Married Boy Submits

By Justin Davidson

Published on Jul 7, 2007


The phone Master provided me rang, just as it had almost every day for the past month. As always, I jumped up, shut my door and grabbed the phone. I still got butterflies in my stomach everytime I answered. "Good morning Sir!"

"What are you doing boy?" Master's voice was powerful and sent shivers through me.

"Working Sir. Getting ready for a meeting in about an hour Sir." I stammered. I waited anxiously for his next comment as he usually doesn't "chat" with me.

"I see. And are you in full compliance boy?"

"Yes Sir! The CB3000 is installed and I am wearing the medium sized butt plug as ordered Sir."

"Excellent boy. I think I would like to see for myself though. I am in your lobby, you will come get me and take me back to your office."

I went week in the knees. Here? At my office? I don't know why but this freaked me out. "Yes Sir" I stammered. "I'll be out in one minute Sir." I hung up the phone, placed it on my desk, looked around the office...not sure what I was checking but I felt like I needed to verify all looked nice for him. I quickly exited my office and walked rapidly to the lobby. As I rounded the corner, I caught site of him. Again, my knees went week. I quickly turned to the receptionist who was watching me and said, "Hi Jennifer," I pointed at Master, "um, he's here for me." I turned back to Master and said "Hello...." I paused, I felt as if I should say "Hello Master" but I couldn't in front of the receptionist.

Master stared at me, his eyebrows slightly lifted, as if he knew the quandry I was in. He paused, my heart skipped. "Hello Jason. So glad you could make time for me." and he extended his hand. I took it and he gripped it firmly as he shook. Again I stammered. "Um, yes, no problem. Please, this way." I waved my arm to indicate the direction and he walked. I quickly got next to him and when we got to my office, I again waved him in. "Thank you." He smiled. What was he up to???

I got in and closed the door behind me. I quickly kneeled on the floor with my head bowed. He was silent for a moment and then said, "Well, well, well...nice office boy. I'm impressed, it's one of the bigger offices I saw as I walked in."

"Thank you Sir." My mind was still spinning, what was he up to?

"Get naked."

My head snapped up and I went to say something. Remembering my place, I quickly snapped my head back down and asked urgently, "Permission to speak Sir!?"

He remained silent for a moment and then said, "No. I'm waiting."

Christ! I quickly got up and stripped off my clothes.

While doing tihs, I remembered I didn't lock my door.

Should I do it now? Something told me to just get naked. I could feel my cock already straining in the CB3000. God it hurt! I then assumed the ready position. Standing, legs spread, hands behind my neck, eyes forward.

Master smiled. "I see by the purple color of your straining little cockhead that your excited to see me.

Good, it almost makes up for all your transgressions over the past 5 minutes."

Uh oh.

He walked around me. I felt his hand on the plug base, he pushed in slightly as if checking it out and I gasped slightly. He slapped my ass. "Shut up slut." He came around and grabbed my cock and shook it. I bit my lip to keep from making a sound. "Hmph." he said and then went and sat on my couch.

"Lock the door and get over here and kneel."

I quickly locked the door and kneeled before him, head down.

"You may look at me slut." I looked up and he smirked. His gaze penetrated me and it made me even hornier.

"You've been doing well boy. You're growing nicely into the slut you were meant to be. Tonight you will spend the night with me. The training I have planned will take longer than the normal sessions I plan for you."

I went pale and I opened my mouth the speak. He cut me off. "Just call your wife and tell her you have an emergency business trip. Surely you can convince her of that boy?"

My mind raced. "Yes Sir!"

"Excellent. Now service me boy, I don't have all day."

I quickly reached up, unzipped his pants, and pulled them down. I grabbed his cock and pulled it out. I still can't believe the effect his cock has on me. It's huge and everytime it appears, it's like another person comes into the room. I stroked it several times with both hands and then dove onto it with my mouth. It went right to the back. I licked, sucked, and mouth fucked him for several minutes. Then his hands were on the back of my head and he was driving his cock deeper. He stopped several times to hold his cock deep in my throat. I gagged and gasped for breath at times. Then he filled me with his cum as he grabbed my hair and held my head down. I swallowed it all, quickly working to catch all of it so it didn't stain his clothes. After slurping it up, I took his cock out of my mouth and he patted my head. "Good boy." He stood and pulled up his pants and straitened up. "You may dress." He watched as I got everything back on and straightened out. I knelt back before him.

"You will go home, pack, and return to work so that you are outside at 7pm tonight. A car will pick you up. You will inform the slut that you live with that you will be traveling and will be home tomorrow night, probably at 7pm. And you will need to tell work that you have an emergency and can't be at work tomorrow."

"Yes Sir." I replied. I was powerless to resist him.

With that, he turned and left, closing the door behind him. I breather out deeply and quickly ran my hands over my face, making sure there was no stray cum.

I ran to the phone and called home. The news went over fine, the slut that I live with seems to have gotten more easy going lately. Then I typed an email to my boss informing him that I would be out tomorrow.

With that, I hurried out so I could get home, pack, and return ontime.

I stood outside waiting for my ride. A car pulled up at precisely 7pm and the driver got out and looked at me. "Jason?"


He smiled. "Get in." With that he got back in the car.

I got in the back of the car. It was a Lincoln Town Car and it was roomy. In the seat was an envelope that had "SLUT" written on it. I looked up at the driver and he was watching me in the rear view mirror as he pulled away.

My hands shook slightly as I opened the envelope. The note said: "Get naked."

My stomach churned. I slowly began to undress. The driver watched whenever he could steal a glance. I"ve never been so embarrassed in all of my life. When I was done, I awkwardly situated myself after putting my stuff into my bag.

We drove for some time and we were in the country now.

We passed an occassional mansion and wondered if I was going to go to Master's house. I was impressed, if Master lived here, he was clearly a man with lots of money.

We eventually turned onto a driveway that wound it's way up to a beautiful mansion. I was so mesmerized by the drive that I forgot I was naked in a car with a stranger. We pulled up and the driver hopped out and opened the door. Shit...I looked around and thought it wouldn't be that bad since we were out in the middle of no where. I got out of the car and went to get my stuff and the driver told me to leave it and walk to the side of the house. He pointed to a door.

I got to the door and looked back, the driver was pulling away and I stood alone, naked, and wondering what would happen next. I didn't have to wait long.

The door opened and two large men came out. They were naked except for thick black collars, black belts around there waists, and black bands on their wrists and ankles. They both had HUGE cocks and they both had black ball stretchers pushing their huge balls down at least 3 inches. They walked up to me and one man put a tight metal collar on my neck as the other put metal wrist and ankle cuffs on me. There were chains between the cuffs. Then one pushed me and I realized just how short the chains were, I could only shuffle. The entrance was dark and after a very short foyer, stairs decended down. I shuffled my way down as best I could and the steps opened up to a hallway that was dim and cold. The floor was concrete, the walls were rough, like stone. There were about 8 doors from what I could tell, each made of heavy wood.

I was pushed by one of the men and started walking. We passed two doors and as I passed the third I know I heard load moans and they did not sound like moans of pleasure.

At the fifth door, I was stopped and one of the men opened the door. The small room was dimly lit. There was something in the center of the room, a short post of some type, and there were a variety of instruments on the wall that I recognized. It was the ones I didn't recognize that scared me.

They pushed me forward and I still couldn't figure out what the strange post was in the center. THey manuvered me so that I was in front of the post with my back to the door. Then they bent me over. I thought maybe the post would be rammed up my ass or something, maybe a dildo attached to it? I had no idea.

After bending me over, one of the assistants grabbed my balls and yanked them back between my legs. The pain was explosive and I yelled. A quit hit to my ass and a solid "shut up" from one of the assistants shut me up to a whimper. Then he told me to close my legs.

This left me standing, bent over, with my balls in his hand pulled back behind me. Then he started installing something on my balls. When it was all done, I realized they had put my balls into a "humbler." It's basically stocks for your balls. A solid board with a small hole in it has a split down the middle so that it breaks apart into two halfs. My ball sac was laid across the opening, with my ass on one side and my balls on the other. The two halfs of the board were shut and locked and then the board rested against my ass like a seat. It left my balls alarmingly exposed. The humbler was attached to the top of the post to keep my waist from moving. My ankles were then cuffed with solid metal ankle cuffs that did not let me seperate my legs.

My head and wrists were also placed into stocks and the weight was difficult to manage. I squirmed and began to sweat. The slaves left the room and the huge door slammed shut with a loud thud, leaving me to ponder the position I was in while listening to moans in the background from Master's other slaves.

---------------- sorry for the long delay in getting this chapter out. keep those suggestions coming!

Next: Chapter 8

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