Mark Cohen

Published on Oct 6, 2012


Mark Cohen

Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with BDSM, CBT, Water Sports, Scat, Anal and Oran sex between consenting and non consenting men. All names are also fiction. All places and or events never happened. If you are under 18 or it is illegal to read this story in your State or Province, you should leave this site now.

Chapter 5

I woke up when I felt Jimmy crying.

"You okay Baby?"

"It hurts Jeremy."

"Okay, I'll get the Doctor." I started to get out of bed.

Eddy came into the bedroom.

"Sorry guys. Forgot to give you these." He set a small bottle on the bedside table.

He sat down by Jimmy and helped him sit up. He handed him some pills and a glass of water.

"Just take them Jimmy. They'll help with the pain."

Jimmy took the two pills and then laid back down. I snuggled up next to him. He just rolled and spooned himself in tight to my side. The pill really took hold fast. I felt him relax and was soon sleeping. I just looked at his peaceful face. Giving him a light kiss just relaxed beside him. Sleep came easy.

I woke up instantly when I felt Jimmy moving.

"You okay Love? Does it hurt?"

"Only a little, but I really need to pee."

"I'll do that love." I peeled back the covers and turned around. I quickly took Jimmy's cock in my mouth.

Boy did he ever need to pee. I almost couldn't swallow fast enough.

Drinking his reminded me that I had to go. As I started to get up, Jimmy stopped me.

"I'll do it Jeremy." He took my cock into his mouth. My body just took over and I felt him swallowing.

He continued to suck me after he had drained and I got hard almost instantly. I turned and took his hard spike into my mouth. I really loved his cock. I could suck it forever. Well he didn't take too long. I felt his cock throb in my mouth and four sweet shots of his cumm filled my mouth. For such a small set of balls he sure had a big load. His sweet load set me off. I shot into his mouth and I heard him moan. After we were both done I turned around and kissed him. We went into a real lip lock and I felt his tongue inside my mouth. We necked for a while and then just leaned back.

"I love you so much Jeremy."

"I love you too Baby."

I think our stomachs growled together. I remembered we hadn't even had supper the night before.

"I'll go see if I can get us some breakfast."

Well Eddy must have been a mind reader. The door opened and Steven came in followed by Eddy, pushing a cart. Steven gave us both a kiss and then helped us sit up. Eddy put a tray in front of us.

"How you feeling this morning Son?" He asked Jimmy.


Eddy sat down. Steven sat beside him. Seeing the large cock in Eddy's pants made Jimmy speak up.

"Your really big Eddy." Jimmy said.

"He tastes good too." Steven giggled.

Eddy looked at Steven, then ruffled his hair.

"You taste good too Steven." Eddy smiled.

From the way they looked at each other, I figured they were in love. I was real happy for Steven.

The breakfast was real good.

Eddy picked up the trays, but seemed in no hurry to leave.

"I have a few instructions from the Doctor. After your breakfast settles, you need to give Jimmy a warm shower. Now I know and Doctor knew too that it might hurt a bit, but you need to clean him out inside too. If it hurts real bad, you can take a couple of those pills, but try not to take too many. They could become habit forming. I have some salve the doctor gave me to coat you inside Jimmy. Jeremy can do that. Both you boys can stay here all day. You should be feeling much better by tomorrow."

"Mark told both Steven and I to do anything you boys want."

I saw a smile on Jimmy's face and knew what he was thinking. Actually I was probably thinking almost same thing. About an hour later, I helped Jimmy into the bathroom.

"Okay love, I'm going to help you get clean inside, before we shower."

Eddy got the hose ready, made sure the water was not too hot or cold. He put some lube on the small nozzle and handed it to me.

"Okay baby, I need you to lean over."

I looked at his hole and it looked normal. No swelling or anything. I was tempted to rim him, but instead brought up the hose.

"You tell me if it hurts Love." Jimmy nodded.

He never even grunted when I put the hose inside. I turned on the water.

"That feels weird." He said.

He only grimaced when he shit the water out. I did twice more before we climbed into shower. I washed him and then he washed me. We were both hard when we climbed out Eddy handed us towels. We walked out nude into the bedroom. After I put some salve in his hole we just sat back on the bed.

"That feels nice now Jeremy. No pain at all."

"I'm glad love." We sat and talked about the guys last night. Harold had loved the guy that I hated. He even said he got the guy to shower once. John and Norval did about six guys each. Steven said he did ten, then had Eddy to sleep with.

"Wow! Your one horny boy Steven." Jimmy laughed.

"Well I made lots of money." Steven said.

"Can I see how big you are Eddy?" Jimmy asked.

Eddy laughed and stood up. He walked close to Jimmy and lowered his pants. Eddy was soft, but still had about eight inches, with a long foreskin. Jimmy just reached out and put his hand around it.

"Boy are you big. I could never have you in back."

Jimmy was still jacking Eddy's cock slowly and I watched it get hard. Hard Eddy had over ten inches and as thick as a beer bottle.

"Holy, holy that's big." Jimmy said.

I watched as a large bead of precumm slipped from Eddy's pee hole. I just knew what Jimmy was going to do. He leaned over and licked Eddy's cock head. Eddy almost as if on automatic pushed his cock forward and about two inches went into Jimmy's mouth. Jimmy moaned and Eddy stepped back.

"Please, I want to suck you off." Jimmy said.

I'm really too big for you Jimmy. I don't want to hurt you son."

"Please." Jimmy said again.

"I'll tell you what. Steven can get me close and then you can suck me. Okay?"

"Okay." I couldn't believe how fast Steven got on Eddy's cock. What got me even more was Steven took almost eight inches into his mouth. It must almost be in his stomach.

Eddy lasted quite a while, then pushed Steven off and pushed the head of his cock into Jimmy's mouth. He held his head as started to blow. Jimmy's eyes got real big and I could see him swallowing real fast. Eddy had so much some came out of Jimmy's nose and around his lips. Eddy finally pulled off and rammed his cock back into Steven's mouth. Jimmy licked his lips and smiled. I leaned over and kissed him and tasted some of Eddy. I then licked Jimmy's face clean. His word made me move fast.

"Wow. I'm going to cumm."

I was on his cock instantly. He blew another big sweet load.

I was as horny as him and as I finished him, I grabbed his head and pulled him onto my cock. He looked surprised but went at like a boy starved. He got another pretty big load from me. He sat back with a big smile on his face.

"Won't need any lunch now." He giggled.

We watched as Eddy sucked off Steven.

We were just sitting nude when Uncle Mark walked in.

"Well it looks like your all having fun." He laughed.

"Hi Uncle Mark."

"How are you this morning Jimmy?" "I'm okay Uncle Mark."

"Steven, Eddy told me how you feel about him and he has told me how he feels about you. I am happy for you both, but you have to remember why you are here at the house."

"Oh sure Uncle Mark. I like doing anything you want."


"Jeremy, I know you boys are going to Buffalo next weekend for the State Finals. Any boys that don't have transportation can come with me. I'll be there to watch you guys.

Now I knew I had to win. I wanted nothing more than to please Uncle Mark.

"That's great Uncle." I said.

"You two won't be used this weekend. Got to get you healed up for your diving Final Jimmy."

"Now, starting in two weeks, Jimmy you are now part of my stable of boys. You will be paired with Jeremy, but you also have to able to service anyone you two have together. That means some of the guys who use you could be as big as the Coach or even bigger. I suggest, after you have completely healed you get some of the bigger boys that are willing to use you. Now come over here and suck me off."

"Yes Sir." Jimmy was on his knees in front of Uncle Mark very quickly.

Jimmy was pretty good cocksucker and made Uncle Mark pretty happy. Watching his cute ass move around as he sucked made me know what I wanted, but knew I would have to wait.

"That was very good Jimmy." Uncle Mark said as he pulled up his pants.

"You taste good Uncle." Jimmy giggled.

Eddy drove us back to the school after dinner on Sunday. We all trooped up to our suite. We sat and talked.

"Boy Jer, you never want to have the football coach. My ass is still sore from Friday night." Norval laughed.

"I got some cream left over from Friday. It'll make it feel better."

"I thought you were off all weekend."

"Well, Uncle Marks brother was out and Uncle Mark asked me do him while Jimmy had his operation. You know I'd do anything for Uncle Mark, so I said yes. He even sucked me off. But he likes to whip boys before he fucks them and he uses a real thick belt. After he gave me some cream for my butt. It really works."

"Its okay now Jer, but thanks."

"How are you Jimmy?" Red asked.

"I'm okay, but got to wait a few days before I can have anyone in my butt. Uncle Mark said I should get all of you to fuck me before I have to go back."

"You going to be okay with that Jer?"

"As long as I'm first." I laughed and hugged Jimmy.

"Eddy and I are boyfriends now." Steven said.

That was a shock to both Norval and Red. "Wow! That's cool." Red said.

"I still got to do customers, but I get to sleep with him when I'm done. I can even take all of him both ways now. It sure feels good."

"Jeremy and I are paired. I'm not sure what means, but Jer and I will always be together." Jimmy smiled.

"What that means Jimmy is that some guys like two boys at once. Lots of others like real young boys and you two look real young."


"You'll make lots of dough too." Steven said.

"Well Jeremy can have all my money." Jimmy said.

"No way Baby. We share."

"Wow! You too are really in love."

"Yeah but I still want to suck all of you and you can fuck me too when I'm better."

I was about to say something when someone knocked at the door.

Norval got up to answer it. He was only wearing tight white underwear.

A man walked in none of us had ever seen before.

"Hello boys, I was told you were back. I'm Nathan Smyth, the new Dean."

I think all our mouths fell open when he said that.

"What happened to Dean Jericho?" Norval asked. "I have no idea. I was contacted by the Board of Governors of the School and asked to come here and take over. Now you boys can stay here in this suite until the renovations are done on the third floor. Then you'll have a room there. I'll be taking over this suite as my own. The other Dean never lived at the School. That changes as of today. There will be other changes but you all, as well as the other students will find out at assembly tomorrow. Have good night boys. See you at Breakfast."

He was gone.

"I wonder what happened to the old Dean?" Red said.

I had a pretty good idea but never said a word.

"Well I guess we should go to bed. If the new Dean is going to be at breakfast we definitely don't want to be late." Norval said.

Everyone got ready for bed. I headed for the bathroom. After Norval, Jimmy and Steven had taken a dump in my mouth I really had to puke. After I finished and was getting ready to do Steven, Red walked into the bathroom. He just squatted over Steven and went. That really surprised me. Red had said he wanted no part of what we were doing. When I went to sit down on the toilet, Jimmy said he'd do it for me.

"I want to do everything for you Jeremy." His big blue eyes just bored into my soul.

"Okay Babe."

We took turns showering and then climbed into bed. Steven slept with Jimmy and me. That was okay. I loved Steven too.

Norval as usual woke us in the morning. He was really our mother hen.

I put some cream inside Jimmy's butt before he dressed. "I really want more than your finger in me Jeremy."

"Well lets give it a couple of more days love. You can still do me."

"Well later if we have time." He giggled.

The New Dean was at breakfast. We sat our usual table and were soon joined by Jerome and Mike. We congratulated them on their victory on Saturday. It put them in the semi finals.

Jerome was happy they had won, but I knew he was unhappy about missing out on going to Uncle Marks. I'd figure something out. We were almost done breakfast when the new Dean stood up and called for quiet.

"My name is Mr. Smyth. But all of you boys can call me by my first name Sir."

That got a lot of laughs.

"Directly after breakfast I want everyone in the auditorium where I will tell you some of the changes here at Excelsior Academy. Enjoy your breakfast."

The assembly lasted almost two hours. Some of things he said scared me a bit. I wasn't sure how I would react to have my ass smacked with a cane in front of the entire class. Other things he said was welcomed by most students. He also cancelled the entire day. Letting everyone off to do as they wanted. With the pool now open to be used and gym, it gave everyone something they could do. I knew what I wanted. I invited Jerome up to our suite after lunch. Myself, Jimmy and Steven were expected in his office right after Assembly.

We were ushered into his office by his secretary. He was sitting behind his desk with a big pile of files.

"Jeremy Simpson, Steven Carnegie, James Douglas." We all said Yes Sir in turn.

"You three boys are without a doubt the most intelligent boys in this Academy. Bearing that in mind, all three of you can advance at your own speed. James, I see you are taking grade ten History, Language Arts and Spanish at the grade ten level, but taking Math, Science and English at the grade eleven level. Effective today you will do all grade eleven subjects. If you have problems, I'm sure Jeremy or Steven can help you. Effective today you are now in Grade eleven."

I saw tears in Jimmy's eyes. He turned and hugged me. I wasn't sure of the Deans reaction. I hugged him back.

"Well that answers my next question." He said.

"I know, for want of a better word you Jeremy and Jimmy are partners. I also know you have someone you love very much Steven. To set your mind at ease, I am also Gay and my partner for life is my Secretary. I also know all the boys in this school that are either Gay or Bi-Sexual. You might be surprised how many there really are. I have found that in all boys schools both here in America and in England, that more boys tend to turn out either Bi or Queer than the other way. Some of that of course is upbringing, but most can be attributed to the fact that all boys here or other all boys schools come from very rich families."

"I and the Board of Governors, don't care what lifestyle you are. All we care about is both your academic standings and your welfare as a student. So if you want to fuck your partner Jeremy and he wants to fuck you I don't care and no one else does either."

Wow, I thought that was different.

"Lastly. The Academy will be closed for the State Championships. Every student that wants to go will be supplied transportation and accommodations for all four days. Jeremy I'm told you're the fastest swimmer in the school and James, you and Steven are the best divers. I'm sure every student will want to cheer you three. Make us proud boys, make us proud."

"You three are dismissed. Tell my secretary to send in the next boy."

"Yes Sir."

I was real happy bout some of the things the Dean had said. We were all just walking back almost hugging each other. I guess the Deans speech about derogatory comments worked. All the students we met never said a word about us. Some even smiled and said hi. I really began to wonder who was a fag and who was not. The Dean said there were lots.

Back in out suite, Norval said he and Red had an appointment after lunch with the Dean.

I told him what the dean said to us.

"I wonder who else is a fag." Red said.

"Well we know Jerome might be and John. The native kid Mathew is. Steven you said you saw him sucking John."

"There's another boy named Peter in grade ten that sucked me and I sucked him in the washrooms on the first floor." Jimmy said.

At lunch I started to look at boys. I didn't know if you could tell just by looking. After lunch Norval and Red took off for the Dean's office. Steven said he was going swimming. That left Jimmy and I alone in our suite.

We both knew what we wanted and were quickly in bed sucking each other. After just laying quietly.

"Jeremy, I want you inside me now."

"Jezz Babe. I don't want to hurt you."

When I looked in Jimmy's eyes he had such a pleading look I could never turn down anything he wanted.

"Okay love."

"Use some of that cream the doctor gave for me as lube."


I covered my cock with the cream and even coated his inside with some. I entered him real slow, so worried I might hurt him. He did grunt as I passed his inner ring, but then moaned real loud.

"Oh god that feels so good Jer."

I started real slow, but his bucking up to meet me speeded me up. He kept telling me faster and faster. Pretty soon I was really reaming him. I lasted about 10 minutes. He let out a big sigh when I came inside him.

"Now I know I love you Jeremy. That felt real good."

We both jumped when Jerome spoke.

"That looked so hot."

WE both looked at Jerome and laughed. I pulled out of Jimmy and he went down and sucked my cock.

"Better get them pants off Jerome before you mess up your uniform."

"Wow that's a nice cock." Jimmy said. Jerome had a bigger and thicker cock than Norval. I really loved it when he fucked me. I hoped that was wanted to do again.

"Jer, I really want you to fuck me again. It felt so good the first time."

"Well okay, but I need some time to recover. Jimmy might."

"Jimmy, will you fuck me?"

"Well I will but you have to promise to fuck me after."

When I opened my mouth to protest, Jimmy put his hand over my mouth.

"I don't know Jimmy. After what happened I don't want to hurt you."

"Please Jerome. You got to promise."

I think Jerome got lost in Jimmy's eyes.

"Okay buddy. I promise."

"Are you sure love? He's bigger than even Norval."

"Well he's not as big as the Coach and I have had big cocks in there. I am very sure love."

We kissed and I tasted some of my shit and cumm in his mouth. That just got me hard.

"Looks like you have recovered Jer." Jerome laughed.

"That's okay, I'll let Jimmy do you first."


I watched as Jimmy did Jerome. I wasn't thinking about how it might hurt Jimmy later. I was thinking about sucking Jimmy's cock after he had been in Jerome. I was also thinking about rimming both. I hoped after I fucked Jerome both of them would shit in my mouth. I guess I really was a shit and piss loving boy. It made me so hard just to think about it. I even thought about all the other boys in the school that might let me do them too. I knew I wanted Harold's and Johns. Maybe even Eddy's. When Jimmy was done and pulled out I sucked his cock clean.

Jimmy laid back on the bed.

"Come on Jerome. You promised."

I gave Jerome the cream I had used. He covered his cock with it. He brought his cock up to Jimmy's hole. He applied a little pressure and it slips right in. Jerome was so surprised he just kept going. Seven of Jerome's eight inches was inside Jimmy in a heart beat.

"OH YES!" Jimmy almost screamed.

I had not known it, but Jimmy was almost insane when someone screwing his but. I'm glad we were on the top floor, you could have heard him all over the school. He bucked up to meet Jerome's thrust almost from the start. Jerome had to almost hold him down. Jerome got off a lot faster than he had when he fucked me.

Without even waiting, I dropped on Jerome's cock and sucked him clean.

Damn Jimmy. You are one hot boy inside."

"That felt real good Jerome. Thank you. Jer, I think I can do the other guys now."

"Yeah baby, looks like your good to go." I laughed.

"My turn." Jerome said.

Even though it was only the second time I had fucked Jerome, I knew he had to have more cocks in him. His muscles inside seemed to pull and squeeze my cock as I fucked him. He sure got me off fast. It felt real good too.

"Come on Jimmy. I want what's inside that cute butt."

"Cool. He said and headed for the bathroom.

"Come on Jerome. I'll do you too."

He looked kind of pained that I wanted to do it. I just took his hand and led him into the bathroom. I just got down and Jimmy squatted over me. Everything went in and down my throat real easy. Jerome reluctantly did the same thing and then watched as I Gave Jimmy what I had.

"Hmm. You taste good Jer." Jimmy smiled.

"I just don't know how you guys can do that. It's so gross."

We all climbed into the shower. A tight fit but it worked. After drying off we just sat in our undies in the living room.

"Jerome I know your unhappy about not going to Uncle Marks but, he's coming to buffalo to watch us swim and I might get him to come to your game too. Then we can go back to Uncle Marks together."

Jerome brightened up.

"Jerome I got to really explain some thing about Marks place."


I told him everything except about the shit stuff. I left that for last. Jimmy looked at me funny when I never said anything about it.

"I could do all that Jer. I really like a cock in my butt and I like to suck too. I guess I'm one of those fags the Dean was talking about."

"Jerome, I didn't tell you everything."

"I've been going to Uncle Marks for almost a year. I've made lots of money. Uncle Marks house is a real expensive whore house and I'm one of the whores. Mark always told us we always had tro do anything to please our customer. Well a few guys pissed in my mouth. I didn't like it at first but later I didn't mind too much. It was mostly water most times coz the guys had been drinking. I never worried about sucking guys cocks after they fucked me coz we always cleaned ourselves out. Well one night a guy made me lick his ass after he shit. I don't know why but I got hard when he made me do it. Later I had to clean his dick. It was morning I forgot to clean myself and I got hard when I tasted my own shit on his cock."

Jerome had an astounding look on his face.

"When I told Uncle Mark what happened, he told me I might just as well get used to it. Some customers might want to shit in my mouth before they fuck me. So I started doing Norval and Steven. Now I do Jimmy too."

"Jeremy does to me too." Jimmy said.

"You don't mind Jimmy?" Jerome said.

"Nope. My Brother started doing it to me when I was about thirteen."

"Oh wow."

"So Jerome, what do you want to do now?" "Well I'd like to come out to the house once anyway, just to see."

"That's okay and I'll tell Uncle Mark. If you decide you want to become a regular out there your going to have to learn everything Jerome, including eating shit and drinking piss."

"I guess I really need to think about it first then Jeremy."

"That's okay Jerome. We still got a couple of weeks."

So who else do you think is a fag."

"Well, you remember those two guys that sat at our table when we fucked up Juan?"

"You mean Tony and Stan. Their real hot looking guys."

"Yeah, they spend a lot of time in the Coaches office after practice some days."

"Well we know the coach is coz he's been to Uncle Marks."

"I kind of thought he might be from the way he watches us in the shower and change room." Jerome said.

The Native kid Anthony is. He's sucked me a couple of times and I think he even fucked that little guy Peter. So that's two I know for sure."

"What about Mike? Your roommate."

"You know I don't really know. I've sucked him off and he's even fucked me, but he'll only touch my cock. He won't suck me or anything."

"Maybe he's just scared he get branded as a fag." Jimmy said.

"So who's got the biggest dick in school?"

"That's easy." Jerome laughed.

"Who? Jimmy asked.

"Mark Thompson. He's center for the team. I bet he has eight inches soft. It hangs almost to his knees." Jerome laughed again.

"But I'm sure he isn't a fag. A girl picks him up most weekends."

"Too bad." Jimmy giggled.

I thought about what Jerome had said. I wondered if I could get him alone in the shower. Maybe he's let me suck him off. Thinking about that got me hard. Jimmy just leaned over and started to suck my cock. That got Jerome hard and I pulled him up and pushed his underwear down and sucked on his cock. Jimmy's hot mouth got me off pretty quick. Jerome took longer to come, but I sure loved his cumm. Jerome never even hesitated, just went down on Jimmy. Jimmy blew almost at once.

"You taste real nice Jimmy."

Jimmy just giggled.

"Jer, I want to go and see if I can practice a little bit this afternoon."

"Okay baby. I'll meet you there later."

"Yeah I should do some studying. We got mid terms coming up." Jerome said.

"Jerome why don't you come up after supper. Steven and I help Norval and Red with their school work. We could help you too."

"Okay. See you at supper."

"What are you going to do Jer?"

"Wander around and see if I can spot some more fags." I laughed.

What I was really going to do is see if I could find that Mark guy.

I put my bathing suit on under my PT shorts. Jimmy grabbed his and after we were dressed went our separate ways.

I knew he was a Senior, so checked the Senior dorms first. Most had guys studying in them. No one I asked had seen Mark. I checked out the library and then headed down to the pool. I watched Jimmy and Steven diving for a while and then headed for the Gym. There were a few guys playing in the Gym, but no Mark. I was about to give up when I remember there was a weight room off the old showers. I headed over there. Yup that just had to be Mark. He was the biggest guy I had ever seen. He was doing squats with a weight bar over his shoulders. Boy he had a huge basket. I wandered over to watch.

"Hi Jeremy. Come to put a little muscle on." He laughed.

Naw. Just wandering around."

"You're the biggest guy I ever seen Mark. You got more muscle than I ever saw on a guy before."

"Well I may be strong, but I can't do what you can Jeremy." He said with twinkle in his eye.

"What do you Mean?"

"Well I can swim sort of, but man you're like a fish in the water. You're sure to win State." "Thanks Mark, but you guys will win too. Especially with you on the team."

WE talked about school and the new Dean. Then he picked up his towel and started to head for the old showers. He walked in, pulled off his t-shirt. Pulled down both his shorts and jock and just walked into the shower room. After turning on the water turned and looked right at me.

"Jeremy, if you want to more than look, you have to ask." He said.

My mouth dropped open and he laughed.

"Jeremy, I know you're a fag. Hell all the school knows. If you want to suck my cock, I don't mind. I like a good Blow job."

"But someone might come in."

"Never happen. No one likes these showers. That's why I come in here."

I undressed and walked up to him. He pushed my shoulders down. Up close he was I am sure bigger than either Uncle Mark or Eddy. I figured about eight and half inches soft and he was cut too. The head of his cock was like a large red apple. He just pushed it into my mouth.

He didn't stay soft for long. By the time he was hard I could maybe four inches of his monster in my mouth. My jaw hurt too as he pushed. I finally just sucked and played with that big knob. He was happy.

"Damn Jer, you're good. Feels real nice."

He held one hand on my head as his other jacked his cock.

"You want to swallow too?" I just nodded my head.

It took quite a while. Finally he said get ready. I don't think anyone could be ready for him. His first shot filled my mouth and throat. Even as I swallowed as fast as I could my mouth was filled to overflowing. He just kept coming and coming. I was running out of breath before he stepped back. After swallowing more he push the head of his cock into my mouth and shot a couple of small shots. He really tasted good, but he was real salty. He then stepped back. The water from the shower washed the cumm from my face.

"You suck real good Jeremy."

"You taste real good Mark."

He pulled me up. I was like a kid in his huge arms.

"You want to fuck me Mark."

He looked at me for a long time.

"Jeremy, if I fucked you, I'd probably split you wide open. Yes I'd like to fuck you."

"Here, now?"

"Well if I do, you got to promise me something."

"Anything Mark."

He set me down, kneeled and took my cock into his mouth.

OH WOW! OH FUCK! OH GOD! What was happening? Mark was sucking my cock. The whole idea just blew my mind. I shot my load into his mouth. He slowly stood up.

"You got to promise to fuck me too."

"But, but, but..."

"Yeah Jer, I'm a fag, but I got to be real careful. I got a football scholarship to Notre Dame and I don't want anyone to know. It would ruin my chances there."

"But Jerome said you always get picked up by a girl."

"She's my Sister." He laughed.

"So you want to do it here?"

"I got someplace we can go. Get dressed."

We both just slipped on our shorts and running shoes. He then led the way back across the weight room. Through another door, I thought was an old equipment room. Through another door led to some stairs. We walked up the stair and into a real big room filled with all kinds of junk.

He walked over to an old cot. It had pretty clean blanket on it.

"I come here to jack off lots."

"Well you don't need to jack off anymore. I'll suck you."

"So on your back or doggy style."

"My back I guess." I was having second thoughts. His monster was already hard.

"Look Jer, we don't have to do this. I really might hurt you."

"Well take your time. I've had a few really big cocks inside me. Look I think you should gag me in case I scream to loud."

"Okay." He picked up his sweaty jock and stuffed it in my mouth. I almost blew right then. He tied it on with a piece of rope.

He walked over and rummaged in a box and came back with a jar of Vaseline.

"I use this when I jack off sometimes."

He covered his cock and then climbed on the bed. He lifted my legs to his massive shoulders. I was going to be in a world of hurt. He shuffled forward. I felt a finger spreading lube on my hole. He slid one and then two inside me.

"Damn you are pretty loose. This just might work Jer."

I felt that apple sized head on my hole. Then the pain started. God I could not believe how much it hurt. I wanted him to stop, but knew it far too late for that to happen. I could feel every ridge and vein on his cock as it ever so slowly entered me.

"God I never knew it could feel so good Jer."

There was so much pain it blanked out my mind.

I came back when he said.

"Oh man Jer. I got almost ten inches inside you.

I could feel his heart beat through his cock it was so tight inside me. He slowly pulled back. It still hurt when he pulled back but more like a deep throb in my hole. The real pain came back when he started back in. I just gritted my teeth. He kept up the real slow pace. Most of the pain was centered on my hole, not inside. My hole had never been stretched so wide.

He started to go faster and some of pain inside came back, but it was more like a dull ache than the real pain I first felt. Pretty soon even that disappeared and I moaned. He pulled off the gag.

"I think your ready now Jer."

"Yeah Mark, fuck me."

He pulled back slowly. I watched as his muscled legs tensed. He then just slammed into me. Wow! The sparks flew in my mind. Even as large as he was it felt so good.

OH god Mark Harder, faster." I almost screamed.

Harder and faster he did. It wasn't long before I felt his monster balls striking my ass.

"I can't believe a guy your size is taking 12 inches up his ass." He said as he continued to slam into my butt.

He finally stopped and I felt his cock swell even bigger. His cock filled every part of my ass. His first shot of spunk was forced into my lower intestine and it hurt real bad.

"Oh fuck Mark pull back, pull back." I yelled.

He pulled back until just that big knob was inside me. Every throb of his head meant he was shooting a load in to me. He finally pulled out. God what a rush.

"Well I guess I didn't rip anything Jer. There's no blood."

"Fuck was that intense Mark. Wow."

"Yeah Jer. I'd really like to fuck you again." "Well we all want to fuck him before you do him again."

That brought us both out of our reverie. When I looked where the voice came from I saw seven guys in nothing but t-shirts. Mark had a real stricken look on his face. I figured I better help him out.

"Glad I could help you out Mark. You can fuck me anytime."

"Yeah it was nice to get off in something besides my hand. He laughed.

When he stood up another guy took his place.

"Well won't need any lube for this little fag." The guy just hammered his cock into me.

All seven guys fucked me one after the other. My ass was awash with gallons of sperm. I kind of wished I could rim myself. But I was so tired too. After everyone left, Mark came over and sat down.

Thanks Jer for getting me out of that."

"No problem Mark. You really can fuck me anytime you want."

"Well I still want you inside me Jer, but we better get cleaned up. It's almost supper time."

Mark brought a metal bucket over.

"Here you better see if you can get some of that stuff out of you. Otherwise you'll leave a trail all the way to the shower. I crapped in the can and then mark carried it down to the shower room. I could have just drank it all down, but mark emptied it in a toilet and washed out the can. We showered and dressed. Mark said he'd look me up sometime.

I went back to my room to change. I wasn't sure what I was going to tell the guys or Jimmy.

After supper I was still not sure what to say. I was pretty sure now everyone in the school would know I was a fag and that I liked to get fucked. That was both a good thing and a bad thing. I'd probably find out who every other fag was, but I could also get the shit kicked out of me by some of the guys that weren't.

Jimmy noticed me brooding.

"You okay Jer. I missed you in the pool."

I just had to tell him.

"Come on I got something I want to tell you." I led him into the bathroom and closed and locked the door. Then I turned on the shower. I pulled him onto my lap.

I told him everything.

"Wow. That's so cool. The whole football team. Wish I was there." He giggled.

"Jimmy. I'm really scared now."


"Everybody is going to know I'm a fag and that I like to get fucked. Some guys might even want to beat me up."

"Jeremy, everybody already knows were fags. So you like to get fucked. I do too. So does Norval, Red and Jerome. All the guys on the diving and swimming team know. So now the football team does too. Big deal. As for getting beat up, I don't think you need to worry. You heard the Dean. He said he'd cane anyone in front of the whole school if anyone said or did anything against anyone."

I kissed Jimmy.

"Jeremy, you probably still got lots of stuff from those guys. Can I have it please. I won't swallow it all so you can taste it too."

That got me real hard.

"Sure baby."

We quickly stripped and I squatted over Jimmy. He moaned when I let go in his mouth. I felt his tongue working on my hole. I almost came. I turned around. I didn't piss in his mouth, just pulled him up to a sitting position. I kissed him and he pushed stuff into my mouth. My cock fired as soon as I tasted it. Wow it was so good. We parted.

That's good." Jimmy said.

"Yeah baby. We started to kiss again and Jimmy shot his load all over me.

Jimmy and I showered and then walked out to the living room. Jerome, Stan and Tony all looked shocked.

"Whoops. Didn't know we had company." I said.

Jimmy and I just sat down together.

"Look, I know you guys probably figured we were fags. I just confirmed it. I need to tell you guys something. So why don't everyone get comfortable."

First Norval and then Red stripped. Jerome took a bit longer, but soon he was nude too. Stan and tony were plumped pretty good. They shrugged their shoulders and undressed.

I told them everything that had happened that afternoon. I left out the part about Mark being a fag too. Jimmy knew, but didn't say anything.

"Look, I done most of the Football team already. Jerome, Norval, Red and Jimmy have all fucked me. Now I want you two to fuck me too. You can tell the rest of the football team I'll let them fuck me too. I don't care anymore. If they kick me out I'll go live with Uncle Mark."

"I love to get fucked. I love to suck guys cocks."

"I like other stuff too." I looked at Jimmy and knew what he was thinking.

"So when do you want us to do it?"

"How about right now?"

"In fact I want everyone here to fuck me."

"Okay." Stan said.

I got up and walked into the bedroom. Everyone followed.

Jimmy did me first, followed by Stan. Then the rest fucked me. Tony was last and I was really full of stuff. Jimmy sucked every ones cock clean when they were done. God, I had fourteen guys fuck me in one day. I wished there were more.

"I got to go clean myself out. When I come back I'll suck all of you off."

Jimmy was on the floor as soon as I walked into the bathroom. He got a lot more than before. We shared. After a quick shower I walked back into the living room. I kneeled between Stan's legs and sucked him off. Then I did Tony. Norval was next, then Red and Steven. Jimmy was last.

"I'll suck you guys off anytime you want or you can fuck me."

Stan got up and walked over. He kneeled and sucked my cock. He got me off real quick after I had sucked all the guys.

Thanks Stan. That was real nice."

"Well after all you did, I figured you needed it." He went back over and sat by Tony. They went into a lip lock and I figured Stan was sharing with Tony.

"Look, tell the other guys on the Football Team, I'll be in that room above the old weight room every night from 7 until 9. I'll suck them or they can fuck me."

"I'll be there too in case there are more than Jer can handle." Jimmy giggled.

"Okay." Stan said. Him and Tony dressed and left.

"Boy have you changed Jer." Norval said.

"No, not really. Just figured out what I really want to do for the rest of my life."


Next: Chapter 6

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