Mark at the travel stop

By Mark Hankering

Published on Mar 5, 2014



Mark walks into the travel stop, his dick and balls swinging loosely in his sweat pants, after he pulls them free from having settled over the past 4 hours. He stopped outside to stretch, touching his toes several times, and raising his arms overhead, invoking yoga poses. With a slight backend, Mark's junk flays out, uninhibited by underwear.

Once inside, Mark surveys the options, circling around the food court, glancing at the menus. He stops at the magazine stand, and looks over the various publications. Nothing interests him here. He needs to pee, vaguely, he'll start there.

Stepping through the portal to the mens room, he can immediately smell urine. Just around the corner, and a bank of urinals stand open. There is an edge of crud along the floor, but otherwise the place is fairly clean for a state-run rest stop. Mark's dick starts to sing, remembering several exciting experiences in bathrooms similar to this one. Mark walks towards the back of the rest room, an area for sinks, stalls off to the left, and more urinals at the back. The place is nearly empty, save for a couple closed stalls. Mark circles until he is back at the front urinal. By now, his dick is nearly fully hard. He stands at a urinal, and pulls out his meat.

Not quite ready to piss yet, Mark gives his pecker a couple tugs. It jumps in his hand, but he isn't ready to blow a load yet either. He strokes, very slowly, and waits.

Two teenage boys come in, laughing to eachother and joking around. They line up at the two urinals to his right. Mark shakes imaginary drops from his dick, and puts it into the waistband of his sweatpants. As he turns to go wash his hands, he gets a peek at one small dick on his immediate right. He washes his hands, watching the two young men out of the corner of his eye. After they've finished up and flushed, they begin talking and laughing again, and walk out of the room.

Mark returns to the urinal, and pulls his rock-hard dick back out. He couldn't help but imagine slipping his hands into the tight jeans of those teen boys. The veins in Mark's dick pop and throb, and he uses just three fingers and the slightest pressure to maintain such a heightened state of pleasure.

Soon after those boys left, another boy swings the door back open and another young man walks in, and again takes a urinal one over to Mark's right. The boy appears younger than the other two, but much cleaner cut, with a braided leather belt and slacks. Mark begins to piss, the urine spraying under high pressure and at odd angles, but making the requisite noise.

The boy pulls out his own dick from the fly of his pants, working through his boxers to free his cockhead. He holds his smooth and average dick with his right hand, giving a good long drink of a view to Mark, though not intentionally. The boy seems to be concentrating hard on his work, or trying very hard to look around, thereby missing one of the great joys of public bathrooms. Mark continues to look, through until his stream starts to sputter out.

"It's a beautiful day out there, huh?" He says, loud enough to clearly be talking to the young man.

The boy looks up as if from a daze, looking towards Mark, then away, and then back again. His eyes pause at Mark's noticeably, undeniably hard dick, then up at Mark. Mark shakes his dick after the last few dribbles.

"Yeah, it's nice." The boy replies. His eyes return to Mark's dick. And then back to his own. His own growing dick. Noticeably growing dick.

"You don't say." Mark says, absently, obviously giving his dick a courtesy shake.

"Yeah" The boy says, not quite looking at Mark, but giving himself a good stroke that does more to stimulate than to shake loose the last bit of urine.

"That's a nice dick you got there" Says Mark, going for it.

The boy freezes, then looks at Mark's dick, then up at Mark.

"Didn't mean to scare you" Mark says, unhanding his own dick.

Just then, the door swings open. The young man quickly zips up, and heads out the door without washing his hands. A late middle-aged man steps up to the urinal one from the left of Mark.

Mark has nothing left to piss, but isn't ready to pack up.

Before the other man even starts pissing, he comments "Kinda hard to change the oil when you got the engine running."

"Tell me about it" Mark replies, taking a good look at the man and the meat beside him.

The man is well built, perhaps a bit overweight but certainly manly by any measure. His meat is partially obscured by his right hand, but seems large if not average.

"What are you going to do about it?" The man asks.

"What would you do about it?"

"May I?" The man says, releasing his own dick and gesturing towards Mark's.

"Sure. Go ahead."

"See, I give a few good tugs like this. You like that?"

Mark involuntarily thrusts his hips towards the loose hand.

"Yeah, I think you get the idea. Want to take over from here?" He asks, stopping the stroke.

"No, you're doing a good job."

"Ok. Want to practice on me?"

Mark reaches over, and makes contact with fingertips to hot cock. He wraps his fingers, luxuriating in the feel of another man's dick in his hand. He strokes once, and they begin an arrhythmic stroke session.

After a few minutes, Mark offers "You know what else feels good?"

The other man turns his hips at an angle to Mark, and Mark drops in a squat, lining the hot dick up for his lips and tongue. He laps at the underside of the dick, getting the whole underside wet, and tickles the frenulum with his bottom incisors before puckering his lips, and gently massaging the corona around with soft yet firm practiced lips.

"Lets go to the stall" The other man says, and heads to one, barely bothering to cover his swinging manmeat.

Once in the stall with the door closed, Mark drops back to his knees, working to suck out the thick manjuice from this thick gentleman. Amongst the pubes, Mark's nostrils flare as he takes in the faint smell of piss and the memories of the different dicks he's fucked and sucked in stalls like this one.

All too soon, this gentleman begins thrusting to Mark's face, then grabbing behind his head to hold him close and choke him on his engorged dick. Mark hums, deep and guttural, and the man above moans and sighs loudly, and begins launching load after load, thick as Mark expected it and twice as satisfying. It isn't until nearly a minute later Mark can taste it, the dick sliding back out of his still hungry mouth. Mark stands up, pushes the man down onto the toilet, and rapidly pumps his own dick, just below eyelevel of this stranger.

The man looks up to Mark, perhaps a bit sheepishly, domicile. Mark slides his hand across the gentleman's face, running his thumb into his mouth. The man bites on his thumb gently, and sucks on it lightly. Mark moans, a fast orgasm jumping up from him, clamping his prostate. On his toes, the second contraction launches splooge out across, onto this man's face, moustache. The second shot lands on his collar. The third on his shirt front. The fourth and fifth land on his pants, and end to a slow drip, hanging, and shaken free by Mark.

The man reaches for toilet paper, and wipes off his face.

"Thank you" Mark says.

"No, thank you." The man says, looking up to Mark.

"Enjoy the rest of your day." Mark says, and washes his hands before heading back outside.

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