Married Boy Submits

By Justin Davidson

Published on Jan 3, 2008


I had been in the room for what seemed like hours. My legs and back and shoulders ached from the position I was in. My ass and balls were beyond hurting from the occasional whippings I was subjected to. For the entire time I was in this position, someone would enter, severely whip me with a flogger and then leave. They said nothing, asked nothing. They just whipped and left.

The room was still black. All I could think about was the pain my entire body was in. I was crying. The door opened again and I braced for another painful whipping. This time, it didn't start right away. Whoever had entered the room was still here with me but they were standing still. The only light coming in from under the door. The only sound was from somewhere else in this hell hole, a muffled moan. Of pain or pleasure I could not tell.

Then I heard boots scraping the ground. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the boots. I looked up and saw Master's magnificent legs and then his cock. I tried to look higher but I was exhausted and incapable of much more than a squirm. I moaned and barely whispered the word "Master."

"There there boy. Shhhh." He reached down and lifted my chin and took some of he weight off my neck. I was staring at his cock. His other hand was massaging it, making it come to life.

"Welcome to my home boy. I hope you like it as you will be spending much time here." He shook my chin a little as if to wake me up. "Miss this boy? Don't worry, soon enough." He abruptly dropped my chin and my head crashed down - the weight of the stocks crushing my shoulders and back. I moaned in pain. Too exhausted to do much else. Master walked slowly around me, one hand slowly and gently sweeping over various parts of my back.

"So boy, by now you must be wondering what I have planned for you."

"Yes Master." I whispered horsely.

He was now behind me again and he was massaging my balls. All I felt was an incredible mix of pain and pleasure. My cock stiffening once again.

"Good boy. Today begins the rest of your new life boy. Today you became my newest full time slave.."

My mind was racing..."But..."

Master squeezed my balls so hard that I jumped on my tiptoes and screamed out.

"Shut up! " He held the squeeze until I clamped my mouth shut and then gently released my aching balls. He continued back around my side towards my front. Again he lifted my chin with his free hand and I stared at his rock hard cock that he was still massaging.

"As I was saying. Today you became my newest full time slave. Sorry for the surprise but I think it works better if we set the tone properly up front. No negotiating, no discussions, you had already supposedly given yourself to me so now we make it permanent."

"Master, please, may I speak Sir?" I feared reprisal for speaking and was ready for whatever punishment he decided to take out on me. My body tensed.

"Go ahead boy, if you must."

I continued to stare at his cock. "Master, my wife....what am I going..."

"Shhhhh boy. A call was placed to your boss tonite, just after you left work, informing them that you had a family emergency and would be out for approximately 2 weeks. I haven't decided yet if I will allow you to return but wanted to leave my options open for a little while longer. As for your wife, well, let's just say we have a solution for that problem as well. More on that later. Now boy, open up."

He gently shook my chin and moved his cock to my mouth. My lips parted without even thinking and I took his entire cock in, he didn't stop until it hit the back of my throat and I gagged slightly. I had no strength left, barely enough to shape my mouth properly to give him pleasure while he fucked my face. He slowly moved back and forth, each time hitting my throat and causing a slight gag. I felt as if I were in a trance as he continued.

"Good boy. I sware you get better each time my little slave. Now, as I was saying, tomorrow you will sign over all your assets and close out all of your outstanding affairs." His hand that was on the back of my head pushed harder due to my reaction to this news. I tried to back away so I could speak but it was impossible. "DON'T stop boy. Just listen. Now, as I was saying, we will close out your affairs and move you here to my home. As you can see, I have more than enough room for you." I listened and couldn't believe it...all I could do was let him fuck my face. It was too much for me to think about, I was numb.

Master's second hand went to the back of my head and he became more forceful with his thrusts. I heard him moan slightly. Strangely, all I could think about was how I could make my mouth feel better for him. My gagging became louder and his thrusts became harder. "Here it comes boy, Master's cum, you're trophy for being a good little boy." And just then a huge amount of cum hit the back of my throat as he gave one final thrust into my mouth, deep into my throat. I struggled to swallow it all, knowing that Master didn't like his cum wasted. After pumping several spurts into my throat, he slowly slid out. "Good boy. Again, very nice work in such a short time." He patted my head as it dropped. I was bewildered and exhausted. My mind was still racing over Master's news but I didn't know what to do - or what I could do.

I struggled to get a word out...."Master..."

"Shhh! Now boy, don't piss me off. You wanted this, you worked for it, and now you will get it. My slaves will come in and prepare you shortly, then I will take you out for a little tour and discuss more of my plans for you. See you shortly boy."

And with that, he was gone. I hung my head down and cried. My body covered in sweat, my cock rock hard, and everything was sore.

About twenty minutes later, I heard the door open again and I could hear the slaves entering, their boots echoing as they hit the floor.

They first undid my stocks and my arms dropped. The pain was immense. While one grabbed my hair and held my weight, the other undid the humbler. Then came the ankles cuffs. Then the slave holding my hair roughly yanked me up and they steadied me as I whimpered from the unbelievable pain I was in. "Come on boy...straighten up. We've got work to do." They steadied me and I could feel my muscles relaxing a little.

They released me and a thick metal collar was closed around my neck and it sounded like it was locked in the back. Hanging from the front of the collar were two chains with handcuffs dangling. My wrists were promptly locked into the cuffs. Then one bent over and linked a chain between my ankle cuffs. One of the slaves grabbed my chains and yanked me around and pulled me out of the chamber I was in. My body was in pain but just moving was helping to alleviate it.

I exited the room and the light made my eyes hurt. I squinted and was yanked down the hall, away from the way I came in. I was heading for the last door in the hall. Upon arrival, they opened the door and pushed me in.

This room was brightly lit and had a medical look and feel to it. Tiled floor and walls. Stainless steel tables and cabinets. There was a big foreboding exam table dead center. I was pushed to the right where there was an area where the floor sloped into a drain. I was positioned right over the drain and told to stand still.

"Want to do it all hear?" One slave asked the other.

"Yes, this is easier." Said the other.

I got my first real look at these slaves. They were different than the two slaves who greeted me. These were leaner and younger. Both were beautiful though. Firm bodies, tan, no hair below the neck and very nicely endowed. They two wore collars, a waist belt, and ankle/wrist cuffs. I stood watching them as they gathered things from different cabinets and came back to my area. They placed their gear down on the table behind me and spoke to each other.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder gripping me tightly. "Now boy, do NOT move unless we tell you and don't even think about speaking. We have a job to do in a short amount of time and we normally restraints Master's property during this process but we need to get moving. Again, DON'T fucking move or you'll regret it." His hand left my shoulder and then he said, "Kneel! Now!"

I quickly scrambled to kneel which was not easy given my ankle chain. I dropped hard on one knee and the other hit a little more gently. Suddenly, a hand came around and clamped my forehead and i heard a clippers click on. Before I could comprehend the sound, the clipper ran through my hair from front to back and my hair fell to the ground. I started to get excited and he clamped down on my forehead and said "Don't you fucking move or say a word. Master wants you hairless you little cunt." I didn't move but I wanted to scream. My god, it was all hitting me at once.

The slave continued to shave my head in quick stripes and he seemed to wrap up quickly. Before I could look down at the hair on the floor, he grabbed my right arm, lifted it up and ran the clippers through my underarm. He did the same on the other side. He stopped and turned off the clippers and left me alone for a second. The other slave was ready and came over and spread shaving cream all over my head. He even put it on my eyebrows. I was frozen in terror as I pictured what they were doing to me.

He ran a razor over my head and then creamed my underarms and then put the razor to them as well. In no time at all, I was lifted back up and told to stand still. They then removed my collar and cuffs. For the first time in hours, I was totally naked. I was shaking. I looked straight ahead and saw my reflection in a mirror and started to cry again. Then they both came back to me and one put swimmers goggles on over my eyes. Then they both started to lather my entire body with a thick cream. I guess they were going to shave my entire body. But after thoroughly covering me with foam, including an ample amount stuck up my ass, they stood back and one of them spoke to me. "Boy, do not move. Don't even open your fucking mouth or we'll put you in restraints you'll never forget. This foam needs to sit for a minute. They both disappeared behind me again and I believe they were rinsing off the foam. As I listened, my skin started to tingle. Then it quickly became a burn. I thought about their warning and tried to stand still and not speak. But the pain was becoming unbearable. I gasped and started to squirm slightly. They returned to stand in front of me. Both were smiling. "Again bitch, do not speak and do not move. The burn you feel is the cream burning off what's left of your hair. Master hasn't decided on your final look but always starts his slaves off hairless. Who knows, maybe he'll like you like this and laser it all off permanently." He smiled. I struggled to hold still. I gasped a little more as the pain became unbearable and one of the slaves walked behind me and I heard something squeak. He came back into view and he was carrying a hose. He then began to hose me down. The water was luke warm and the stream hard. It hurt and I began to dance around. "Don't fucking move you little shit!" He yelled and continued to hose me down. He walked around and sprayed everywhere until I stood dripping wet.

The other slave moved to me and began to towel dry me off. I was freezing. I couldn't believe what was happening. Once dry, they dragged me over to the exam table and forced me onto my back. My legs were placed in stirrups and they strapped my legs, arms, chest and forehead down onto the table with leather straps. I couldn't move anything. Then I felt something cold and wet being shoved into my ass. "Nice of you to use lube. You have a soft spot for this fucker already?" I heard one of them say. Before I could figure out what was happening, I felt hot liquid being shot into my ass. It felt good at first, but quickly became painful. My stomach and ass began to cramp and I could feel my body start to sweat. The flow was stopped and the tube yanked out of my ass. "Go ahead boy, release it." I thought about it for a second and then I felt my ass muscles relax. The stream shot out of my ass and continued longer than I thought possible until it dribbled out. One of the slaves shouted at me from the side. "Nice you dirty little shit. Jesus, don't you ever fucking clean yourself out bitch?" Then I felt the intruder in my ass again and I was already being filled back up. The pain returned and the process repeated three more times. I felt sick from feeling cold from being hairless then being filled with warm water. Then one of the slaves said, "Finally, you dirty little fucker. OK, hose this shit down and clean up." I heard the hose being turned on again and I braced but realized they were spraying the room, forcing my mess into the drain.

They unbuckled me from the table and forced me to stand which was not easy. Everything ached and my insides didn't feel settled yet. They roughly turned me around to a full length mirror and my draw dropped. There I was, but I didn't recognize the hairless creature in front of me. My hands slowly tried to cover my cock and my hand was swatted away. "Stop that, aren't you used to being nude by now stupid? Now stand still." They both came over and I was adorned with a black leather collar, a black waist belt, and black wrist and ankle cuffs. This was the same outfit as the others except I had chains placed between my ankles and my wrists. Then as a final discriminator, a ring gag was forced into my mouth and strapped tightly around my head with a simple strap. "Let's go fucker." said one of the slaves as they dragged me out of the room.

Again I was hurried down the hall and led into one of the rooms in the middle. This room was empty but there was a black drape drawn across the middle of the room. They walked me in and stood me facing the curtain. Master came around the curtain and was still naked except for his boots. His cock was limp and his cock head was read as if recently used. He had a towel in his hands and was wiping them. He smiled as he saw me and I dropped my eyes to the floor. "Hello boy. Don't you look wonderful!" His hands rubbed my body and head all over roughly. "Nice job boys. Nice job in such a short time. Did he give you any trouble?"

"None sir. The usual...apprehension...but nothing we couldn't handle." I heard a voice say from behind me.

"Excellent." He returned to stand in front of me and lifted my chin with one hand. "You may make eye contact boy."

I lifted my head and looked into his eyes. He looked positively giddy!

"You're doing well boy. I know you've been through a lot but you'll soon not care about all the things on your mind and will only care about your primary function in life...serving me." He smiled again. "There's something I needed to show you." He looked past me at one of the slaves and rocked his head to the right. The boy scurried off and quickly pulled the drape open.

There in front of me was a beautiful site. I was gazing at a beautiful ass of what must be one of Master's female slaves. She was in high heels - the biggest I've ever seen. Her ankles had cuffs and a spreader bar kept her legs about a foot apart from each other. Staring back at me were her asshole and cunt. It looked like they both had been recently used. They were red and it looked like their might be cum or some other liquid on the outside of both holes. I couldn't see anything else because she was bent over and her arms and head were in stocks. Master walked around and stood on the other side of the stocks right in front of her face. He reached down and must have forced his cock into her mouth because he could hear the familiar sounds of a blow job starting up. He looked at me as if barely registering that he was getting sucked off. "Nice huh boy? See, I like pussy too. This one here is new to her new life as well. You two will grow up together in this new life of yours. As a matter of fact, you should welcome her. Number 4, remove his gag please."

Immediately, I felt hand on me, presumably Number 4's, and the gag was released. I moved my mouth open and closed to remove the cramps.

"Bring him over boys." Number 4 and his partner grabbed me and hustled me over to the back of this woman then forced me to my knees. Her ass was immediately in my ass.

"Kiss her ass boy."

I hesitated slightly and then reached out with my lips and kissed the cheek of her ass.

"No boy, her ass. That hole in front of you on top."

I had never done this but didn't think this was the time to fight back. I slowly reached out and kissed the outer area. I was about to pull back but a hand was on the back of my head keeping me there.

Master's voice continued. "That's it boy. Stay a while, give it a nice kiss. Use your tongue. That's my cum in there so you should enjoy it. Go ahead." The hand behind me pushed harder and I went ahead and began kissing in earnest. The girl must have liked my action as her but started to squirm and wiggle.

"Excellent! You continually amaze me boy, very good. That's enough of that. Now kiss her cunt. Give it a good suck boy, nibble her clit, make her feel appreciated while she sucks my cock."

I worked her cunt hard, doing my best to cause a reaction in her. She continued to grind and I could hear her moan as she sucked away. I was proud of myself. Her cunt was hairless. From what I could see of her body as I approached, she too must have been through the process I just completed. I wonder if we will ever get time to discuss our pasts and how we got here.

"That's enough boy. Back away while I finish up here." Hands pulled me back and stood me up and I watched as Master went to work big time fucking her face until he came. "Whew!" He backed away from the slave and Number 4 walked around and handed him a towel. Master stood there and toweled off the perspiration he had worked up. "So nice Number 14. You have done remarkably well today. I'm so proud of my two new slaves. Oh, boy, you will now be called Number 15. That is the only name you have that differentiates yourself from the others here. Of course, I'll call you other names as I please boy, but Number 15 is your name." Master stared at me.

Suddenly, I stammered..."Thank you Sir!"

"You're welcome boy." He stood smiling and was holding the towel around his neck. "Number 4, Number 9, please stand this slut up. Remove the stocks, hands behind her back." The two slaves scurried to comply. They went to work removing the stocks and recuffing her hands behind her back. Master spoke as they worked. "Yes boy, you are my 15th permanent slave. You and Number 14 here being added today. There are 12 of you currently in my stable, three have been released or have been sold to other Masters. I am planning to bring the compliment to 16 over the next year so you won't be the newbies for long.

Master then reached out and grabbed my arm and pulled me along as he talked. "Now boy, we'll going to let you rest and later tonite, maybe tomorrow, we'll discuss all the changes to your life that we need to settle. But first, let's answer one of your questions." Master had walked me around to the front of the girl and for the first time, I followed his gaze and looked at her.

The face that stared back at me was hollow, the eyes blank, and her body was completely hairless as mine. But I immediately realized that this ... creature ... this fellow slave ... was my wife. Master continued as he left me standing there and walked over to my wife.

"Like what I've done boy? Oh look at your face, it's more precious than I could have hoped." I started to open my mouth and walk towards my wife but Master barked at me. "Don't you fucking mover Number 15. And don't utter a fucking word." He looked over at Numbers 4 and 9 and they came to my side and held me. He looked back at my wife and grabbed her chin and then looked back at me. "Not bad huh? Yes boy, this is that slut you live with. You know, the one who no longer serviced you, who no longer sucked your cock or let you fuck her. Oh except that wonderful blow job she gave you several weeks ago at my direction. Yes boy, you both have been serving me, sometimes in the same night! After meeting you, an hearing your story, I had the most wonderful idea. Why not pick up two unhappy and sexually repressed slaves in one attempt!? And now, I have you both!"

I stared at my wife and couldn't believe what I was seeing. First of all, she was hot. I was embarrassed to even think it, but something about seeing her like this made me fucking really hot and horny. Master continued as if he knew my thoughts. "Yes, she looks hot doesn't she boy. She is quite lovely and I have plenty of modifications planned that will make her even more lovely. We picked her up early today and have been working on her all day in preparation for your arrival. She's a little out of it right now so she doesn't really recognize you. It's the hypnosis and the drugs we've given her to ease her into her new life. Oh, and probably the 6 hours of non-stop fucking and sucking that she's endured. She's really been a joy eh boys?" He looked at the boys holding me. "Yes Sir!" They both snapped.

He dropped her chin and her face drooped and her eyes continued to stare unfocused. "Anyway, as I said, you're both mine now so there's problem one taken care of. The papers are all drawn up to get a divorce and we'll deal with those in the morning. You're giving her everything by the way." He smiled at me as I looked at him in disbelief. "It will make the eventual transfer to me easier if I only have to deal with one party. OK, that's it for today Number 15. I'm going to work Number 14 a little more and then take a rest. You and I however, have a very busy day planned tomorrow. Sleep tight." He smiled and then indicated to Numbers 4 and 9 to get me out. At first my feet didn't move as I stared at my wife, my former wife?, and then the boys dragged me out.

to be continued....

I hope you all have enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it. Thanks to everyone for your messages! Please write!

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