Married Boy Submits

By Justin Davidson

Published on Aug 1, 2005


He began to tug on the plug but did not remove it all the way. Instead, he slowly fucked me with it, pushing it deep with each thrust and pulling it out just before it would plop out on its own. I moaned, the feeling was intense. "Take it slut," Master said, "this is the easy part." I groaned thinking about what else he could do to me.

After fucking my ass for a minute or two, Master ripped the plug from me ass. My ass felt so different, again craving the plug be put back in. Then I felt something pressing against my hole. I immediately knew that the "right size" plug was coming - it was huge, it felt like his arm was pushing in. He slowly worked it in, I did what I could to aid it. I moaned and screamed, sweat dripped from my face. "Just relax, we're about half way there." Half??? I groaned knowing that I had much more to go. Master kept pushing and reached around and tugged on the chain holding my nipples hostage. Pain exploded as they were abused. "Does this take your mind off things slut?" Oh god, my body was exploding with a pain never felt before. He continued to work both my nips and my ass. I screamed and moaned through the gag, he was merciless. Then I felt the base of the intruder hit my ass, it was done. "Very good boy. I'll give you a minute to catch your breath." He went away as I remained there panting and sweating. The feeling was so intense that I almost passed out.

After about a minute, Master came back near the bed and I could hear him doing something. Oh god, what now I thought. I then felt him un-tieing the rope pulling my arms towards the front of the bed. The few inches my arms could drop back provided temporary relief but the pain and discomfort quickly returned. He put his hand on the front the collar and pulled me up into a kneeling position. The plug changing positions causing ripples of sexual pleasure through me. "You're doing well boy. You're still a worthless slut, but I'll train you to be a wonderful slave." He then turned around and picked up something which he put on the bed in front of me. A bag of clothespins. Oh god, I know these are going to hurt. I started to groan through the gag. Master put his hand on my cock gently. "Did you say something? Did you want to tell me something? Ask me something perhaps?" He squeezed firmly on my straining cock and I screamed from the pain. I shook my head, screaming NO through the gag. "I thought so. Now let's see how those titties are doing."

In one quick action, he unclipped both nipple clamps and I screamed as blood rushed back in. He began to roughly rub each tit. I'm not sure if it was meant to help or not, but the pain continued. "Quiet down boy or I'll up the size of the plug in your ass." I quieted to a whimper.

"Better." He then proceeded to pinch my skin and attach clothes pins wherever he could on my chest. I screamed with each one but he totally ignored me. If I moved, he slapped my cock and said, "Don't move." He got about 8 pins on randomly around my cheat and stomach and said, "There, doesn't that feel great?" I moaned in response.

"Awe," he gently rubbed my cock, "What's the matter boy? Is this too much for you?" His tone mocked me. I thought about my answer and simply shook my head. "That's great boy. I was going to give you a break but it seems like you want to continue." I shook my head and groaned. "No? You want to take a break my little slut?" I nodded and groaned, praying he was not just playing with me. "OK boy. You've done well, we can take a break."

He then turned around and laid down on the other bed, grabbed the remote control and turned on the TV. I couldn't believe it. I was dieing on the other bed, desperately needing my bonds to be removed and he was watching television! After a few minutes of him totally ignoring me, I started to whimper. He turned to me. "Aw, what's the matter boy? Aren't you enjoying your break?" I just continued to whimper and groan. He got up out of bed and reached for me.

"That's OK boy, I was just kidding you. Let me undo you." I sighed with relief. Too soon however because he then started to knock the clothespins off of me by swatting at them. I jerked and screamed and he stopped after he knocked the 3rd one off. "What? You don't want to take a break?" Again, he teased me. I groaned loudly. "Well boy, I can't give you a break unless I take these off. Either you want a break of not. What'll it be boy? Break?" I slumped and nodded, groaning in defeat. "Good." He then proceeded to knock the remaining pins off despite my screams as they popped off. He then went behind me and much to my excitement, I could feel him undoing my arms. I moaned in pleasure each time the ropes got looser and my arms were allowed to separate just a little more. Finally they were free and Master proceeded to massage my shoulders and upper arms. It felt so good I wanted to continue for hours like that. But then Master stopped and untied my ankles. I was getting closer to freedom, still wearing my gag, collar, cock harness and butt plug. He slapped my ass, indicating he wanted me off the bed. "Come on boy, get off." I slowly moved off, careful not to lose the dildo or fall over.

I stood there next to him. My body was awash with pain and pleasure. My muscles were stretched badly and were sore. My cock, mouth, shoulders all ached terribly. I still don't know if my ass felt good or not, it just felt full. Master must have sensed my exhaustion and I saw him smiling. "Relax boy, I'm going to give you a little break. I promise." He then reached up and unbuckled my gag and took it out. I thought my mouth wasn't going to close at first. I had to work my jaw up and down. It still ached but just being able to move it was wonderful. He then reached down unsnapped the stretcher/spreader. My cock flew out. It was purple and it also ached from the restraint. Master laughed as my cock flopped out and rested already half hard. He rustled the hair on my head and said, "The collar stays on slave. And the dildo stays in as well. Now kneel down and rest." I couldn't believe he was going to leave the dildo in my ass. The invader felt like it went all the way up to my throat. I slowly kneeled, trying to not loose the dildo. Master sat on the bed and stroked my head. "You have done well my little boy. I have enjoyed you so far and feel I can train you well to be my perfect little slut slave. Would you like that boy? You may speak."

Surprisingly quickly, I replied "Yes Sir."

"Excellent boy. Don't you think you owe me some thanks boy? For taking my time to test you and inspect you? You may speak.

"Thank you Sir."

"For what boy?"

"For testing and inspecting me Sir."

"I believe I gave you a gift earlier boy. Shouldn't you also thank me for that boy?"

My mind scrambled for the answer. A gift? What gift? Oh god, if I don't answer this I know I'll be punished. Then the answer hit me. "Thank you for your cum Sir."

"Very good you little slut. Now, all together now."

"Thank you Sir for testing and inspecting me Sir and for the gift of your cum Sir." I can't believe what just came out of my mouth. What hold did this man have over me? What was I doing? Somehow however, it felt right.

"Good boy. Now lay on the bed flat, you may prop your head up to see the TV. Arms at your side, legs spread wide." I didn't care how it looked, I just did what I said. The bed felt wonderful. Master then hit some buttons on the remote and porn appeared. "There, this should keep your blood flowing boy. Don't move and don't take your eyes off that TV." Master went into the bathroom and I did as I was told. I laid there wondering what else I was in for. I looked at the clock, it was only 5pm - that was only 90 minutes. Two hours to go.

Oh my.

Next: Chapter 4

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