Marked by Mark

By Bamaboi2serve

Published on Jul 3, 2009


Marked by Mark, Part 8 by

[a continued thank you to those who have taken the time to drop a note about the story! Each section of the story is approved by my online Master before being submitted to Nifty, but I am still responsible for any errors.]

The jangle of the tit-clamps around my neck woke me up several times during the night, and Master Mark was right about them serving as a warning, a reminder that my tits were his. I found myself squeezing the sore nubs, giving myself an almost instant erection but knowing it could go no further without Master's permission.

Finally morning arrived and I rushed through my routine to get ready for work. I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard the doorbell ring. What the fuck? It was 6:30am! I wrapped a towel around my waist and opened the front door.

It was the trooper from yesterday...his flashy cop car sitting in my driveway. Now I knew he had written down the information on my drivers license. I glanced up and down the street, worried what neighbors might think, then remembering I was a slut to many of them anyway...what was a little more drama?

"Hey cocksucker...good to see you're home! Can I come in?" he asked as he barreled into the house, not waiting for an answer. As he walked past me, he grabbed my tit-clap "necklace" and pulled me along, barely allowing me to shut the door before we were in the middle of the living room. Before I could say anything, my cell phone rang. It was Master Mark.

"Slut...what the fuck! You've got a cop car in your driveway. What the fuck have you done now?" I explained it was the trooper who had pulled me over yesterday. I had already told him about the incident.

"Put him on the phone, get naked if you aren't already and go stand in the corner facing away from him while I talk with him," he ordered me.

I dropped the towel, handing the phone to the trooper and went to my corner, blushing as always. I could only hear the cop's side of the conversation, but it wasn't hard to figure out that Master was explaining his arrangement with me.

"Really? He's that much of a slut? Wow. --pause-- Sure...yes!...well thanks...see you in a minute," the trooper told Master, who a moment later came in the front door using his key. He shook hands with the trooper and both of them talked and laughed about my slavehood, ignoring the fact that I was standing a few feet away and acting like they had known each other forever! They both laughed about Master's bumper sticker prank.

"Hey shithead, go get some coffee for us..don't you have any manners at all?" Master shouted over at me. I did as ordered, stealing a glance at my kitchen wall clock. I had to get to work! I returned with a tray of coffee mugs and cream and sugar, my cock, of course, pointing the way ahead of me. Master reached up and removed the tit clamps from around my neck, placing one on each tit.

"See, he's trying to develop girlie titties, so he likes me to put these on them a lot. Did you get him to rim you? He loves that too. He's a lowdown no good bitch, but I may keep him around if I can get him trained enough," Master told Trooper, ordering me to go back to the corner where I stood with my hands behind my head. He followed me over and gave my ass a few sharp, painful swats in time to each letter as he spelled out his verbal abuse: "S-L-U-T C-O-C-K-S-U-C-K-E-R, he intoned. I could feel each hit so sharply that I could sense the imprints of his hand on my cheeks. Finally he stopped and I heard him walk back over to the center of the room. Although I couldn't hear everything clearly, it seemed to me Master and the Trooper were making out! There were moans, and I heard a zipper open and a piece of clothing tossed onto the hardwood floor...moist licking or kissing and sucking sounds too, little "fuck yea" and "go down man" I was completely hard and I had to force myself not to turn around to see. Master AND Trooper! Too HOT! I yearned to be on my knees serving them both, or at least on my knees watching!

After ten minutes of listening to the noise from the make-out session, it happed to me again..I felt my balls tingling and my cock stretching and bouncing, even without me touching it, and then I erupted! Several ropes landed on the two corner walls, the remainder dripping to the floor. Behind me the noises were calming down. I forced myself to continue looking at the walls.

Trooper came over and forced four of his fingers into my mouth. I started licking automatically, and could immediately taste Master's cum. When I had finished cleaning his hand, he put it on my neck, forcing my face down to the stained wall. I knew what was required, and started cleaning up the mess I had made. I used long slurp licks up and down the wall to pick up the dripping shots of pugnant cum.

"Hey, I've got an idea!" Trooper exclaimed to Master, and then I heard them whispering. Soon I was finished licking up my juice from the walls and the floor.

"Where are your work clothes slut? Go get 'em and whatever else you need for work," he told me.

I gathered up my clothes and briefcase and stuff as they finished their coffee. When I was ready I went to them and knelt with my hands behind my back, waiting to see what was next. It didn't take long. Trooper walked behind me and put his handcuffs on me, securing my hands in place. Master grabbed up my clothes and stuff and put it in a shopping bag.

The next thing I know, Trooper is walking me outside with Master following with the bag! Remember, I'm completely naked except for the tit clamps! Instead of quickly putting me in the patrol car, Trooper and Master Mark just stop on the side of it and start talking loudly, with me on display in handcuffs!

"I don't know Mr. Trooper," said Master, "he seemed to be a decent sort...I can't imagine he'd be involved in anything as nasty as what you described, Did you say a German shepherd?" he asked, trying hard not to smile.

"That's what they say," replied the trooper, shaking his head in disgust. I was beet red, of course and trying not to notice some neighbors who were peeking their heads out of their doors to see what was going on. At least my prick had fact it was doing its best to crawl inside me! With my body shaved, I looked like a twelve year old being arrested!

Master Trooper---that's how Master said I was to refer to him—opened the back door and pushed me forward, holding one hand on my head like I had seen so many times in cop shows on TV. But in those, the "perps" were usually clothed! Master tossed my bag of clothes in after me as I tried to adjust to sitting with my hands behind me.

I could see from the dashboard clock that I was about to be late for work again!

Master Trooper got into the patrol car and pulled away from the house. Twice he reached behind and yanked on the tit clamp chain, watching my face for a reaction. He drove surprise...the same wooded area where I had serviced him the day before, and I was shortly kneeling again, taking his big black pole deep into my throat. This time he pulled out before he came, shooting on my face in six fast spurts. From the shopping bag, he pulled out a pair of my new white underwear an used them to wipe my face. Then he uncuffed me and handed me the metal but plug. He didn't need to tell me where it went...or how! I licked it to provide some lubricant, bent over and shoved it in, bending over and grunting loudly as I adjusted to the pain.

Master Trooper ordered me to get dressed, starting with the now cummy underwear. When I had them on he told me to hold still a moment, and soon he had added several squirts of his piss to the underwear, just enough to remind me that I was accumulating Masters at a rapid rate.

After I had dressed, he drove me back to my driveway and let me out. I ran to my car and took off quickly for work, not worried about getting a ticket since I had already paid him my "fine" for the day.

As he drove off, he sounded his siren for a moment to make sure all of my neighbors knew I had been visited by the law.

Again, I had to call my supervisor in the home office to rat on myself, telling them I would be late. They would call Sal to make sure he would open up the store without me. Sal had just turned 20, and his Italian-American swarthy good looks had lots of the girls and some of the boys paying attention. If I didn't get my act together soon he's have my job!

By the time I struggled in, my face still showing faint traces of Master Trooper's cum, Sal had the place open and humming. He called me over after saying good morning, took a piece of paper towel from behind the counter and wiped something off my forehead. I blushed, imagining what it was and what it made me look like.

"Thanks," I mumbled, not even trying to make an excuse. I went to my office and tried to get to work. An hour later Manuel marched into the store and selected a half-dozen items from the shelves. He made a big show of it, grabbing a paper bag from the counter for his "purchases", and then walking to the door to leave. Sal called after him.

"Hey Manuel..aren't you going to pay for that stuff?" he asked, confused.

"It's OK, fag in there's taking care of it...he nodded with his chin in the direction of my office just as I walked out to find out what was going on.

"Hey Manuel, what's up?" I asked as I approached him.

"What's my name?"

"Uh, Manuel, what do you mean?" I asked.

"What are your orders from Master Mark?" he said sternly.

"Er, I, uh...he, he said you are to be called Master Manuel," I said in a whisper, glancing over to the counter to see Sal watching all of this play out.

"And what else did he tell you cocksucker?" he asked.

"That you were to have anything you wanted from the store, er, Master Manuel," I said haltingly.

"So do we have a problem? He asked, holding up the bag with his stuff in it, while he used his other hand to lift the front of his shirt, revealing a solid straight trail of curly jet black hair running from top to bottom on his muscular olive-colored skin.

"No Master Manuel." I replied as he turned to leave, my prick hardening from the very act of calling the young man by that name.

"I'll be by after lunch...we need a private meeting. Make sure you're here!" he ordered, leaving me standing there blushing (but hard too!).

From behind me I heard Sal clear his throat, wanting an explanation. But he was no idiot. He had most of it figured out already.

Before I could say much of anything, the biggest of the day's flights arrived and the shop was suddenly very busy. Then it was lunchtime . I grabbed a quick sandwich at my desk and had just finished when Manuel walked in without knowing, closing the door behind him. Without saying a word he started stripping. I sat there frozen...

"Do you have to be told everything shithead? Get your fucking clothes off!" He snarled.

"Yes Master Manuel," I said, quickly removing my clothes. The tit-clamps remained around my neck, and, of course, there was the plug in me.

Manuel was a little shorter than I, but he had twice my muscle and a trim coat of hair on his chest. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor in front of him. I got into position quickly and started sucking him. He must have been very horny because he was rock hard in just a moment. I found myself gagging to take it all, so he used his hands to guide his new cocksucker slave's mouth.

He stopped me for a moment and removed the clamps from my neck, securing them to my tits, Then he grabbed the chain between the clamps and used it-- and a hand on my head-- to set up a rhythm as he plunged deep into my throat. He puled the clamps in time with the deep throating, and it didn't take long for me to join him in being erect.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Sal stuck his head in, announcing the arrival of some shipment...

"The faggot's kinda busy right now Sal, how about leaving the invoice on his desk so he can take care of it after he takes care of me?" Master Manuel casually asked Sal over his shoulder as he continued to pound me.

Sal moved to get a side view of the action, allowing me to see him standing there slack jawed. I noticed on of his hands was rubbing his crotch too...what had I started?

"Get up on the desk slut," Master Manuel ordered, forcing me with his hands to bend over my own desk as he calmly pulled the plug from my ass and replaced it with his cock. As he plowed me with deep strokes, he offered a running commentary to Sal, who had closed the door and pulled his own teen cock out of his jeans. It pointed up sharply towards the ceiling as he stroked it, listening to Manuel. My eyes were glued on the newest tool in the room.

"Fuckin' slave boi here loves to get fucked...almost as much as eating cock. He's a bitch Sal, didn't you know that? You just wait a minute,let me finish and you can fill him up a bit. You know, I've seen hi eying you here at work...I'll be he'll do anything for you!"

I was face down on my desk, my eyes inches away from the invoices I was supposed to be paying...Manuel gave me a big finish, shoving in deep and hard, emptying his balls into me, slapping my cheeks as he came, panting as he pulled out and positioned Sal to be the next boy in.

It was not even 1:00pm, and already I had been fucked and serviced and obeyed my cadre of Masters. I grunted as Sal entered me, even with Master Manuel's lube easing he way. I had mentally prepared for the assault I knew was coming. I had seen Sal's cock, and it was thicker, and maybe longer than any of them. He pushed in deeply and pulled all the way out, paused a few seconds and repeated that motion a fast dozen times, grabbing the tit clamp chain and taunting my tits too. Sal might be young, be he was handling me like a pro. Soon he too had bred me, pushing all the way in with a final plunge. After he pulled out, he and Manuel dressed and walked out of my office into the store, leaving me behind, cum dripping from my ass down my legs, my ass burning from the tits on fire from the clamps. I did the best I could to clean up and get dressed. What had become of me? What was to happen next?

[Thanks for the comments, as usual...and sorry for the delay in posting his extra long chapter. More to come!]

Next: Chapter 9

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