoped he would do, and Marek cried out and I could tell he was emptying himself in Norm's mouth. I was beyond past the point, and I blasted all over my chest with a gasp.

I looked at the screen again and the two were both on their backs, just breathing hard.

"That was amazing, you guys. Really amazing. Thank you. I guess I don't have to ask if you enjoyed yourselves."

Marek raised his head off the bed. "No, you don't. Everybody here had a really good time. He leaned down and kissed Norm, then he looked up and blew me a kiss. I chuckled, then I said, "Let's chat in a little while and have a normal conversation. Good-bye Norm."

He just raised one of his hands and waved it, collapsing back on the bed.

Marek and Norm got together a few times in the weeks that followed and I watched them do all kinds of things, which was really exciting. Marek watched Tim and I as well. Once we even had both couples watch each other which was complicated and in the end, not as satisfying. Too much information.

Marek came back home and we spent a day or so in bed together, reminding each other of what it felt like to be together, in the flesh. It was a long time, but we managed it and even had a little fun along the way. But if I had my choice, he would be going no where without me if it was going to be more than a week or so, and I told him so. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. He murmured in my ear,

"You're such a romantic. That's one of the reasons I love you." He stopped for a moment. "I almost forgot to tell you. Norm is coming into town for a few days next week to meet with our boss. He wondered if he could stay here..."

I was surprised and turned on in an instant. "That sounds amazing. Just so we're clear, when you say stay here, you mean, like, in our bed, for at least some of the time."

"That's exactly what I mean. I'm glad you approve. He's certainly into it."

Marek and I spent the next few days just enjoying being around each other in a way that we hadn't done since we first met. I liked the young feeling of excitement waiting until we could be together again, of getting a little anxious if he was late, or if I was held up. It made the moment when we saw each other that much sweeter.

I had Sadie that weekend and we spent it going to the park, to the zoo, to a museum, having ice cream. All the dad stuff that I loved doing, and in this case, dads. She seemed to adore Marek and it happened so quickly. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. He has that effect on people. When she's with us, she always wants him to read her a story and tuck her in. It's sort of stereotypical, all that parent/kid stuff, but it's also very sweet.

Her mother and I had come to a neutral peace. We were cordial, and we each followed the terms of the custody agreement. I was so relieved about that given how Linda had first reacted when I told her everything. It all seemed so long ago.

For Marek's part, he never imagined he would have a kid in his life and he said he was amazed and really pleased. More than he thought he would be. I guess when you're gay, sometimes, you don't automatically imagine your life with a kid in it, so maybe you don't get as far as imagining what having a kid around is actually like. But he's pleased, I can tell.

Norm arrived on the following Wednesday and went straight to the office. They were to come home and we would go out for dinner, which, given it was the middle of the week, was a treat.

We went to a little bistro down the road and had a wonderful meal. He was such a nice guy. He had lived in Calgary his whole life and even though he was gay, felt comfortable around the sea of conservatives in that province. He shrugged his shoulders,

"If they don't bother me, then I ignore them."

Marek shook his head. "I don't think I could do it. I guess it's my anti-communist roots or something. My parents resisted the state every chance they got. It's in my blood.

I looked at Marek, surprised. I hadn't heard much about his parents' life in eastern Europe. But it made sense. I took a sip of my wine, then said,

"My parents, well, they feel at home in Calgary. They have accepted me now, but only just. I don't think they will ever truly understand what happened with Linda and me coming out, but at least we can talk to each other. It took over a year." Marek looked at me sympathetically. I think he feels he's the cause of all that.

Norm looked at me thoughtfully. "That sounds really hard. I'm sorry. Marek told me a bit of the story. How's your ex these days?"

I laughed. "She's all right. She's coming around. At first it was for Sadie's sake, but now she actually is starting to reconcile herself. And she has a boyfriend now, so I'm glad of that. It was hard when she was alone." I sipped my wine again. Marek seemed surprised I was saying all this. He'd heard it before, but I think saying it to someone I only knew from having watched him have sex with my boyfriend was a new thing for me.

We strolled back to our place and settled into the living room with some scotch and nice music. Marek snuggled into me on the sofa and Norm sat on a chair opposite. We didn't say much, but sipped our drinks and listened to the music. Miles Davis, I think it was.

It was Marek who broke the silence. "So...what are we up for tonight?"

Norm grinned at us. "I'm up for almost anything. But you know..." and he looked thoughtful, "I think I want you to return the favour, Marin. I want to watch you and Marek for a while." With that he put his drink on the coffee table and undid his belt, and pulled his pants down. There was that beautiful tan cock again, which was getting hard. His mother is Egyptian and he had some of her darker complexion.

Marek turned to me and undid my tie, unbuttoned my shirt and slid it off. He did the same for himself. Then he made me stand up so he could get at my pants. I was already hard, and it was obvious the second he slid my pants down. I was wearing white boxers and they were comically pushed out. He slid them off and threw them across to Norm, who caught them and brought them to his nose. "Nice," was all he said.

My dick was crazy with hardness and looked almost pink. Marek licked the head and explored the hole with his tongue. That always made me crazy. I grabbed his head and forced my cock in his mouth, pushing a little with my hips back and forth to get things going. He was undoing his pants and he stopped sucking and pulled them off. He had on his usual black briefs, and once off, he also threw them at Norm. He brought them to his nose as well, still jacking himself. He pulled his shirt off so he was completely naked, just watching as Marek took me down again. I looked over at Norm and smiled. "Why don't you come over here?"

He laughed, but he did, coming over and sitting beside Marek and joining him on my dick, and they began to alternate between them. Both of their cocks were completely rigid and looking wet on the ends. Norm came off my dick and said, a little breathlessly, "Why don't you fuck Marek here. I want to feed you both. He was directing, apparently. But I didn't mind. A little domination is fun.

Marek lay on his belly, while I went to get the lube. I came back and Norm was sitting with his back to the armrest and Marek was sucking him down. I lubed up Marek's ass, sliding a few fingers in, making everything slippery. Then I made my cock nice and slick and lay down, my cock going first into the crack of his ass, and then slowly into him until I was lying completely against him, my head right beside his. Norm's cock was really close to me and he slid out of Marek's mouth, and brought it to mine. He alternated mouths for a while, as I began to fuck Marek a little more energetically than I expected. I said into his ear, "I'm feeling a bit you mind if I go hard?"

Marek slid off Norm's dick and said, "Go as hard as you want."

So I did. I began to really plough my hips into him, squishing him into the sofa. Norm was watching me go for a while, his cock still sliding in and out of Marek's mouth. But he pulled out and said,

"I think I want to join you, if that's ok."

I wasn't quite sure what he meant until I heard him open the lube and his fingers began exploring my asshole, which at first scared me a bit. Mostly I wasn't expecting it. The he got on top of us, which made me worry for Marek. "Wait. Let's rearrange this. Marek, you get on your back. Then Norm can do whatever he wants with my ass without squishing him."

Norm laughed. "Good idea."

We moved around and when I was back in Marek, which made me happy because I could see his eyes, I felt Norm's cock begin to slide in me. Slowly and keeping with my thrusts into Marek and we gradually worked out the mechanics of in and out. The sensation of fucking and being fucked was almost too much. It was hard to know what to focus on. But after a while I began to go with it and I knew I wasn't going to hold out for long. I leaned down as best I could and kissed Marek softly. He just looked at me.

Norm's began to go faster, thrusting harder and it pushed me past the point of no return. I almost yelled it felt so intense and I unloaded myself into Marek and I just looked into his eyes the whole time. My dick was sliding in really easily now, but Norm seemed to be on a different planet. I turned my head back to him. "What if you finish in our mouths."

I pulled my self back, out of Marek, and turned. Norm was on his knees and his cock was shiny wth lube and he was fisting it. He looked stunned with lust. Marek sat up and we both lay down underneath him, just like a cheap porn movie I liked, and stared up at him jacking off. He looked down at us and our greedy faces. "I'm going to cum all over you two. I hope you're ready."

And with a few more fast movements of his had on his cock, he leaned forward and aimed his cock at our mouths which we tried to bring together. It was both ridiculous and, wholly crap, really intense. Cum began to spurt out of him. I mean big gloppy ribbons of it splashing on our tongues, into the our mouths, hitting the back of my throat, our lips, our teeth. It felt like he was saving it up for us. We both swallowed a few times as it just kept coming. Soon there was just a drop or two, which Marek leaned up and lick off.

"That was crazy! Have you been saving that or something?"

Norm laughed, still gasping, a bit shaky. "As a matter of fact, yes. Not because of this, but because I've been so busy and so tired when I got home that I haven't had a chance to....take care of myself. So you just got more than a week's worth. Which was so amazing to watch!"

He leaned down and kissed us both, trading tongues and tasting himself. He licked Marek's cheek which had a big glob of his cum on it. He kissed me again. "It was great to meet you."


I pulled myself off the sofa and refreshed our drinks. We sat together in the nude and just talked. I had my arms around Marek's shoulders and he tucked himself into arm.

Sleep was easy that night. Our bed was just big enough for the three of us and we fell asleep together, but I guess Norm got uncomfortable, because I found him in the guest bedroom the next morning. I was tempted to get in and suck him off, or something, but I restrained myself. We all had to go to work so I became all business.

I made coffee and eggs. And when the two got up and ate, I sent them to work with lunch. It was like having two more kids, and I liked it.

Norm stayed another night and we had much quieter and leisurely sex. Then he was off the next morning, back to Calgary. We sat in the kitchen after he caught his airport limo and talked, since it was way too early for Marek to leave for work.

I took Marek's hand. "That was nice."

"It was nice. It was a lot of fun..."


"I don't know. I think I prefer it when it's just the two of us. When I was away it was great. But last night I would have been just as happy if we had all just gone to sleep. Don't get me wrong, I had an amazing time, but I feel like we should only do that on really special occasions."

I was thoughtful for a moment. "Yeah. I think I agree. I don't have any problem getting excited about just watching you eat breakfast. I don't really need someone else. I slid my hand in between his legs and gave a gentle squeeze.

Marek laughed. "You better not start anything."

Again, I was tempted. But the problem with fulfilling every temptation is you run out of things to be tempted by. Or at least reasonable things. Everyday things. Temptation fuels the soul. I could imagine sucking Marek in the kitchen on a Friday morning, but if I didn't fulfil it, and waited, then when I do it, it's that much more amazing. I leaned in and kissed my Marek and looked into his eyes, then sent him off to work. Because there was a later to get excited about. I went upstairs to my office and went to work.

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