Mark Cohen

Published on Oct 8, 2012


Mark Cohen

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Water Sports, Scat, Anal and Oran sex between consenting and non consenting men. All names are also fiction. All places and or events never happened. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read this story in your State or Province, you should leave this site now.

Chapter 6

We were just sitting, each buried in our own thoughts. I looked at Jerome and it looked like he was near tears.

"You okay Jerome?" I asked.

Well he really started to cry. I was beside him right away and hugged him. He hugged me back as he cried.

"Tell me what's wrong Jerome. I hope it wasn't something we did."

He finally stopped crying.

"Well I guess maybe a little bit, well no not really. Jezz, I'm talking in circles. Look I need to tell you guys something."

"Okay Jerome."

"I never had what you guys got. I mean I never really had a Mom or Dad. My Dad was killed in the war and I was told my mom drank herself to death. I guess I was about 4 or 5 then. My Mom was real rich. Instead sticking me in some orphanage the lawyers hired a Nanny to take care of me. When I was six they sent me to a boy's school. I've been in them ever since. I never have anyone come and see me. I never go home for Christmas or any holiday. If it wasn't for football in junior high or here I would never have gone any where."

"I guess I knew I was a fag when I was 13 or so. I never thought about girls, just boys. I was so scared someone would find out. Every body said Fags were crazy and should be locked up. Then I came here."

"In Junior year all the Seniors called us juniors fags. I knew everyone couldn't be a fag so I kind of relaxed about it. Then when I started second year I got Mike as a room mate. That was cool we were both on the football team. Well I was jacking off in the bathroom one day when Mike walked in. He caught me and asked what I was doing. I told him I was horny and jacking off. He said cool and joined me."

"I thought oh wow this is great, Mike's just like me. Well we jacked off lots together. One day as I was sitting in just my undies, Mike came out nude from the shower. He sat down across from me."

"You want to suck me off Jerome?' He said.

"Sure." I said. I had been dreaming about doing it like forever.

"Well after that first time I sucked him off almost everyday. It didn't bother me that he never sucked me. One day, well weekend we were in Albany for a game. We had a room together with only one bed. When we were in bed he asked if he could fuck me."

Well of course I said yes. I had been dreaming of that too. Well then some nights he'd fuck and other times I'd just suck him."

"One night I asked him to suck me off."

"No Jerome. I won't suck you off. I'm not a fag like you. There's no girls here so as long as you suck my dick and let me fuck you, I won't tell anyone you're a fag."

"Then I heard you were a fag Jer. That's why I invited you over. Mike was happy you sucked him and you gave me the first blow job I had ever had. I just knew I had to see you again. I really wanted to suck your cock. I guess I wanted to fuck you too.

"Then you let me fuck you and suck you off. Then I get fucked by all you guys. Now I think I am not alone. You tell me what you guys do on weekends and I say cool and want to do it too."

"Then you tell me Jer all the other stuff I got to learn to do and I say to myself no way man."

Then you talk about what you did today. Eight guys one right after another. Wow I thought that would be fantastic. I was hard thinking about it and so were tony and Stan. In Fact everyone was hard. Then you want us all to fuck you. I wished it was me on the bed and not you Jer. Jer you did fourteen guys in one day as if it was nothing and you enjoyed every time. Everyone did."

"Then I figured it out. You guys suck and fuck each other, but you also protect and help each other. You guys are all a Family. A real Family. I never had a real Family, but now I want what you guys got. I want to be part of what you have. I know I will have to learn to do some stuff, but I don't care anymore as long as you guys still love me. I love all you guys."

The tears were streaming down his face.

Norval got up and walked to Jerome. He pulled him and hugged him.

"Come on Brother. Let's go to bed." Jerome, Norval and Red walked into their bedroom. "I got to pee. Who wants it?" I said.

Steven was quick to get my cock in his mouth. Jimmy pouted.

"That's okay Babe you can rim after you both fuck me."


That's how it went. Steven fucked me and then sucked me off while Jimmy fucked me. Jimmy got all the stuff in my ass after he was done. We just cuddled together to sleep.

I felt real good in the morning. Jimmy pissed in my mouth. Steven pissed in Jimmy's and I pissed in Steven's. After a quick shower we got ready for breakfast and the day ahead.

I was running a little bit late and was scared I might get the cane on my ass. I just made it on time when the Dean spoke to me.

"Jeremy, I need a minute."

I looked at clock and knew I'd be late.

"Yes Sir."

"Relax Jeremy. I'll give you a late slip."

"Yes Sir."

"Now, I am not sure a renovated room on the third floor is going to be big enough for you. It's only the second day since I said anyone could room with who they wanted. Already three boys want to move in with you."

"I'm sorry Sir."

"Don't be sorry Jeremy. I am not surprised three more want to move in. What I am surprised about is that there are not more. Jeremy you're a natural leader. Boys are attracted to you. Maybe some because they are like you, but most I am sure because they want what you can give them. Leadership. Jeremy you inspire people to do as you have done. Never worry about anything but you and your friends. I have even heard the term Father used when they talk about you."

"I'm not any ones Father."

"I know your not Jeremy, but those five, well eight think of you as their leader. Some boys relate that to a father figure. Now I think you better get to class. Here is your slip."

"Thank you, Sir."

"You're welcome, Jeremy."

"Well I hope you have a late slip, Jeremy."

"Yes Sir." I handed it to him.

I think he was disappointed I had one. I think he really wanted to cane my ass. I kind of smiled as I went to my seat.

"WE have a new Student in class today. James Douglas, will you stand please."

Jimmy stood up. He was shortest guy in class.

I'm told you are even smarter than Jeremy and Steven. I want you to solve pi to 27 decimals on the board for us."

"Just 27 Sir." That stopped the teacher.

"Yes just 27. You can clear off the boards."

"The rest of you can start working the problems on page 126 of your text books." Fuck I was already at 156 and Steven I knew was at 173.

Steven and I just started talking quietly as Jimmy worked. We watched too. He really was a very smart young man.

"Why are you not working Jeremy?"

"I'm already at page 156 Sir."

"I'm at page 173 Sir." Steven said.

"Well why are you not going on?"

"What do I do for the rest of the year, Sir?"

He had no answer so I just continued to talk to Steven.

"Okay James, you have proved that you really are smart. Stop and sit down."

"I'm not done yet." Jimmy said.

That got my attention. Jimmy was really passive when it came to doing what he was told.

"I don't care whether you are done or not. Stop and sit down." Jimmy ignored him.

"James Douglas stop immediately."

Jimmy slammed the chalk down and turned to the teacher.

"If you didn't want me to solve it to 27 points, then why did you ask? You already have my records. You knew how smart I was already. All your interested in is getting a pay check and caning boys."

Holy fuck, this was part of Jimmy I had never seen.

"That just cost you three strokes for insolence and three more for disrupting the class."

"Fuck you Sir."

I thought the teacher was going to have a heart attack.

"Gary, Brian, help James up here and pull his pants down."

Gary stood up.

"Not a chance Sir. I do that and Jeremy will kill me."

"Me neither Sir." Brian said.

"I'll have you expelled for this insolence." He said and stormed out of the classroom.

Jimmy walked to me and I hugged him. Not a single person said a word.

The classroom just turned into a gab fest, with everyone talking. Jimmy leaned close to me.

"I really could use you inside me Jer." I heard a snort from behind me.

I guess it was pretty common knowledge that Jimmy was my boyfriend.

I turned to the guy beside me. Our desks were pretty close together. He had his head down and looked scared. When I looked down I could see his cock outlined in his pants. I leaned over to him. I grabbed his dick.

"Meet me in the basement washrooms after class and I'll take care of this for you."

"Okay." He whispered.

When I turned back Jimmy whispered.

"If your going to suck him off I want to be there too."

"Not a chance love. The only guy I want caning your sweet butt is me."

"You promise you will Jeremy?"

"Yeah love, I'll do anything you want always."


All of a sudden the class went quiet. You could have heard a pin drop. When I looked up the Dean was standing in the door.

"Jeremy." He said.

"Yes Sir."

"Take over the class until the end of the period and then come to my office."

"Yes Sir." He was gone.

Now what do I do? I had never taught guys before. I got up and walked to the head of the class. I turned and looked. Everyone was looking at me. I think I turned a bright shade of red.

"Look guys, I know you got to be pretty smart to be in advanced Math. If anyone is having problems just ask I promise I won't bite unless you want me too."

That got a lot of laughs. It also loosened everyone up.

"Jeremy, I know the first problem is easy, but this second one is driving me nuts."

"Okay, Sam." I walked to his desk. I saw Jimmy helping some one and Steven too.

After helping Sam and another guy, I figured everyone was having the same problem. How to relate apples to oranges? I walked back to the front.

"Okay guys. You all seemed stumped on the same question. I'll explain how to do it."

I went to the board and wrote out the equation. Then explained each step in solving it. When I was done.

"Oh fuck. That's easy Jeremy. Thank you." Sam said.

"Yeah Jer. Thanks. You're a lot better than that old fart." Brian said.

I think I turned redder at his statement. Then the bell rang.

Everyone rushed out. Steven and Jimmy came up to the desk.

"You are a real good teacher Jer." Steven said. Yeah right." I laughed.

"Steven I want you to meet Sam in the basement washrooms and give him a blow job."

"Oh yeah Jer for sure."

"Jimmy, I want you to go directly to your next class. Don't follow Steven. Promise love."

"I promise Jeremy." He looked at me with those deep blue eyes.

I gave him a quick kiss, slapped both on the ass and headed for the Deans office.

I figured Sam was another fag like us. He wasn't a great looking, but had a nice cock. I was sure Steven would love to suck him off.

"You can go right in Jeremy." His secretary said.

"Hello Jeremy." The Dean said.

He got up from his desk and walked to a fridge. He pulled out two cokes and popped the tops off. He handed me one.

"Come and sit down Jeremy. I want to talk to you."

"Sir I got classes."

"Forget your classes Jeremy. I have already covered you for the rest of the day."

"I don't understand Sir. Why?"

"Jeremy, you are a natural. Your one of the best teachers I have ever seen. Your only 17 and yet you had that class eating out of your hand and they learned something. In just 30 minutes you taught them how to think things through. If you haven't already decided, you'd make an awesome teacher."

"I didn't do anything Sir. I just told them how to solve the problems."

"That's right. You told them how to solve the problem. But more importantly you showed them that all problems have a solution if they just think. That makes you a very good Teacher Jeremy."

"Now I have another problem. I fired Haddock for leaving his class. That leaves high math without a teacher."

I just knew then what he was going to ask. Before I could say anything, he did.

"Jeremy, you will teach High Math to grade 10, 11 and 12 until I can hire a new teacher. I know of several that would jump at the chance to teach here. The problem is it will be a while before they can get here."

I knew I didn't really have a choice.

"Okay Sir." I said.

"Good Jer. Your next class is juniors just before lunch and after you have a senior's class right after lunch. I'm sure you will do fine."

"Now I have another problem."

"Yes Sir."

"I told you this morning that 3 boys that wanted to move in with you. Well now there are seven. At this rate you might have half the school wanting to live with you. There is no way I can renovate a room for ten. What I think I am going to do is something that is done in Japan and India."

"I'm going to renovate one of the old barracks in the South wing. There won't be beds in it, just thick pads for boys to sleep on. The pads will not be fixed in place so you can move them as you like. Screens will also be installed so you can if you wish have some privacy. There will be open showers and complete bathroom facilities."

"When its done, I'll move all of you there."

My mind boggled at the possibilities. Wow having so many guys all like me would be fantastic.

"Okay Sir. What about my other classes?"

"Sorry to say, but you will have to keep them up. Smart as you are Jeremy you should have no problem."

"Jeremy, Mark Cohen is chairman of the Board of Governor's. He told me to give you anything you wanted. He also mentioned a few other boys. I'm paid by Mark Cohen so I know which side my bread is buttered on."

I giggled.

"Sorry Sir." I said.

"Don't be Jeremy. Is there anything you want?'

"Can you get rid of all the bugs?"

"Bugs? You mean the rooms are infested with vermin?"

"No Sir. I mean I know the old dean had our rooms bugged some how. I don't want them anywhere in the school." "Okay I know what you mean and yes all will be removed. After you win State for the School, we will have a big bon fire. All the late Deans records will be destroyed."

He just confirmed what I thought happened to the late Dean. I never wanted to piss my Uncle Mark off for any reason.

"Thank you Sir."

"Jeremy, I wish I was thirty years younger. I could have fallen for you so easy. I see how Jimmy and Steven look at you. I even have seen how other boys look at you. I envy you so much."

"I'll suck you off Sir or you can fuck me."

The Dean laughed out loud. He got up and called his secretary in.

"Jock, Jeremy just offered to suck me off or have me fuck him. What do you think?"

"You do that and I'll cut your nuts off and his."

I watched as they went into a lip lock. I saw the same things in Their eyes as I saw in Jimmy's.

"I'm sorry Sir." I hung my head and cried.

"Don't be sorry Jeremy. I'm very flattered you asked me. Now I think you should prepare for your first class. See you at lunch."

Why do I always get pulled to do this stuff? Steven or Jimmy was smarter than me. The first class went off okay and I only had a little bit of problem with the seniors. That ended when one of the guys that had fucked me told the rest to cool it. I figured I'd let him fuck me again.

Well I did five more guys from the Football team on Wednesday night and six more on Thursday. None came anywhere near as big as Mark. I really wanted him again. I used the bucket like Mark had that first time and when everyone left I just drank it. It was mostly cumm. I was just finishing the shower on Thursday when Sam walked in.

"Jeremy, can I talk to you?"

"Just talk Sam?" I laughed.

"Well yeah." I walked out and sat down on the bench as I dried myself. Sam had a pretty hard cock in his pants.

"So you want me to suck you again Sam? I will if you want."

"Well maybe after. Jeremy I'm so worried my Dad will find out about me. He's the Boss of the State Police. He'd kill me if he found out I liked guys."

"Nobody will find out Sam unless you tell him."

"Well there are two boys in the Junior Classes that say they are going to ask their Dads to move them to another school coz of all the fags in this one. If they tell there Dad about me, my Dad might find out." Sam was almost in tears.

I pulled him down on the bench and hugged him.

"Well I'll talk to them Sam."

"That won't do any good. They think you're the biggest fag of us all."

"Well I'm not big. You're bigger than I am." I giggled.

He had PT shorts on, so I reached over and grabbed his cock. "Don't Jer, I'll cumm in my pants."

"Well take them off. I'll suck you off."

He stood up and pushed his shorts down. Walked close to me and just shoved his cock in my mouth. He held my head as he fucked my mouth. Wow, he was real aggressive. I wondered if he was this aggressive when he fucked too. Might be fun to find out. He came pretty quick and was pretty sweet too.

"Nice Sam. I like it like that. You want to fuck me sometime?"

"Yeah Jeremy. But what am I going to do about those boys?"

"I'll see what I can do Sam. Don't want to lose a nice cock like that." I laughed.

He left and I got dressed and headed up to our suite.

Well the weekend was great. I won a Gold medal in swimming. Jimmy won Gold in Diving and Steven took Silver. Norval and Red both got Bronze medals. We had enough points to win the Trophy. It was great to hear everyone from our school cheering.

I had a chance to talk to Mark again before the big Game the next weekend. I told him if we won the State Title, he could fuck me all night. We won the Semi with no problem and Jerome came out to the house after the game. Uncle Mark put him, Norval and Red in the playroom. Jimmy and I had three guys Saturday night. One guy only used Jimmy as his toilet boy, but fucked me almost continuously for the two hours he was there. The other two guys fucked us both and watched as Jimmy and I sucked each other off. Really weird.

The whole School went to the State Finals. I wish I could say we won, but we got beat by three points. It was a great game. I was on my way to the weight room to meet Mark, when the football Coach called me into his office. He locked the door and turned to me.

"You let the whole team fuck you Jeremy, but never asked me."

"Well guys say you like to whip boys before you fuck them. I don't like that kind of pain Coach."

He dragged me to his desk, almost ripped my shorts off and pushed me face down on his desk. He then just hammered his cock into me. Fuck it hurt when he went in, but felt good. He fucked me for almost an hour before he came. He just pulled out.

"Get the fuck out of here Jeremy."

Well Christmas went really good. Jimmy and I got to fuck and get fucked by lots of guys. Everybody including Jerome got lots of cash over the Holidays. It was about mid January and I was heading for my favorite place above the old weight room when I called to the Main Door. Uncle Mark was waiting.

"Come on Jeremy." He just walked outside.

I think my cock and balls just shriveled up when I stepped outside. It had to 20 below zero out. At least inside his car was warm. Eddy just drove off as soon as I was inside.

Uncle Mark turned on the inside light and handed me a small mason jar. I couldn't tell really what was inside.

"Those are your swimming coaches balls. He won't be raping anymore little boys." I heard Eddy laugh.

I didn't say anything, just looked at them. They didn't look like any balls I had seen. Mark took the jar back and sat back on the seat. I just snuggled up close to him.

It was dark out so I couldn't see where we were going. Finally Eddy stopped and Mark rolled the window down. We were at Pontiac Lake. I could see Uncle Marks house about 500 yards away across the smooth water.

"Jeremy, you said you'd do anything I asked you too."

"Of course Uncle Mark. I'll always do everything you want no matter what it is."

"Good. Before I tell you anymore of what's going to be happening at the School I want you to do something. Then I will know you will always do exactly as I ask anytime."


"I want you to undress, get out of the car and swim across to my house. I'll be there waiting for you."

I knew I was crying as I undressed. I guess Uncle Mark didn't want me around anymore. That hurt so much. I knew I would freeze to death before I got even half way. As I went to open the door, Uncle Mark stopped me.

"Forget it Jeremy. There's no way I'd lose the boy I love best."

I just buried my head in his chest and cried.

"To the house Eddy." I heard him say.

He let me dress and we went inside and into the Library. He got me a beer. I wasn't sure I should drink it, it was a school night. "Go ahead Jeremy. You won't be going back to school until next Monday."

"You and Harold can sleep together. John is no longer with us."

I never said anything. I knew Uncle Mark moved boys around all the time.

"There will be a couple of Black boys coming from the Plantation this week. You and Harold can break them in."

"You mean, they never done stuff before?"


"Oh Wow."

"They have sucked cocks and wanted to come here even after I told them what would happen when they got here."

"Jeremy, there are going to be some really big changes to Excelsior School."

"But before we get into that, I have a surprise for you."

Then my Dad walked into the Library. I was out of the Chair like a shot.

"DAD!" I yelled and was in his arms.

WE hugged each other.

"How are you Jer? Boy have you grown since the last time I saw you."

"I'm fine Dad."

"Jeremy, come over here." Uncle Mark said.

I let go of my dad and walked to Uncle Mark.

"Jeremy go over and suck your Father off." Uncle Mark said.

When I looked back at my Dad he had his pants around his ankles and was sitting in a chair. I just walked over kneeled and started to suck him.

"Oh yes boy. You're a real good cocksucker. I knew you were a fag along time ago. I should have had you doing this long before now. Yeah boy you are a good little cocksucker. Bet your ass is nice to fuck too. Too bad I like black boy asses or I might just screw your little butt."

"Now get ready boy." He shot his cumm into my throat. I just swallowed.

"Now get over there and sit at the feet of your Master Jeremy."

When I sat down, I didn't know what I felt. Mark rubbed my head. My Dad got up, pulled up his pants, grabbed a drink from the bar and sat down again.

"If Mark has not told you yet, you are no more than a cock loving boy toy from now on Jeremy. You will do exactly what any of our customers ask you to do. As far as I'm concerned you're just a slave to our wants."

My Dad finished his drink and stood up.

"Thanks for the Blow Job Mark." He just walked out.

My Dad still hated me and probably more now. I started to cry.

"Go sit on the couch Jeremy and finish your beer."

"Yes Master."

"I'm still just Uncle Mark to you Jeremy." I went over, sat down and finished my beer. I knew there was more coming from Uncle Mark, I just didn't know what. Harold came in and sat down beside me. He put his arm over my shoulder. I just moved closer to him.

Mark got up and got three beers. He set two down in front of us and then sat.

"Harold, you and Jeremy can sleep together while he's here this week."

"Thank you Master." Harold said.

"Jeremy the students, presently at the school will be allowed to graduate and do anything they wish. I know Norval and Red want to stay here. I'm sure you, Jimmy and Steven want the same thing. I also know there will be others. However, except for you Jimmy and Steven all that come here will be slaves to anything we want."

"Yes Sir."

"Jeremy, you are now Number one boy here. That means you can chose who you sleep with and what you wish to do. You will also pick the assignments for any other boy here."

"Starting next year all students will be in the same kind of Dorm that the Dean is now setting up for you. The difference is that all the new students that start in grade ten will be either Gay or owned by the company. Those that are owned don't know what is going to happen to them. Those that are gay will probably be hoping for what happens to them. You, Jimmy and Steven will be in charge of all grade 10 students."

Each starting class will be about 100 boys."

I'll go over everything later."

"Jeremy, you, Jimmy and Steven I want to pass the Grade 12 exams this year."

That made me open my eyes.

"You three are smart enough, so I'm sure you won't have a problem."

"I think you know all the old teachers will be replaced at the end of this year. Some the same way as the Dean and Swimming Coach."

Well that confirmed what I thought happened to the Dean. I wondered if the old Dean had lost his nuts too. It made me smile.

"You look happy Jeremy."

"Sorry Uncle Mark. I was thinking of something else."


"Well I pretty much knew what happened to the old Dean, but you just confirmed it. I was just hoping he lost his nuts too."

Mark laughed.

"Probably his cock too Jeremy. Sam can be real sadist some times."

That confirmed who Sam was too. I didn't smile. I also knew now Uncle Mark would never let me leave him. He was telling me too many things that could get him hanged.

"I know what you are thinking and you are correct. I would never let you leave me alive. That goes for any boy that comes out here. Some like Norval and Red will go on to bigger and better things, but any boy who outlives his usefulness will end up the same way as the coach."

I got up and went and hugged Uncle Mark. He looked real surprised.

"And that was for?"

"Coz I know now I will always be here. Your way better than my Dad was or is."

"Thank you Jeremy. That was very nice thing to say." He hugged me.

"Now its late. We'll talk more tomorrow. You two can use your regular room Jeremy. Sleep well guys." He laughed.

We both gave Uncle Mark a kiss.

We were kissing as soon as we got in the room. Soon after that we were nude on the bed. Harold had such a great body. So smooth. I loved his big cock too with its long foreskin. I'd never done his shit, but was determined to do it tonight.

"Harold, I want to fuck you and then I want your shit and piss. After I want to sleep with your dick in my mouth."

"Okay but you got to let me do the same."

Well I loved to fuck Harold. His insides were so smooth and it felt real nice. His muscles always massaged my dick too. Made me blow big loads. After I pulled out he sucked my cock clean and then fucked me. He was way bigger than me but it always felt good. After he came I cleaned him we went in the bathroom.

He had a real thick piece of shit first, almost like his cock. I had no problem eating it. I ran my tongue over his hole and he gave me two more little pieces. He also had a big load of real salty piss. After I did him he did me and then we showered. We were both hard so we just sucked each other. I got another load of his cumm and later I woke up as he was fucking my face. I started fuck his too. Man it was so nice to sleep with is cock in my mouth. We pissed in each others mouth in the morning and we took a big dump before showering and cleaning each other out. Boy I hoped every night was like the last one.

I ate a real big breakfast. Mark and Eddy just talked about normal stuff. After breakfast Mark looked at me. I got an idea how my week here was going to go.

"Eddy, I want you to take Jeremy downstairs. Give him twenty with the barbers strap. Tomorrow you can add five and each day following. Also Friday you can start on some of the other toys. Might as well get him used to what he will be ordering boys to do."

"Yes Sir." Eddy smiled.

"Jeremy, you come and see me when Eddy's done. Harold you can just do your usual duties."

"Yes Master." Harold said.

Eddy took me down to the basement. I had never been down there. I saw all kinds of torture machines. Even racks and cross beams. I saw a brazier over on one side with all kinds of pokers and stuff. It wasn't on, but I wondered if it was used.

"Some of this stuff is only for show Jeremy. Now undress. Shoes and socks too."

I just undressed. It was real cool down here and I shivered.

Eddy took me over to a rack. He spread my legs real wide and put cuffs on my ankles. He forced me lay over the rack and tied my hands to ropes. Then he turned and wheel and stretched me tight on the rack.

"Sorry Jeremy, just following orders. No hard feelings I hope." Eddy said.

Well I had been whipped by Uncle Mark's brother and even the coach. I had even been caned by the old Dean, but nothing prepared for what came next. I was crying after the first strap on my ass and screaming after the next. I screamed myself hoarse. I thought it would never end.

Eddy released me. My ass felt like it was on fire. He didn't give me anything for it either.

"Get dressed Jeremy and go to Marks Den."

"Yes Sir."

"Sit down Jeremy." Uncle Mark said as I walked in.

Well I had a lot of trouble sitting. My ass hurt so much.

"You'll get used to it Jeremy." Was all Uncle Mark said?

I just sat on the coach squirming. Trying to get the best position so my butt didn't hurt so much. Uncle Mark just ignored me as I sat.

He made a phone call and talked a long time. He even yelled a couple of times. After he was done he sat back and just looked at me. There was no expression on his face. I wondered what I had done wrong now.

"Okay, I'll fill you in a little more on what's coming for the School. You wanted all the bugs removed? Well most will be, but some like in the First year dorms will not. Also most of the washrooms and showers will be bugged."

"The new dorm for first year students will be in the basement. It will also be locked at night. As I said some of the boys coming here don't know what they will be forced to do. There will be only one criteria from now on for students coming here. All will be either Gay already or Slaves to the company. I also said you, Jimmy and Steven would be in charge. I've changed my mind about that too. Eddy and I talked about and decided we needed someone a little bit bigger than you three to control those 100 boys. I'll bring one of the Foremen from the Plantation. They already know how to control unruly or uncooperative boys."

"Now, something else was brought to my attention this morning. The Dean called me and told me that two boys in the junior class want a transfer out of the school. They said there was too many faggots in Excelsior."

They must be the two boys Sam had told me about.

"Those boys will get their transfer, but it won't be to another school. It will be to here. They say you cant make a Straight boy Gay. Well we are going to find out. You and Harold can fuck them the first night they are here. I have a special room just for doing that to uncooperative boys. Now I don't care weather they learn to like it or not. They might even try to kill themselves and that doesn't matter to me either and apparently doesn't matter to their Father."

"Their Father is a Gangster. Not so much here in New York, but mostly Miami and other Southern cities. He's into Prostitution and Gambling. After I told him I wanted both boys he agreed. I also said if he didn't the FBI would know everything about his operation within a week."

Holy fuck. The more I found out about Uncle Mark the bigger hole I was getting myself into. I had forgotten all about my sore ass.

"Jeremy, I'm going to enroll you Jimmy and Steven in University."

"I want you to take economics, Steven Law and Jimmy can choose what he wants. I'll pay your tuition and make sure you boys have a comfortable off campus house." "When you guys graduate you'll all have jobs with my company."

"Okay Uncle Mark." I said.

"You're very quick to agree to let me run your whole life Jeremy."

"Uncle Mark you already know I'll do anything you ask."

He laughed.

"Speaking of transfers, All straight boys now at the school will be moved for their next year. That will only leave Gay boys at the school."

Now that was great. I could have any boy I wanted then.

"Got you smiling at that Jeremy?' I think I turned redder than my butt.

"Well lets go get a cup of coffee and then I'll give you complete tour of this place."

When we got to the kitchen Eddy was already there. Harold had on this what looked like a skirt, but one with no sides. It just covered his dick and balls in front and his bubble butt in back. I got instantly hard.

"You like the new uniforms for all the boys that come out here?" Mark asked.

"Yeah they look real hot and hardly cover anything."

"Mark, the Judge is on his way here."

"Really? I thought he wasn't coming out until the weekend."

"Well he said he had lots of things to over with you, so took a few extra days off." "Okay. Jeremy change of plans. You will sleep with my Brother when he is here."

"Okay Uncle." I knew who he was and what he liked. Looks like my ass was going to get more straps at night too. Wondered if I was still going to get them in the morning.

"You'll still get your usual workout in the basement in the morning Jeremy." Uncle Mark said.

That answered that question.

"Okay, come along Jeremy."

Uncle Mark showed me everything. I had never been on the third floor. It had bedrooms like on the second. This place could have twenty or more guys here. He also took me into the west wing on the second floor. One room looked like a photography Studio. Two others had lots of file cabinets. The last room was the weirdest. When the door closed behind us it closed with a solid thunk. All that was in the room was two weird looking chairs.

"This is where you will bring those two kike boys and the negroes. Get undressed and I'll show how you the chair works."

I sat in the chair and Uncle Mark strapped me in. There were straps that held your waist, arms and legs. The one for your legs had stirrups for your feet. Once I was strapped down tightly I couldn't move. Uncle Mark then cranked up the Stirrups. It pulled your feet up and forced your legs farther apart. It left your butt sticking almost straight up.

"Now you can adjust the height so its perfect for entry of your cock into the ass." He did just that.

He dropped his pants and underwear, moved forward and rammed his cock into my ass. I screamed coz he never used any lube. After he was inside me it felt good. He fucked me for about thirty minutes before pulling out.

"You can suck me off when I let you go."

"This room is sound proof, so no one outside it will hear anything. Several of these chairs will be installed at the school too. If you don't want to hear them scream, you can gag them too."

He unstrapped me and then I sucked him off.

"Get dressed Jeremy."

I looked over the chair. Wow this would be perfect.

"Come on lets go back to my office."

Boy I felt good. Uncle Mark had fucked me and I got to suck him off too. That's all I dreamed about sometimes.

"Jeremy, Norval and Red are arranging to bring three new boys out for the weekend." He handed me the list.

Well I knew who Peter Townsend was, but not Andy Maryweather. The last name was Mark, the big center on the team.

"Uncle Mark, I told Mark no one would find out about him. He was worried he'd lose his scholarship to Notre Dame."

"I know Jeremy, but you need not worry. I promised him no one would find out about him and that I would make sure he never had to worry about money. I'd even make sure he had off campus apartment to live. Mark didn't come to the school because his family had money. He came here because he was a real good Football Player. It also helps that he is pretty smart too. He wants to be a teacher later after football. I told him he would have a spot on Staff at the school."


"Jeremy, he will be your enforcer while your out here. He's big enough to handle any unruly customers or boys. He'll also get paid real well."

"Now speaking of money. You remember when you and Norval said you two would sell your bodies?"


"Well in reality you did not make any money. All that money I told you about went into one of my accounts. Norval knew what I was doing all along. Nor have any guys made any money while they have come here. Your Father was right. Any boy that comes out here is nothing more than a Slave to the Company."

"Boy. Was Norval sneaky." I giggled.

"Your not mad at Norval?"

"Of course not Uncle. He was the first boy I really loved. He also got me to meet another I now love very much. Besides I was doing what I wanted to do. I never really had any money to spend. My Dad has lots, but he very seldom gave me any."

"You're a strange young man Jeremy."

"Why Uncle? I love to get fucked. I love to suck. I don't mind being a toilet for the customers anymore. I got you. I got Jimmy. I don't need money."

"Okay. Here is a skirt like Harold had on. You can wear it for the rest of the week too."

"Oh thank you Uncle. I really like them."

I quickly changed right in front of Uncle Mark.

"Damn you look real good in them too Jeremy."

"Maybe you should make them the new uniform at the school." I giggled.

He looked at me for a long time before he answered.

"You might be right Jeremy."

I was thinking about how easy it would to suck or fuck someone and I got hard. The front of the skirt tented.

"You like that idea?" he laughed and I turned red.

"You are one very horny boy Jeremy. I'm not sure I should let you loose in an all Gay boy School." He laughed again.

While we were eating lunch, Mark told Eddy about my idea.

"Great plan Mark. Sure save money on uniforms. Maybe bare foot too."

"I don't think that would work Eddy. Maybe some kind of sandal." I said.

"Well I'm sure Douglas would love another contract for his textile factory."

That made me wonder just how many partners Uncle Mark had.

"I know what you are thinking Jeremy. After lunch I will show the Membership list for the Corporation. But if say even one word, I'll do what the old Dean threatened. I'll shove a baseball bat so far up your ass you will be choking on it."

"Yes Sir."


Next: Chapter 7

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