Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on May 15, 2008


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com . Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Chapter 11: Meeting the Jocks

After the harrowing experience with the young deputy sheriff Ronny and I departed the isolated rural area and headed towards town. We rode back to town silence, knowing how lucky we'd been when the Undersheriff responded to the deputy's backup call. Ronny pulled into the driveway and pulled the truck under the carport next to the garage. We sat there for a few minutes not saying anything. The next thing we knew Mr. Driver pulled the tow truck into the driveway, parking it on the pad next to us. We all got out of our vehicles and began walking towards the house.

"Ronny, I heard you boys had a run in with "Barney" earlier this afternoon," Mr. Driver called out, making reference to the young deputy as Barney Phife from the old television show.

"Yeah," Ronny responded, "sure doesn't take long for good news to get back to town."

"Look boys, the deputy may be a little over zealous in the pursuit of law and order around town, but basically he's a good boy," Mr. Driver said.

We all entered the house where we were met by Mrs. Driver and Janie. Ronny's Mom told us that dinner would be ready in about an hour. I could hear boisterous laughter coming from upstairs, so Ronny and I headed towards the merriment. When we got to the bedroom Brandon and two of his wrestling buddies were laying sprawled on the beds in nothing but their underwear laughing and talking about the wrestling tournament. They had all won their individual weight classes at the tournament and were stoked.

Ronny went to the bathroom immediately to shower leaving me with the excited wrestlers. They all looked so hot; their toned athletic bodies so very alluring. The bedroom smelled very manly. On Ronny's bed was Korean-American boy I knew named Lee. Brandon and his best friend Tyrone were lying on Brandon's bed. I sat down next to Lee admiring the physiques and physical attributes of the trio. I secretly wondered if any of the boys were into male on male sex. They didn't seem the least bit inhibited in the presence of the others and surely weren't shy about me being in the room with them.

The boys included me in the conversation as they resumed talking about the wrestling tournament. I noticed that Ty, lying on his right side opposite me on the bed alongside Brandon, kept looking at me smiling. What was he thinking, I wondered. Although the two were lying on their sides on the bed facing me they were in a position to have been sixty-nining each other before Ronny and I came in to the room.

The way Brandon and Ty were laying Ty's package was hidden from my prying eyes behind Brandon's big chest. Lee made no move to cover up his near nakedness. From what I could see outlined beneath his shorts he had nothing of which to be ashamed. And of course Brandon was not hiding anything I hadn't seen before, but he did look as though he was packing a larger caliber Johnson the closer he got to eighteen. Needless to say, with the manly aroma permeating the room and the buzz of near naked men talking about grappling with other men I was all atwitter inside thinking about the three hunks in the room with me.

If the boys were out of high school and eighteen I would have been all over them, but they weren't. Besides, my man was in the shower. However, I was becoming aroused thinking about a group sex encounter with the three other boys in the room as Ronny showered. If the boys weren't there and there was no one downstairs I'd be in the shower with Ronny having sex, having sex just like earlier that day. Lee startled me as he swung his body around putting his sock feet on the floor. He got up and walked across the room to put on his Levis, T-shirt and shoes. Damn, he had a nice body and buns.

"Hey, I gotta run guys. See you all later," Lee said as he departed the room, bounding down the stairs.

"So, you gonna stay for dinner Ty?" Brandon asked after Lee left the room.

"Sure," Ty replied, "turn over I'm ready to dine now."

Brandon blushed and seemed a little embarrassed by Ty's overt comment. I wondered if the two were a couple. They seemed very comfortable lying on the bed nearly naked nest to each other. Before I could let my mind run wild with thoughts about the two engaging in sex on the bed across form me Ronny appeared.

"What're you two love birds doing tonight?" Ronny directed the question to Brandon and Ty.

"Nothin much. Brandon won't turn over so there ain't gonna be no appetizers before dinner," Ty joked.

The three continued the sexual banter, verbally sparring with each other. Finally, Ty asked Brandon if he could shower before dinner. I said that I needed to shower too. Everyone got up off the beds. Brandon, who had already showered and his brother got dressed for dinner. They laid out a couple of fresh T-shirts. Mom Driver called up from the foot of the stairs announcing that dinner would be ready in about fifteen minutes. Brandon and Ronny bounded downstairs leaving Ty and me to take our showers and get dressed before dinner.

Chapter 12: Ty's Come-on

With the two of us alone in the bedroom Ty quickly shucked his shorts exposing a very nice looking brown noodle. I guessed his cock to be about five inches limp. My cock jumped inside my boxers seeing that beautiful brown sugar loaf. In its flaccid state I could see about half the crimson glans; however, the coronal ring remained covered by foreskin. I wondered if Ty could peel the foreskin all the way back exposing the complete cockhead. My mental thoughts were quickly answered as Ty fiddled with his cock, manipulating the foreskin pulling it back exposing the cherry knob. Ty's cockhead reminded me of a big black cherry, very dark red and shiny. I couldn't take my eyes off his cock as I disrobed in preparation for my shower.

We both stood naked in front of each other. I told Ty, "You go ahead and shower first I need to take a dump."

I sat down on the toilet while Ty bent his beautiful mocha body forward in front of me, working the water mixer to temper the shower water. His nice light tight brown buns were within inches of my face. I could smell the aroma coming from his body. The shallow dimple in his buttock was clearly noticeable, and I could see his cock hanging semi-erect from his crotch as he worked the water mixer. If he were a little older I'd spin him around and be sucking that Tootsie Roll with its black cherry knob as I sat on the throne.

Ty stepped into the shower and began to lather up. I had a clear view of his body from my position on the toilet. I wanted to reach in and stroke Ty's manhood, but I thought better. Ty began soaping up his crotch and cock, pulling on his meat. Within a few seconds his brown shaft was fully extended and inflated. I guessed it to be about seven inches long and maybe six inches thick fully engorged. Damn, what a magnificent looking glans.

"Gary, anytime you want to taste some of this brown sugar you let me know baby."

"Huh," I replied a little startled by the announcement from the shower.

"You know, I was in the room earlier today to get Brandon's jock that he forgot. You and Ronny were in here going at it hot and heavy from what I heard."

"Heard what?"

"I heard you two. Sounded to me like you guys were fucking each other's brains out in here in the shower this morning."

"I... I...," I didn't know what to say or how to reply.

Ty stepped out of the shower leaving it running for me, his meat still semi-erect swinging in front of me. I got up off the toilet and stepped into the shower; my cock was in full bloom. As I washed my body I thought about what Ty had said. After I got out, dried off and walked back into the bedroom Ty was standing there pulling on a clean T-shirt.

"You didn't say anything to Brandon or anyone else did you?" I asked.

"Hell no. Your secret is safe with me; besides, ain't nothin Brandon and I ain't done before."


"Damn man why do you think we all wrestle. You wrestled in high school. You know what its like," Ty said with a smile.

About then Mrs. Driver called up from the bottom of the stairs announcing dinner was ready. I finished dressing and was the last one to be seated at the table. I took a seat next to Ronny directly across from Ty. He looked across and smiled seductively. My cock immediately jumped to attention inside my pants. My sexual life was in its beginning stages. Ronny was my first real sexual partner. We were learning things together, but he would be gone in a few more days and I would be left high and dry.

As we ate Mrs. Driver announced that she was throwing a graduation and birthday bash in late May. Brandon would turn eighteen the first week of June. Lee had just turned eighteen and Ty would be eighteen in two weeks. So, Ronny's Mom had made plans to celebrate the boy's high school graduation and their birthdays on Saturday the 31st of May. She was announcing the party early so we could all secure dates if we wanted. Again, Ty smiled across the table at me.

I felt Ty's foot rubbing against mine. I tried to control myself, but I knew I was blushing.

"Is there something wrong Gary," Mrs. Driver asked.

"No. I was just thinking about who to ask to the party," I replied.

"If you boys don't have dates you can still come and have fun," Ronny's Mom said.

Having fun and cumming were definitely on my mind. I wanted to play with Ty and wanted to know if Brandon and Lee were players too. I wanted to remain faithful to Ronny also. I was deeply conflicted. My hormones were running wild. I felt like a male nymphomaniac. Seemed to me that all I was interested in of late was sex and more sex. I couldn't get enough of it; I was addicted to sex like those addicted to cocaine or heroine. I was beginning to wonder if I had a problem.

Chapter 13: Ty Makes His Play

With dinner finished we all got up, put our dishes in the sink and adjourned to the deck outside. Just as we got comfortable Mr. Driver received a call on his cell from police dispatch requesting two tow trucks for a motor accident.

"I hate to breakup this party, but two of my trucks are needed for a motor vehicle accident on the Interstate. I'll need for Brandon to go with me and pick up another truck."

"I'll go with you all too," Ronny spoke up.

Ronny handed me the keys to his pick up and said, "You guys can follow along or wait till we get back."

Ty said that he needed to get home, but was willing to ride along with me in case I was needed at the accident scene. However, he asked if I could drop him off at his house on the way back. I told him that was no problem; besides, I would have a chance to talk to Ty more privately. We all headed towards the vehicles, leaving Mrs. Driver and Janie alone.

Once Ty and I got on the road we began talking about the discussion we had been engaged up in the bedroom in before dinner. Ty said that he had been eying me since our high school days. He told me about the threesome: Brandon, Lee and him. He told me how they all met and got together. Then he surprised me when he said, "You ever seen Brandon all boned up?"

"No. Not really. I've seen him naked a few times throughout the years, but never with a boner."

"Well, you got a surprise comin bro."

"How's that?"

"Brandon has the biggest fuckin dick among us. He is longer than any of us and thicker too."

"Wow!" I exclaimed.

"So, what all do you guys do?" I asked.

"Brandon is pretty much the bottom because he's too big to get it in me or Lee's ass," Ty said, "Besides, he really likes to get fucked.

"Maybe after we graduate we all can get together for a foursome. That is if you're not solely committed to Ronny."

"I need to think about that, but I'd definitely be up for some fun with you guys."

"So, are you a top or bottom?" Ty asked.

"I enjoy both, but I prefer to get fucked."

"Cool. So do I," Ty replied, "I bet I could give you one hella great fuck dude."

We stopped in front of the shop so Brandon and Ronny could get the other tow truck. Once the two brothers had the second truck up and running we headed out to the Interstate. As we drove towards the Interstate Ty began talking again saying, "You know Lee and me think that Ronny is so totally hot."

"Oh yeah, he is hot," I responded.

The two of us continued talking as we drove. Finally, we arrived on the scene of the accident. The vehicles had been pushed off to the shoulder. Ronny and Brandon hooked up one car while Mr. Driver and I hooked up the second vehicle. All secured the two tow trucks headed back to the impound yard. I took off taking Ty home. Once I dropped Ty off I drove back to the Driver house.

Chapter 14: The Bomb

When I arrived back at the Driver's house it was past ten in the evening. The house was dark, but Ronny was waiting for me on the deck. He asked me to sit down telling me he needed to talk to me.

"Sure, what's up?" I asked.

"When I leave in a few days I want you to take my truck, just to drive and keep it up till I get back."


"However, if I don't come back alive I'm leaving it to you in my will," Ronny announced.

"Dude don't even talk that shit," I said.

"I'm just telling you ahead of time and I've spoken to my dad about it. He says that it's my choice, so you inherit the truck if I get killed in Afghanistan."

"Damn dude I don't even want to think about that," I said.

"Another thing, I don't want you to have to go without sex while I'm gone. So, if you find another guy and want to play around it's okay."

"Wow!" I exclaimed at that announcement.

"Do me a favor make sure who ever you get together with is disease free. I don't want to survive a war to return home to a rotten cock," Ronny said jokingly.

"You are one hella great dude. First you give me your truck and then you tell me it's okay to be with another guy while you're gone."

"I'll probably find a guy to help get me through my tour in Afghanistan, so why should you sit around waiting on me?"

"You're not going to believe it but I've already had someone hit on me," I said.

"Ty I would imagine," Ronny said with a smile, "Hell I'd kind like to try him out myself before I head out, but I suspect that he and my brother got something going on."

"So, you think maybe Brandon is doin Ty and vice versa?"

"I don't know for sure, but I've suspected for a couple of years now."

"What about the Korean kid?"

"What about him?" Ronny asked.

"Do you think he is doin anyone?" I asked.

"Hell anything is possible. You know what it was like seeing all that raw meat in the gym during high school," Ronny stated.

"I thought you were straight in high school," I said.

"I was and still am. I just found out how much I enjoy sex with guys. I'll probably get married one of these days after I get out of the Corps."

"So, you don't think there is anything long-term ahead for us?" I asked.

"Naw, were just players. That's why I think you need to find another guy after I leave."

"Ty made a play for me after you and Brandon went downstairs to dinner," I said.

"I saw the way he was eyin you at dinner. Hell, if no one had of been at the table he'd been across the table and fucked you right there and then," Ronny said with a laugh.

"Hell, after you leave I may be forced to service all of them," I said jokingly.

As the night waned there were visions dancing in my head. The five of us fucking and sucking on a huge bed in a hotel some place. Who knows maybe that might come to fruition before Ronny leaves for Afghanistan.

I listen to my reader's critics and suggestions, hope you all enjoyed another chapter. E-mail me at bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com

Next: Chapter 9: Marine Home on Leave 15 16

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