Mark and Mike

By E C

Published on May 20, 2014


Mark was walking down the hallways of the college he was attending to his biology classroom. This was Mark's second day at college. He had made two friends from orientation, Mike and Annalise. The three of them were in the science program as Mark wanted to become a high school biology teacher, while Mike wanted to become a doctor and Annalise wanted to become physiotherapist. Mark thought of his friends as decent. Mike was a hockey player and played on the local hockey team in the city. He was athletic and was extremely built. Mark's first impression was that Mike had taken steroids to become that built. Mike had brown hair and was 6 feet tall. This made Mark jealous as he himself was 5 feet and 8 inches tall. Mark was also athletic as he worked out and played lacrosse and occasionally played hockey. He also had brown hair. Annalise was 5 feet and 7 inches tall and played volleyball. Not only the three friends were in the science program, they were athletic and played sports and also had English, History and Bio together. And not to mention that Mike was Mark's roommate. For the most part of the orientation, they talked about sports.

Mark skimmed the biology classroom to see if there were any good-looking guys. Marc was gay and he knew that he was since he was 16. Mark had fucked his best friend at the end of grade 10. Soon enough, Rob, Mark's best friend, became Mark's boyfriend. They had broken up after prom as Rob went to university in California, while Mark went to university in New York. Mark saw three hot guys in the back of the class. They were hot studs that played on the soccer team. Mark stared at them and almost drooled until he realized what he was doing. He spotted Mike and Annalise and sat with them. Soon enough, there professor came into the classroom and started talking of the immune system. Mark could not help himself but look at Mike through the corner of his eye. Mike was wearing blue denim jeans, a grey Hollister t-shirt and a black sweater. His shoes were black converse. Mark had only known Mike for three days and shockingly did not notice that Mike looked fucking hot in the clothes. Mark's cock became hard just thinking of Mike. After class, Mark went to the men's washroom and jerked off a huge load.

After the day had ended, the three friends went to Starbucks and had latte's. That was another similarity between the three.

"Oh my God! I just texted my sister and told her that I have the hottest proff for English" Annalise said smiling

Mike and Mark laughed. Mark thought to himself 'No shit, he's a fucking stud. I'd suck him.'

"Wow Annalise, just wow. I'll bet he's married." Mike said

"Oh Annalise, what are you gonna do, go up to him and jump him?" Mark said

"Shut the f up. And yes, Mark i would go up to him and jump him." Annalise said

"Did you see that hot girl sitting in the front. Did you see her ass. Mhmm. I would lick her like icecream." Mike said

"Eww! That bitch. She's hideous." Annalise said disgustingly.

"She's pretty hot but I'd go for the nerdy brunette who sits behind me. She's a babe." Mark said

"The one that sits with Brenda?" Mike asked

"Yes that one." Mark said

"Seriously you too have the weirdest taste in women." Annalise smiled

They all laughed. After drinking their latte's they left to their dorms. Mike and Mark said goodbye to Annalise went to their dorms. Finally the two guys reached there dorms.

"I hate having a quiz tomorrow." Mark groaned

"What?" Mike worriedly asked

"No, no for my French class." Mark said

"Ahh, Thank God. I was worried that we had a quiz in bio or something." Mike said

"Nope, haha" Mark said taking his french textbook.

"Well I'm gonna go shower see ya in a bit." Mike said

In five minutes Mike prepared his shower, stripped and went in the shower. During this time, Mark stared at Mike's hot naked body. His ass was amazing. It was hot as fuck. Mike's cock was 5 inches and cut. Mark's cock was about the same size and cut. Mark forced himself to stop thinking Mike's hot cock and body and started to study for his French quiz.

Weeks past by and the three friends got used to college. Finally the first week of October came and the three started to study for there impending midterms. The three went to the library and studied for three hours for the biology midterm. After studying, all of them left. When they got the apartment. Mark and Mike started to study again. Even though he wanted to become a bio teacher Mark did not know as much as bio as did Mike. So Mark asked him a question.

Mark can you help me with the immune and digestive systems?" Mark asked

"Sure thing, bud, ask away." Mike said

"I just dont get the fucking digestive system. To make it all worse there's these proteins that have like ten words for a name."

Mike laughed hard that he fell on the floor.

"Fuck man, your a funny kid." Mike said

"I only got 80% in Bio 30?" Mark said shyly

That made Mike laugh even more.

"And you want to be fucking bio teacher. For fuck sake's man. Get learning... Alright I'll help you." Mike said. Mark said thanks

After thirty minutes, as Mark was doing what Mike was telling him what to do for the memorization, Mike turned Mark's chair towards himself and started ti kiss him. Mark felt shocked and happy and went on and started kissing him and going through Mike's brown nicely combed hair. Finally Mike backed off and looked at Mark. He looked horrified and quickly left the room. Mark was shocked. There was his roommate and friend that had just kissed him and then left. Mark loved the kiss, he wanted to do more than kiss with Mike. He wanted to fuck him, suck him, lick his abs and and his chest and his pecs. This had given Mark a hard on. A couple of minutes later, Mike came in and said

"I'm sorry man, I- I- I didnt know what I was doing, I'm sorry. I'm not gay, I swear. I'm straight. Sorry man." Mike said freaking out

"It's okay man, I get it. I'm" Mark stopped before saying the word gay. "I'm okay with you kissing me. We all have our week moments. You alright Mike?" Mark asked

"Yah I'm just shocked that i fucking kissed you. Fuck, what the fuck. My brain is fucked." Mike said

"Its okay, Mike. I wont tell a soul, I even wont tell Annalise." Mark said Mike responded saying thanks

After the kissing incident, Mark thought alot of what happened. He wanted to tell Mike that he was gay but he couldn't. He was scared.

The bio midterm came and the three friends passed. There was a house party going on that Friday and Mark, Annalise and Mike went to the party. Mike got drunk as he drank 10 bottles of beer and did five shots of whiskey. Annalise and Mark drank but not as much. Finally after the party was finished at three, Mark drove back to the apartment and both Mark and Annalise carried Mike to his room. Finally Annalise left. Mark was beside Mike's bed. He had taken Mikes shoes and socks off and his pants off. Mark tucked Mike in bed.

"Mark, Mark thanks so fucking much. thanks. I fucking love you man, your the fucking best. Your a brother to me. i love you. Come here." Mike said who drunk Mark came towards and then Mike kissed him on the cheek and then on the lips. Mark could not let go. He wanted this to happen for over a month. His dream was coming true. All the time he had jerked himself, it was for Mike.

Mike and Mark continued kissing for two minutes. Mike's breath smelled like beer and whiskey. Mark took Mike's shirt off. His chest was fucking awesome and hot. His chest was amazing. Mark undressed and only left his boxers. He came on top of Mike and started to lick Mike's amazing chest. Mark explored Mike's pecs and sucked them for five minutes each. He slowly moved towards Mike cock and furiously took Mike's white boxer off. There was Mike's cock, which had enlarged to 6 and half inches. Slowly Mark put his mouth on Mike's cock and sucked back and forth on Mike's cock. It was amazing. The smell of Mike's cock was deliciously breaktaking. Mike was moaning loudly and swearing.

Oh fuck, fuck, that good Mar, Mark, fuck, suck that cock mine, fuck it, fuck, that's wonderful. Oh my Fuck I'm gonna cum, Mark im gonna fucking cum. Soon enough Mike came and Mark's mouth did not move from Mike's cock. Mike's semen squirting into Mark's mouth. Mark swallowed it like his latte. He licked Mike's balls and the residue of Mike's cock. Mike and Mark were in heaven. Mike's semen tasted sweet and salty. It was delicious.

"Fuck me Mark, fuck me. I'm gay, I'm gay for you bitch. fuck me. I want your cock in me, you sexy beast." Mike shouted. Mark took off his boxers and grabbed a condem from the drawer. He put in on and Mike moved over showing his hot ass.

"You have a fucking hot ass, Mike." Mark complimented him.

"Thanks! now get fucking Mark." Mike said

Mark fingered Mike's ass and then put cream inside Mike's ass and Mike squirmed. Mark put his cock slowly into Mike's ass. Mike squirmed again and screamed in pain.

"Fuck that hurts Mark!" Mike screamed

Sorry! Guess you've not been fucked before." Mark remarked

"Try again." Mike said

Mark slowly placed his cock into Mike's hot ass.

"It's hurts! Fuck it hurts like a bitch" Mike screamed

Mark again put his cock into Mike's ass and slowly he kept sliding his cock back and forth.

"Fuck me Mark, fuck me, like a beast. Ahh it's hurt's. "Mike said.

"Want me to stop" Mark asked

"Fuck no, don't stop! Keep on going Mark!" Mike said gasping for breath

Mark had just felt the pain of his cock from putting his cock into Mike's ass. It had been seven months since he'd fucked Rob.

While Mark was fucking Mike, Mark hands explored Mike's chest. His pecs were so hot and ran through them several times. Mark kept slowly sliding his cock back and forth until Mike gasped with pain. Semen spread all over the bedclothes.

"Oh, Oh fuck yes, Mark that was good. It hurts man but your cock, your man. Your amazing." Mike said

"My pleasure Mike. I wanted to do that ever since i saw you at orientation. I love you Mike but I'm sorry for the pain. I forgot to tell you that it would it hurt." Mark said.

"Its okay. I"ll get over the pain. I love you too Mark." Mike said.

The both of them slept naked together until they Mark woke up at 10. Mark saw that Mike was up and about. Mike came the bedroom and silently looked at Mark.

"Hi Mark. Last night was amazing. I fucking loved it but I'm not gay." Mike said

"Hi, you said that your gay and now your not. Are you bi?" Mark asked

"No I'm not. Get over it Mark. Im a straight guy and you are gay. This is the last time we have sex. It was great, we had both fun and but we were playing, Game's over." Mike said

"What? You said you loved me?" Mark said

"I meant as a fucking brother, not as a fucking lover. I'm not gay. Sorry bro. That's your forte." Mike said leaving the room.

Mark went out of Mike's room and quickly showered and came out to find that Annalise was there. She looked cheerful and happy.

"So what are we doing today?" Annalise said

"Nothing, I'm not doing anything. Fuck I'm staying here and resting. I've a Classic's paper due on Wednesday." Mike said leaving to his room

"What's wrong with him?" Annalise asked

"Nothing is wrong with him." Mark said smiling

"Mark, tell me. Both of you are my friends, remember." Annalise replied

"Mike is fine, he is just tired from getting drunk." Mark said

"Tell me the truth, Mark what happened?" Annalise asked

Mark shifted his legs and looked towards his bulging cock. It was noticeable through his gym shorts.

"Oh!" Annalise said gulping her orange juice

"Yeah it happened, what you dont like me anymore?" Mark rudely said

Annalise started to cry.

"I'm sorry Annalise, I didnt mean to make you cry." Mark said

"I support gay rights, I really do but I didn't think that you were gay." Annalise cried.

"What" Mark said. He was confused

"I had a crush on you ever since we met. I thought we could date. I was a fool. I'm sorry." Annalise cried

"Oh my God. I am so sorry Annalise. I didn't know. I'm sorry." Mark said kissing her forehead. "I'm gay, Annalise. I didn't know that you had feelings for me."Mark said

'It's okay. I've to go. Bye" Annalise said leaving at once.

Mark became furious at himself. He took the the vodka bottle beside the counter and smashed onto the wall. The bottle smashed into pieces and the vodka went all over the floor.

Edson Chiller

Next: Chapter 2

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