Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Apr 9, 2008


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com

Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Chapter 9: Sex On A Country Road

Ronny and I were out cruising around enjoying a warm sunny afternoon, visiting friends. Two times earlier in the day we had partaken in carnal pleasure. During the previous twenty-four hours my animalistic appetite and passion for Ronny's body had developed into almost uncontrollable gluttonous lust. All I had on my mind since Ronny arrived home was sucking his seven inches or taking it up my ass. All I wanted for the next two weeks was my Marine all to myself, but I knew realistically that would be impossible. I was going to try my best to make his time at home a vacation that he would not soon forget; however, I didn't want to smother him.

My goal was to make Ronny's time at home as memorable as possible for the departing warrior. I really didn't want to share Ronny with anyone else. I wanted him all to myself. I wanted to enjoy his body and touch each and every minute of each day he was home. If I had my way and the money I would get a hotel room far away from everyone so I could fuck and suck him senseless, 24/7. I wasn't trying to be a selfish son of a bitch I just wanted Ronny to be well-fucked warrior by the time he reported back to his Marine Corps Aviation Squadron at New River.

From New River Ronny's outfit would prepare for deployment overseas, supporting combat operations in Afghanistan. I worried about Ronny going into a combat zone, but felt some relief that he was not going to be in a direct combat role. He had explained to me and the rest of the family that basically his job was to maintain a helicopter flying support missions from a secure rear area. Ronny didn't let on as though there was anything to be afraid of while he was in Afghanistan; in fact, he made it sound safe.

Secretly I wondered whether Ronny might find another Marine to hook up with while he was in Afghanistan, now that he knew the pleasures of sex with another man. When he arrived at his new remote duty station would there be another Marine to take my place, so the two could take care of each others sexual urges. I had heard stories on the Internet about military guys seeking other military guys out to satisfy certain sexual needs. Nothing romantic or spiritual mind you, just two guys helping each other get through a long lonely deployment.

Ronny had told me he had heard stories from returning Marines about how skanky Middle Eastern women were out in those rural areas and most military guys didn't want them around. He said that the women smelled bad and were disease ridden bitches. Ronny told me that he would rather jack off everyday in the head than let one of the local hags even look at his beautiful cock.

Ronny told me that his Sergeant said that everyone should stay away from the locals, `cause if you got caught fucking around with one you might get beheaded or get your cock cut off.

"Hey, you look way distracted dude," Ronny said looking over at me as he drove.

"We need to find some place private where I can suck your dick," I replied.

"Damn! You just finished doing me a couple hours ago," Ronny countered.

"I know, but I want to do you again. I just can't get enough of your magnificent cock. Find some place secluded quick where I can drain your nuts again," I demanded.

Ronny pulled his truck off onto a gravel road that led out towards an old barn. I knew from riding my motorcycle that the road was a dead end. We drove for about a mile past a deserted field overgrown with weeds. The first thing I noticed was the house had burned to the ground, but the barn still stood although it appeared to be in bad condition. The gate was open so Ronny pulled his truck up in front of the ramshackle appearing old barn. Field mice scampered about and birds flew in and out of the hayloft. Ronny had no sooner stopped the truck and turned off the engine than I was on him. I pushed him back into the corner of the cab of the truck, smothering him with kisses and whispering in his ear how much I wanted to taste him.

"I want to taste you too," Ronny growled back.

I felt his hard nipples pressing against me. They were like small rocks jutting out from his well-developed chest beneath his T-shirt. I fondled them through the fabric, listening to Ronny cry out with moans of pleasure telling me to keep it up. After a few moments I pulled his T-shirt up over his head and off so I could get to his flesh. My tongue lashed out licking at the tips of Ronny's hard nubs protruding from his powerful pecs. My tongue played with them as I listened to him moan and groan with pleasure.

My teeth bit down ever so gently on his left nipple as I let the tip of my tongue graze the pinnacle of Ronny's hard nub. My Marine was pushing his chest forward letting me know that he was enjoying me biting and nibbling on his nipples, while he moaned, "Oh yeah baby suck on my titties, oh yeah suck on em."

I knew Ronny was enjoying what I was doing, but I knew that I needed to move on. My left hand moved down to his waist where I began unbuttoning the fly on his cutoff Levis to release his manhood. The other hand was around his neck as I continued sucking on his engorged nipple. My job for the next two weeks was to make Ronny moan and groan with pleasure as often as possible. I moved away from his hard nipple kissing my way down his fantastic washboard midsection. I tasted a hint of sweat as I got closer to his bellybutton.

The air conditioning was off, so the truck inside with the afternoon sun beating down on the cab was heating up; in fact, we were becoming hot and sweaty. Both hands were now frantically working his Levis and briefs down over his rump, exposing the shining tip of his manhood. Ronny was leaking precum like a ruptured hydraulic hose on a helicopter. I could see one droplet of pearlescent ooze had already begun running down the underside of his cock and another was poised at the urethral opening of his penis. I wasted no time letting my tongue lick the dribbling droplets up and from the tip of Ronny's cockhead.

There was a slight bitter taste of sweat along with an unseasoned bland taste to his precum. My mouth engulfed the entirety of Ronny's cockhead. My tongue worked the underside below the piss slit before withdrawing. Once I pulled off I let my tongue travel around the head paying special attention to the darker coronal ring. My Marine was moaning uncontrollably yelling, "Oh suck my dick baby. Suck it."

I paused, looking up I asked, "Do you want me to suck you all the way or do you want me to stop so you can fuck me?"

"Go ahead and suck me off and then I'll suck you. After that I want to fuck you. We got all afternoon baby," Ronny said with glee.

I really wanted Ronny to fuck immediately; instead, I would suck him to fruition. I lowered my head taking as much of Ronny big cock as possible while I played with his large nuts. I rolled them around in the scrotal sac, while my mouth moved up and down on Ronny's hard cock. His nuts would tell me how close he was to blowing a load. In the meantime my finger began snaking around below his nuts between his legs seeking the entrance to his glory hole. Ronny used his elbows and feet to reposition himself, giving my exploring finger a better access to his bottom.

"Oh baby finger fuck me," Ronny's voice cried out hoarsely.

I knew as soon as I heard his request that I had converted Ronny to full anal guy. I could believe my big bad Marine was turning into a bottom slut. I was supposed to be the bottom. I totally enjoyed taking a big cock up my ass. Now it seemed as though both of us wanted those sensual bottom feelings. I stopped what I was doing, reaching into my pocket where I found a couple more packets of surgilube. I drew one out and tore it open. I squeezed out about half the packet onto my middle finger and returned to Ronny's ass crack. I began rubbing the lube on and into his hole. He winched at first and growled as I penetrated his sphincter ring. Once I gained entrance my finger went in search of the joy button as my mouth returned to his glistening cockhead.

Ronny was sweating profusely, moving around against the seat back and door of his truck. His body was gyrating all over the front seat as he grasped the back of the seat and held onto the steering wheel. He was trying to give me better access to his asshole and his cock while trying to find a more comfortable position for both of us. I held onto the base of Ronny's magnificent cock with one hand while the other was working his ass with lube, looking for the love button. I tasted more precum and knew instinctively that in a matter of seconds my Marine was going to explode in my mouth like a minigun on a helicopter.

"Oh shit I'm gonna cum," Ronny hollered.

I was glad we were out in the middle of nowhere; an isolated area where Ronny could become as vocal as he wanted. I wanted my Marine to let loose, screaming as loud as he wanted as he enjoyed me working him inside and out. The tip of my finger was busy working on his prostate as my mouth and tongue worked his cockhead. I sensed it was time to start sucking Ronny's cock in earnest. I began moving up and down on as much of Ronny's cock as possible, sucking him in deeply.

Suddenly, Ronny arched his back forward, forcing his crotch into my face. He grabbed the back of my head with his hands at the same time, pulling my head forward, pushing more of his cock into my mouth shooting streams of spooge. I almost gagged as he tried ramming that seven inch Marine saber down my gullet. I had to push him away. I could feel the spunk coming from his gun. The powerful blasts of ejaculate were filling my mouth. Some of the spooge was seeping out of the corners of my mouth. I continued nursing Ronny's softening cock trying to milk every drop of semen from the recess of his nuts. Finally, Ronny pushed me away saying that he was too sensitive for me to continue.

Once again I had done my job as a consummate cocksucker. Not too bad for two guys that were relative neophytes when it came to male to male sex. I moved up Ronny's front to give him a sloppy spooge filled kiss. I wanted to give him some of his own cum back. We made out for a while resting up after a super suck session. After a few minutes Ronny suddenly said, "I want you to fuck me."

"I thought you wanted to suck me next?" I asked curiously.

"I'd rather you fuck me right now than suck you if you don't mind.

"No problem," I said.

I sat up in the truck and pulled my cargos and briefs off, leaving my sneakers and socks on. Ronny repositioned straddling me. I squeezed the rest of the surgilube from the foil packet where I began rubbing it on his bunghole and then inserted my finger to tantalize him.

"Oh man your finger feels so good inside me, but what I really want is your big hard cock filling my ass," Ronny demanded looking down at me with a big smile.

I continued lubing his ass and my cock. I grabbed the base of my cock pointing it in the direction of Ronny's asshole. He reached around spreading his butt cheeks so I had better access to his bunghole. I felt the head of my cock touch Ronny's throbbing asshole. He had both arms around my neck with his head buried in my neck.

"Take your time," I instructed, "just lower yourself down like I did last night."

"Okay," Ronny uttered.

I felt the head of my cock touch his asshole and then pop past the first ring. Immediately I felt Ronny winch. He sucked in a deep breath exclaiming, "Oh My God!"

I didn't try to push in any further and told Ronny to take it easy. He held off for a while, but said, "Just work the head in and out for a few minutes. I think that feels so fucking great."

"You got the stick baby," was my reply.

I held onto the base of my cock while Ronny worked just the head of my cock in and out of his asshole. Damn, it felt so good having him gobble up and then expel the head of my cock from his asshole. After a few sessions of cockhead fucking Ronny slid his well-lubed asshole down the full length of my cock.

"Let me sit here a minute to get used to the big dick in my ass," Ronny said.

"Baby you can sit there all afternoon if you want. I'd like to stay connected to you like this forever," I responded.

My Marine who had never experienced anal sex before in his life was now riding my pony like a pro. As the minutes wore on he rode the pole faster, pumping my cock to fruition. Once I exploded filling Ronny's ass with my cum his buttock settled down in my crotch and he just sat there. We were both drenched in sweat and exhausted. Ronny didn't attempt to withdraw. He wanted to enjoy my dick wither away naturally and then pop out of his ass.

As we sat there enjoying the moment Ronny kept kissing and biting my neck with my cock still buried deep inside him. Finally, my cock had withered away and fell out of Ronny asshole.

"You want me to finger fuck you some more? I'm soft, but my finger is hard," I said.

"No, I'm way too sensitive for anymore right now," Ronny replied, let's just sit here."

We smiled at each other making eye contact and then we kissed. After what seemed like an eternity kissing passionately Ronny pulled away saying, "I'm going to miss you so fucking much. You'd almost be worth going AWOL for baby."

There was sadness in Ronny's eyes as he said that. The last thing I wanted was for Ronny to fuck up his time in the Marine Corps by going AWOL for sex. I said, "Don't you even think about that. Let's just make the most out of our two weeks together."

We closed on each other's mouths and resumed kissing passionately.

I listen to my reader's critics and suggestions, hope you all enjoyed another chapter.

Next: Chapter 7

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