Marked by Mark

By Bamaboi2serve

Published on May 14, 2009


[Been quite a while since my last Nifty story...been truly busy. But the muse struck. So here it is. Comments are the only reward we writers get. PLEASE leave a "hey there" to keep me going. And suggestions are encouraged! This story focuses on Master/Slave relations, B&D, S&M, watersports, lots of sex etc etc It's only for Adults, so anyone underage is warned to leave NOW!]

MARKED BY MARK By Bamaboi2serve

I love obeying Masters. I am a true submissive, and instantly give myself completely over to a man who will truly be in charge, commanding my every act and word. But to be honest? They're hard to find. And the few I've had experience with have generally been only moderately satisfying. Of course they might say the same about me, though I DO try to follow their orders exactly and enthusiastically. I'm just convinced there are many more slaves than Masters. So in between the few I have found, I stage "play dates" with myself, imagining I am being commanded. I've gotten so good at it that sometimes I am so deep, deep into the scene that I virtually forget it is just me commanding me.

These Nifty stories always start with descriptions, so the quick low down. I'm 25, thin but not skinny, I have jet black hair that I keep medium length. And I'm clean shaven. Sometimes, for a Master --real or imagined -- I shave my body completely as an act of discipline and humiliation. That's not all I do for those purposes, but I'll get to that later. I've always wanted to have a fully equiped playroom, but right now I live in a small rental house, so that's not possible.

This story took place a few months ago. I was having one of my solo scenes on a Saturday night and I had covered all the bases. I had given myself a serious full enema, which is almost a scene in itself...then I put on a dog collar, leg and arm restraints, and a plain white jock that was no longer quite "white". I'd not washed in months. It was the one I wore for my three times a week work-out, so it looked and smelled "broken in".

Watersports are a big turn on for me, so I had my "Master" order me to drink lots of water that particular Saturday afternoon, culminating in me eventually pissing into a huge clear plastic cup. The piss acted as a reward. If I pleased my (imaginary) Master somehow, I would get to sip from the cup. If I even thought about sipping from it without having performed for Him, I would immediately punish myself...some strong tugging on the chain connecting the clamps that were crushing my tits. There's a fine line between feeling good, and feeling bad, and it was easy for me to charge across that line at full speed when I felt I needed punishment.

I had inserted a medium plug in my ass that night, and was playing various games with myself...ordering myself to walk out to the back deck where there was always a little risk in being spotted...ordering myself to use a paddle on my balls or ass...all the kinds of things I would instantly accept from a Master were he there.

I had just sad down at the computer and started looking through my collection of B&D and S&M photos when the doorbell rang!

"Shit," I thought, "who the fuck could it be at 9:00 on a Saturday night?"

I immediately started taking off my gear and slipping on a sweatshirt and shorts. I left the plug in and the clamps on since they wouldn't be visible. Through a front window I could barely see a figure standing at the door as the bell rang again.

I opened the door to find my new next door neighbor standing there! I had spoken with him very briefly the day before as the moving van was pulling away and knew his name but not much else. I had noticed that some of the furniture being moved in was for a child, and although there was no ring on his finger, I presumed he was like everyone else on the block except me, straight. I also had noticed that he was Hot Hot Hot! A good half-foot taller and thirty pounds heavier than me, he clearly worked out or did a lot of physical labor. He wore a tightly trimmed beard and his brunette hair was cut very short, almost military style but not quite.

"Mark!" I exclaimed offering a hand, "how's the settling in?

"Good, Good ," he answered, shaking my hand with a very firm grip. "I was hoping I might borrow a hammer? Mine's in some damn box that I can't find."

I said sure and turned to go look for it. I wasn't great with tools, but I had the basics. Now if I could remember where it was. Bingo, bottom drawer in the kitchen...kind of a pussy place for tools, I thought as I retrieved it...a real guy would have it hanging on the garage wall or something with a workbench below it.

As I turned to go back to the door I realized Mark had followed me and was standing right behind me. I almost walked into him as I stood up, and stumbled a little in regaining my footing. He grabbed my arm to help and I could feel his warmth and strength! I quickly glanced over to the nearby computer. Fortunately the screen saver had clicked on so the photo of the slave-boi having his ass filled with his Master's piss through a funnel, the pic I had begun lusting over when the bell rang, was hidden.

"Here you go Mark!" I said as I handed him the obviously not very often used tool.

"Thanks! Hey, by the way, what's your dog's name?" I was confused. Dog?

"Uh, I don't have one Mark, maybe you mean that house across the street? That shepherd over there is pretty loud..."

"No, I just wanted to make sure who I was dealing with," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a leather dog leash. He reached up and clipped in onto the collar I had forgotten to take off when the bell rang!

I started hemming and hawing but he walked out into the hall and headed for the den, pulling me along by leash without so much as a word. When we got there, he dropped the leash took a seat on the couch, quickly ordering me to take off my shorts and sweatshirt.

I was in a fog! I'd been in a mental solo scene right before he arrived, and so it was easy for my mind to slip into what seemed to be a real one with the neighbor I hardly knew! I slipped out of the minimal clothing had on, exposing my jock strap and tit clamps. I instinctively looked down at the floor in front of me and placed my hands behind me, my legs spread slightly. I was aware of the plug in my ass and my jock pouch was swelling. I was instantly in slave-boi mode for real!

For a few minutes Mark said nothing. I glanced up to see what he was doing. Then an order:

"Get on your fucking knees bitch! And keep those eyes on the ground. I haven't given you permission to look at me, have I?"

I knelt and replied with a fast "No, Sir!"

Even without raising my eyes I could tell he was playing with himself through the tight, worn jeans he was wearing. And I could also tell he was getting hard. His tool snaked away from his center, pushing the denim upward in a tube shape as it grew. I was careful not to look directly, but even the side glance told me he was hung.

"Rule One is shut the fuck up," he said plainly and without anger. "If I want you talk, I'll make it clear with a direct question. Understand?"

"Yes Sir." I replied softly.

"I didn't hear you cunt, speak up for your Master!" he said more forcefully.

"Yes SIR! I answered more loudly.

"Rule Two is I decide everything about your physical appearance. You don't cut a hair on your body without my approval. You don't stroll into the backyard without me telling you what to wear or not wear. That little exhibitionism you did earlier tonight is just the beginning!" I was shocked! There was a solid wood fence between our yards! How...

"Do you understand, scum boy?"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied, though was having trouble absorbing all of this. What was I getting myself into?

"Then why are you wearing that stupid jockstrap and collar!!!" he demanded.

"I'm sorry Sir, I didn't know you, I didn't know, I didn't know... you... were, were going to be my Master, Sir!"

"Good answer boi! But you know that now, don't you? Then get them OFF MY SLAVE'S BODY!" He yelled.

I quickly removed everything and put is on the floor on my side.

He reached over the picked up the jock.

"Is this stink supposed to be a turn on bitch?" Before I had a chance to reply, he reached over to my face. "Here, I'll turn you on....wash it!" he ordered, forcing my mouth open and stuffing the cloth into my mouth. As awful as it tasted, having Him force it into my mouth as a gag was a major turn on, and my now unrestrained cock was pointing out and up, rigid and pulsing. I kept my eyes to the ground.

"Stay here and don't move!" he ordered.

I heard him get up and walk out my front door, leaving it wide open! If anyone came to the door, I would be in plain sight in the adjoining den, kneeling naked and gagged.! Not that I needed evidence, but my still hard prick told me all of this was the stuff of my ultimate fantasies. And this time the Master was real!

A few minutes passed during which I heard a few cars drive by on the street and some distant voices. My mouth was salivating from the jock filling my mouth, and that saliva was activating the dried fluids in the cloth. I tasted a combination of piss and cum and sweat and it was as if I was smoking a joint! I struggled to keep myself kneeling straight and upright.

After fifteen or twenty minutes He came back and sat on the couch. "I've left the front door open, since you're such an exhibitionist...would you like me to take you for a walk down to the corner to let you piss on the fire hydrant?"

Part of me wanted to shake my head yes, to go with the flow and make this the ultimate kinky sex night of my life, but there was enough common sense in my head to say a muffled "no, Sir" through my gag. It wouldn't do right now to have my kink exposed to neighbors.

"So I can be confident you will obey me? That you'll be a good slave inside the house? Good, we'll deal with your exhibitionism later on." he told me evenly.

He got up and closed the door, sat back in the couch and reached out to me. He took the tit-clamp chain in one hand and started playing with it as he continued explaining my new life and its rules.

"Rule Three is bathroom etiquette. You are a slave boi, not true man. You kneel to piss from now on, and when you shit, you do it with the seat up. You don't have very low hanging least not yet...but if they hang down into the water in the bowl you are to report it to me immediately. Do you have a private toilet at work?"

"Uh no Sir, " I said as clearly as I could through the now soaked jock.

Obviously he wanted better communication from me because he pulled the jock out and positioned it over my face, using the straps to go around my ears to secure it. My face was slimed with my own fluids/ The combination of that and his taunting my very sore tits had my cock dripping onto the floor below me.

"So you have to use a public bathroom at the office...good, make sure the kneeling down and the toilet seat up rule is obeyed there. If I have to, I'll come unannounced some day so you can show me. Will that be necessary?

"No, Sir," I said quickly, though the exhibitionist part of me made even that threat exciting!

Without any warning, re unclamped the tit clamps, and I felt a surge of pain as blood rushed back into my sore nubs. He made it even more intense by flicking his fingers at them as he continued speaking.

"Tonight our sex is going to be limited...of course that's my choice. Get your ass into the bathtub.," he ordered.

It was a little hard for me to see, but I made my way through the house to the bathroom and climbed into the old-fashioned claw-foot tub. He told me to get on my back and I did, all of me except the lower legs flat against the cold metal tub bottom.

A half-moment passed and what I expected happened, he started pissing on me. Spraying back and forth from my feet to my head, spending most of the time hitting the jock over my mouth and thus ensuring I would have plenty to swallow. When he was done I heard him unzip his jeans and then the tell-tale sounds of jerking off. It didn't take long, soon I was splattered with ropes of him cum, and I wished I didn't have the jock covering my mouth. After a moment, he left the room, returning with a stool from the kitchen. He sat on it and removed the jock. I was a bit blinded by the light, and wasn't sure where I was supposed to look anyway. I focused on my feet.

As he spoke, he used a finger to scoop up his cum, sticking it into my mouth. I eagerly licked the digit each time he offered it, sucking it like a little cock, getting all of his cum that I could, avoiding his eyes. "Get used to the taste, boi, cause you're going to have a regular diet of it. I'm sure I don't need to tell you what Rule Four is, do I? I nodded negatively and whispered a "No Sir".

"Good. Make sure you obey it completely! I will decide when you cum, and it will not be often. You are to report to me if you so much as drip a lot, or if you have a wet dream, and if you do it had better NOT be because you played with yourself! You are on chastity now. Period. I'm going now. Lick that tub clean, and I mean lick cloths or anything. I want your tongue stained yellow and happy about it. Tomorrow is a holiday and I know you'll be off. I'll be over here in the morning so you can make me breakfast. Make sure you obey Rule can shower in the morning but no clothes until I tell you to put something on. My name for now is Sir. Yours is anything I call you."

With that he got up and left. I heard the front door close and licked my lips, savoring the taste of him. Then I got on my knees and started licking the tub. It took me an hour, and when I looked in the mirror before heading to bed, my tongue was as he wanted. Yellow. I slept very well, though I don't think I lost my erection even once.

Next: Chapter 2

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