Marlowe and Friends

By Moe throatgoat

Published on Jun 21, 2023


Marlowe & Friends

Part 1

Marlowe was thirteen. With a thin face, black hair, a willowy body, and a massive forehead, he looked like a cross between an alien and a dark-eyed Kodi Smit-McPhee. Matching his appearance, he was gentle, elegant, and soft-spoken.

His parents didn't retrieve him from track practice, so his coach, Ben, brought him home. Four cars were outside the house. One was his mom's, one was his aunt's, one was his mom's best friend's, and one was a police car. "Want me to wait?" Ben asked.

Marlowe whimpered and exited. Ben followed. They walked to the door, where they heard wailing inside. "My mom," Marlowe muttered as Ben touched his shoulder.

His aunt answered. Her face was red from crying. "Marlowe, Ben," his aunt said.

Ben and Marlowe entered. His aunt embraced Marlowe. "What happened?" Marlowe asked.

"You'll be staying with me for a few days. Pack some things," the aunt replied.

Marlowe hesitated and left.

He returned with a stuffed backpack. His mom's wailing had died down. Ben and his aunt stood quietly in the same spot. "Your mom is in the dining room," his aunt said.

"Here for you, big guy," Ben said, squeezing Marlowe's diminutive deltoid.

Marlowe entered the dining room. His mom and her friend sat at the table and sobbed. He walked to his mom and embraced her. She clasped him. After a few seconds, she pulled away and sniffled, "Sit down, sweetheart."

"Is it Nana?" Marlowe asked.

"Sit down, baby," she repeated.

He sat. "Your dad and Caleb were in an accident on the highway," his mom said.

His face dropped. "Are they okay?"

"I'm on my way to the hospital right now. Caleb is in surgery. He's--" his mom said and broke down.

"Dad?" His mom buried her face in her hands. Marlowe looked at his mom's friend, who shook her head and cried. "Let me come with you," Marlowe sobbed.

"That should be fine?" the mom's friend whispered to his mom.

Without removing her hands, his mom nodded.

It was three years later.

Almost every day, Marlowe wore his heart on his sleeve, which looked like a mix of grief, sorrow, and vulnerability. However, faint love and hope peeked through.

Marlowe wore dark chic, and his hair was perfectly coiffed.

Marlowe entered the massive, radiantly-white dining room under a majestic chandelier. His uncle-stepdad, Revered Hudson, sat at the head of the table as his mom sat at his right. The reverend resembled a thinner, more regal Colonel Sanders, and his mom started to look and act like a modern-day Lady Tremaine from Cinderella, a far cry from how she looked three years ago. Marlowe sat across from his mom. They dined on ribeye, asparagus, mashed potatoes, and strawberry lemonade. The family bowed their heads, and the reverend prayed. They started to eat.

After a few minutes, the reverend glanced at Marlowe's mom. She looked up from her plate. "Mrs. McNell's grandson will be joining Brookhaven for the summer," his mom told Marlowe.

Marlowe perked up. "Another boy?" Marlowe asked.

The reverend shook his head. "He's here because he's in trouble," his mom said, looking at the minister.

Marlowe looked at the reverend. "You're a good boy. Stay away from that one," the cleric warned. "Besides, the twins will be here. You like playing golf with Edgar and his grandfather."

"Yes, sir," Marlowe grumbled.

"Attitude," his mom said.

"I apologize, ma'am--sir."

It was a month later.

The reverend's chapel was a mostly glass building, nestled in the woods by a lake, and looked like it belonged in a fairy tale.

A chef and his team prepared a massive feast outside. An abbreviated orchestra and a busty Soprano waited silently and patiently nearby.

The chapel contained all elderly aristocracy except for one couple's deadbeat, middle-aged son, one CEO's Singaporean trophy wife, the twins, and McNell's grandson, Jayden.

With his impish face, wiry body, tanned skin, and reddish hair, Jayden resembled Peter Pan. He also displayed Pan's vigor and vibrancy. The female twin, Marie, was a nebbish princess in Chanel clothing and eyeglasses. Edgar looked like Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians but dressed like new money and had a perfect hairstyle. He wore a velvet, gold, black tuxedo, and Saint Laurent eyeglasses.

The reverend finished his sermon, and the congregation exited the chapel to eat and converse.

Marlowe gathered his food and drink. Jayden came to the table, and Marlowe noticed him. "Other young people?" Jayden said, oozing with mischievous charm.

Marlowe snickered. "This is it," Marlowe muttered, smiling bashfully.

Marlowe's mom approached, and Marlowe stopped smiling and focused on his plate.

Marlowe took his chocolate-colored lab, Zeus, a week later for an early morning walk.

Soon, Marlowe approached a strolling Jayden, listening to music from his earbuds. Marlowe barely smiled, and Jayden removed the earbuds. "Pastor's kid," Jayden said, lighting up.

"Reverend Hudson is my uncle and stepdad," Marlowe clarified.

Jayden froze, and Marlowe stopped and looked around. "Must be an interesting story."

Marlowe looked down. His eyes became wetter, and his lips redder. "Car accident. My dad--and little brother."

"Sorry to hear that."

Zeus became jumpy. "He's harmless. You can pet him," Marlowe said, looking around again.

Jayden petted Zeus. "He's sweet," Jayden murmured and straightened up. "Guess I should let you go before you get in trouble."

Marlowe chuckled and paused. "Speaking of which, how did you get in trouble anyways?" Marlowe asked hesitantly.

Jayden laughed. "Is that what they told you?"


"I'm gay." Jayden watched as Marlowe looked up. "But you already knew that."

Taken by surprise, Marlowe muttered, "I didn't--"

A BMW appeared down the street. "Anyhow, it was nice meeting you--"

Marlowe looked at the oncoming car and took a few steps back. "I'm Marlowe."

"I'm Jayden."

The car passed as the boys parted. They glanced at each other, and Jayden nodded and smirked.

They were a few yards away when they glanced at each other again. Jayden waved and disappeared.

A few days later, Mrs. McNeill came to visit Marlowe's mom. They gossiped in the living room about the usual suspects: the CEO's trophy wife, the couple's loser son, the twin's playboy grandpa, and the hired help. Jayden sat, reading As I Lay Dying.

Marlowe entered from outside. He wore dirty, sweaty clothes and carried a drinking mason jar of iced tea. He glanced at Jayden as Mrs. McNeill looked up, surprised. "You get the weeds yet?" Marlowe's mom asked Marlowe.

"About to," Marlowe replied.

"What happened to the gardener?" Mrs. McNell asked Marlowe's mom.

"You mean Lionel?" Marlowe's mom grumbled.

Mrs. McNell scowled. "Enough said." She looked at Jayden. "Jayden, darling, why don't you help him?"

Jayden glanced at his polo shirt. "In this?" Jayden asked.

"Marlowe has some old clothes. Marlowe, get him some clothes," Marlowe's mom said.

Jayden stood. "Um," Mrs. McNell said, looking at Marlowe's mom.

Everyone froze. "I'll show you to the bathroom," Marlowe told Jayden.

Marlowe and Jayden left as they heard Marlowe's mom whisper, "They'll be fine."

Marlowe led Jayden to his bedroom. Unlike the rest of the house, Marlowe's room was drab and empty, except for several classical bookshelves. "No computer?" Jayden asked, scanning the room.

"No computer, no phone, no TV," Marlowe replied.

"Sounds like me."

"At least you have music."

Marlowe retrieved a plain black T-shirt and threadbare, paint-splattered jeans. He handed them to Jayden, and Jayden pulled off his polo. Marlowe's eyes widened. "Oh, thought--" Marlowe said, his voice cracking.


Marlowe cleared his throat as he glanced at Jayden's lean, smooth torso. "You could change in the bathroom."

"Why?" Jayden asked and pulled off his slacks, revealing plain, white boxers. Marlowe noticed the shape of his dick in the bright light. Marlowe went to the door, closed it, and turned back to stare at Jayden. "Are you going to watch me dress?"

"I can leave," Marlowe gasped in horror.


Jayden put on the jeans. "Boys!" Marlowe's mom called, causing Marlowe to jump.

"Calm down," Jayden muttered, chuckling.

"Almost done!" Marlowe yelled back to his mom while turning beet red. "Hurry," Marlowe whispered to Jayden.

"Okay, Edgar."

Jayden slipped on the shirt, which was too big for him. "What?" Marlowe mumbled.

"You watch him dress, too?"


Jayden slipped on his old oxfords. "Regain your composure, and let's go."

Marlowe took a few deep breaths and fixed his hair. "How do I look?"

"Guilty as sin."

The boys exited and went to the living room. "Looks like you found something?" Marlowe's mom asked, observing the boys.

"He's tall," Jayden said. "But we're good."

"We're fine, you mean," Mrs. McNell snapped like a grammar Nazi.

Marlowe stood awkwardly. "Make sure you stay hydrated," Marlowe's mom added.

"Yes, ma'am's," Jayden said.

Jayden and the women looked at Marlowe. "Okay, weeds," Marlowe stammered and gulped. "Weeds it is."

The women exchanged glances as the boys left.

The boys went outside and worked for a few minutes. "So--" Marlowe mumbled.


"How did your parents find out?"

"That I was gay? They went through my phone."


"In case you're wondering, I've only ever kissed."


"Maybe felt over the clothes."

"Oh, wow."

"Maybe--under, too. You?"



"Pretty sure he's straight."

Jayden chuckled. "Naivety."

Marlowe's mom and Mrs. McNell relocated outside with their virgin sangrias. "The pool looks lovely," Mrs. McNell chirped.

"Marlowe takes care of it, too."

"What happened to--? Never mind."

"Fucking spies," Jayden mouthed to Marlowe.

It was the next day."

Marlowe wore a white dress shirt and aqua Chino shorts. He sat on a boulder by the lake. He had tied Zeus to a nearby tree.

Wearing golfing clothes, Jayden approached. "I found you," Jayden said, beaming.

Marlowe glanced at his old, battered Rolex. "Slightly late," Marlowe muttered and inhaled deeply. Jayden went to Zeus and petted him. Zeus became playful. "He likes you."

"Because I'm likable." He heard Marlowe chuckle. "So, where is this secret place?"


"Let me piss real quick," Jayden muttered, walking a few feet. "Urinate," he corrected himself, turned away from Marlowe, and urinated. His stream sounded like patterings.

Marlowe noticed his butt crack under his silk shirt. Jayden turned around as Marlowe caught a glimpse of his tight, azure briefs. Marlowe stood. "Let's leave Zeus here." Marlowe checked his Rolex. "We don't have much time."

Marlowe led him behind several trees and shrubs. He pulled open a hidden wooden door and climbed inside. "Scary," Jayden mumbled, entering the makeshift underground fort. Several metallic and wooden beams held up the structure, and its floor contained pillows, blankets, and sleeping bags. Backpacks and grocery sacks of clothes, toiletries, snacks, drinks, and flashlights sat about. "How long did this take to build?"

"Few months. Somebody had built a part of it already, though."

Jayden scanned the fort. "It's surprisingly spacious."

"Can fit a couple of people."

Jayden touched the low ceiling. "Or three."

"Might get cramped."

Jayden moved a bag over. "We can fix this up. Build a toilet nearby. Maybe hang up a rope to swing on. Create our little paradise."

Marlowe smiled and lay down. "I'd like that."

Jayden paused. "Oh--" Jayden said, pulled out an old Walkman with cheap earphones, and handed it to Marlowe. Marlowe's eyes widened as he sat up. "Now we have music, too."

Marlowe grabbed it. "Really?"

"All yours."

Marlowe beamed. "Thank you."

Marlowe listened to a few seconds of The Kid LAROI. He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning. "I have something else for you," Jayden said. Marlowe looked up, and Jayden smiled. "Lie back." Marlowe hesitated and complied. Jayden took off his shirt. Marlowe shot back up, but Jayden touched his chest and pushed him back. "Your heart's racing."

"I don't know if I--"

Jayden got naked as Marlowe watched, open-mouthed. Marlowe covered his tent with both hands. Jayden's body only consisted of light hair under his arms and navel and above his groin. His boner was shaped like a downward butcher knife and was about seven inches. He unbuttoned Marlowe's shirt as Marlowe's heart and breathing raced. "You're okay," Jayden murmured.

"Seeing spots," Marlowe mumbled.

"Take a few deep breaths." Jayden unzipped his shorts and yanked them and his plaid boxers to his knees. Marlowe's boner was long and skinny and contained a tiny puff of black hair. Jayden caressed his jutting iliac crest. "Bony."

"I'm sorry."

"You're perfect," Jayden whispered, gazing at his abdomen, which was so pale and smooth it looked like it was glowing.

Abruptly, Jayden mounted and straddled Marlowe, stuck his boner against Marlowe's, and started jerking them together. Marlowe's boner was wetter and two inches longer. Marlowe's hand crept up and touched Jayden's tiny nipple, covered with goosebumps.

Jayden quickened the jerking. Marlowe shot a massive load, and Jayden used the cum to finish stroking. Jayden came so hard his cum landed on Marlowe's cheek.

Jayden breathed heavily for a few seconds. He looked at Marlowe, red from head to toe. "You okay?" Jayden asked.

Marlowe nodded.

Jayden leaned over and kissed Marlowe on the lips. Their mouths were dry, sticky, and stinky. Marlowe flinched and turned his head. "We need to brush our teeth," Marlowe muttered as if coming out of a trance.

Jayden chuckled. "I'll remember next time."

Jayden plopped down beside Marlowe. Marlowe ran his trembling fingers down his flank. He stared at Jayden's body like it was a sacred artifact. "Our little paradise," Marlowe whispered, lost in happy thoughts.

Jayden gently touched his arm. "Where they can never find us." He noticed the cum on his face. "You might want to wipe your face before you go home."

Next: Chapter 2

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