Mark and Chuck

By Mark Pennington

Published on Dec 30, 2002


Yet another story from my feeble mind. As always, if you're too young to be reading this sort of thing, what the hell are you doing here? This story is a true story. Only certain details are changed to make it flow better.

25 years gives a guy a lot of perspective. 25 or so years ago, I didn't consider myself anything other than totally heterosexual. I'd had a couple of girlfriends with whom I'd gotten to 2nd or 3rd base. I enjoyed those make-out sessions and did everything I could think of to repeat them. I had thought about guys sexually. There were a couple of guys at my high school who were thought to be gay. Occasionally, I'd think about what it would be like to get a blow job from one of them. However, my fantasies would soon turn to whichever girl I was attempting to charm into the backseat at the drive-in. I generally walked to and from school. It was only about 3 miles and I needed the exercise. However, when it rained, as it often did, I was forced to take the bus. I seldom rode the school bus. Doing so usually meant a fight of some kind or another. Instead I would fork out the 25 cents and ride the city bus. Besides, it stopped right at my corner. One afternoon, I was on the bus when Chuck got on. I knew him only marginally; he kept to himself a lot and had a reputation of getting in trouble a lot. The bus wasn't very crowded but he went all the way to the back and sat down next to me like I was his best friend. As he sat down, he spread his large raincoat over his lap and greeted me casually. Then he asked me if I was "getting any." I laughed and told him, "I wish!" He looked me in the eye and asked me if I'd ever thought about doing it with a guy. My heart started pounding, and my throat was dry. I knew that all I had to do was shake my head "no" and he would leave me alone. I was a lot bigger than him; he wouldn't want to risk getting in a fight or anything. Instead, I nodded. He arranged his raincoat so that it covered both our laps. Nobody could see our laps behind the seat in front of us, but he was being careful. Then Chuck's hand crept over into my lap and found my rapidly hardening dick. He stroked it through my jeans, driving me crazy with lust. "I like to be touched too." Chuck said softly. I reached out hesitantly. It was one thing to my mind to be touched by another guy. It was quite another thing to touch him. However, fair was fair, so I reached out to massage his growing bulge. I must have done something right as he moaned softly. After a couple minutes of this, Chuck called a halt to our activities. "The bus driver is starting to look at us, Mark. We'd better get off the bus and find someplace a little more private." I was so horny at that point that I'd have agreed to strip naked there on the bus! We exited the bus about a mile before my stop and ducked into a service station bathroom. We locked the door and I leaned against it as Chuck started kissing me. It felt weird, at first, being kissed by a guy but Chuck was a great kisser and his lips were very soft. There was no trace of stubble to break the spell either. When he tongue entered my mouth, I put my arms around him instinctually. Our crotches rubbed together as we french-kissed there in the men's room. With one hand, Chuck undid my belt and pushed my pants and briefs down around my ankles. Looking down, he saw my hard cock pointing up at him. He smiled at me and sank to his knees. "I've just got to suck this beauty. But try to tell me if you're going to shoot. I don't really like the taste of cum that much." I promised I would warn him. I then felt the most wonderful sensation I'd ever felt in my life. Wet warmth engulfed my cock. Chuck took my cock down to the very base in one move. I felt the head poking down his throat. He used his lips, tongue and teeth to bring me close to orgasm a couple of times. At last, I warned him that I couldn't hold it any longer. Chuck released my cock from his mouth, grabbed it with one hand and my balls with the other and started rapidly jerking me off. I came quickly, spraying the opposite wall of the restroom with my seed. Noticing I was still hard, Chuck started to pump my cock into his hand and then smeared the cum all over my cock. "What are you doing?" I asked. "I don't have any lube and I want you to fuck me!" Chuck answered. Just then, there was a pounding on the door and a loud voice, "You kids put out them cigarettes and let someone else use the bathroom! Hurry up or I'll call the cops.!" Chuck and I quickly leaned up and he lit a cigarette so that the place would at least smell like smoke. As I unlocked the door, he threw the cigarette into the urinal. The service station attendant was standing at the door. "You kids find someplace else to smoke next time. Get a move on!" Chuck and I scurried out. His house was a ways from mine so he waited for the next bus while I ran home. That evening, he called me on the phone. I knew I had to be careful since my father was home by then and he'd probably kill me if he knew I'd had sex with a guy. "So, did you enjoy what we did?" Chuck asked. "Sure I did. How about you?" I answered. "I did but I like it better when my dick gets some attention." Chuck said. "Sorry about that. I'll try to make sure of that next time." I said. "Next time, huh? I hope it's soon. I can't wait to have your big cock in my mouth again!" Just before he said that, I heard a click on the line. My dad had picked up the other phone. I hung up on Chuck and got ready to run. I waited 5 minutes, 10. No sign of my dad. Maybe I had imagined the click on the line. Maybe he hadn't heard what Chuck said. Finally, 15 minutes later, I was walking to my room when the old man came out of nowhere. His fist slammed into my head so hard I couldn't see. "Fag! Queer! Homo!" Each word was punctuated by a kick or a blow. I assume there were more hits than that, but I lost consciousness. My mom told me years later that she had broken a chair over dad's head. It didn't knock him out but it made him woozy and passive. She was able to call and ambulance for me. The ambulance driver called the police. Dad ended up in the drunk tank for the night. Never had any other charges pressed against him. He thinks I fell down the stairs and broke the chair when I landed on it. He gave no indication that he remembered my call from Chuck. Once I was out of the hospital, I tried to get in touch with Chuck. But he was off in juvenile detention again, this time for several months. Turns out he had stolen a car and wrapped it around a tree. He might have gotten a lighter penalty, but it was a police car. Shortly after that, I went into the Navy. I wanted to get the hell out of my old town and away from the old man. The Navy seemed like a good bet for that. I figured I'd never see Chuck again because I wasn't going to go back home. Turns out I was wrong on both counts. But that's the NEXT story.

Next: Chapter 2

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