Marks Surprise

By Jay Jay

Published on Nov 12, 2008


All of Mark Leonard's friends had gone away to college. But he had chosen to stay close to home, living at home and going to a small liberal arts college in town to become a teacher. His school was very small, but he saved money by living at home, and who could blame him? The home cooked meals every night, and it's not like he was still treated as a kid by his parents, he had his own car and they rarely asked many questions as long as he kept his grades up.

Anyway, one day he was at the community center gym where he lifted and swam (he was a former all-area swimmer for his high school) and lifted before classes. It was around 7am when he got there, so it was bustling with adults getting their workouts in before work. Mark got into the pool and did his normal workout, going to the locker room after he was done to change into his gym clothes.

In the locker room, he noticed Mr. Colletti, one of his friend's fathers. He nodded hello at Mr. Colletti and he did the same. The locker room was quite busy as most of the men were getting ready to head straight to work. Mark quickly changed and headed to the weight room to get some lifting in.

After about 45 minutes of hard lifting, Mark came back to the locker room to take a shower and get ready to head to his classes. By this time it was passed nine in the morning so the locker room had all but totally cleared out. So he quickly stripped down naked and headed towards the showers.

Mark stood about 6'2 175 of lean sinewy muscle. His chest puffed out and his abs were rock hard. His muscled legs were solid and twitched after the day's workout. In the mirror he jokingly flexed his arms, and his biceps curled up into defined balls of muscle ready to strike at a moment's notice.

On his head, Mark had a mess of light brown hair that was unruly, but looked good on him. He had begun to grow some chest hair, starting in the valley between his defined pecs and traveling out covering his broad chest in a thin covering of light brown hair. His trail from his pubes was beginning to make its way up to meet his chest hair, but at this time it was only half way up his six pack. Mark liked his body hair, it made him feel more like a man, not that he had to, his uncut dick was nearly 5 inches soft and only got bigger when it was hard.

Mark walked into the shower area, which was a big open room with a bunch of shower stalls which close with a curtain for some privacy. Mark noticed that one of the men didn't have his curtain pulled and just assumed he'd forgotten. He couldn't tell who the man was because his back was to him, so Mark just got into his shower and closed the curtain.

After showering thoroughly, Mark exited his shower with his towel wrapped around his waist, and his toiletries in a small bag. He was about to head to the sinks to shave in the mirror when he noticed someone staring at him.

It was the man who hadn't closed his shower curtain, and that man was none other than Mr. Colletti. Mark took in Mr. Colletti's naked body. He towered at about 6'5 and probably weighted around 200 lbs of glistening muscle. His broad chest were two slabs of muscle covered in a layer of brown hair which extended down his flat, defined stomach. Mr. Colletti had his dark brown hair cut short, and it was beginning to gray at the temples. He also sported a neatly kept mustache which was just starting to see flecks of gray in it.

"Come here, Mark." Cooed Mr. Colletti, barely audible over the shower

Mark snapped out of his trance and realized that Mr. Colletti was facing him with a semi hard cut cock. Without thinking, Mark walked over and entered Mr. Colletti's shower and before he knew what was happening Mr. Colletti had planted a kiss on Mark's lips. As they were kissing, Mr. Colletti's hand reached out and encircled Mark's growing cock and starting to jerk him off.

Mr. Colletti broke the kiss and removed his hand from Mark's shaft, leaving Mark in a trance. Mr. Colletti then closed the curtain to their shower and came back to Mark, dropping to his knees and taking Mark's cock in one gulp. He skillfully swallowed and maneuvered his tongue around Mark's member, eliciting moans from the adolescent. Within minutes, Mark was fully hard with his 8-1/2 throbbing inches of flesh down his best friend's father's hot moist throat.

Mr. Colletti put his hands on Mark's butt cheeks and pulled him even closer to him, taking every last inch of Marks' cock down his hungry throat. His nose was grinding into Mark's pubes, and his right hand moved from Mark's ass and tugged on his balls. His left hand, wet from the shower which was still running, followed the crack of Mark's ass and eased its index finger past Mark's sphincter.

As soon as Mr. Colletti's finger penetrated, Mark's cock exploded inside of his mouth. Shot after shot of hot young man cum flowed down Mr. Colletti's throat, coating his stomach. Mark's whole body convulsed and he grew light headed with pleasure, he'd never had a blow job this good before.

Mr. Colletti pulled off of Mark's softening cock and looked up at the teenager, grinning. He stood up and embraced Mark.

"Did you like that Mark?" asked Mr. Colletti

"Yes I did very much Mr. Colletti. Here I'll take care of you." Replied Mark as he went to get on his knees

"Mark, that won't be necessary. If you really liked it and want to return the favor, I'll pick you up at 7 tonight. Besides, I'm late for work and you probably have a class to catch."

"Uhh, okay. I guess that sounds fine." Replied Mark

"Don't worry kid it'll be fun, and I have a surprise for you. See you at 7." With that Mr. Colletti left the shower to get dressed and leave

Mark stood in the shower by himself for a few minutes, trying to recall everything that had just happened, he didn't even know he was attracted to men, let alone the father of his best friend. Furthermore he was excited at what lay ahead for later that night? and the day had started off so simple.

Next: Chapter 2

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