Martins History

By Rufus Jones

Published on Apr 25, 2023


Martin's History 2 Please donate to this noble cause: Please respect copyright.

I woke not knowing where I was and whose body my arms were wrapped around for a few minutes. I could feel my cock nestled in the crack of someone...oh, right.

I felt a stab of anxiety for a second, then the memory of what had happened...when? A few hours ago? The light was dim in the room. I could smell that cologne and sex and I lay there just listening to him breathe.

I could still taste him in my mouth. I had swallowed his cum. I had kissed him, he had sucked had all that happened and so quickly and so...amazingly? I began to remember the feeling that came over me, the door in me that opened for the first time. All those strange moments in my life where a part of me came up to something and then walked away. I didn't walk away this time. I snuggled myself closer to him, and I could feel my dick tuck into the cheeks of his ass.

As always, I compared this moment to being with Linda, but with her it felt...tentative. Like I had to ask permission to be lying like this. Marek seemed to just accept it, accept it all. I heard his voice,

"How are you?"

"I feel really nice and really...confused, really...I don't even know what."

"Is that ok? Feeling that way?"

"Yeah. It is. All told, I'm pretty happy." I kissed Marek's shoulder.

"I'm hungry. Should we go down to dinner?"

"Fuck that. We are so calling in sick...what if we called room service? This is a hotel, isn't? Or we can say we're sick and can they bring us something?"

"Good idea." Marek got out of bed and reached for the phone. I admired his ass and his strong legs. I began to get hard again. What was going on with me? But I liked it.

It turned out we could get room service, so we settled on some pasta and a bottle of wine. When there was a knock on the door, one of us had to get out of bed and put on something...I found a robe in the bathroom. The hotel guy looked a little surprised to see me, clearly wearing nothing but the robe at that time of day. He smiled and I'm pretty sure knowingly.

We ate our gluey pasta in bed, and drank the wine, cross legged, no clothes. I looked occasionally between Marek's legs to his soft dick just lying there, all innocent. Every time I did, mine seemed to wake up and some kind of spell would go through my body to the tip of my own cock.

When our meal was done, we lay back together on the bed, his head on my chest and I just stroked his hair. I realized I was hard, but I didn't care. So was he.

"Tell me what you're thinking."

When Linda had asked me that question it always felt like I had to account for myself or something. When Marek asked it, it felt gentle and curious.

"I was thinking I hadn't seen this coming, but the signs were there all my life. That sounds weird. I grew up literally not really believing that guys could be together. I mean, I knew, like, intellectually it happened, I didn't live in a bubble. I watched TV, you know...but it never was something that seemed possible for me or people I knew. And it wasn't like I had a problem with it either, although...I guess I knew my parents wouldn't want it for me. Like they're farmers. They don't know. Am I making any sense?

"You are. I get it. When I came out to my parents it was kind of a scene. They threatened to disown me and all that shit. But they came around once they got over themselves. Now we're close and everyone's pretty chill about it. They want me to have kids, so there's that..."

"You're lucky. You've known for a long time. And I don't even know if I'm still into women or not."

Marek slid his hand down and grabbed my cock, which was still hard. He began to slowly run his hand up and down. I moaned into his mouth and we kissed. He kept stroking my dick, and just lay there, my hips moving slowly. He put his mouth near my ear, still rubbing my cock, and said,

"So what should we do now?"

"I like what you're doing..."

"Good. That's a start." He rubbed a little faster and gripped me and my cock began to leak, making it slick. I shifted my hips and closed my eyes.

My eyes were still closed and I could feel him move and then realized he was sitting on my chest. I could feel his balls and he let go of me. I opened my eyes and his cock was a few centimetres from my mouth, his balls squashed into the chest and he was jacking himself, just looking down at me. "Is this ok?"

In answer I reached for his dick, pulling it toward me and I realized I needed to move back against the headboard so I had better access. We both slid back and his cock just slid into my mouth as my head hit the back. I took him in as if I'd been doing it my whole life, all the way until the head of his dick reached the back of my throat. I choked a little, but it passed and he began to slowly pump himself into my mouth. I began to explore his ass, rubbing my hands over the smooth surface of him, amazed how soft it was. My fingers found the crack in the middle of him and I traced the shape, felt the hair, the soft cleft and finally his asshole which almost surprised me, as if I hand't know it was there.

He looked down at me, smiling. "How does that feel?"

I came off his cock. "Is this ok, that I'm doing this."

"OK? Oh yeah. More than ok."

I went back to sucking him, not quite believing -- for a second -- that this was happening. My fingers traced his hole. I had felt my own a few time, and Linda once did, although the last thing I had wanted was to find hers, but this was someone else. This fucking sexy. This was all gentle and intimate and I don't even know what else. I just traced it with my finger and the sounds he made told me it was just fine with everyone.

He began pushing a bit more insistently into my mouth and I could feel his balls come into contact with my chin. I came off his cock and started licking them, something else that was new. I licked them, and sucked them in and was amazed. No one had ever done this to me, but I couldn't figure out why. He moaned a little louder, his hands running through my hair. My finger found its way inside him and he went rigid for a second.

"Hold on there...we need something slippery."

He hopped off the bed leaving me feeling empty for a moment and he rummaged in his suitcase. Coming back to the bed he straddled me again. I could see a long line of precum sliding down his cock and I reached forward with a finger and gathered it up, then to my mouth. It was something I had done with myself in my private jacking sessions, but this was something else. This was from the centre of him, a guy, and it felt so...intimate. Tasted so intimate.

Marek squeezed some lube on his fingers and reached back to his ass. Then he squeezed some on my dick and I almost came right there. I gasped and froze as if he had just electrocuted me.

"Are you cool?"

"Fuck, I'm in the deep freeze..."

He pumped me a few times, slowly, achingly and I just watched him. I knew where this was going and I suddenly realized I wanted it. I wanted it so badly I could almost weep. He slid forward and positioned himself over me, my cock right at the place where he began and I ended, and then he pushed down, and in I went with a slow, sizzling feeling. I could imagine sparks coming off me as I entered him, and he moaned and I made some kind of sound, and then he was all the way. I could feel his ass touch me and we just looked at each other, amazed.

"You good?"

"I'm really good..." And saying that, I knew I was. I had never been in someone, really in them, like I was then. I could feel my whole length, my whole body, joined to this guy, this lovely -- I realized -- guy who just looked at me with those big brown eyes, slowly stroking himself and watching me. I began to push my hips forward, and he pushed down, and then rose up and we started a nice rhythm and I could feel wild sizzling feelings along my cock, my loins, my life -- as it slid in and out of him. I felt comfortable and it felt more intense than anything, any woman, anything, I had felt in my whole life. We just looked at each other. He had a half smile which felt like an invitation, over and over.

We moved together like this, my cock slowly, amazingly, getting harder and the feeling growing a bit more each time I pushed up, and my ass lifted off the bed with each thrust. And he kept sliding his hand on his cock and it was getting messy with his juices and I decided to take over. I put my hand up and he moved his, as if he already understood and I began sliding my fist up its length. I could feel the heat from him, the smooth, muscular length of him in my hand, so different than mine, and I picked up the pace a little, as my hips seemed to want to move, and so we moved, and he began to moan, his head thrown back and I wanted to be close to that mouth, so I pulled him down to me, almost slipping out of him the angle was so tight, but I managed to kiss him before he moved back and we got a little faster.

My cock was on fire, and my hips were insisting on something and I started to breathe more heavily, and I was having trouble thinking because all the blood -- everything -- was pouring into the movement, rushing up the tip of my dick that kept going, kept pushing, and it felt almost desperate and my thrusts became longer and harder and he just kept bearing down on me, meeting push with push, and he had his mouth opened as if he was amazed and his cock in my hand seemed to be made of steel it was so hard, and a low sound came from him that I could feel in my whole body and he threw his head back again with a gasp and he erupted into the air, across my chest and into my face. I opened my mouth and caught some, and it dripped off my chin, onto my chest, and it kept coming, pouring over my hand and onto my belly, now just a flow and I new that my work was almost done and with a few more insistent thrusts of my hips, something in me, maybe locked away in the room that was now open, began to pour out of my body, through my cock and into him, and I could barely breathe, I could barely force my hips up, a few more exhausted times and I just kept pouring into him as if I had never cum before.

My body finally stopped moving, but it felt like my skin was glowing, my cock flaming and I could feel everything all liquid and warm inside him, cradling me. He finally looked down at me, at the mess all over my face and chest.

"I guess that means you liked it?" He scooped up a little of his cum and fed it to me.

I just started laughing. What else could I do? I was covered in cum, I was deep inside him, we were sweating and supposed to be at some stupid talk about something fucking brainless, and I was so happy. So I laughed.

Even though I didn't want him to, he lifted himself off me and slid beside me with a sigh. I looked down at my cock which was shiny with a layer of my cum. He leaned forward and took me down for a moment, cleaning me off, then turned to me. We kissed for a while, just soft, lazy, wet kisses that meant nothing and everything.

I looked into his eyes. What had just happened? I felt like Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Morning: everything bright and new and reborn. Marek watched me, he seemed to know that there was a lot going on in my head.

"Are you all right?"

"I don't know...well, I mean yes, that was fucking incredible what we just did. But it's a lot to take in. I never in a thousand years thought I would be here, with you, having done all that." He leaned in and kissed me. "I mean, how was that even possible? I left home feeling like a straight guy and now...this."

Marek looked at me, thinking. "You've never wondered? You've never fantasized? I mean, these things don't come out of nowhere, do they?"

He was right, of course. The signs were there, but I didn't even know they were signs. Or I never felt I could look right at them and wonder. I never wondered. I guess it was my family, the small town vibe. We live in a totally open world now, but I guess I was taught there were certain door you just don't open. Pandora and her fucking box, but in my case, the box is totally empty now, everything out in the messy open.

I looked at Marek for a moment. "How did you know...I totally took over as if you knew..."

"I don't know. When you were jerking off and then you knew that I could hear you, and you kept going with felt like you were telling me something. Not exactly like an invitation, but like a...I don't know...a confession? Something like that. I know it sounds weird, but I just sort of knew right then that you were...who you are. Does that make any sense?"

I looked up at the ceiling, wondering. Again, he was right. I knew he had hear me, I knew he knew what I was doing, but I kept going. I found myself getting hard again. What was wrong with me? It was as if I had never had sex before. I reached down and stroked myself a couple of times, almost absentmindedly. Marek just watched me. He seemed to know I wasn't done.

"When you sat on the bed and touched me...I don't even have the words for it. Something just changed in that moment." I kept sliding my hand on my cock, not really aware. "Yeah, I was scared. I was freaking out. But obviously I let you. When you took my shirt then I was all in. Even though I probably didn't look it, but I was totally in." I lean forward and kissed him deeply and kept jacking myself. He leaned back and looked down at my cock. Smiling, he moved down and took over with his mouth and licked the head, tasting me, then with the base in his hand, the leaky head in his mouth, he slowly started to lead me to another, quieter, but somehow more intense orgasm that caught me by surprise, and filled his mouth with whatever was left of me. He came off me with a slurpy sound, swallowing, and shook his head, almost in amazement. "Where do you get it all?"

He came back to me again, and we kissed, and I liked to taste myself in him, I realized. I looked at him for a while, him looking back. I didn't have any more words, so we slept, him tucked into my neck where I could feel his soft, warm breathing, me on my back, spent and...happy. Such a small word, but holy fuck was it a good one.

Later, we woke up in the dark, everything quiet. "I guess we missed dinner and whatever the fuck we were supposed to do after that. Was it three legged races or something?"

Marek laughed and laughed, then kissed me. "I have a thought. Why don't we get out of here. We can find a hotel in Ottawa and just hang out...doing...well, more of this. How does that sound? We have four more days. We can accomplish a lot."

Looking at his face, his little smile, his eyes deeper than anything, I just knew. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. You know, I've been thinking about ditching my job for a while. Doing some consulting, maybe taking a few courses, getting certified in coaching...stuff like that. Maybe this..." and I indicated the mess we had made of the bed, "has been a sign."

"Wow. That sounds amazing." I could see that he was thinking some more. "You know, whatever happens with us...I guess I want to find out what happens with us, assuming there's an us. Are you in?"

I turned back to him from staring at the ceiling. "Yeah. Let's find out."

We slept a long time, wrapped in sheets, blankets, each other. I slept better than I had slept in years. In the morning, we packed our things and got ready to go. Just before leaving the room, I felt an anxious urge in my gut. "I have to call Linda. I want to get something going before I get home, something about what we just did." I looked at Marek. "I'm not saying we're going to go off in the sunset...but what we did is something I want way more of, with you. And Linda...our story is done. Maybe I'm bi- maybe something else. But she and I are done and have been for a while."

The words kind of amazed me as the left my mouth. I felt breathless but it all felt true. All of this felt so true, the last day or so not least. I picked up the phone and dialled our number.

Next: Chapter 3

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