Marks Girlfriends

By moc.liamtoh@ottaner

Published on Sep 27, 2002


Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post them at your site, please contact the author at `' for permission. This story contains strong adult themes (lesbianism) and you should read no further if you are a minor or if you think this material may be offensive to you. Thanks.

This story may have happened or it may have not.

Mark's Girlfriends III

In a snack bar...

Manuella and Daniella are having dinner as the two girls talk over about the session of lesbian sex they had earlier.

"These fries are great, do you want some?" Manuella asked.

"Yes, please." Daniella smiled.

"I never thought a shower could be so good... the water was so good and HOT." Manuella winked.

"Oh Manuella, let's eat first because if you are going to talk about this evening we'll have to "do it" in this washroom." Daniella whispered.

"Do you wanna...?" Manuella bit her lower lip. "I mean... we could go there and decide if we should do it or not. Are you done?"

"You're insane. Yes, I'm almost done." Daniella surrenders when she sees her lover biting her lower lip.

Manuella is finishing her milkshake, and Daniella is cleaning her hands. They really are going to have sex in the washroom. They get up and go to the ladies room.

"I'm shaking right now." Manuella said nervous.

On their way the two young women are approached by a girl they know.

"Daniella, Manuella! Hey you guys, what's going on?"

The girl is Marta. Marta is about 5'6", she's a cute black haired girl, white skin, medium breasts and a nice small butt, basically a sweetie.

"Well, we're going to wash our hands and go home," Daniella answered.

"How are you Marta?" Manuella asked.

"I'm fine you know... but you two really disappeared the last two weeks. The girls are asking where you have been all this time?"

"Studying," Daniella said.

"Fucking," Manuella smiled.

Daniella is appalled. She could not believe that Manuella said that. Marta is a bit surprised too.

"Wow, and who's the lucky GUY?" Marta asked.

"He's away for the weekend." Manuella said.

"Aahhhh... I see. So you guys going to do something tonight? I'm not in the mood for parties today." Marta said.

"We're going to Daniella's house to watch some movies. We're really bored." Manuella explained.

"Ok, can I go with you guys? I'm really bored myself too."

Manuella and Daniella were not expecting for that. They knew if Marta spend the night with them, Manuella wouldn't see the SURPRISE Daniella had in store for her.

"Well Marta, it's like that, we are NOT really going to watch movies..." Daniella said.

"Oh no?" Marta asked.

"No, actually Manuella is going to teach how to trim my... you know..." Daniella looked down to her crotch.

"Aaaahhhhhh, I see!"

"And we wouldn't be sure if you would be comfortable with that KIND of scene." Manuella said.

"But it's no problem! But are you going to do it at night? Isn't it a little bit dangerous?"

"Oh no. I have one of those special lamps that will illuminate everything. We just want to do it tonight because I bought this bikini and I want to wear it tomorrow." Daniella said.

"Oh cool. Well good luck then."

Daniella and Manuella were alleviated.

"Actually I was thinking, if I could join you and also trim/wax my groin? It's a little hairy and I don't like shaving all the time. Ii would be great if you taught me how to do it right."

The two girls try to hide their disappointment.

"Sure, come along," Manuella invited her friend.

"Great. Tell you what. I'm going home and I'll get my stuff and meet you at your home Daniella."

"Fine by me. We'll wait for you, bye."

Marta leaves.

"Well I guess we'll have to go to the supermarket and by somethings," Manuella said. Daniella looked at her angry.

In Manuella's car...

"Well, that's just perfect. Just perfect. Why oh why Marta wanted to trim hew freaking pussy on a Friday night??" Daniella yelled.

Manuella is driving her car, smiling, she's not worried about Marta.

"Take it easy Dani my beauty. We'll fuck each other tomorrow. We'll just have to go along with her now. And besides, you're the one who invented this "shaving session". Why didn't tell her we were going to study?

"Oh you're laughing now... but if you knew what I had for you..."

"Yeah, what is the big surprise you had for me?"

"You're gonna love it. I bought a STRAP ON DILDO and I wanted to use it tonight on you! Just picture this my French speaking friend: We in my bed... completely naked kissing a sucking each other faces while I'm on top with a dick attached to me, fucking you over and over, and you slapping by butt asking for more...and more." Daniella looked at Manuella.

Manuella was quiet. Until...

"You bought a Strap on Dildo??? And you didn't tell me??"

"That's why we call them surprises," Daniella gave an evil smile.

"We need to get rid of her!" Manuella shouted.

"Oh no, we just `go along with her'. We'll have lots of time tomorrow.

"Oh Dani, now you're just being mean."

Daniella leans over to her lover and starts to kiss Manuella.

"Oh I'm so sorry Manu. You know I didn't mean it. But now we're stuck with her for the night."

"I know, we have to hang on now. We could go to the supermarket really quick and get back at you apartment before she gets there and do it real fast."

"We could do that Manu, but I'm worried about another thing?"

"What?" Manuella asked.

"How are we going to fake we are not turned on by waxing and shaving our pussies. I mean, soon enough I see your exquisite snatch I`m gonna start to drip like crazy. And there's the smell. If she doesn't see it, she'll smell it. In my case she will notice both. And we are going to see her hairy pussy. I can't take it, it's a dream becoming nightmare."

"Well, we'll have to use our minds on this. For the wetness problem is easy to solve, we just keep on moisturizing with water and oil because it hurts less if our vulva is soaked with water. About the smell; we just use some kind of oil and lots of powder. With time she'll get used to our scent and won't notice a thing." Manuella eased Daniella.

"Oh you're a genius," Daniella said licking Manuella left cheek.

"I know. Let's hurry. If we are lucky we'll get there first." Manuella affirmed.

Daniella's bedroom

Daniella and Manuella enter in the bedroom kissing and slapping each other. They know they have little time until Marta appears.

"Where is it?" Manuella asked while sucking on Daniella's long neck.

"If you let me... grab it before I start to kiss you back..." Daniella said.

"You're not going nowhere," Manuella pulled Daniella back and they embraced in a French kiss.

"Manu, let me ge..."

It's too late. Marta is knocking on the door. The girls clean themselves and Daniella opens the door.

"I thought you started without me. You already closed the door." Marta complained.

"We just got here. We were about to get the stuff. We didn't want Daniella's brother spying on us." Manuella explained.

"Totally. But he's kind cute Dani."

"He's all yours. He's in his bedroom right now. Go there talk to him, flirt away." Daniella said it hastily.

"I think he's a bit too young for me Dani. You're such a prankster.

Manuella started to laugh very loud.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!! The poor boy doesn't even know we're talking about him. But he's really cute though. Where is he now?" Manuella asked.

"He's in her bedroom, probably." Daniella answered.

Manuella takes Marta by the hand and the two girls run to Daniel's bedroom. Daniella follows them intrigued.

Daniel is just getting dressed. Manuella and Marta are knocking on the door laughing.

"Come in," said the boy curious.

"HI, you don't know us," Manuella said with a big smile. "But we are friends of your sister and she said she had the most cute baby-brother."

"Ahhh, OK." Said the boy clueless.

"How old are you?" Marta asked

"I'm 16. Why? What's going on?"

"OH nothing... are you going somewhere?"

"I'm going to the mall meet my friends"

"How cute, he's going to the mall." Marta smiled holding Manuella's hand.

"Do you mind if we ask you a personal question?" Manuella asked.

"Ask away."

Daniella just arrived when she sees Manuella and Marta kissing and hugging Daniel.

"What the hell is going on??" Daniella shouted angry.

"These friends of yours asked me if I wanted to make out with them before I went out."

"The answer was yes!" Manuella looked at Daniella maliciously.

Manuella and Marta are kissing Daniel in the mouth, hugging and pinching the boy. They're all laughing.

"OK, OK, that's enough... we're just kidding around." Manuella ordered. "And if you tell this to any of your friends, you'll never have the chance to make out with me again."

"With me either," Marta complemented.

"Ok, boy scouts word."

"Alright, you may go now kid." Daniella pointed to the side.

"Great friends sis. Bye."

"By handsome," Manuella and Marta said it at the same time.

The girls go back to Daniella's room.

"You are impossible Manuella. And you Marta, you..."

"Leave her alone. You know we're just fooling around. No biggy."

Manuella hugs Marta and they laugh some more. Daniella is red jealous. They lock the door and start with the `trimming session'. Manuella takes her clothes off and ends up only with her gym top and white panties. The other two do the same. Manuella begins to give the proper instructions. Marta and Daniella are nervous because they know they're gonna get naked.

"Ok, first let's cover the bed, with this plastic blanket. We will need to get `them' very wet. It will hurt less, alright?"

Daniella and Marta nod. They take off their panties. Manuella shows her nicely trimmed pussy. Just a thin line of pubic hair.

"Do you wanna like that or with a little more hair?" Manuella asked.

"I want just like that." Daniella exclaimed.

"I prefer with a little more hair." Marta said.

"Alrighty then. Daniella you'll have to suffer a little more than Marta will. Let's begin.

Both girls follow each step.

"Ok, grab the scissors to cut the excess. Do it very carefully. No need to be ashamed of anything. I don't want you two hurt for anything. After that you keep moisturizing time to time. You can use water or this oil, it smells like peaches."

Daniella looks at Manuella. Manuella smiles to her.

"I know it's strange Dani, but after a few times you'll be an expert." Manuella said. "Marta I think if you want a superficial trim, we'll only use the hot wax on the borders, and finish with a light shave."

"OK. I hope it won't hurt much."

"It will only hurt the necessary. I'll get the hot wax, be back in a minute."

While Manuella is gone to the kitchen, the other two talk about her.

"She is so beautiful, I love her, she's really nice." Marta declared.

"That's why she's my best friend. I love her too."

"Hum hum. I wonder who is her new boyfriend, she's in such a good mood, this guy must be swell."

"Oh Marta, only you to use the word swell, please we are in the 21st century, you can say cool," Daniella laughed.

"Shut up Dani. You're always teasing me. Someday I'll get you for this," Marta answered laughing.

"How ridiculous is that? Three hot girls on a Friday night shaving their pussies?" Daniella said.

"If we'd record it what we were doing and sold on the Internet we would be rich in one week." Marta said.

"You damn right! We should do it!"

Manuella arrives with a pan in her hands.

"What are talking about?" Manuella asked noticing the two pantieless girls very comfortable.

"Business. How to make money fast." Marta said.


Manuella is putting the wax over some white papers, she's blowing the wax. Marta prepares herself opening her legs. Daniella is right behind her, holding Marta to give some support. While Manuella is placing the papers over Marta's groin Daniella is peeping on Marta's pussy. Manuella notices that Daniella is getting horny.

"Oh, it's a little hot, but it's OK." Marta complained.

"OK, do you want push it?" Manuella asked.

"I don't have the guts. You do it."

"On three right? One- two-..." Manuella was counting and rapidly she pulled the wax off.

"Arrrrrrrggggggghhhh!!!!! Fuck that hurts like hell! You tricked me Manuella, you counted until two."

Daniella is laughing.

"Sorry Marta. I know I'll go through the same. It's that I never heard you say a bad word before. You have a nasty mouth." Manuella kept laughing.

While they were talking, Manuella was already pushing the other wax paper.

"Hold her Dani!"

"What?? Arrrrrgggghhhhh!!! For crying fucking out loud! Again!"

They were all laughing now. Daniella wouldn't let Marta of her arms. Daniella could feel her clit tingle. She was getting hornier like hell. She wondered if Marta could fell her small breasts boosting against her back, or if she could smell her pussy totally drenched.

"Easy, easy. Let's see how it is." Manuella calmed them down.

They take a good look over Marta's pussy.

"It's pretty good," Daniella said.

"Yeah. Let's just shave what's left, and you'll be done Marta"

Manuella gets the razor and the shaving cream. She passes the cream in the right spots, and moves to Marta's back to guide her with the shaving. Daniella is watching everything like it's the lecture of her life.

"Holy cow. Imagine what we could to her (Marta). This clumsy sweetie would scream for my fingers inside her." Daniella thought amused by the sight of seeing two women shaving one's pussy.

Manuella is conducting Marta's hand very carefully, Manuella's hand over Marta's, shaving her pussy carefully.

"OK, just like that, hard and slow, following the hair thread."

Manuella looks at Daniella and spells silently:

"I W-A-N-T T-O F-U-C-K Y-O-U."

Daniella driven by desire says.

"I think she got it Manu. Care to help me now?"

"Of course. Marta when you're done, take a shower, let the water hit your vulva for a long time and after put this lotion, it will numb the pain a little bit." Manuella said.

When Marta was done, Manuella had already hot-waxed Daniella's groin four times (she didn't need to do that much, just for the kicks). Marta was laughing her ass off when she went to Daniella's bathroom.

"Take your time honey. Don't worry," Daniella shouted.

The minute she was gone. Daniella grabbed Manuella and they kissed frantically.

"I can't take it anymore Manu. I have to HAVE SEX."

"Patience my sweet, we'll do this: When we are asleep we can play a little bit without waking her."

"OK, you'll sleep on the floor, and when she's in dreamland I'll go to you."

"Done deal," Manuella said.

At the bathroom Marta is looking at her trimmed pussy looking if it's OK. She's impressed how cool the girls were by the fact they were looking and touching a stranger's pussy. She didn't care much, we're just girls. So what?' she thought. And she wondered whom Manuella was fucking. She's is really beautiful'.


It's past 2 in the morning. Daniella is in her bed with Marta. Manuella is on the floor, in a sleeping bag. Daniella's vulture is walking trough the bedroom. She lays down and enter in the sleeping bag.

"Feel what I have between my legs" Daniella whispered.

Manuella feels it's the strap on dildo.

"You're crazy my beauty. You cannot use this on me, today."

"I won't, it's just to tease you, mostly."

They talk a little more and finally start to kiss. They're trying to keep it as down as they can. Daniella is grabbing Manuella's breasts massaging them, holding and stretching her brown nipples. Manuella is holding the dildo, `masturbating' her lover. Daniella is sucking Manuella's neck as she hardens her grip on her girlfriend's amazing tits. Manuella moans with pain.

"Uuuuiiiii..." "This is for all the unnecessary waxing my dear."

"Uuuuiiiii... really? So I'll keep hurting you if is that what it takes for you to touch me so divinely." Manuella begged for more. "Aaaaaaeeeee".

Daniella was sucking on one breast and with the other she just kept pinching and pressing with her fingers.

"Oh yeah...oh yeah." Manuella panted.

Manuella then leaned the strap on dildo towards her pussy. She was sliding her pussy over the rubber dick. Daniella started to motion and rub the dildo on her girlfriend's pussy. Soon both were moving and swirling in the same rhythm. Daniella was inserting the dildo inside Manuella when the chestnut haired girl said to Daniella to stop.

"No Dani, we better stop. She'll hear us."

"Just for two minutes. I want to pleasure you a little."

"Two minutes and it's over." Manuella said.

The 2 minutes became 15. Daniella was slowly fucking Manuella. Her movements were snake-like. Two beautiful girls screwing each other under a sleeping bag. The smell of sex was strong inside the covers.

"Good... GOOD. Manuella said.

Daniella put her hand over Manuella's mouth.

"You know I love you coarse voice, but not today."

"But it's your fa..."

And then they hear something they didn't want. A faint sneeze. They stop in terror and notice that Marta was watching them. Marta tries to fake she's sleeping.

"Marta!" Daniella screamed.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. I heard some noise and thought Manuella was having a nightmare...

"How long have you been watching us?" Manuella asked as she was dressing up. Daniella was immovable. She didn't want to show her she was with a strap on dildo. Manuella turns on the lamp bulb and adjusts it just enough to see trough the dark.

"Aaahhhh, I saw pretty much everything."

"So you saw almost everything?"


"And what have you seen?"

"I've seen you two kiss, a lot, and then it was like she was penetrating you, and you were enjoying."

Well Marta. Truth is... she was fucking me with a strap on dildo."

Daniella was in panic. She was thinking what Manuella had lost it, she could say anything but that.


"I'll tell you something Marta. I think you're lying."

"What, how's that?"

"You're saying you heard noises and then saw us kissing. But fact is, we spend a lot o time kissing and we didn't make any noises. The only time we made noises was when Dani was fucking me with the dick. You didn't sleep at all. You were watching us the whole time!"

"No I was sleeping when I heard voices and..."

"And nothing. Why are you lying? You were about to see `us' anywho."

"Alright I confess. I saw you kissing earlier and heard you were gonna make out later."

"And you wanted to see us making out?" Daniella asked surprised.

"No... I didn't plan this way, but... I couldn't sleep. So I figure I would wait for you to start, and I could watch you two. I never imagined that a woman could do anything like this to another. And you two seemed to be having a wonderful time..."

Manuella is getting closer to Marta. They're side to side now. Marta can't look at Manuella's brown eyes. Manuella places her hand in Marta's chin and raises her face up.

"It's Ok Marta. You don't need to be ashamed. You were just curious. Weren't you?

Marta nods timidly. Daniella is impressed with Manuella's persuasion power.

Do you think I'm pretty Marta?" Manuella asked boldly.

"You're beautiful. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

Manuella places her hand in Marta's chin again. She looks at the cute girl and leans to kiss her. Marta doesn't move a muscle and allows Manuella to kiss her on the lips.

Daniella is shaking.

Manuella resumes the lip to lip kiss.

"Did you like it?"

"Yes, I did."

"Did it make you any less of a woman?"

"No, it didn't." Marta answered this time looking at Manuella.

Manuella kissed Marta again. This time the kiss was longer, and soppy. They used their tongues to feel the warmth of their mouths. Manuella embraced Marta, she also hugged Manuella. Daniella watched everything amazed as she was putting on her bra. The girls stopped kissing.

"How was it?" Manuella asked.

"Really good."

"Dani come her. Don't take the dildo off. Come on join us."

Daniella got up and sat beside Marta. She was between the girlfriends. Manuella nodded and Marta and Daniella French kissed.

"This is nice," Marta said trembling.

"Oh Marta, you're shaking!" Daniella said.

"Don't be afraid honey we don't want to hurt you. We just want to make you feel better." Manuella said.

"I'm Ok, just a little overwhelmed with everything."

"It's understandable honey. Let's make a deal?"


"You like to watch, so why don't you watch Daniella fuck me and right after we'll take care of you. Do you want to watch me get fucked by her honey?"

"Yes Manu, I want to watch you first. So I'll get used to it."

Manuella thinks for 5 seconds and says:

"I have a better idea, what if I watch Daniella fuck you. I guarantee you, she's really good with it. I know she will be very nice to you."

"Oh my..."

"Don't worry, I'll be right here with you. I'll make sure nothing bad will happen to you..." Manuella said.

"OK, but just one thin..."

It was too late. Manuella and Daniella were already kissing and caressing Marta. They were fast, not giving her time to think, while Manuella was masturbating Marta, Daniella was taking the girl's T-shirt off. Manuella was kissing and biting Marta's shoulders while her left hand was beneath her panties. Daniella was already kissing and biting Marta's medium sized breasts. The girls were doing Marta as if they had planned the whole scenario; everything was wonderful (for Marta). The girls were looking at each other with passion. Marta couldn't even imagine she would be having sex with two friends, and that one of them would be wearing a rubber penis!

"Ooooohhhh, ooooohhhhh, Gee... SUPER DUPPER!"

The girls smiled at her.

"Oh no, I'm too horny to try to be cool now..."

Marta was totally naked now.

"Oh Marta, why didn't you tell us you were so hot!"

"You never asked... oh yes, oh yes."

Daniella pulled her to the end of the bed. She positioned herself behind Marta. Marta could feel the dick pressing her back.

"Soon you'll feel it inside your snatch, honey." Daniella said.

Marta just smiled shyly. Manuella came closer and kissed Daniella and then Marta. She widened Marta's legs and started to kiss the girl's thighs. Marta was breathing fast.

"Don't worry Marta. It's a wonderful thing what I'm going to do with you... Do you believe me honey?"


Manuella reached Marta's trimmed pussy. It still had lots of pubic hair, but Manuella wasn't too worried about this detail. She stuck her tongue out and licked Marta's pussy.

"Yes, yessss, yesss, super dupper!"

Manuella intensified the licking. She just maintained a constant rhythm, not too fast, not too slow. Marta was moaning in pleasure.

"Manuella, you like me you REALLY LIKE ME. Oh my pajamas!!"

Daniella just smiled. And put her tongue on Marta's ear sucking, licking, sucking, licking, sucking, licking some more. Marta shouted at her friend.

"OH DANI, you LIKE ME too!"

Daniella placed her hand on Marta's mouth.

"No offense Marta, if my mother hears us, we're dead as turkey in Thanksgiving."

Marta's body was trembling, the girls knew a huge orgasm was coming to town. Daniella kept her hand in Marta's face.

"I'm cumming, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!!!"

It was over. Marta stopped screaming. Manuella leaned real close to her face. Manuella's mouth was full with cunt fluid.

"Do you wanna taste it?" Manuella asked showing her tongue.

Daniella just pulled Manuella and the two kissed. Marta's love juice passed to Daniella's hungry mouth.

"Hey, that was mine!"

Daniella didn't respond. She kissed Marta instead. While they were kissing, Manuella was down there, sucking more cunt for Marta. This time Manuella kissed Marta.

"I love women's cunt." Manuella said.

"Happy?" Daniella asked Marta.

"Very. What now?"

"It's easy. Do you want to fuck Dani?"

"Yes please."

Manuella pulls Daniella close to her, they're kissing and slapping each other gently. Manuella takes off Daniella's dildo and put it on Marta.

"Honey you're going to fuck my beauty. Literally." Manuella ordered.

"But I don't know how... why don't you do her? You have more experience."

"Nonsense. It's very easy. I'll help you out. And I'm sure she won't mind."

"Not at all," said Daniella happily.

Manuella helped Marta to penetrate Daniella, and soon Marta was motioning her hips like a man. She fucked Daniella, a lot. Daniella was in heaven, asking for more dick. Manuella just watched the two as she was touching herself and eventually kissed one of the two girls.

"Go Marta, don't stop... she's adoring every thrust... don't be afraid to FUCK HER GOOD!"

"Yeah, fuck me, FUCK ME HARD... come on Marta, come on, harder... yeah, yeah..." Daniella moaned.

"Yes, yes, yes... take that Dani. Dani you're so beautiful!"

"You `like me too' Marta! YEAH!"

Manuella lay down beside Daniella. She was watching her lover get meat from another woman. Daniella looked at her time to time until she said:

"I W-A-N-T T-O F-U-C-K Y-O-U!"

I'm waiting for you to cum my sweet. I want you to be the first to fuck me with it."

Manuella moved closer to kiss Daniella and they kept on kissing until Daniella could take no more fucking.

"I'm gonna love this!" Marta said.

"Wait until we do Cristine my sweet." Manuella smiled.

"Who's Cristine?" Marta asked.

To be continued.

One more time, if you want to know what's going to happen next, and what these three girls will do to fuck the so desired Cristine; write to `'. And this time I want more than 15 requests to continue with this story. Thanks.

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