Married Boy Submits

By Justin Davidson

Published on Aug 11, 2005


His hand came down without warning on my left cheeck. I screamed and almost choked on the spit building up in my mouth. He continued spanking me, one cheeck then the other, hard and fast. My entire ass was burning and getting worse by the second. I sware he was putting everything he had into it. He continued for a few minutes and must have hit me 100 times on each side and then he stopped as quickly as he started.

He slowly and softly rubbed my ass. "Nice boy, doesn't the heat feel wonderful?"

I moaned, my eyes closed, the pain balanced by the softness of his carress. I couldn't figure out if my ass felt good or bad anymore. Was my moan from relief? From the pain? From pleasure? What was happening to me!?

"Good boy. Now, let's test some of your reactions."

Oh fuck. I could hear him reaching into his bag and then felt his hands near my ass. Suddenly, the plug was removed and I thought this was going to be the moment I lost my other virginity. "Very nice boy. It's not as stretched as you think by the way. No, you'll definately walk funny for a while when I finally grant you the pleasure of feeling my cock inside of you. BUt first things first." His voice trailed off and I felt his hands at my hole - then something entered me. Much smaller but I could feel it as it slid into me. God, why does it feel like everything is going in so far!

I had no idea what he inserted into me but it was already having an effect. First, it was obviously resting on my prostate. I felt like I had to pee all of a sudden. But, the other feeling was intense in it's own way. It seemed something was pressing up against the area between my balls and my anus.

"Ok boy, what you have in you is called an Aneros. It's a wonderful device designed to massage your g-spot." As he spoke, i could already feel the device having an effect. "You see, your prostate has wonderful orgasmic qualities and your perineum, that's the area between your ass and balls you slut, is like a nerve center for your orgasm. This device massages both of them and it does it hands free - you're sluttly little ass muscles will pump it all by itself. I've used these before and I've seen men have an endless amount of mind blowing orgasms - I'll bet I could drive you mad with this little toy."

Mad? I could already feel the device having an impact. And it was as intense as he described. I began to growl. As my ass mucsles tensed and relax, this thing inside of me moved and massaged these new areas. My god, it was incredible.

"Now boy," Master said looking at his watch, "We have 90 minutes left before I agreed to release you this evening and we have a lot to do. Now, I want 5 orgasms from you in the next 15 minutes. If you do as ordered, you will be rewarded. If you fail, you will be punished." He clicked something on his watch. "Go." He stood and looked at me.

Oh god, I've never orgasmed on demand before. Could I do it. The feeling througout my body was incredible. I ached, I was in pain, I was invaded and stretched, I was...loving it. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on the anal invader. My tits hurt, my mouth was sore, my legs hurt. I felt his hands on my head.

"Let's get this off so I can hear those moans better." He removed the gag harness. "If you make any sound other than a moan, I will clamp your tongue to your lips." My eyes bulged at the thought. He smiled in return.

My moans were loud. That Aneros thing was really working. It was incredible. Why had I never had one of these before???? Everyone should have one I thought. I tried to focus, I pretended this thing was his cock and he was fucking me...oh boy, that did something....I began to growl. I was an animal. Then I felt my inside begin to tingle...unreal, i was going to cum! Then it hit. I orgasmed. It hit like a brick, I growled like a beast, I clenched every muscle in my body, it was quite honestly the greatest orgasm I had ever felt. As I began to come down a little from the orgasm induced high, I realized I did not cum. It was a dry orgasm - incredible! And, unlike a normal orgasm, I was already back in for another - no rolling over and resting from this one.

I heard Master say "Nice boy, you are quite the animal. I like that in my slaves." He checked his watch. "Better keep going, you're running out of time."

My mind snapped back to focus on the cruel yet wonderful device that was passively raping me. It was incredible. I was already onto number two...I could feel it swelling within me. I grunted, groaned and growled. Everything was so primal.

I felt number two coming on and it hit me hard. I moaned from the best orgasm in my life. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, my emotions were out of control. My body shoock, I opened my eyes and it was hard to focus. Master stood above me smiling. "Good boy, but you had better hurry."

He grabbed the chain pulling on my nipples and gave it several tugs. The pain shot through my body but I loved it. He kept tugging. The invader kept massaging me. My body struggled to regain control and it was futile. I had no control. My body was his. And then I was my mind. Just as I had committed to him when he arrived.

Amazingly, the nipple torture aided number three to come almost immediately after number two. It was like a roller coaster...first, a big drop, then another drop almost immediately. My body was sweating, my throat was hoarse from the moans and growls. Number three hit me so hard and fast that I thought I would pass out. My growl turned into a scream and I hoped that was OK. I moaned loudly, shaking, smiling, dizzy.

Master moved towards my back end again and disappeared. Then i felt him delicately wiping his hand on my balls, he was petting them. That's all I needed for four to hit. I exploded and had to catch my breath. I moaned loudly - it was a moan of pleasure, a moan of pain, a moan that said "OH MY GOD I'VE LOST ALL CONTROL! I strained to move my head up and could barely make out Master through my contorted body. He was looking at my ass and smiling. He saw me looking at him. "Better hurry boy, I think you have one more to go." I dropped my head and wondered if I had it in me and then I heard him say, "Oh, and for making eye contact, you will be punished."

How could I be so stupid! Will I ever get all these rules right? I feared what he would do to punish me for my stupid infraction. Before I could think more about that, I already felt my body spasming. Master was lightly squeezing my balls which was certianly adding an over-the-top feeling to all of this. I growled again and could feel number five coming on. Master must have noticed this too and tightly grabbed my already tight and stretched balls. That was it - I came like I've never cum before. My body actually lifted off the bed and began hopping up and down. Every part of me shuddered and shook. My moan was a scream again. I couldn't breath. And then cruely, Master yanked the device from my ass. I screamed and looked up in panic. OH my god that was not what I wanted. My mind screamed "Put it back! Put it back!"

"Sssshhhhhh. Very good boy. And just under time. GOod for you! We still have the one punishment to adminster but I'll think about that for a minute. Settle down now so I can re-arrange things."

He began to undo my bindings. First the roper to my balls. I moaned. Then the rope pulling the head of my cock toward the headboard. I moaned as it relaxed its hold which impacted both my cock and nipples. Then the nipple clamps were removed. That made me scream as the blood rushed back into my tortured nubs. But that was it. My legs stayed over my head, my arms stayed pulled up as well. The ball stretcher stayed secure.

"Congratulations boy, I didn't think you had it in you. Now I know how your orgasm really sounds and looks. I have a baseline when I'm fucking you now - if youre orgasm with me is less, well, then I know you're faking and I'll have to punish you."

Uh oh.

"Now boy, I am pleased with your service so far and feel that although you are a worthless slut, you are worthy of my time and I will make you my slave if it is still what you wish."

My mind went crazy. This was it, the moment of real truth. Before, I submitted to today's session. Now, he was going to ask for my permanent submission. How would this impact my marriage? My job? I couldn't begin to think of all of the ramifications.

"If you want to worship me and take my collar as my slave, you will say "I am your Salve Sir. You own me and I will serve you for as long as you command Sir."

The words came out without hesitation. "I am your Salve Sir. You own me and I will serve you for as long as you command Sir."

"Then I shall reward you boy." With that, he mouted the bed and took his cock in his hand. "Do you want this boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you want it in your ass boy?"

"Yes Sir."

"I don't care what you want boy. I will fuck you now for my pleasure. I will allow you to feel pleasure this time to reward you for taking this important step. You will not always have this pleasure. DO you understand you worthless slut?"

"Yes Sir. I understand."

"Good." With that he took the cock he was stroking and ramned it into my ass. Despite everything I had been through, I was not prepared for a real cock being slammed into my ass. I screamed and stifled it to a moan. I panted, trying to catch my breath. He was already fucking me hard, showing me no mercy. His left hand leaned over and held my leg for support. His right began to jerk off my cock. Or was it 'his' cock now? My body and mind were exploding with pleasure and pain.

He pounded my ass for about five minutes. I could feel my balls swelling and so could he. "Do NOT cum until I tell you slut or I sware I will punish in ways you never imagined."

My mind was working hard to will back the coming orgasm. My eyes squeezed tight. My teeth grinded hard. It was all I could do to not explode.

Then Master began to maon loudly. "You may look up at my face boy."

I looked, he made eye contact. That alone notched my need for orgasm up a bit.

"When I cum boy, you may cum." He continued fucking me and jerking my cock. Then he exploded into an orgasmic burst. And I could feel my cock about to shoot.

Master aimed my cock at my face and at the same time whipped his cock out and also aimed it at my face. That was enough for me. BOth cocks let loose a torrent of cum that splashed on my face and chest. I even found myself opening my mouth and reaching out with my tongue. Master must have liked this. "Good slut. Reach for that cum. It is your gift."

He continued pumping me until both cocks were spent. I looked at him and he smiled and whiped the sweat from his forhead. He got off the bed as I laid there completely spent and panting like a dog.

"Oh, that's right, I owed you a punishment." He reached down and I heard him doing something. Then, quicker than I could have thought, he stood and grabbed my cock and balls. But there was something on his hand and he thoroughly squeezed and rubbed my package. And then it hit me like a brick.

"That's bengay boy. If you ever disobey me, you will be punished. I thought I made that clear."

My mind wandered as the pain engulfed my cock. I was screaming. I was crying. I thrashed. Master let go and I think went over to the other bed as I flipped around desperately wishing for the pain to stop. It went on for a long time. I was in tears. It must have been half an hour, maybe more before I could turn my head enough to find him. He was in the next bed watching more porn on the TV. He was stroking his hard cock. He must of sensed that the ben gay effect was fading because he turned towards me - I did NOT look into his eyes - "Ah, boy, you're feeling better? Good because it's almost time to let you go." He got off the bed and totally untied me from the bed. I could barely move. My muscles were almost unable to move correctly. I had to work each one to get its motion back again. He stood me up and kissed my forehead. Then he patted my head. "Good boy. Now go into the bathroom and kneel on the floor and wait for me." As I walked away, he swatted my ass which my too tired body barely reacted to.

I went into the bathroom and kneeled down. I was exhausted. Master entered. "You may look up at me boy and make eye contact as necessary for the remainder of our town." He reached down and lifted my chin in his hand, he looked directly at me. "You did good boy. You will make an excellent slave after I'm done training you." He sensed my desire to reply. "You may speak as well for the rest of our time tonight."

"Thank you Sir. It was....incredible." I smiled.

"Good." He dropped my chin and stepped into the shower. "Now, get in here and wash us both off before we return home to our better halves."

I stepped into the shower and began to wash his body and mine.

When we were done, we dried off, got dressed and when all was gathered, looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

"You'll receive instructions from me tonight for our next meeting...which will be soon boy."

"Thank you Master, I look forward to it Sir."

He smiled. "I knew you would be. Now let's get going." We left the room together and went to our cars. I waved as I dropped down into the drivers seat and sat there for a moment. Wow. That was fucking incredible, I thought.

I drove home and entered the home through the garage. The house was unusually quiet and dark. "Honey? Where are you?" I yelled as I walked through the house. "Up here." came her response. I dropped off my stuff, checked the mail, then walked upstairs to our bedroom. When I opened the door, I was shocked to find my wife on the bed, wearing hot black lingerie, legs spread, fingering her pussy. SHe smiled at me..."Hi honey, you've been so sad lately at work that I thought I'd make you something special for dinner." She smiled. Internally I slumped and then perked up. I stared at her tight wet shaved pussy and could already feel my cock lifting. I walked towards her as I undressed. She smiled.

She had no idea what she was in for tonight.

And I had no idea what I was in for tomorrow when my Master contacted me.

This was going to be fun I thought as I grabbed her head and rammed my cock into her mouth. Yes, life was getting better. As I fucked her face, I thought about tomorrow....and Master.

*Thanks all for the feedback on this story. This is but the beginning of the series. I have many other ideas for future meetings between boy and Master. Some of them came from you in emails and I thank you for that. So, keep the feedback coming and I'll keep writing. This is my first story ever so please don't hesitate to comment! I love receiving messages from you. Thanks!!!

Next: Chapter 6

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