Mark and Mike

By E C

Published on May 25, 2014


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Mark exited the bathroom and found Annalise who was walking to her dorm.

"Hey Annalise, you coming to the soccer practice?" Mark asked

"Um, no why?" Annalise asked

"Morgan invited me to watch him play. Why don't you come with Mike. It'll be great. It starts at 6:30 pm" Mark said

"Oh how sweet. Um, alright. I'll text him." Annalise said

"Cool, thanks, you won't be disappointed. Hehe." Mark said leaving

Mark left the college and went to his dorm. He did not find Mike there so he made a sandwich and then went and showered. Mark had thought of jerking off while showering but he and Morgan might be getting it on tonight so he did not. After showering, he looked at his phone. It read 5:30 pm. Morgan had texted him asking him if he was ready for tonight. Mark responded and said 'Yes, wink wink.' Since there was an hour till the soccer practice Mark took out his English book and read some pages. Mark was extremely exhausted and dozed for a bit.

Mark woke all of a sudden to find voices talking in Mike's room. Mark checked his phone and stopped. The time read 8:51 pm. He saw he had four messages from Morgan, two messages from Annalise and one message from Mike. Mark scrolled to Morgan's message. They read:

'Mark, where are you?'

'Are you coming to my practice, I'm waiting for you, wink wink'

'Mark, why didn't you come to the practice. I talked to Annalise, your friend from Bio and she says you did not text her back?'

'Mark, seriously, where the fuck are you.'

Mark was pissed. How could he doze off, Fuck. Mark texted him back 'Fuck Morgan, I'm sorry. I dozed off. I'm real sorry. I hope you did well. Fuck, now, I'm pissed.'

Mark got up and changed into his sweatpants and then knocked on Mike's door. Annalise opened the door.

"Mark! You came back to the living, I see." Annalise said laughing

"Jeez Mark! You dragged me and Annalise to the soccer practice and you didn't show up." Mike said

"Honestly, I fucking dozed off. Man. haha, oh well, aren't other open soccer practices?" Mark asked

"Nope, this one was the only one." Mike said

"Oh, I see." Mark said

Mark motioned to leave when Mike started to talk

"Mark I'm sorry I called you a fag. I know it was rude. I know that is not the correct term. I'm sorry for saying that." Mike said

Mark stopped in his tracks and turned around.

"It's okay, Mike. You were drunk and not in your own mind. And I, myself I'm sorry for punching you. My temper got the better of me." Mark said

"Yeah that's okay. I still have a black eye." Mike said

The three of them laughed. They all heard a vibration. Mark knew it was Morgan and left the room. He opened his phone and checked the message. It read:

'Oh I see. It's alright Mark. I did well. I scraped my left arm, leg and face when I fell on the ground. I'll be fine. But I wished you were there.'

Mark was pissed off at himself. He called Morgan and in an instant Morgan answered

"Hey Morgan!" Mark said

"Hey Mark!" Morgan said

"I'm fucking sorry that I didn't show up to your practice. I dozed off cuz I been so fucking exhausted" Mark said

"It's alright. It's no big deal. I thought you chickened out. I got lil' worried." Morgan said

"No, Morgan. I would never do that. Honest, I wouldn't. Sorry for being a bitch for not coming. I feel kinda bad." Mark said

"Well you should. We were gonna have a fun time." Morgan said

"Oh, haha. What did you have in mind." Mark asked

"Oh you know, you coming into the showers after everyone left and you could watch me shower. That is me scrubbing my body and rinsing it and finally I'd strip away and we could have sex like last time and maybe we could of done some fucking." Morgan sexually said

"Stop Morgan. I'm getting a hard on." Mark said stretching his sweatpants to make room for his hardened cock.

"Stroke it." Morgan said

"What!" Mark said

"I said stroke your cock. I am." Morgan said

"Wow. Morgan. I thought you were knew to being gay." Mark joked

"Haha. I knew I was gay since I was 15. Plus I've been surfing the internet on phone for alotta gay stuff. Porn, that's for sure." Morgan said

"Ok then. I am stroking my cock." Mark said starting to moan

"After you cum, lick it. I'm gonna lick mine." Morgan moaned

"Man, uh, your fucked up." Mark moaned

After a couple of minutes the two men moaned with pleasure. Morgan and Mark licked their cum. They both like it.

"How was that?" Morgan asked

"It tasted like sex." Mark replied

The two men laughed.

"K. It was nice talking to you. I am truly sorry for not showing up to your practice. I promise I'll make it up to you." Mark said

"Mhmm! I can't wait till you do." Morgan said

"Morgan, your such a horny devil. Wow. Haha." Mark said

"Bye sexylicious." Morgan said

"Bye gorgeous! Mark said this hanged up the call.

Annalise knocked on Mark's door. Mark answered.

"I did not say anything to Mike about apologizing to you for saying you're a fag and I did not say anything about you or Morgan." Annalise said

"It's okay, Annalise. Mike finally got a hold of his senses." Mark said

"Yep, I hope so." Annalise said

Two weeks had passed by. Students were stressed out as papers and final exams were in three weeks. Mark was writing his History paper in the library when Mike came up to him. The area in which Mark was studying had no one and therefore Mike spoke loudly.

"How could you? How could you Mark?" Mike yelled at him

"Mike shut the fuck up. Were in the library, don't yell. What do you mean 'How could you?' " Mark whispered

"Why are you dating Morgan. Seriously, you had to date him." Mike whispered

"What, Annalise told you. Yes I'm fucking dating Morgan. What's your problem? Are you jealous that I'm dating a hot stud like Morgan and your still denying that your gay?" Morgan asked in a pissy voice

"She let it slip by accident. No I'm not jealous. And I'm not gay." Mike retorted

"Then what's your problem man? I'm warning you, don't mess with Annalise. If you are gay, you better tell her now. I don't want her to get hurt." Mark said

"I'm fucking straight and I am not gay. Morgan is gonna fuck you over. He's probably a fucking player. Have you seen the kid." Mike said

"Oh for sure you are. And why is Morgan gonna fuck me over. He's still in the closet." Mark whispered loudly

"Fuck, I don't know. He's seems like the fucking time. It may not seem like it but I'm looking out for you." Mike said

Mark laughed so hard. He almost fell his chair.

"Good one, Mike. Your saying these things because your looking out for me but the way I see it is this way: you trying to get break up with him so we can rekindle of fucking. Thank you." Mark said with a smirk

"Fuck off, you fucking cocksucker. You'll see." Mike said leaving

Mark immediately left packed his things and left the library. Mark was pissed off but he didn't blame Annalise. He headed Annalise's dorm and knocked on the door. Annalise answered

"Hey!" Mark said

"Mark, I'm so sorry. It just-" Annalise said

"Shh. It's okay. Mike came and talked to me and offered reasons why I should break up with Morgan." Mark said

"Oh what did he say." Annalise asked

"He said he's looking out for me and does not want me to get hurt by Morgan as he is player." Mark said

"Oh!" Annalise said

"Listen, Annalise, Mike's jealous of Morgan." Mark whispered

"What?" Annalise questioned

"Mark is jealous of Morgan. Annalise I don't want him to hurt you. You better prepare yourself. Mike's mind is fragile, I can tell. Mike is either gay or bi." Mark said

"I know. I know. I thought I was going to date either one of you. You're gay and Mike, I know, he's denying it to himself." Annalise cried

"I want you to be happy, Annalise. It's not fair to you or me. I could of not have told you that I was gay and we could of dated like you desired. But what is that gonna do to me. I'm not into women. I'm into men. I only would be playing you and you would get hurt." Mark said

"I wouldn't have mind if we dated." Annalise said

"Yes you would. You would of cried when I ended the relationship. Annalise, your my friend, I don't want you to get hurt. You'll find the right guy someday. It's not me or Mike. Please, Annalise, try to help me with trying to figure out Mike's sexuality. It'll be good for you, me and Mike." Mark said

"Alright. I'll see what I can do." Annalise said

"Thanks so much!" Mark said kissing her on her forehead. "Bye"

"Bye." Annalise cried

Mark left Annalise's dorm and went to Morgan's dorm. It was Morgan's roommate who opened the door for him. Morgan came out of his room and thanked his roommate for opening the door for him. Morgan invited Mark to his room.

"Morgan, Mike, my roommate, and I had sex together about a month ago before we stopped dating." Mark said

"Oh that's cool. What about it?" Morgan asked

"After having sex, he denied that he was gay or bi. And I'm real troubled by it cuz he is dating our friend, Annalise. In the end he is gonna hurt himself or Annalise." Mark said

"That's bad. Does she know?" Morgan asked

"Yep. I was thinking this Friday, you come over and Mike and Annalise will be there. Maybe you could seduce Mike and have sex with him. Maybe that'll change his mind. He is jealous of you. He told me that your player and other bullshit so I could break up with you. Why? well then he could pursue you." Mark said altogether.

"What, wow, really. But Mark that would mean cheating on you." Morgan said

"I don't care. I want Mike to realize his true sexuality and not hide it. Please Morgan." Mark said

"Alright I will. I'll dress my hottest on Friday. I'll wear my tighted clothes, you have condems.?" Morgan asked

"Yep! sure do." Mark laughed

"I'm gonna fuck Mike and not you first. That blows!" Morgan said

"Thanks so much! I'll tell Annalise this." Mark said

"What?, she's gonna be there?" Morgan said

"Yep she is and she's gonna help us with this dilemma." Mark said

Mark leaned in and kissed Morgan on lips. His hands explored Morgan's back and ass. His tight sexy ass was amazing. Mark couldn't wait until he fucked it, whenever that may be. Morgan's hand explored Mark's chest and then his ass. He put his hands inside Mark's boxers and touched Mark's ass crack. Mark squirmed and moaned.

"That feels good." Mark moaned

"I know. I love the feeling." Morgan said

Mark and Morgan kept teasing each other for next several minutes until Morgan's roommate knocked on the door. After Mark left and texted Annalise the plan. She was reluctant but then agreed to the plan.

Three days later, it was friday. After Bio class, Annalise and Mike left the class and headed to Mike and Mark's dorm. Morgan and Mark waited and went together. Before going, Morgan went to his dorm and changed into his hottest clothes. Morgan changed into his blue silk boxers, his tight blue denim jeans and a white t- shirt that revealed his hot biceps, his pecs and his hardened nipples. Morgan messed up his black hair and put it backwards.

"God! I could fuck you right now!" Mark said drooling

"Haha, Mark your drooling." Morgan said licking the drool off of Mark's face

Mark and Morgan embraced and kissed for several seconds and left the room. Mark and Annalise had told Mike that the four would hang out at there dorm. The four would have dinner and drink and watch the first Hobbit movie. Little did Mike know that they were not gonna watch the Hobbit but instead Morgan was gonna (hopefully) seduce and have sex with Mike. Mark and Annalise would stay in Mark's room and waiting to see what happens.

Annalise and Mike bought Chinese food and a box of Budweiser. When Mark and Morgan came, the dorm smelt like chow mein and ginger beef.

Hey guys! We're here." Mark said

"Hi Mark, Hi Morgan!" Annalise said

"Hello guys! ready for some Chinese food and some beer?" Mike said with a fake smile on his face

"Hey Mike, Hey Annalise. Mike you bet. I'm famished. I only had an energy drink and a turkey sandwich for lunch." Morgan said

"Well the chow mein and ginger beef will fill you up." Mike said

"Hope so!" Morgan said

Morgan and Mike went into the kitchen while Annalise and Mark eyed each other. They had began eating at 5:50 and finsihed at around 6:45. The four had two helpings of chow mein and ginger beef. During this time. Morgan and Mike drank five beer bottles each. Mark had one and Annalise had a caesar. The drinking would loosen Mike a bit. All of them were talking. Mark knew Morgan could hold his liquor while Mike couldn't. At first Mike did not say much but gave Mark and Morgan a dirty stare. It seemed apparent by Mark, Morgan and Annalise that Mike was jealous of Morgan for dating Mark and for Mark dating Morgan. At one point, Annalise purposefully dropped her fork on the floor and picked it up noticing Mike's cock bulging from his jeans. This was because he was staring and talking to Morgan. After dinner had ended, Mark and Annalise cleaned up while Morgan and Mike washed up.

"Do you think Mike will fall for Morgan." Annalise asked

"Yep I sure do." Mark chuckled knowing the joke

All of a sudden they heard someone falling. They ran and they saw that Morgan had fell onto his face when he was waiting for Mike to finish washing up. Mark and Mike's bathroom had a step so that if the bathroom ever flooded, it would be level to the entire dorm and would lessen the flooding. Morgan was swearing left and right. His forehead and his right cheek was scraped and was bleeding. Mike lifted Morgan up and sat him up on the toilet seat.

"What happened?" Mark asked worriedly

"He didn't know that their was a step so he fell. I shoulda warned him." Mike said

"Fucking bitch. Why the fuck do you have fucking step. Ahh, my face hurts. God, I'm bleeding." Morgan whined

"So sorry, Morgan. Fuck, why didn't tell you. We don't have a first aid kit. Do you, Annalise?" Mark asked

"No I don't." Annalise said

"I do. It's in the bathroom cupboard. Behind the cleaning products. Go, Mark, fuck I'm dying here." Morgan whined

"Okay, okay I'll be back." Mark said running.

The last he saw of it was Annalise going to get some cloth from Mike's room. Mark knew that Annalise would give the cloth to Morgan and Mike would help Morgan with his scratches and bleeding. Mark knew Mike too well. Mark took his time and then received a text from Annalise 'It's working. Mike is helping Morgan cleaning his wounds.' Mark was thrilled. He went to Morgan's dorm and slowly got the first aid kit. Mark went back and texted Annalise to open the door. She did quietly.

"Omg! Mark! Mike was cleaning Morgan's bleeding and then Morgan leaned and kissed Mike. Mike took the bait. Their in Mike's room kissing. God knows what there doing." Annalise said

Mike offered to help with Morgan's wound. Suddenly Morgan leaned in and kissed Mike on the lips. Mike backed off and whispered.

"Are you crazy, you're dating Mark?" Mike whispered

"We're in an open relationship." Morgan said kissing Mike's lips and neck

Mike loved it. He wanted Morgan to kiss him. He was jealous of Mark for dating Morgan. He thought Mark was hot but Morgan was hotter. Mike continued the kiss and motioned to take off Morgan's shirt. Mike had seen Morgan's biceps and his chest and his hardened nipples and wanted to fuck them.

"No, we'll go to your room. This was a ploy so Mark could leave and we could have sex." Morgan seductively said

"What do you mean?" Mike said playing with Morgan's hair

"The first aid kit is not in the bathroom, I hid it before I came." Morgan said

"Oh, smart guy! Let's have sex now." Mike said

Mike took Morgan's hand and led him to his room. As soon as Mike locked the door, Morgan start taking Mike's shirt off. Morgan then unbuckled Mike's jeans which revealed his white boxers. Through them were Mike's 6 inch hardened cock. It was Mike's turn to undress Morgan. Mark quickly took of Morgan's shirt off and started to lick his nipples. While licking Morgan's nipples, Mike unbuckled Morgan's jeans. Morgan had wore silk boxers and Mike took them off completely. There was Morgan's hot 6 and a half inch cock looking straight at Mike's mouth. Mike took it in and sucked it like a pro. He had never sucked a cock before. It was Mark who had sucked that one night. Morgan moaned and moaned and begged Mike for more.

"Mike, mike I'm gonna fucking cum, I'm cumming." Morgan moaned with pleasure.

Mike never left Morgan's cock and swallowed Morgan's cum. It was delicious. He loved it. Mike wondered to himself what would Mark taste like. Mike gagged a little bit and coughed. Both Mike and Morgan moaned.

"Turn over I'm gonna fuck you." Mike said putting a condem on his hardened cock.

Morgan passed some Vaseline from the dresser and Mike squirted it in Morgan's ass. Morgan squirmed and moaned " Fuck me, Mike, fuck me".

Mike pushed Morgan his bed and started to enter his cock into Morgan's ass. It was painful for them. Mike re-entered his cock into Morgan's a second time but more slowly. He loved the feeling even though it was painful. He couldn't wait until he cummed in Morgan's ass. Morgan felt the pain and tried to ignore it. He wanted Mike to cum inside him. He wanted to be fucked and thought to himself 'I can't wait to get fucked by Mark, yumm.'

"Fuck, Morgan I'm gonna cum. Oh Yeah baby I'm cumming. Aahh. Fuck." Mike moaned loudly

"Oh yee! Mike your amazing. Oh, Oh fuck your good you hot bitch." Morgan moaned

Mark who had been at Mike's door the whole time listening to the hot sexy sounds had a fucking hard on. The smell of sex entered the hallway and Mark loved the smell of it. He could hear Morgan's and Mike's moans and yelps. That's enough Mark said and banged on the door.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Mark yelled at the top of his lungs.

To Be Continued

If you have comments or questions email me


Edson Chiller

Next: Chapter 5

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