Mark and Jason

By moc.loa@712rbdT

Published on Jul 3, 1998




This is a story of love and sex between two consenting males. If this kind of story bothers you, or you are under legal age, go away. For the rest of you, I hope you enjoy.

This is my first attempt at writing this kind of story. I hope you enjoy this and look forward to reading more stories from me.

Mark and Jason

His name is Jason. He was 35 years old, just ripe if you know what I mean. Not mature enough to be a homebody, but mature enough to enjoy like to it's fullest. He was 6'2" tall 180 pounds, dark brown hair with those gorgeous brown romantic eyes. OK, yes, I was in love with him and he with me.

We met of all places on the Internet. One of those meetings that you just happen to be attracted to a profile in a chat room. You think to yourself, "could this be Mr. Right". I was checking profiles and Jason's profile caught my eye.

"GWM, 35, divorced, romantic, love quiet times at home as well as nights on the town". Probably the romantic part is what caught my eye first. Being a very romantic and caring person myself, I seem to look for that quality in a man.

There was the usual "chit-chat" in the room, you know the kind.."How Big?", "Where at?", "Top or Bottom? ", "What are you into?". Well that is OK sometimes but I was wanting a serious conversation that night. I kept watching for Jason to say something in the room, but he never did. I figured he was busy having a private conversation with someone else. "What the hell. I'll try it", I thought. "Hello Jason, how are you tonight?", I typed on the screen. No answer. I thought, yeah he's busy talking to someone else, but I wanted to chat with this guy. I was just getting ready to give up when he typed, "Hello Romance, I'm doing fine. Thanks for asking." Wow, I can't believe he actually read the screen. It was 5 minutes later, but he actually read it.

I was still in shock when I received an Instant Message from him inviting me to a private conversation. Well, being a seasoned veteran of chat rooms, I knew what to expect..or I thought I did anyway. I responded with "OK, sure. Tell which chat room." To my surprise, I saw his phone number on the screen with he words, " Call me please." I was stunned. This guy wants phone sex. I'm not really into phone sex but I figured what the's been awhile for me. I'm so horny, maybe it will help.

I picked up the phone and dialed the number. Wait, that number looks very familiar. OH SHIT. That's my best friends phone number. Who the hell is using Jason's computer and giving out his phone number . Especially in a Gay Chat Room. Jason is not gay. Far from it. "Hello, hello. Who's there?" I heard on the other end. I had completely forgotten that I had dialed the number. It was Jason's voice. "Hi Jason, what's goin on?" "Oh hi Mark, it's you." he said with a disappointing tone in his voice. "Sorry buddy, did I bother you? You don't sound too thrilled to hear from me.", I said with a chuckle. I was trying to sound cheerful, yet still wondering who was there using his computer. "No, it's OK Mark, sorry I was kinda expecting someone else."

"Oh really? OK well, I'll call you back later." Knowing Jason had call waiting, I expected him to say it's OK he could catch it if another call came through. To my surprise and disappointment, he said to call him back around 11:00 if I was still up. "OK buddy, but it's only 6:30 now. You must have plans tonight. Hot date? " In that comforting, familiar chuckle he said, "Sure hope so." "OK guy, I'll let you get back to your company. I'll call back around 11;00." I was still trying to find out who was on Jason's computer in a gay chat room.

"Company? What makes you think I have company?" I knew that Jason did not have many friends. And I was the only one that's been to his apartment. Jason is a quiet guy and don't like a lot of people knowing where he lives. He says it comes from being screwed over by his ex-wife.

"Ugh, I don't know Jason. I was just teasing. Talk later buddy." "OK Mark, bye."

Now I was very confused. Wait, someone is playing a practical joke on my best friend and I don't like it. I'll take care of this asshole. It's probably his friggen ex-wife.

I got back on the computer and there was that screen name that I was so attracted to. OK, here's my chance to get this asshole good. I was just going to IM him when I received an instant message saying, " Are you going to call me?" As I read this I was getting very angry over this asshole giving out Jason's phone number. " I just called the number you gave me. It's my best friends number. Why are you giving out Jason's number over the computer?" I clicked send and waited for a response. Nothing happened. "OK, I got this guy by the balls now and I'm going to do him in big time." I thought out loud.

"What's wrong? Got caught huh?" I typed after about 5 minutes of waiting for a response. I kept thinking about Jason getting all these sicko's calling and bothering Jason. Jason would be so pissed if he knew about this. I can't tell him, I'll take care of it myself. "You just called?" was typed on the screen with what I figured to be embarrassed hands. I can just see this guy breaking a sweat knowing he got caught. "Yes I just called." "Are you sure you dialed the right number?" he typed. What a fuckin jerk I thought as I responded with, "Yes I just called 555-3604. That's the number you gave me." Again silence. This time longer than the last.

"Mark, is that you?" How does this guy know my name? OK, it's got to be Rhonda, Jason's ex. That Bitch needs to get a life and leave Jason alone. She has caused enough heartache and trouble for him. Jason will really be hurt if he finds out about this one. "Yes, it's me Rhonda. Why are you doing this to Jason? Haven't you caused him enough pain?"

"Mark, it's me Jason"..I read on the screen. "NO FUCKIN WAY" I thought outloud. What the hell is Jason doing in a gay chat room giving out his phone number? That bitch Rhonda is really pushing it now. "Nice try bitch. Is this another way for you to hurt Jason? You really need to get a life. Wait until I tell Jason about this one. " I knew there was no way I could tell Jason for more reasons than I wanted to admit to.

Jason and I have been best friends for almost 5 years now. We worked together at the local lumber yard. I am his supervisor and we became close friends after we both almost lost out lives when a tornado swept through the yard late one evening. We were the only two there trying to get things moved into a new building. The storm came up unexpectantly and hit hard. Jason and I were outside and saw the tornado as it hit the east side of the yard. I started to run for cover and noticed that Jason was frozen in his tracks. I quickly grabbed him an dragged him to safety. We dove under a large fork truck and prayed. It was over in seconds but the entire lumber yard was destroyed. Jason and I escaped with only a few scrapes and I a broken ankle. On the way to the hospital, Jason told me that if I hadn't grabbed him, he wouldn't be alive and that he owed me big time. I told him it was something that anyone would do and not to worry about it. Even with the pain in my ankle, I couldn't help but think of how Jason could repay me. But I knew that it would never happen. Jason did not know I was gay and I knew that he was straight as an arrow.

Mark, call me now, please.", I read on the screen.

"Why would I want to call you bitch? Leave Jason alone." I typed on the screen as I got even more pissed at her.

Suddenly the phone rang. " Oh fuck, she's calling me now. I can really tell her off now." I thought to myself.

"What the hell do you want?", I answered the phone very unlike myself.

"Mark, are you OK?" I heard Jason's voice on the other end. "oh, hi Jason, sorry didn't realize it was you."

"Mark, will you come over? I need to talk to you about something."

"Well can't this wait till morning? I'm already undressed and ready for bed actually."

"No Mark, I need to talk to you now in person. Please come over." (click)

This was sounding serious. What if someone called him before I had the chance to take care of things. This couldn't wait. I slipped on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt and headed to Jason's apartment. While driving the 10 blocks to Jason's place, I kept trying to figure out what I say to him to make things better. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that there was no lights on in his apartment. I ran to Jason's door and rang the bell. No answer. I knocked on the door loudly and called his name. Nothing. "What the hell is going on here?" I thought out loud. I remembered I still had Jason's extra key from when I looked after things when he went to Florida last month to visit his parents. I unlocked the door and not knowing what to expect, I slowly walked in.

There on the couch in the living room was Jason. I could barely make out that it was him because the only light was coming from the computer screen. "Jason, are you all right?", I asked as I walked to where he sat. I was waiting for an answer when I noticed tears coming from Jason's eyes. I had never seen this side of him and I was crushed. "Jason, buddy, what the fuck is wrong?" I asked as I sat next to him and pulled him close. Jason never spoke a word but instead seemed to break into a seemingly painful cry, I pulled him closer and just held him like an injured child. "It's OK buddy, let it out. Everything will be taken care of I promise," I told Jason like a mother comforting her child. All the while thinking that if I can get Jason through this, I am going to get even with that bitch ex-wife of his but good.

I held Jason for what seemed like hours, but I didn't care. My best buddy needed me and I was there for him for as long as he needed me. When I felt he had calmed down some, I tried to talk to him. "Jason, I will make her pay for this, I promise." Jason sat back and looked at me puzzled. "What are you talking about, Mark?" Jason asked through a still quivering voice. "I'm talking about what Rhonda did to you tonight on the computer," I said to my best buddy that I loved like a brother but longingly wanted as a lover. Jason's tears started flowing again as he got up and started slowly walking away. "Jason, please calm down. We can get your number changed and this will stop." "Damnit, Mark, shut the hell up." Those words shocked me as Jason and I have never spoken a harsh word to one another before. I was still in shock when the next spoken words almost floored me.

"Mark, it was me on the computer. Not Rhonda." I was completely speechless with mixed emotions. Jason sat next to me as I sat staring at the floor in shock. "Mark, please say something." Still unsure about what was going on, I stood and walked to the window staring into the darkness . Still turned away from him I asked, "Jason, what are you doing giving out your phone number in a gay chat room?" I was secretly praying that I would get the answer that I wanted so desperately to hear.

"Mark, we have been best friends for a very long time. I have tried and wanted to tell you for a long time that I am gay. I hope this don't change our friendship in the slightest, but I fully expect you to walk out and never speak to me again, and I know I will probably lose my job over this."

"What kind of friend do you think I am? Damnit Jason, you now me better than that. Why didn't you tell me about this sooner?", I yelled at Jason. The tears started flowing again as I immediately started to feel guilty for yelling at my best friend. I sat next to Jason and held him close in my arms again. "Jason, I too am gay. I had no idea that you were gay. I am not only shocked, but thrilled by the fact that now we can be even more open with each other." I wanted to tell him that I loved him and always had wanted him as a lover as well as a friend, but I was afraid of his reaction. It is true that we have been and are very close friends. More like brothers except for the absence of the same bloodline. I decided that I should not tell him my real feelings right now. We both have had enough shock for one night. Jason looked at me with those gorgeous brown eyes as if he was looking at my soul deep within and reading my mind.

Before I knew what was happening, Jason and I were in a loving embrace and kissing passionately like the long lost lovers that we were. I was in heaven on earth with my best friend in my arms and enhanced by this passionate moment. As much as I hated to, I pulled from Jason and looked deep into his eyes. "Jason, are you sure about this?", I asked in anticipation of a night of passionate love making. "Mark, I have never been with a man, but I know I want to be with you now and only you for the rest of my life."

"Jason, I have dreamed of this moment for many years, but I don't want to have sex with you....I want to make love to you. Let's go to bed."

As we walked to the bedroom arm in arm, the tears started flowing from both of us. Not tears of sadness or sorrow, but tears of joy and love...

Mark and Jason-Part Two

Mark and Jason had been friends for the 5 years. Neither knew of the other's homosexuality. They worked together at the local lumber yard and became best friends after Mark saved Jason's life one evening during a terrible summer storm. Each one longed for the other in their own mind and heart but were afraid of losing the friendship that they had attained. That is until one night when Mark accidentally found Jason in a gay chat room on the computer and they started talking to the other without knowing who the other was. After a long and emotional discussion at Jason's apartment, they discoverd the other's true feelings.

..."Jason, are you sure about this?" "Mark, I have never been with a man before but I know I want to be with you and only you for the rest of my life." "Jason, I have dreamed of this moment for many years, but I don't want to have sex with you....I want to make love to you. Let's go to bed."

As we walked to the bedroom arm in arm, the tears started flowing from both of us. Not tears of sorrow or sadness, but tears of joy and love........

As we entered the dimly lit bedroom, the passion of the moment ignited a fire deep within me. I pulled Jason tight against my self and could feel the desire in him. As we passionately explored each other's mouths with our tongues, our hands started undressing each other. Not only was this the man that I had longed to be my lover, this was my best friend.

Once we were free from the barrier of clothing, I slowly and seductively began to explore Jason's body with my mouth and tongue. I had always admired his body from afar, but now that he was naked in front of me, I understood why.

His 6'3", 180 pound frame looked like a Greek God to me. A light patch of dark fur covered his entire body. His pecs and abs were well defined from many years at the lumber yard. I had seen Jason shirtless before , but being afraid of him noticing, I just caught a quick glance whenever possible. I knew he turned me on, but did not realize just how much until now.

As I moved my mouth down Jason's body, I could hear the moans of ecstacy coming from deep within him. My God, I cannot believe that I am finally making love to the man that I have lusted after for nearly 5 years. Not only did I lust after this man, but this man is my best friend. I must be dreaming.

As I reached Jason's perk, pink, nipples, I heard a loud moan of pleasure as I felt his knees go weak. I picked him up to keep him from falling to the floor in pleasure and carried him to the bed. Although Jason is 5" taller than I and much more muscular and defined than I, the passion of the moment made it easy for me to carry this man of my dreams. As I laid Jason on the bed, he pulled me on top of him and kissed me passionately. As I lay on top of him with our manhoods together, I could feel our warm juices mixing together as one. Jason wrapped his legs around my body as if he was afraid I was leaving. As his legs tried to pull us together as one, I moved my mouth to his neck and ears, nibbling ever so gently. This seemed to drive Jason wild as his hips started an involuntary up and down movement. "Slow down baby, we have all night." I whispered into his ears trying to relax him. This seemed to have the opposite effect as Jason began humping even faster and harder, pulling out hot cocks together even more. I could feel his legs pulling us closer as he let out a deep moan of sexual release ans I felt his cock throb. I felt Jason cumming and that sent me over the edge as well.

As our love juices mixed between us, we kissed passionately and moaned in true sexual pleasure. As I felt Jason's leg lock loosen, I slowly moved my mouth from his and looked ointo those big beautiful brown romantic eyes of his. He was staring at me with glazed over eyes. The look in his eyes made me feel that he regretted what had just happened.

"Jason, what's wrong? Are you OK?, I asked hoping he had no regrets at all. "OH God Mark, I am so embarrassed and sorry. I wanted this to last all night.." A grin came across my face as I said, " Baby, it will last all night. That was just the beginning." As I reached between us and grabbed Jason's still hard 7" manhood, I said, " See, it likes me." As I continued to massage our combined cum into Jason's cock, that beautiful smile came across his face as he said with a chuckle, "Yeah, I guess you're right."

I laughed at his remark as I lowered my mouth tho Jason's cock and savored the taste of our combined love juices. "Mark, wait. Let me clean up first," he said almost in embarrasment. "Are you kidding? This is my favorite beverage. I wish they sold it by the gallon." Janon began to laugh hysterically then pulled me up to his mouth as he seemed to be trying to get a taste himself.. "No way baby, this is mine. You'll have to get your own." , I said laughing. "OK, you asked for it", Jason said as he playfully pushed me on my back and lowered his mouth on my hardening cock.

"UMMM Baby, are you sure you have never been with a man before?" Jason mumbled something while my cock was still in his mouth that I could not understand. "How rude. Didn't your mama ever tell you not to talk with your mouth full?" Jason started to choke and gag but I could tell it was from laughter and not the size of my cock. I'm not large by any means but it is mine and it can satisfy anyone that I have come into contact with so far.

Jason raised his head laughing. "You asshole, you have a joke for everything don't you?" "I'll show you asshole. Now get back to work boy, you are a natural." "Boy?" Before Jason could get that word out he was on top of my trying to pin me down. I was startled for a split second as I hadn't expected that at all. Jason and I playfully wrestled on the bed, groping each other as we took turns pinnng each other down. This was actually a real turn on for me, mainly because it was with Jason I'm sure.

As we played around, our bodies began to sweat and we kept sliding off each other. At one point Jason's cock was positioned at my ass. Jason stopped and looked at me as if for approval. "Well , what are you waiting for punk? You know you want it.", I said with a grin.

Jason smiled and I could feel him push slightly.

"Damn Mark, you're so tight." " Well what did you expect? You're not exactly needle dick the bug fucker." "True" Jason said with a laugh and rammed 7 thick inches of cock in my ass to the hilt.

"OH SHIT" I screamed.

"Oh God Mark, I''m sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you baby!"

I could feel Jason begin to pull out from embarrassment. I wrapped my legs around his back. "OH NO you don't. I've waited 5 long years for this. You aint stoppin' now." "But I hurt you Mark." "But nothing baby", as I pulled Jason deep into me I could see a smile appear on his face. As a tear fell from Jason's eyes, I hear the words that I longed to hear for a long time. "Mark, I love you baby." As I looked into those big beautiful brown eyes, I said," Jason, you better love me because you have me for the rest of our lives."

Jason and I made love into the early morning hours. We fell asleep in each other's arms like long lost lovers.

I awoke mid-morning from a wonderful dream with a smile on my face. As I stretched my refreshed body, my hand touched something very unfamiliar to me. Startled, I looked to see what was in my bed. As I saw Jason lying there with a smile on his face, I realized I was not in my bed at all. I was in our bed and I was not dreaming.

Jason and I have been lovers for 5 years now. I have never been happier and I know the same applies for Jason.

Thank you for reading part two of Mark and Jason. I hope you have enjoyed part two as much as part one.

Please feel free to comment by e-mailing me at Thanks again. Mike

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