Mark and Mike

By E C

Published on May 23, 2014


Hey guys! This is Mark and Mike part 3. Liked my story? send me a message to

Hopefully you all enjoy the story!!

Morgan's face lightened up and leaned over and started kissing Mark's lips, ear and neck. Mark was in shock. Here he was at Morgan's dorm being kissed by Morgan himself. Mark kissed back passionately. Morgan moved his hands towards Mark's shirt and quickly took it off. Mark moved his hands and slowly unbuttoned Morgan's shirt revealing Morgan's big ass chest and his hardened pecs. Mark moved his hand and moved Morgan's head toward his face.

"Morgan, I've had a crush on you since the first day of Bio class. I've wanted to have sex with you since I saw you." Mark said

"Thanks Mark! I've had a crush on you since I figured out your gay. Since then wow I've been jerking to you." Morgan said

"Really! If I had know you we're gay, I'd approached you sooner." Mark said

"I was going to. But I second guessed myself. But then I said fuck it, I'm gonna go make the move. If you weren't gay then what ever, shit happens. But you are you are gay and were here right now." Morgan said

"Fuck Morgan! Your hot as fuck. Suck me!" Mark said

"Yes sir. I will" Morgan happily said.

Morgan lowered his face and start kissing Mark's chest. Mark moaned in pleasure. Mark's hand explored Morgan's broad back. Mark stopped suddenly moaned even loudly when Morgan start licking and sucking on Mark's nipples. Mark lay on the chair caressing Morgan's hair. Again, Morgan lowered his face and kissed and licked Mark's abs. Mark's cock was raging. Mark could feel his cock harden like a ball and noticed that Morgan's cock was hardened too and bulging from his dark blue denim jeans.

"Man you have the hottest abs in the world. I could fuck them if I could." Morgan said with pleasure

"Pfft, you have the hottest abs in the world. I can't wait to suck them and lick them, you sexy stud." Mark said moaning with pleasure

"Can't wait till you do, man." Morgan said

Morgan lowered his face and started to unbuckle Mark's belt from his jeans.

"Fuck, Morgan suck me." Mark grinned

Morgan unzipped Mark's jeans and took them off, including Mark's socks. Mark was left with his blue Calvin Klein boxers. Morgan stroked Mark's cock and teased Mark by biting it from his boxers. Mark moaned with pleasure. Morgan took off Mark's boxers and looked at Mark's cock. Morgan admired it. He loved it and he wanted to suck it.

"You have the hottest cock, Mark. It's big, like mine. Can't wait to suck it." Morgan said smiling.

"Well what the fuck, suck it already." Mark demanded

Morgan took Mark's cock and opened his mouth and began sucking it. Mark moaned loudly. He caressed Morgan's black hair, which was now messy, thanks to Mark caressing. While Morgan was sucking Mark's cock, his hands felt Mark's hardened balls. Morgan kept sucking Mark's cock back and forth until Mark shrieked "Im gonna cum." Morgan was delighted it. He wanted to tasted Mark's semen. He wanted to eat it. Finally Mark's cum exploded into Morgan's mouth. It was too much for Morgan as he began to cough. Semen still came from Mark's cockhole. Mark moaned in pleasure but when he saw Morgan coughing he asked

"Are you okay, Morgan?" Mark asked

"Yeah I'm fine. Your cum tasted warm, it tasted sweet and salty. Mhmm." Morgan said licking the residue of Mark's cum.

Morgan mouth moved toward Mark's balls and licked them with pleasure. Both Mark and Morgan were in heaven. Mark thought to himself 'Oh My Fuck! I can't believe Morgan sucked me dry.'

"You have a sexy cock, Mark. I loved licking it and sucking it. Your cum wasn't bad at all. Let's take a shower and that way you can suck me. Deal?" Morgan asked

"Fuck, Morgan let's do it." Mark said standing up.

Mark took his clothes, while Morgan took his shirt to the bathroom. In no time. Morgan prepared the hot shower and began to strip. Morgan took off his dark blue denim jeans revealing his black silk boxers. Mark's eye's popped. Morgan quickly took off his boxers exposing his 7 inch hard cock.

"That's a beaut." Mark said

"Thanks!" Morgan said blusing.

Both men went into the shower. Morgan turned on the water and Mark began washing Morgan's hot body. Morgan's chest was way bigger than Mark's. Mark and Morgan embraced and kissed. After washing Morgan's body, Mark then bent down and started sucking on Morgan's cock. It was heaven. Sucking on Morgan's cock was ecstasy. Morgan moaned with pleasure as he was washing Mark's hair. Mark kept sucking Morgan's cock. Morgan's cock was amazing.

"Uh, Mark, oh, oh Mark, your amazing." Morgan said grinning with pleasure.

Without warning, Morgan came and his cum was swallowed by Mark. Mark enjoyed it. It tasted delicious. Morgan groaned and moaned with pleasure. Mark stood up and felt the hot water on his skin. He kissed Morgan for several minutes. After kissing, both men started to feel each other's chest and asses. Mark's ass muscles tightened up when Morgan's hand touched them. Mark felt a shock through his body. He loved the way Morgan touched him.

"Mark, I want to you be by boyfriend." Morgan asked happily

"Morgan, I will be your boyfriend." Mark said kissing Morgan

"But I'm not out yet, so we have to keep it down low." Morgan said

"Works for me, Morgan. My friends Mike and Annalise only know I'm gay." Mark said kissing Morgan's chest

"Thanks! I'm not ready to fuck yet, so we'll end our sex time here." Morgan said

"Sure, what ever you want. When your ready, I'll be here waiting for sexy cock fucking me." Mark said

The two men laughed. Afterwards, they finished taking a shower and Mark and Morgan went to bed. But before, the two men kissed for several minutes. Mark thought to himself 'Wow! I came here to innocently study with a guy friend and I ended sucking him and becoming boyfriends.' Mark looked towards Morgan who was fast asleep. Morgan was so beautiful.

Mark woke up to find Morgan up and about. It was 7:30 am. Mark heard Morgan in the kitchen. Mark stood up and went to the kitchen with his blue boxers on.

"Hey beautiful, how's your sleep?" Morgan asked

"It was good. Don't you have a roommate?" Mark asked

"Yep, but Jamison is not here this weekend, he comes on tonight." Morgan said

"Oh I see. Well I'm gonna go. Thanks for the amazing night." Mark said putting his clothes on.

"Oh man, why! I was thinking we do a rematch of last night." Morgan said in a seductive way

"Sorry, but I gotta go. I promise we'll do a rematch but not now. I gotta get back to my dorm. Cya hot stuff!" Mark said

"Alrighty Mark, you tease. Cya, beautiful." Morgan said

Mark leaned in and kissed Morgan on the lips and then grabbed his books and headed out. 'Wow' Mark thought 'This is happening'. Soon enough Mark came to his door. He went to grab the key to open the door from his back pocket but Mark could not find it so he knocked on the door. After five minutes the door opened. Mark looked at who opened the door. He thought it was Mike but it was Annalise.

"Annalise, why are you wearing Mike's robe?" Mark asked suspiciously

"Hi, Mark. Hows it going. Oh, aha, um, well, you know. I'm cold." Annalise said

"Oh okay, um but I'm pretty sure the last time I saw you, you were wearing jeans." Mark said

"Was I. Oh i didn't realize. You must be mistaken. I was wearing my red dress yesterday for the party." Annalise said

"Oh okay. And I suppose you're hear because Mike got trashed yesterday." Mark said

"Well, he didn't get drunk yesterday." Annalise said slowly

It took Mark a minute to figure things out.

"Annalise, did you sleep with Mike yesterday night?" Mark said smiling

"Mark, no. I would not." Annalise said

"Oh, I see. Okay." Mark said going into his room.

"Alright, I did. Okay. It was great. I liked it. I really did. It was new to me." Annalise said

"Knew it. Uh, New to you?" Mark said

"Um yes, new to me. Some people like me, are virgins." Annalise said

"Oh. Good to know. Actually your not a virgin anymore." Mark said

"Yes, Mark. I quite realize that. Mark it was amazing. Wow! Just wow. Mike is amazing." Annalise dreamingly said

"I know, Mike can be amazing. I've seen him naked. Remember I had sex with him." Mark said

"Yes I know you did. Mike maintains that he is straight. He just fooled around." Annalise said

"I'm pretty sure he did." Mark retorted

"Oh! I forgot to ask? How was studying with Morgan?" Annalise asked

"It was great, real great. Morgan and I had a fun time." Mark replied

"Fun time doing what, exactly, studying?. If that's you definition of fun-" Annalise said

"No, we-" Mark said

"No way. No way. You did not. I thought he's straight?" Annalise asked

"Nah uh. He aint. He's gay. He's so fucking sexy. If you saw him, Annalise you'd go to heaven. He's a fucking stud." Mark said

"Wow. I am shocked. Wow. Really, Morgan, soccer guy is gay?" Annalise said

"Yeppo he is and we are dating. But YOU CAN NOT TELL MIKE. He'll probably spread a rumour through college. Can you please keep it a secret." Mark said

"Of course I will. I'm still shocked." Annalise said

"Well I'm gonna go to bed. See ya later." Mark said going inside his room

He took off his clothes and went under his covers. He was thinking of what happened between Mike and Annalise. He would of been pissed if Mike fucked another girl but it was Annalise, therefore he was okay with that. Annalise was like his younger sister. Mark passed out and woke up and saw the time. It was 12:45. Mark got up put his sweat pants and a wife beater shirt and then looked at his phone. He had received a message from Morgan reading ' Hey sexy. I miss you. Can't wait to see you in Bio class. Wink Wink.' Mark laughed and replied 'Me too baby. Love ya.' Mark got up and went to the kitchen. He saw Annalise and Mike sitting and talking. Mark took a precooked dinner from the freezer and put it in the microwave.

"Hey Mike. How's it going?" Mark asked

"It's alright. How was studying with Morgan?" Mike responded

"It was good." Mark said looking at Annalise

"How's the party?" Mark asked

"It was alright. Nathaniel and Jack were there and all of us were playing beer pong." Mike said

"Cool." Mark said

Mark thought ' Nathaniel and Jack are always with Morgan during Bio class. Why didn't he go with them?'

The three of them continued talking until three o'clock and finally they studied. Tomorrow came and Mark was excited to see Morgan. Morgan had warned him that he was still in the closet and thus he did not except some sexual behavior between them at class. Mark walked into class and saw Morgan talking to Nathaniel and Jack. Morgan eyed Mark and winked at him. Mark did the following. Mark's cock immediately became hard looking at Morgan. Morgan had his black hair pushed back. He wore a green t-shirt that showed his hot biceps and black jeans. Mark sat next to Annalise who waited for Mike to come. After class, Mark went to the men's washroom to take a piss. Morgan had seen this and quickly followed him. When Mark was pissing, Morgan came and admired Mark pissing. Mark didn't notice that Morgan was there until after he had finished pissing.

"Jesus! Morgan you scared the shit outta me!" Mark said

"Well I was admiring your sexy pissing skills, not to mention that hot cock of yours. It needs satisfaction." Morgan said squeezing Mark's cock

Mark immediatley moaned loudly.

"Oh, Morg- that's feels good, real good." Mark said kissing Morgan.

Morgan bent down and kissed Mark's cock. Mark moaned. Finally Morgan stood up and said

"I have a soccer practice. Everybody is allowed to watch. Would you mind coming and watching me play." Morgan said

"Sure thing hot stud. I'll watch you play soccer with all those hot guys. Can't imagine the showers after practice. The guys reeking with sweat and their bodies glossed up because of it. How hot. I wish I was gonna be there watching you shower." Mark said

"Mark stop it. I'm having a hard on. You being there can be arranged. I love you babe." Morgan said kissing Mark

"Love you too babe." Mark said zipping up his pants and washing his hands.

"The soccer practice is at 6:30 sharp. Be there or be square." Morgan said leaving.

Mark looked at Morgan's ass leaving the washroom. It was delicious. He couldn't wait to taste.

Any comments, compliments or questions email me at

I'd like to you hear what y'all think of the story so far.

Edson Chiller

Next: Chapter 4

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