Martins Boy

By moc.loa@5562B

Published on Apr 13, 1999


Martin's Boy - Part 5 by Terry (e-mail:

Martin was enjoying himself for sure. Spread before him were the smarting cheeks of the sexiest boy butt he had ever seen. Dave was bent over, holding his ankles while experiencing his first real spanking. Martin had already landed a half dozen hard swats, but Dave had no clue how far Martin intended to take this. No matter how long and hard this spanking would have to last, Martin was determined to take this boy all the way through his first real man's spanking. Dave had enjoyed his warm-up spanking and even begged for a "real" spanking, exhibiting traits of an exceptional, natural bottom.


Dave's ass took two more of Martin's hardest swats. It was clear he was struggling to stay in place while bent over, as each swat nearly made him lose his balance.


The color of Dave's ass cheeks was quickly returning to its former all-over blush.


A soft grunt rose from Dave's throat as sweat once again formed on his back and upper thighs. Martin paid no mind to Dave's discomfort. He just kept delivering quick, stinging smacks all over the boy's butt.


"Oh, sir! Please!"


Dave's breathing picked up again, and a quick gasp escaped from his lips.


Dave's burning ass was starting to move around a little as the pace continued without pause.


"Oww, sir! Please, my ass!"


"What is it, boy? Can't get enough of what you asked for?"


"Aah, sir. Please! Not quite so hard. Not so much at once, sir! I'm not used to this."


"Too bad, son. This is what a 'real' spanking is all about. This is what you begged for, kid. So just see if you can't take it like a man. Keep that ass steady for me now."


Dave's warm-up spanking had been child's play compared to this. There was hardly two seconds between swats, and each one was delivered full-strength. The swats just went on and on, burning their way deep down into his ass. Dave's breathing became ragged and choked as sweat poured off his nose and eyebrows. He tried not to panic, but the intensity and force of the blows were already near the limits of what he could take.


Dave made a desperate move to let go of his ankles as he struggled to stand, but Martin was too quick for him.

"Back down into position, boy! You're not going anywhere."

"But, sir! It hurts so much. I don't think I can take any more." Dave stood slowly and turned to face Martin. Martin noticed that, in spite of the pain, Dave still had a rock-hard cock.

"You're wrong, son. I know you can take a lot more! You said you wanted me to make that ass burn, but I don't see any flames yet. Now turn back around and grab hold of those ankles and don't let go. Move it, boy! Back into position, now."

"Oh, sir. I want to obey you and be a good boy for you, but it just hurts so much! Please let me rest a bit."

"No way, boy. Now I'm not going to ask you again. Turn around, grab your ankles and hold that ass still for me. We have a long way to go yet. I'm losing patience with you, boy."

Dave just stared at his feet while rubbing his stinging ass. There was no way he could take much more of this. Dave knew that just two more swats would have him up and out of his braced position again. He could not see a way to make this work.

"Come on, boy. Don't wimp out on me now. Turn around and do as you're told. Move it!"

Dave just stood still, struggling to make a decision. His ragged breathing and pounding heart made it difficult to speak.

"You're making me angry, boy. I don't think you want me to spank you when I'm angry. Now resume the position, son. I won't put up with any more of this!"

Dave still remained frozen in place before his master. A tear streaked down his cheek as he fought for words.

"I...I want to obey you, sir. More than anything. It''s just that I...I can't..."

"Come here, boy. Come and stand right in front of me."

Martin reached out and grabbed hold of Dave's leaking cock.

"This cock of yours tells me you want more of this."

"Oh, yes sir! I want more. I WANT you to spank me. It's just that my ass can't take much more right now. Please, if you just let me rest a little..."

Martin pretended to listen as he spread the boy's pre-come all over the cockhead and continued to jack him with long, firm strokes. Dave's legs began to tremble as more tears fell from his tightly clenched eyes. Martin continued to stroke the boy with agonizing, slow movements.

"Oh, please Sir." Just then Dave let out a choking sound and began to sob. His crying embarrassed him, but he was unable to control it. "Oh, sir. I'm so sorry to disappoint you...I just can't...I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, sir. Oh, please!" Dave broke down into loud, uncontrolled sobs. His whole body shook and trembled.

Martin said nothing, but kept up the jacking motions on the boy's cock.

"Are you finished now, boy? Are you through? So what are you telling me? Are we in this together, or what? Or do you want to just button up and get out of here? Or are you ready for me to continue your spanking?"

"Oh, please. I want to be a good boy for you, sir...I need for you to spank me. But I'm not sure about my ass..."

"Nonsense, boy. Your ass won't let you down tonight, you can be sure of that. There's a need you have that has to be addressed, and there's only one way to see it through. So just get control of yourself and get ready for the rest of your spanking."

Dave opened his eyes and stared at Martin, realizing that he was right. He needed this too much to walk away.

"Come closer to me, boy, and put your arms around me. Hold on tight and listen to every word I have to say. Come it now, son."

Dave made a tentative step forward and slowly put his arms around Martin's hard body. His sobs were quieter now, and he buried his face tight into Martin's shoulder.

"That's a good boy." Martin reached behind the boy and stroked his blazing buns as he whispered into the boy's ear. "I know how much this hurts, son, but I want you to take it like a man. It's okay if you cry and thrash about -- I know you can't help that. But you can't fulfill your need to be spanked and controlled by me unless you commit yourself to this spanking and see it through."

Dave squeezed Martin tighter and tighter as the reality of what he was saying sank in.

"Oh, sir. I want to obey you. I really do! But...but I'm afraid I'll disappoint you, sir!" Dave continued to whimper as he held on tight, but he knew that Martin was telling the truth.

"Nonsense, boy. I know you'll do your best for me. But I'll try to help you out a little. I think we'll try another position that might be easier for you. Now I want you to get over to my desk and lie face down on it so we can continue. Go ahead and get over there."

Dave struggled to pull himself away from Martin's embrace. Martin looked into the boy's tear-stained face and saw the resolve in the boy's expression.

"That's the way, boy. Now get yourself comfortable on top of that desk. Go on, now, we haven't got all night!"

Dave took brave steps all the way over to the desk, but couldn't complete the order to lie face down on top of it. Martin walked up behind the boy and pressed his body firmly against the youth's nakedness.

"Oh, please. I'm so afraid I'll let you down, sir."

"Shh." Martin whispered into the boy's ear. "It's okay to be a little afraid. I'm here to help you." Martin stroked and patted the boy's torso as he spoke quietly. "I want you to think how proud I'll be when we've finished your spanking, how satisfying it will be for you to know you've pleased me.

"I...I want to...I really want to please you, sir."

"Of course you do, son. Now be a very good boy for me and lie down across this desk top. Come on, boy. Let me help you."

Dave felt himself being lowered slowly until his torso came into contact with the cold wooden surface.

"Oh, yes. That's the way, son. That's it. Just be a good boy for me. Here we go...all the way down now."

Somehow, Dave let himself melt into the hard surface. His throbbing cock pressed against the desk top. Martin stroked his lower back and ass in a tantalizing fashion, even reaching down to caress the top of his sexy legs. Dave just stopped fighting it and luxuriated in Martin's soothing touch. Still, tears continued to spring from Dave's eyes.

"There, there, boy. See? What did I tell you! Everything's going to be all right. Just listen to what your body is saying to you. See how much it wants this? See how much you want your spanking tonight?" Martin continued to stroke and pat the boy's ass.

"Oh, sir. That feels so good sir." Dave was once again allowing himself to be influenced by Martin's hypnotic words. Between his hard cock and Martin's suggestive comments, Dave was convinced that he really could go through with this!

"That's my boy, my good, obedient boy! All he needs is the rest of his spanking. Isn't that right, boy? Isn't that what you need now?" Martin's strokes became more intimate, even sexier as he caressed the handsome, taught muscles on the boy's back side.

"Oh, yes, sir! That's what I need now. Go ahead, sir. Give it to me!" Dave couldn't believe what had just come out of his mouth. His need for this kind of treatment had somehow overcome his fear. He just hoped he would be able to see it through.


Jesus! Dave had been caught unprepared. In just a few minutes he had forgotten how forceful Martin could be.


The sting came all at once and full force.


But now it felt right somehow. Dave held himself steady, bracing for the next swats.


Each blow landed full-force square across his butt cheeks.


Dave's ass was really smarting again. But a slow tingling sensation started to spread out over both ass cheeks and then right to his cock.


"That's my boy. Just take it for me. Make me real proud this time. Show me what you're made of, boy."


The slaps went on an on as before, each stroke delivered as hard as possible. But the intensity of the pain gave way to a subtle numbness.


"Aah...oh god! Oh, please, sir! Give me my real spanking. I can take it now, sir."

Martin held steady. He watched with pride as the sexy ass that was spread out before him turned redder and redder my the minute.


Dave was really beginning to feel euphoric now, even though Martin was making no effort to hold back. His knuckles were white from gripping the corners of the desk so hard. Martin kept the pace steady, careful to keep up the intensity, as well.


"That's my boy, my good, obedient boy. Just take it, son. Take your spanking for me. Just give in to it. Yes, that's the way."

"Oh, yes, Martin. Oh, please. Please, sir! Spank my ass for me!" The blows rained down on the sizzling boy butt. Dave could not hold still, and he writhed back and forth on the desk top. But he did not try to escape from his torment. He sobbed and twitched with each swat, but he was determined to weather the storm. He needed this intense spanking more than anything.


Suddenly Martin stopped. Dave's eyes flew open with the shock of it. Was it finally over? Had he made it all the way to the finish? Dave's sobs continued even though the spanking had stopped.

Dave heard Martin walk across the room and come back again. He heard Martin place something on the desk top and gave a start as he felt a cold dab of lotion being applied to his flaming cheeks. His butt was so sore that even Martin's caress hurt a little. His ass ground into the table top in an effort to pull away from the hand strokes. But Martin reached for the bottle of lotion again and spread much more onto the throbbing butt this time. The coolness of the lotion finally got through to put out the fire in his blazing cheeks, and Dave let out a soft sigh.

Dave opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was another sob.

"There, there. It's all right, boy. Your ass is really glowing red, son! Just the way we like it. Now that wasn't too bad, was it?"

Martin continued to stroke and caress the ass, still nearly numb from the intensity of the spanking. Dave was unable to reply because his voice had not come back yet. It was all Dave could do to control his breathing, hoping it would soon return to normal. His heart beat still echoed in his ears.

"That's my boy. Learning to please his master. Making a real effort to be obedient no matter what."

Martin stopped his caresses and wiped his hand on a towel. He stepped to the side of the desk and walked up to Dave's head and shoulders, placing his hand on the back of Dave's neck, soothing and stroking the boy's matted hair.

"See? I told you that you could do it. See how much you've pleased me?" Dave opened his eyes and was staring right at Martin's cock. Martin was stroking his enormous hardon as he continued to talk to the boy. "I'm real proud of you, son. See how you got right to my cock, boy? See how hard and throbbing it is?"

Could it be? Was Martin going to fuck him? Dave was probably too sore for that, but he needed to be filled with this man's cock!

"What do you mean, sir?"

"Don't worry about a thing, boy. We've already taken care of your ass for you. Now it's time that we take care of my cock. Your ass is really going to help me out here."

"Oh, sir! I want this so badly, but no one has ever fucked me before!"

"Then we'll have to correct that oversight. We've come this far today. Now it's time that we finish the job we started."

"Oh please! Do you think I'm ready, sir? Have I earned it? Have I really pleased you, sir?"

"Of course you have, son! I wouldn't think of holding back your reward for taking such an intense spanking. Don't worry, I'll help you with this, too, just the way I helped you through that spanking. Now just concentrate on my cock. Listen to the sounds as I stroke it. You're the one who is responsible for this, you know. You're the one who has made me so hard and horny for your boy butt."

Dave was crazed with lust, but he thought that maybe he should try to delay Martin until his butt cooled off a little. Perhaps Martin would like it if he sucked him off. True, Dave had never done it, but he would try his best to please Martin.

Martin picked up the pace of his stoking.

"Open those eyes, boy, and tell me what you see."

"I...I see your cock, sir."

"That's right. My hard, horny cock. That sexy boy butt of yours has done this to me, you know. My cock says it's time to be satisfied. And I always listen to my cock, son."

"Oh, please, sir! Let me suck it for you first. I've never sucked cock before. Please, I want to suck it for you. I'll even swallow your come! Please let me suck it, sir!"

"Is that what you want, boy? Do you really want this big cock down your throat?" Martin stroked the giant cock a little faster now. "I think we'd have to stretch your throat a good deal before you could do a decent job of sucking it."

"Oh, no, sir! Please let me suck it. Please give it to me now. Just go ahead and shove it down my throat, please!"

"You're sounding awfully cock sure, boy, but have it your own way." Martin walked over so that his cock was right in front of the boy's face. It looked even bigger to the trembling boy now. Impossibly large.

Martin reached out and tugged up on the boy's shoulders until Dave's head was clear of the end of the desk, hanging completely off the edge. Martin admired the boy's back muscles and beautiful, red ass on display before him. He grabbed the boy by the back of the neck and, without preparation, shoved the massive man cock all the way to the back of his throat. Dave's eyes bulged, and he struggled to deal with the invader. In just a few seconds he couldn't breathe at all, but Martin held him firm by the back of the neck. Dave's lips were stretched tight, and his gag reflexes were fighting to dislodge this huge cock from his stretched throat muscles. But he didn't panic. His temples throbbed and he began to back off, more by reflex than any willful action. Martin could not believe the effort this boy was making to take his cock. Many had tried and failed, but Dave was 100% committed to the task. Martin pushed all the way to the back of Dave's throat. Dave's lungs began to scream for air! He was trapped willingly, unable to speak or protest. Dave began to gag and make gurgling noises, but he was determined not to fail.

Martin was worried for the boy, so he started to withdraw from Dave's tight throat. But Dave would have none of it. He swallowed more of Martin's cock in a desperate effort to hold on to his prize.

All at once Martin pulled back, because he was afraid the boy night black out. Dave gasped and heaved uncontrollably. He sucked in huge breaths of air, gulping in fits.

"See what happens when you try to act so cocky, boy? I told you all along that we were trying to put this thing in the wrong end. Your ass will have a much easier time with this cock. That virgin throat of yours might be horny for cock, but we'll have to spend some time training it first. Stretch it out good and proper. Martin always knows what's best for his boy."

Tears were steaming down Dave's face as he continued to gasp and struggle to breathe. He could hardly understand what Martin was saying.

Just then he felt a hard smack on his blistered ass. He had not even noticed that Martin had walked around to the other end of the desk. Martin took one leg in each strong hand and pulled the boy down to the other end until his legs touched the floor. Dave heard the tear of cellophane and saw the small wrapping cast onto the floor. He was too overwhelmed even to absorb what was about to happen.

Martin inserted two slick fingers all the way up the boy hole. Dave cried out and pushed his upper body up off the desk top. "God, yes. Oh please, I beg you, sir! But go slowly with me. I've never tried this before, sir!"

Martin spread more lotion onto his fingers and shoved three firm digits up the boy's ass, all the way to the knuckles. Dave was panting and shaking his head back and forth, trying to deal with the situation. Martin just held still, letting the boy butt become accustomed to being stretched like this.

"Lie back down, boy. We're not going anywhere until this cock is fully satisfied." Martin slowly began to twist his fingers in a corkscrew fashion, seeking out the boy's sensitive prostate. Dave could not help writhing in pleasure.

"Oh, God. Oh, God! I don't know what you've done to me. Please, sir! That feels so good! Please go ahead and fuck my misbehaved butt!" Undeniably sexy feelings suddenly spread throughout Dave's ass. The pain just melted away.

"I'm going to fuck you, kid. There's no denying it. Now lower your head back down onto the desk and enjoy your first man fuck. We're going to make sure you're addicted to this treatment. You're a natural for this, boy."

Dave slowly complied and spread his torso back down onto the desk top. Martin's fingers continued to probe and tickle his prostate. Dave let out moans of pleasure. Martin chuckled, and spread his fingers out a little, probing that boy butt even deeper now. Martin rolled the latex down over his cock shaft and pulled his fingers out of the way.

"Time for the main event, boy. Time for the finest sexual experience of your life."

To be continued...

Comments? E-mail Terry at

Next: Chapter 6

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