Mark and Josh: Truth or Dare

By Tyler

Published on Mar 25, 1998



Hi there once again! This is a story about two teenage males that find out that they can be more than just friends. If you find the idea of two teens of the same sex doing it then not only should you not read this but you should also not E-mail me to tell me about it because my boyfriend would probably get upset if I stopped. Now I know that some of the grammar is rough and that my spelling is far from awesome, but maybe with the help that I got from Word you will be able to enjoy it. Oh and now for the hipocritical part of my intro, if you aren't eighteen then don't read this and since you got this far and will anyways, don't get caught , I get enough shit from my own parents, and they don't even know that I am gay yet!

I looked over at Mark and thought that this was getting way too dangerous for me. Although he had always been my best friend there were things about me that he didn't know and that I was pretty sure that I didn't want him to know. I mean if he knew that I got a boner almost nightly thinking about him naked then it would probably put a serious damper on our friendship. I mean even though I wanted more than anything else in the world to explore that beautiful body for hours at a time there was no way that I was going to take a chance of losing the best friend that I ever had, or worse yet, have him look at me like a freak for the way that I felt about him. and that was exactly what I was, or so I thought. I mean sure I had heard that every guy went through a phase when they were fascinated with other guys, but I was way beyond that and knew from the way that i felt about all of the girls that were always trying to get me to go out with them that something was really not right. The one time that I had managed to really get into it with the undisputed class princess, I had been thinking of none other than the gorgeous boy sitting across from me in his cute little boxers.

"Earth to Josh!" Mark said. "What the hell is wrong with you brain death! Lately all that you do is stare off into space and sit there and look stupid!" He said with a laugh. "I mean what is it with you? Ever since you and Becky went out last month you seem to have gone into your own little world."

Becky was the last chance that I had given myself to prove once and for all that I wasn't some kind of perv. Well the equipment had worked and she seemed to have a lot of fun and it wasn't exactly what you would call a chore for me either, but once I got really excited i just had been unable to keep my mind from going back to the thoughts that I always had about Mark and that was what had finally gotten me off. I had to admit it, to myself at least, if I didn't have the balls to admit it to anyone else. I was a fag. Just sitting there thinking about it while I looked at a guy that I had always felt I could tell anything, the one guy that it had always been me and him against the world, and knowing that if he knew the truth he would probably call me names and totally freak, was enough to make me cry. But I couldn't do that either because then he would think that I was totally weird!

"So do you wanna play or what?" He said again, with that smile that would have made Helen of Troy jealous.

"Well, I don't know" I said really not wanting to have to answer any questions that I knew he was bound to ask. I had never lied to him and was pretty sure that I wouldn't be able to convincingly now. "I mean you aren't supposed to play truth or dare with just guys are you?" said scrambling for some way to escape his eyes which all of the sudden seemed to be looking at something inside of me and that I was sure was going to discover just how much of a freak I was.

"Aw come on, that has never stopped us before!" he said. And it was true. We had always told each other everything, I mean I could still remember the day that he bsted out and told me out of nowhere that he had broke his, well you know, thing. He came over and almost started sobbing as he told me that he had been choking it and that right when it was getting to the best part that it had started leaking! I had tried not to, but couldn't help busting out laughing at the way he said it. He got all pissed at me and asked what was so funny. So I told him that it wasn't broken and that I had been doing that for a couple of months. He was even more pissed because I hadn't told him about it! " So all of the sudden you are scared or what? You got something that you don't want me to know?" He asked with an expression that I couldn't remember ever having seen on his face before.

That did it. I either had to take the bait or he would seriously know that something was wrong and I would never be able to keep the fact that he was the center of several dozen sexual fantasies from him. "All right perv, truth or dare?"

He giggled and looked at me with his eyes full of mischief and said, "Truth!"

I thought for a second and tried to think of something that would steer the game that had always been our favorite into a very safe area. I couldn't think of anything that was totally safe so I asked the first thing that came to mind. "So when you did it with Wendy did she Uh..... you know, go down on you?"

Oh my god! Where did that come from? Was I crazy or what? Not only had I asked about sex but I had asked the one question that I really didn't want to know the answer too! I prayed that he would chicken out and not answer, but I knew better, even though he blushed he wasn't about to let me win that easily!

"Well, to tell you the truth we didn't really do anything but kiss." He said looking sheepishly, his face getting even redder.

"What? But she said that you guys went all the way!" I said with a laugh. "Becky told me that she said that you were awesome!"

"I know. But even though she really wanted to I was kinda scared and really didn't want to." he said more than just a little defensively. Now the bell went off in my head! there was something funny here! Now suddenly he was the one with the strange guarded lookin his eyes that I had never seen there before. What wasn't he telling me? "Why not?" I asked.

"Un uh, thats not the way that it goes! It's my turn and you have to wait for your next turn!" He said looking very relieved. " So, truth or dare?" He said arching his eyebrow.

There was no way that I wanted him asking me any questions, that could get really sticky in a hurry and he had this knack fo always asking some real doozies so I decided that a dare would definitely be the way to go. "Dare!" I said.

He seemed to think for a minute, and I was pretty sure that it couldn't be that bad I mean we were in a hotel room with his parents just down the hall and mine on the floor below so he couldn't get all that wild. I mean what could he really make me do? Suddenly his face lit up and I knew that I was in deep shit. Whatever he had just thought of had to be really good because he was grinning like a cat that just ate the canary.

"Okay, take off your boxers and play with it until I tell you to stop!" he said with one of the widest grins that I had ever seen on his face.

"You gotta be kidding!" I said

"Nope either do it or admit that you are a pussy and that I am better than you!" He said with that shit eating grin on his face.

Oh god! he was serious! Now what the hell was I going to do? I mean we had gone through the time when it was cook to play show me yours and I'll show you mine and we had both seen the other naked almost daily for the last four years! So if I chickened out it would look really funny, and if I started doing it right here with him watching he might figure out that it was him sitting here watching me do it that was getting me off. Well what the fuck, he asked for it, and besides just sitting there looking at the way that he was looking at me stretched across the bed was really making me hard anyway. I might as well enjoy it.

"Okay weirdo! You just better not chicken out on the next one! I said. I sat up and pulled my knees up to allow me to slip my boxers over my hips and off. I was trying really hard not to look at him as I reached down and ran my finger down the shaft and grabbed my low hanging balls with one hand while with the other I grabbed it and started lightly stroking it. I was determined that if I had to do this it was gonna be over quick, so I closed my eyes and went to my favorite dream spot, on my knees in front of the boy that was watching me do myself not more than a foot away. In my mind I felt the smooth skin of his hot rigid shaft as it responded to the touch of my hands and tongue, Marks beautiful tanned skin rigid with desire and sexual tension, softly moaning as my tongue mercilessly lashed his swollen cock. I was just starting to go over the edge into the bliss of orgasm when out of nowhere Mark grabbed my hand and said, "I said stop!" I moaned with frustration and looked at him like I wanted to kill him. Then for the first time I noticed how flushed his cheeks were under the tan and unbidden my eyes wandered towards the front of his boxers. Holy shit! He had a boner! His cock had gotten hard while he was watching me beat my meat. What was going on? No way that Mark felt the same way that I did, I mean I would have known by now. He had never been able to keep a secret from me for more than a day in his life! And that was only because I hadn't seen him. He must have just been thinking about something else. But there was no way that I could take my eyes off of that huge tent that held the object of all of the fantasies that had been plaguing me lately.

"My turn! Truth or dare?" I said. I was hoping that he said dare because I had every intention of returning the favor that he had just rendered me. When he looked at me though I was actually shocked to see fear there underneath the very apparent excitement. At that point I was totally baffled! Just what the hell did he have to be afraid of? I was the one that should be terrified but to tell you the truth my own excitement had me way beyond the point where my good sense let me be scared of what was going on. The combination of sexual frustration from being so close and then not finishing the job along with the sight of his rising rod had me almost out of control. It really was an effort not to rip off his shorts and shove his rod in my mouth no matter what happened! But the look that he gave me when he said "Dare." brought me right down to earth. He really was scared to death and even though I was totally turned on, I cared more for him than to let this go on. So instead of making him suffer the indignity of whacking for my pleasure I decided that I would think of something else that would hopefully relax the both of us.

"Okay, since you made me rub my rod you can rub the rest! My body is so sore from our workout yesterday that it will feel really good to have someone give me a back rub." I rolled over on to my stomach and although it sounds weird I was really sure that this would do us both a lot of good. We often gave each other back rubs, and yes I know that in itself was a little queer, but we had always done it and as we got older and found out that it wasn't really a good thing for one guy to give another a massage, we decided that as long as we didn't tell anyone else that it was all right. Besides we had done it to each other for so long that we both knew exactly what the other liked and we would never have found any girl who could have done half as good a job. As mark settled his weight against the firm trim cheeks of my ass could not help but be aware of just how close his boner was to my ass. Then his hands slowly moved up the smooth skin of my back in a way that I had never felt before.

As his strong hands traced the line of my spine all the way to my neck I couldn't help the shudders that ran through my body from the shivers that were traveling down the tips of my nerves. then he leaned forward and I felt the weight of his hard cock as it settled in the cleft of my cheeks as he kneaded the stiff muscles of my shoulders. His hands really were awesome and the sheer bliss of the moment was too much for me. I couldn't help the small moan that escaped as his hand not only kneaded the sore muscles but also seemed to lightly caress in a way that had never happened or that I had never been aware of before. I wasn't sure. He continued to rub his hands over my back and although he got to my lower back I was aware that he was still leaning forward and that his cock seemed to be throbbing against my ass. This was crazy! I was really starting to belive that Mark was hitting on me! This was better than one of the stories that I was always reading on my favorite newsgroup!

Then it hit me! When I came out of the shower earlier, Mark had been sitting over at the table playing with the laptop that my parents had gotten me for Christmas! I had never bothered to password protect the files that I had on there because I always carried it with me or left it in my locker at school. Could he have seen some of my favorite pics? No way I was losing it! Mark was not gay, and no matter how much I wished differently I had better start thinking straight or I was going to lose my best friend. the first order of business was to get away from the situation that I had gotten us into.

With that in mind, I sat up and pushed him off of me, saying " I gotta go take a whiz." I quickly escaped into the bathroom to hide the fact that my six incher was throbbing even harder now. I only knew of two sure fire ways to get rid of a rod when it was throbbing the way that mine was and I didn't have the time for the more enjoyable of the two so turning the cold water on in the sink i immersed it in the cold flow, and shuddered as the damned thing finally admitted that I was the boss after all. Not wanting to Mark to think that I was spanking it or that I had done what I actually did, I grabbed the towel that I had used after I showered earlier and quickly dried all signs of the drowning away. I was totally shocked when i walked out of the bathroom and saw Mark, not sitting on the bed where he had been when I had gone to the bathroom but now seated in one of the chairs at the table and once again fiddling with my laptop, and of all things crying! I stopped in the doorway totally flabbergasted. What the hell was wrong now? Had he figured me out and was losing it because he didn't know what to do about his best friend the fag? I was almost afraid to ask what the problem was, knowing what the answer was going to be. Now the whole thing made sense, he had been trying to figure out if I was queer after what he saw in my computer and I had more than confirmed his suspicions. My life was over! In the course of one afternoon I had lost my best friend, and made sure that everyone would know that I was a cocksucker and I hadn't even sucked one yet! Life sucked! Jesus! I would be lucky if he didn't tell his parents, who would of course tell mine. I was really screwed, but the worst thing was that Mark wouldn't be around anymore, shit he probably hated me.

Then he looked up and saw me and for the first time I really didn't understand what I saw behind those beautiful brown eyes. It wasn't the hate that I had expected but it almost looke like the time that he had asked Sarah Donavon out and she had turned him down, plus there was the little turn of his face that told me that he was really hurt. I was baffled but I had to know what was doing this to him and if there was any way that I could make it right I would. I would even swear never to do anything with another guy if thats what it took to make sure that we could be friends. So not being able to see him like that I walked over to him and said, "Hey guy what's the matter?"

He looked up at me and in a voice that was almost a wail he said, "Whats wrong with me? What does he have that I don't?". As he said this he turned the computer around so that I could see the screen. I had never fainted in my life but I was probably the closest I will ever be. He had found something that he shouldn't have all right and the worst part of it was that the picture that he was looking at could have been his twin brother, except for the fact that he was in the process of shoving his long cock down the throat of another boy in front of him. "I mean, when I found theses pictures I figured that maybe I wasn't a freak and that maybe all of these things that I have been thinking about could actually happen. Then I actually hit on you and not only are you not interested but you actually run away from me. Now you know that I am a fag, and you hate me! He started to cry even harder as he finished.

I Looked at him in stunned silence! What the hell was this! Not only had he been hitting on me but he also wanted me for real? What the hell was I going to do now? I was totally out of my depth, I mean in my fantasies it was always really easy and we both knew what we wanted and did it. But how the hell did I handle the fact that my best friend was bawling his head off right in front of me because he thought that I hated him for being what I was, and at the same time make him very aware that I wanted him more than anything I had ever wanted in my life? I sank into the other chair and just stared at him. I was lost!

"Now let me make sure that I really get what you are saying here." I said, trying to think really quick. " You saw the pictures that I had on my laptop and you figured out that I was a fag? And then you started hitting on me? Do you, uhm, want to, uhm, do it, with me?" I asked praying that I could turn this around.

He looked up at me, his eyes a little red but still the deep brown pools that I guess had made me so nuts over him, and drawing a deep breath that I couldn't help but notice expanded his chest really nicely, said, " Yeah! So what I think that you are hot and I want you! So now you can go back to school and tell everyone that I am a fag and that I tried to get into your pants on vacation! I don't care!"

I couldn't help it, I just busted out laughing and couldn't stop. Not only did he feel the same way about me that I did about him but he also thought that I was gonna blow his cover! Somewhere God was sharing my laughter at this universal joke. But Mark took it entirely the wrong way and started to get up and head for the bathroom. But now that everything was out in the open had entirely different plans for him. I grabbed his ankle and yanked, tripping and rolling over on top of his taut body, trapping his arms against his side and staring into his face.

"And just what do you think that i had those pictures on my computer for?" I asked "I don't know maybe it was just some mistake."

I couldn't help but grin as I looked into his face and quite deliberately said "And what if I were to tell you that they weren't?"

His whole expression seemed to change in an instant. "You mean?"

"Yeah, thats what I mean!" I said with a smile that really threatened to break my jaw, already starting to laugh again.

"You fuck!" He said, but he was already starting to laugh too. His tight athletic body started moving underneath me and that was all that it took for Mr. happy to once again make himself known. He looked down and saw what had happened to my raging boner and then got a crafty look in his eyes. I just barley felt him move before I was suddenly falling backwards and trying to stop laughing. I would like to say that I put up a pretty good fight but the truth be told, even though we were both fourteen, he was three inches taller and a good thirty pounds of solid swimmers muscle heavier than me, plus I really didn't want to fight. So as his long legs pushed me to the floor by the shoulders, I just relaxed and let him sit up on top of me.

I looked down and saw that I didn't even have the biggest dick in the room with a boner because his was also once again straining at his boxers. As he pulled his legs back under him so that he was kneeling above me I couldn't help myself from reaching down and running my hand along the ridge in the fabric that was hiding his bone. He really was huge compared to my slender six incher. Well almost six inches anyways. I was amazed at just how big it got. He really wasn't that much bigger than I was when they were soft, but this was a beast of a whole different color! He really liked what I was doing with my hand and he moaned loudly, as I, made bolder by his obvious pleasure reach inside to grab a hold of his meat.

I pulled it out and was really surprised to see that it was not only bigger than mine but it was beautiful! As it stuck out of his blue boxers, it was so white that it really stood out against the fabric and even more against the dark brown tan of his rigid stomach muscles. i really wanted to try putting it in my mouth but was kind of afraid. What if it was gross? I mean all the things that I had read said that it was awesome but what if it wasn't? And even though it was beautiful it was really huge! I could never fit the whole thing into my mouth. So instead I did one of my favorite things to do to my own and spit into my other hand and started rubbing my saliva all over his hot throbbing meat. He went crazy! He squirmed and moaned and his already huge tool seemed to swell even more. I could actually see his pule in the veins that ran along the sides of the shaft that was so white that it could have been ivory and that was every bit as hard as any elephant tusk. His face was a total mix of things that changed so fast that I couldn't identify, but the one thng that was certain was the fact that he was really enjoying himself. I kept on jeking him slowly not wanting this to be over before it had to, but also decided that I wanted to play with his balls.

As I reached up the leg of his boxers and began to knead the flesh of his scrotum I could tell that I had taken him to another plain. He looked down and I was surprised to see a couple of tears on his face before he through back his head and let out a fierce yell. At the same time his cock which was already huge seemed to throb and almost pop! Then suddenly the air was full of shooting streams of his hot sticky cum. No wonder he had thought that he had broke the damned thing the first time that he came! A couple of the gooey globs even sailed right over my head!

It seemed that his cock had a life of its own as it jumped around in my hand and continued to unload its contents. I was so busy watching that I forgot to close my mouth as some of it sprayed into my face, so I got a good mouthful. I didn't know what to do! I was busy trying to figure out what to do with it when I noticed that I kinda liked it even though it was a little slimy. I was still watching his cock go crazy in my hand, but now I was really concentrating more on the way that his load tasted in my mouth, I decided that I really liked it! I wanted more! But I was too late, he had already shot everything that he was going to shoot, so I used my hand to wipe what was left over from around the head of his rod and around my mouth and started sucking it off my fingers. He looked down at me as I sucked on my jizz coated fingers hungrily and smiled. "Do you mind if I kiss you?" he asked.

Now this was totally weird! I had never occurred to me that guys might kiss. I mean sure I had read about it and all, but I had also read about nuns who were secretly nympho's so I hadn't really thought that it would happen. But now that he said it, I looked up and saw how full his lips were and the idea really seemed like a good one. So I smiled at him and pushed myself up on my hands and said, "Please." as I wrapped my arms around behind his neck. God! Was that a right move or what! He was at least ten times a better kisser than any of the girls that I had made out with. His tongue was fast and hot And i have to tell you that almost blew my load as he continued to tickle the inside of my mouth with his darting tongue. It may have been really weird, but I loved it! He took his soft lips off of mine and looked into my eyes as he moved over onto his side and slid his hand down the smooth skin of my stomach playing with each line in my abs and making me giggle like a little when he played with my belly button. His hand continued on its downward journey and slowly wrapped around my much smaller but just as stiff cock. He gave it a good squeeze and then relaxed his hand so that it was just lightly brushing up against the hot skin on every side as he slowly started to pump me. He looked down at my body and slowly lowered his head onto my right nipple. Good Lord! Now I know why god gave guys nipples! The feeling of his soft lips and even his hard teeth on the tender skin drove me crazy! I squirmed and grabbed the back of his head pulling him down onto my nipple really hard and then moaned softly as I felt his other hand begin playing with the bare skin of my scrotum.

It was all too much along with the earlier play that we had done and i let out a moan and then began cumming. it seemed to last forever as I pumped and groaned and just as I started to taper off Mark once again locked his mouth over mine, but this time with much more confidence and force. He kissed me like I would have kissed a girl and that once again threw me into the throes of my orgasm. I grunted and continued to thrust against his hand sinking into the ecstasy of the moment. All too soon it was over and we both lie side by side on the floor, of all things actually cuddling! This was the part that I had hated with Becky the most, and with him I was as happy as a kitten to lay there while he petted and played with my body kissing my neck and occasionally kissing me on the lips.

I stretched and rolled over onto my side so that I could look into his eyes. he really was as gourgoes or even more so than any of the pictures that I had found on the internet. I guess that I really was a very lucky guy, I mean the half of the girls in school that weren't after me at any given moment were after him. What more could I possibly want in a...... I couldn't even believe what I had just thought! Not only had I just "done it" with a gut but I was even starting to think of him as my "boyfriend" now! I had to know how he felt first but I really didn't know how to bring this up. I mean it was so much easier with girls, I mean it was just sort of understood, but here I was dealing with a whole new equation that was calculus to me! Well he had done the hard part and come on to me so I guess that I owed him this much, so drawing a deep breath, I looked at him and took the plunge.

"Does this mean that you are my boyfriend? I mean I'll understand if you don't want to be or something like that but I just think, that, you know we should know." Oh yeah that sounded really good Josh! Why not just kill yourself now and get it over with! Just as he was getting ready to say something, probably something smart about what an idiot I was or abut how I shouldn't be so silly, the damned phone rang! I didn't know whether to be royally pissed or to thank god for interrupting my emotional dismemberment! God! How could I be so wicked stupid!

I jumped up and almost ran over to the phone leaving a shocked Mark staring after me. As I picked up the phone I turned my back to him so that he couldn't see the tears that were forming in my eyes. "Hello"

"Hi son" said my mom. She started telling me how there was a show in the hotel that her my father and Mark's parents wanted to go see and that if we wanted to we could come along, she droned on and on about how wonderful it would be or we could stay in the room and watch tv and play with the computer if we wanted. It seemed like she droned on forever and ever while I was sitting there trying to think of some way to quietly die.

While I had my back turned to him mark had walked over to his bag from the afternoon and grabbed a really cool ankle bracelet that we had bought this afternoon. He had got the kewler one because he had seen them first but I liked the one I bought too. But I was totally shocked when I felt his hands first on my waist and then slowly begin to slide downward first over the cheeks of my ass and then even further down. I looked around to see what he was doing, and was shocked to see that he was tying the one that he had bought around my ankle!

He slowly stood and leaned in close to the ear the opposite of the phone and whispered, "I guess that's up to you, I certainly want to be!"

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