Mark and Mike

By E C

Published on Jun 4, 2014


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"What is it?" Mark asked

"Mike's gone." Morgan said holding up a note

The note read:

Hey guys, I can't do this! I gotta go. Bye.

Mark's eyes widened and put his hand on his forehead

"What if my plan backfired? What if he, you know?" Mark said sitting on his bed

"No, don't think that. He must of needed some air and so he might of left the city. By the way, the plan didn't backfire. Mike loved having sex with me. I could tell." Morgan said

"I hope so! Thanks for the help! I appreciate it. Your a good boyfriend." Mark said laying on Morgan's chest.

"Your welcome. I would do anything for you, my hot sexy boyfriend." Morgan said

"We have to go to see Annalise. She might know where Mike is." Mark said

Mark got dressed and he and Morgan went to Morgan's dorm. Morgan changed into some fresh clothes and then they left. When they knocked on the door, Annalise came and answered it. She was shocked to see them there.

"I thought the three of you would be getting off and having a threesome." Annalise said

"We would have but Mike's gone missing. He left cuz he couldn't handle it anymore." Mark said

"What, why, when? Oh My Gosh! Mike. Oh no! I hope he's okay." Annalise gapsped

"I don't know I woke up and I checked up on him and he was gone and I found this." Morgan said giving the note to Annalise

Annalise read it and started to cry.

"If he kills himself, I'll never forgive myself." Annalise sobbed

"Don't think like that. I don't know Mike that much but I know he's strong. He wouldn't do that." Morgan declared

"Did Mike mention anything of his favorite place?" Mark asked

"Um, yeah, he mentioned his family owned a cottage outsdie the city. It's close on the northside. It's beside the old port. The cottage has a yellow roof and the rest of it is green." Annalise said

"Thanks so much, Annalise we'll let you know if we found him."

Mark and Morgan left and went to the parking lot. Mark went straight to his Dodge Dakota and began to get in the driver's seat when Morgan said

"Mark, your distracted. How about I drive." Morgan asked

"Uh, yeah sure, go ahead!" Mark said handing his keys to Morgan

Morgan got into the driver's seat and Mark in the passenger's seat and then Morgan took off. The college was an hour away from the northside. It was a long way to go. Throughout the trip, Mark and Morgan remained silent listening to the radio. Finally Mark broke the silence.

"Morgan, do you think I was a bad friend for scheming Mike?" Mark asked

"Nah, Mark, you wanted the best for Mike and Annalise. The plan you came up with was genius. It was also kind and caring. That showed that you cared the well-being of your friends." Morgan said while driving

"Yeah right. Mike's gone missing, God knows where fuck he is and Annalise is crying and freaking out about Mike. What a fucking nice friend I am" Mark said

"Give your self a break." Morgan said

After an hour of driving, Mark and Morgan finally reached the northside. Morgan reached the old port, which looked like an abandoned city. Mark thought 'Wow, this has not been inhabited for at least 60 years.' After about fifteen minutes of searching for the cottage, Morgan found it. The cottage was huge. The entire roof was yellow and Annalise was right, the rest of the house was green. The cottage itself was Victorian in style but Mark noticed that the cottage had been renovated several times since it was built.

"Well here it is, the infamous cottage." Morgan happily said

"Do you think we'll find Mike?" Mark asked

"I don't know 'bout that but I am sure we'll find him even if he's not here." Morgan replied

"How is it that you always manage to stay happy in situations like this?" Mark asked

"I dunno I am always happy and cheerful. But you are here so I am even happy." Morgan said kissing Mark on the lips

"Man, you are awesome, the best boyfriend a gay man can have." Mark said kissing Morgan

"Let's go inside and find Mark!" Morgan said

Morgan and Mark got out of the truck and went straight to the door.

"Man this cottage is fucking huge." Morgan said locking the truck

"I know. It's beautiful. Mike's family must be rich." Mark said knocking on the door.

Morgan reached the door and tried to open the door. It was open. Morgan went in first and Mark went in last closing the door. Both men sighed at the sight of the cottage. 'It's not a cottage' Mark thought 'It's a mansion.' Morgan and Mark separated. Morgan checked the main floor and Mark checked the upstairs. Mark went upstairs after kissing Morgan. The house was old as everytime Mark stepped on the step, the staircase shook. Finally Mark came upstairs. He checked the the bathroom, there was no one. Mark went into the master bedroom and checked all over. He went out of the room and was going into the smaller bedroom when Morgan shouted:


Mark immediately ran downstairs disregarding the stairs creepy sounds. He went into the sun room where he saw Morgan sitting with a man. Mark sighed! It was Mike. His blonde hair was messed up and he was totally drunk and stoned. Ten bottles of empty beer, one whiskey bottle and half a vodka bottle lay on the table beside Mike.

"Mike I'm sorry! I am so sorry!" Mark said starting to cry

"I explained everything." Morgan said quietly

"I'm gay. I'm fucked. I- I'm gay." Mike cried

"It's alright to be gay, Mike. It's no big deal." Morgan said

"Fuck you. Your on the soccer team and your fucking cool and awesome and everybody likes you" Mike sobbed

"Mike, do you hate me?" Mark asked

"No. I guess I have to say thanks to you for doing what you did." Mike said

"No need to say thanks. But next time talk to us. Don't run away. You scared the crap out of Annalise, Morgan and I. I thought you wanted to harm yourself and so I began to worry and the thought killed me if you did." Mark said

"Annalise knows." Mike said puzzled

"Of course she does. She told us to check here." Morgan said

"Oh I am sorry. Fuck. I am scared. I thought I was straight for the longest time. When I saw you at orientation I fucking got a boner and I didn't know why. Now I do, I'm fucking gay and I had with you and you." Mike sobbed

"It's okay to be gay. Whatever, we live in the twenty first century. I think people can handle gay guys like us." Morgan said laughing

"Your way too drunk but I don't care. We'll take back to the dorm and we'll talk of how we can survive being gay." Mark said kissing Mike on the forehead

The three guys talked for two hours and then went back to the dorm. Annalise rejoiced when she saw Mike safe and sound. She gave Mike the biggest hug and kiss and thanked Morgan and Mark for finding him. Mark was glad that he found his friend.

After Annalise had left, Morgan suggested to Mike if he wanted a threesome and Mike said yes. They all went Mark's room and Mike began to undress Mark and Morgan while the two kissed each other. It was hot sight. After undressing Mark's and Morgan's shirts, Mike unzipped there jeans revealing there boxers. Mike's hands wandered through Mark's and Morgan's boxers and touched there cocks and there ass cracks. Both Mark and Morgan shivered. Finally Mike took off there boxers and started sucking Mark's and Morgan's cock. Mark and Morgan kept kissing. They french kissed. Mark's tongue touched Morgan's tongue and both licked each other's mouth. They did this in between moans and groans.

"I'm gonna, I'm gonna cum Mike." Holy fuck, Mike, I'm cumming."

Mark and Morgan said this at the same time and in that moment both men came into Mike's mouth. Mike gaged as both loads were too much to eat. Mike stood up and began kissing Mark and Morgan exchanging there cum when he kissed each of them. While Mike began to lick and touch Mark's hot chest and biceps, Morgan began undressing Mike. He did this in one minute 'Wow that hot sexy animal' Mark thought. Morgan began to explore Mike's athletic body, licking and sucking Mike's nipples and seductively touching Mike's biceps. After both Mark and Morgan to touch Mike's body. Mark was fingering Mike's ass while Mark touched and played with Mike's cock

"Mark, Morgan stop playing start sucking and fucking or else I'm gonna cum." Mike said

Morgan went over to Mark's drawer and grabbed a condem and put it on his cock. Morgan put some cream in Mike ass and Morgan slowly entered his cock into Mike's ass. Mike quickly gasped. Morgan's cock kept going back and forth into Mark's ass. Mike kept groaning and moaning. Mark loved the sight. He quickly dug into Mike's erect cock and start sucking like there was no tomorrow. Mark's hand was touching and rubbing Mike's balls. In no time Mike yelled

"I'm gonna cum, Mark"

Finally Mike's cum entered into Mark's mouth. Mark ate it like cream. He kissed Mike and made sure Mike's cum entered into Mike's mouth.

"I'm gonna fucking cum." Morgan screamed

Morgan load came and Mike felt it blow into his hot ass. He loved it. He wished that it had entered into his so that Mark could eat it. After having sex, they three slept naked on Mark's bed. They were all tired. Finally, Morgan got up and started to get dressed. Mark too got up but didn't get dressed. When they got out of Mark's room, Mark asked:

"What's wrong?" Mark asked

"Nothing. It's just that I don't know if we are right together." Morgan said

"What do you mean?" Mark asked

"I saw you how you talked to Mike when he was at the cottage. I saw you when you sucked him. You loved it. Your in love with him." Morgan said

"No, I care for Mike. I love you Morgan." Mark said

"I didn't know what real love but now I do. Real love is what you feel toward Mike. You thought he was hot when you saw him first." Morgan said

"No, I love you." Mark said coming closer

"No, you don't love me Mark. You care for me. I care for you. What we had was lust, plain sex. I'm sorry." Morgan said kissing Mark on the lips and left

Mark stayed in his place and started to cry. His boyfriend had broken up with him. Mike came up from behind him still naked and said:

"Finally, we can be together Mark. My plan worked."

To Be Continued...

Edson Chiller

Next: Chapter 7

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