Mark Changed Me Forever

By Louis DePasquale

Published on Apr 4, 2003


This is a true story. I haven't even changed the names. I you want me to write down more of what happened drop me an email at

I suppose I need to do the usual disclaimer. This story is about two consenting adults having gay sex, if you are under age, don't want to read about it, or there is a law against it in your area then don't read it.

I hold the copyrights to this story. It may be posted freely to free story sites without permission. It may not however be posted on any sight that charges a fee including sites that use and adult verification service.

Mark Changed Me Forever

By Louis C. DePasquale

This past week has been pure hell. I am a sophomore at Kutztown State University in bum fuck nowhere Pennsylvania. I haven't been laid in like six months, my roommate is getting it pretty much every night, and my professors seem to have formed a conspiracy to overload me with enough writing assignments to keep me in front of my computer for the next 6 months.

Instead of working on those writing assignments, however, I am sitting here writing about the most amazing experience I have ever had in my life, and it happened just the other day. In most of the stories like this one I have read the writer tells a little about himself, so I guess I should do that. I am 22, 6'3", deep red hair, green eyes, a few freckles on my face and arms, and I weigh in at 195lbs. I have kind of an average build, I'm not really muscular but I don't look thin either, just somewhere in the middle. I am a history major which probably means I am going to end up teaching eventually.

All my life I have always considered myself straight. I have dated and slept with a number of girls throughout high school. I never really gave any thought to guys in a sexual way until like a year ago or so. It was weird, instead of just looking at a girl's tits I also found myself looking at guy's crotches. I didn't even realize I was doing it until my next door neighbor made a comment about taking a picture and I realized I had been staring at his crotch. I blushed a really bright red, stammered something unintelligible, and ran the other way. I know this is going to sound like bullshit but my next door neighbor just happened to be a linebacker on the school football team. That's when I realized that I was watching other guy's crotches. I had no idea why I was doing it; I mean I've always been into fucking chicks. The more I was asking myself why I was looking the more I looked, and not just at crotches but at guy's chests and asses too.

Over the next week I found myself dreaming about the guys on my floor of the dorm. In my dreams they were naked with big dicks and their dicks were like calling out to me. The worst thing about it was that I kept seeing my roommate Anthony in my dreams. He had this huge had to be like 12 inches or something. I guess I should tell you about Anthony. Most of the girls I know think he is a walking wet dream. He is Sicilian. He stands about 6' 5" with dark black hair and dark brown eyes and he has a thick pelt of hair on his chest, arms, and legs. He weighs in at a very muscular 235lbs. He works out like every day. He is big but not over built. His pecs stand out on his chest, he has great V shaped thighs and obvious six pack abs. He fucks a different girl every night of the week. He keeps a huge box of like 500 rubbers sitting on his desk. When we moved in at the beginning of the semester it was brand new and unopened. Here it is the middle of April and there are just a few rubbers left in the bottom of the box.

I was beginning to think I was having a nervous breakdown. But no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't stop looking at the guy's crotches. Then I started to wonder as I was looking at the crotches how big the guy's dick was. I really started to freak out. I mean I couldn't be a fag or anything...I mean fags don't get off on fucking chicks...and I knew that every time I fucked a chick I got off.

Then it happened, my next door neighbor Mark caught me looking at his crotch again. This time he didn't say anything he just smiled and went on his way to class. That night I was trying to write a paper on the American Revolution, my roommate was out of town for the weekend, and it was hot has hell. I was getting ready to take a break and smoke when there was a knock on my door. I put the shit away and went to see who was at the door. Surprise surprise it was Mark. I opened the door to see what he wanted and he just said hi and kind of pushed his way into the room. He asked me where Anthony was (he and Mark were close friends), I told him that Anthony was out of town for the weekend. He asked me what I was up to...

I told him what I was working on and he kind of laughed and it's Friday night, you should put the school shit away and do a little partying. I admitted to him that I was just about to smoke and he said cool. So I went and got the pot out and we passed it back and forth. We were both kind of feeling good, and Mark just looked at me with a goofy grin on his face and asked me if he could ask me a personal question. I was all like go ahead. Then he hit me with the question I had been afraid to ask myself...he asked my why I was always staring at his dick. I stammered and didn't know what to say. He smiled again and said that it was cool he had a friend who was gay, it didn't bother him. I got all defensive and said that no way was I gay...what the fuck was he talking about. He just kept smiling at me and said dude get over it you are what you are. The more I kept denying it the bigger his smile got.

Then I noticed that he was unbuttoning his shorts. I was like what are you doing and he said just getting comfortable. I knew that I should have thrown him out of my room but I just sat there and watched him unbutton and pull off his shorts. He wasn't wearing any boxers so I could see his dick, it was like half hard. He just sat there stroking it and it was like I was mesmerized cause all I could do was sit there and stare at it. Then all of a sudden if felt his hand on the back of my neck trying to push my face down toward his dick. I started to protest but he just kept shushing me. I tried to keep my head up but realized that my face was slowly moving closer to his dick. I had to stop this so, I used all the strength I had left and so No Man I'm no Fag! He just smiled at me and said that of course I was and started pushing my face back toward his dick.

To this day I have no idea why I didn't put up more resistance, I mean here I was a straight guy getting closer and closer to another guys dick. But I just let him push my face right into his crotch. Once my mouth touched his balls and my lips and nose where in his dick hair, he started rubbing my face all around. I could smell his manly odor. It was clear that he had been working out and hadn't showered yet cause of the strong scent coming from his nuts. After a minute or two he just started talking to me in this low monotone voice, my ears where straining to hear what he was saying. It was like; that's it baby just stick your tongue out and just lick it a little that's all you have to do is lick it a little bit. Believe it or not I did. I felt my lips opening and my tongue slipping between my lips and licking the base of his dick. I can't describe to you how it tasted all I can say was that it blew my mind away. All of a sudden I couldn't get enough. I was licking his dick like there was no tomorrow. And all the time he just kept encouraging me in that monotone voice.

Then I noticed the instructions changed he was telling me to lick his balls and I found myself doing that as well. My God it was like I was in heaven. His balls felt so good in my mouth. Then he told me to suck on his dick, I tried to resist, pulling my head up and telling him to fuck off, but it was no use. While my mind was thinking about how to tell him no, my mouth was hungrily sucking on his dick. He was uncut so my tongue worked its way inside his foreskin sucking out the bits of cheese still inside. He had to warn me a couple of times to watch my teeth but said I would get better with practice. Practice no way in hell was I going to do this again. Then I felt him stiffen up and start moaning and I felt his dick start to swell in my mouth. Then it happened I could feel the head of his dick explode and shoot his cum in my mouth. My mind said to spit that shit out, but instead I started to swallow it. Damn that shit tasted good. I kept licking at his dick hoping there would be more and there was. He shot like 6 good shots of cum in my mouth. I still kept sucking, he had to pull my mouth off his dick cause it was getting too sensitive.

I sat back shocked at what I had just done. He just smiled at me and pulled his shorts back on. Then he looked down at my crotch and said I must have enjoyed myself. I looked down to see what he was talking about and saw a big wet spot over my dick. I had fucking nutted in my shorts while sucking him off. He got up to leave the room and I grabbed his arm and asked him, your not going to tell anyone are you? He just smiled and said no that he was planning on keeping my mouth all to himself and that he would see me soon.

I had no idea what was going on, I had just sucked my next door neighbor's dick and came while I was doing it. Did that make me a fag? I mean I couldn't be a fag...I liked chicks too much. There was no way in hell I was ever going to do shit like that again.

That was Friday roommate was gone until Sunday night...if you want to hear about the rest of the weekend drop me an email and let me know.

Next: Chapter 2

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