Married Boy Submits

By Justin Davidson

Published on Jul 31, 2005


There I knelt, facing the door of the hotel room. Waiting to fulfill a fantasy. Shaking from fear of what I was about to do. We chatted on the internet for some time. We discussed my fantasy to serve a Master. We were both married so both respected each other's need for privacy. Last week, we agreed that today, in this hotel, he would take me as his slave.

I was totally naked except for the items my master commanded me to wear. A black leather collar, a leather ball stretcher/spreader, and a ring gag holding my mouth open. My head was down, drool leaked from my mouth to the floor. My hands were behind my back, handcuffed together (which is not easy to do to yourself!).

I arrived about 30 minutes early and had been ready, in this position, for about 10 minutes. According to the clock, it was exactly the time we agreed to meet. The door opened, my heart jumped, my breathing accelerated - I thought I would hyperventilate. I heard the door close and heard some soft sounds. Sounding like clothes being removed. Then, his feet came into my view. He still had on shoes and pants. He walked right up to me and stood for a minute. Then you said to me, "Stand up, keep your head down, stay silent, and prepare to be inspected by your master."

I stood slowly, careful to keep my head down. Now that I was standing, I could tell Master had his shirt off. He walked behind me. Then he touched my back, rubbing it, prodding it...he continued all over my back, touching me as if he was exploring, testing.

Two hands now were on my shoulders. They forced me to turn towards the bed and then they pushed me over so that i was bent over with my head touching it. Master kicked the inside of my feet, making me spread my legs wide. He then slapped my ass - first one cheek then the other. Again and again, slap, rub, slap rub...I then felt him spread my cheeks. I hope he was pleased that I had used 3 enemas to clean out my ass. Suddenly, I felt something I never experienced - I immediately moaned, almost screamed. I knew what it was. A butt plug was being rammed into my ass but it wasn't going in easily. Then I heard his voice. "Push. Like you're going to the bathroom." I was panting by now as the invader sat stuck in my ass. I sucked in and pushed as if I was taking a shit and with little effort, the plug slipped in. Master told me to make sure it did not fall out. Then he told me to close my legs, stand up and turn towards him, again reminding me to keep my head down.

Once I was up and turned, I could again see the lower portion of him. He then proceeded to use both hands to feel my body. First he tested the collar, ensuring it was tight as directed. Then moving down, he felt my shoulders, upper arms, down the sides of my torso and then my stomach. Moving back up the front of my body, he moved towards my tits. He then rubbed them gently and he felt me tense. "Relax boy." I tried to calm myself, to relax but it was hard knowing Master was fond of tit torture. He continued to rub my nipples, they were getting harder. I began to relax a little as his touch felt good. I closed my eyes a little and moaned slightly. Then, without warning, my eyes shot open and I screamed through the gag. Master attached an adjustable nipple clamp to my right nipple and as I screamed I saw that it had a chain with another clamp on it which he was now moving towards my left tit. I continued to scream, tried to say "no" as the pain still throbbed from the other tit. He grabbed the ring on the front of my collar and pulled me back to my position. As he did, he yelled "Stay!" He held me there by the collar for a few seconds, his other hand still holding the open clip. My right nipple still hurt, but the pain was becoming bearable. "Move again without permission and I'll punish you boy." I was panting. Then his other hand applied the clamp to my other nipple. Again, I screamed through the gag but remembered to keep still. The pain was incredible. We stood like that for several seconds, my screaming slowing, quieter. Then it turned to a moan as I panted through my gag, waiting for the pain to level off like it had with the first clamp. Then he reached up, and lightly pulled the chain which hung between my nipples. "Good boy." I moaned loudly again as both nipples were pulled down. Then he adjusted a screw on both clamps. I felt one get tighter, and it seemed one got a little looser. He then put his hand on my head and rustled my hair. "Good boy. Don't worry, you'll get used to them. And if you don't...well, I don't care."

Then he lowered his hand to my cock and balls. This is the moment I feared. I had never experienced CBT, not that I ever experienced any of this, but this is the part I was most concerned about. My breathing quickened and master sensed this. "Relax boy. I haven't done anything....yet." His hand continued down and lightly grabbed my shaft, then moving down underneath my balls. He gently squeezed my package. The pain was slight, bearable I thought, but I feared that this was just a slight peek at what would come. I let out a moan - a mix of pleasure and pain in its sound. "Well, you aren't going to win any size contests, but it's still large enough to use." I blushed as he said this, thinking of how I always felt my cock was too small. Having someone tell me that to my face though was humiliating. Well, sort of to my face.

"Time to begin boy." And then he walked away from me. I could see his feet still in the sides of my vision. I stood motionless, not wanting to bring on any extra punishment. I heard rustling sounds. Then his lower half came back into view. He was now naked and I could see his cock swinging as he re-approached me. He took a leash and clipped it to the D-ring on the front of my collar, then he let it fall. Then he said, "I'm going to take your gag out, you will remain absolutely silent. I will lift your head, do NOT make eye contact with me. The floor is what you will stare at boy."

He grabbed me from the hair on my head and pulled my head up, I strained to continue to look down. Then both hands went to work unfastening the straps that held the gag in place. When the gag flopped out, I could not immediately close my mouth but I slowly worked it closed. The gag had been in now for about 45 minutes so my mouth was definitely straining to readjust to it being removed. He took one hand and pinched my mouth from both sides and said, "Don't get used to it boy," then he slapped my face on each cheek a few times. Light smacks, but stinging none-the-less.

"Boy, I am pleased that you are here as ordered and that you have following my instructions. I will now begin your training as my boy slave. We will use a safe word until we understand what you are capable of and where your limits are. When there is no gag in your mouth, you will say the word "slut" to indicate that something that is being done is beyond your ability to handle. If you are gagged, you are to look directly at me and blink your eyes hard three times. I will recognize this as a sign that you can't handle things and will work to relieve you of whatever stress is overwhelming you. If you understand, you will say "Yes my Master."

I opened my mouth to speak and croaked, then cleared my throat, and said louder than I planned, "Yes my Master."

"Good slut. You have arrived here and followed my instructions. That indicates to me that you are turning over control of your mind and body to me, your master. If that is true, you will say "I turn over mind and body to you Sir."

"I turn over mind and body to you Sir."

"You will not leave here until I release you, no later than 7pm tonight however per our conversation. You will work hard to please me and understand that if you fail me in any way, I will take corrective action to improve your response. You will not talk unless specifically told to answer or comment. You will not make eye contact with me unless I specifically tell you to do so, or unless you are giving me the safe signal while gagged. If you understand all of this, you will say, "I am your slut Sir, use me as you wish Master."

The moment of truth. I was actually shaking with fear and excitement. I could feel the plug in my ass, and the pain in my tits. My arms were slightly sore from their pulled back position and my wrists ached as the cuffs weren't sitting right. My entire body tingled. Then the words came out of my mouth as if it worked independently from my mind, "I am your slut sir, use me as you wish Master." It was done, I would now know what it was like to serve a Master, to be owned by my Master....

<end part 1>

Next: Chapter 2

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