Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Jul 2, 2011


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about Ronny's new life after the Corps, rehabilitation, Gary and Jason. Although the story depicts the characters bare backing please use condoms at all times while engaging in anal sex!

Let me take this opportunity to apologize to my faithful readers of Marine Home on Leave. After taking a hiatus I am going to try to conclude the story.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave Part IV

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Part IV Life After Rehab

Chapter 58: Independence Day Gathering

The July 4th weekend would be a big celebratory event at the Driver house. The entire family would be present. However, Mr. Driver who had passed away months before would be sorrowfully missed. Mrs. Driver had decided to have the Sunday festivities catered, so that she might enjoy the party.

There would be a brunch for just the family members and a few close friends and then in larger dinner in the late afternoon. The shop would close Friday afternoon at five for a three day weekend with the exception of towing. The family would celebrate many things during that Independence Day holiday weekend.

Not only would those in attendance commemorate the anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, declaring independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, they would celebrate Ronny's homecoming. For Ronny an event long over due.

Although Ronny Driver a medically retired Marine would never wear the uniform again to defend and preserve America's freedom from oppression and tyranny he'd done his share: more than others in the land of the free and home of the brave. The retired Marine would be the center of attention to celebrate successful completion of rehabilitation for alcohol and drug abuse as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Ronny had told his mother, brother and sister that he'd invited a special guest, but would not reveal the name of the guest.

Ronny's brother Brandon and his new partner that he'd met while attending college in Arizona would be there. Gary, Ronny's best friend, who along with Mrs. Driver was now managing the shop, would be in attendance. Others invited were Jason's mother, a couple of Brandon's close friends, family members and friends.

Thursday afternoon Ronny sat in the glider on the spacious back porch of the Driver home sipping ice tea. His thoughts drifting back in time, reliving what had transpired during the past months. The Marine spent months recovering from his injuries received in Afghanistan and then more months in a VA rehab center after an intervention by family and friends. During the period of substance abuse his life had spiraled out of control. He had become a lost soul who thought he had lost everything in his life and no reason to continue it.

During that tumultuous time his father passed away. Ronny felt that his dad died far too young. His dad was his hero and person he most looked up to during his youth. The person he'd been drawn to, the love of his life for a while and person who cared for him while recovering from injuries had moved on. He still missed Jason's caring way and tactile caressing.

Ronny still wrote and talked to his former caregiver. After the Marine was released from the VA center Ronny decided not to return to his hometown immediately, thereby subjecting himself to all the bad memories. Ronny took an apartment close to the VA facility where he was close to help if necessary. His best friend and adopted brother, Gary Player, and first-time lover had parted company.

Gary was working with Ronny's mom co-managing Driver Auto Repair and Towing while Gary completed his associate's degree in business. Once Gary graduated he would assume full managerial duties running the family business. Ronny's mother was going to return to college to finish her education.

After Ronny returned stateside it seemed to the Marine that everything went awry. During his time recuperating he'd become dependent on medication and once the prescription meds had been cut off he'd turned to alcohol and the streets for drugs for pain relief and false courage.

"Ronny," Mrs. Driver said shaking Ronny's shoulder, "Phone call."

"Thanks mom," Ronny said as he got up to go inside to answer the phone.

Ronny finished his phone call and returned to the back porch where he told his mom, "I'm going out of town early tomorrow morning, but I should be back Saturday night or early Sunday morning for the big party."

"You better be back by Sunday morning. This party is for you young man," Mrs. Driver said forcefully.

Friday afternoon, the 1st of July the door to a hotel suite opened. There standing in the hallway was a stunningly seductive Ronny Driver. There was no cast on his broken body. The Marine had full use of his arms and legs.

That Friday would be the first time the two lovers had been alone together since they parted company months ago. The two had been thrown together earlier under unusual circumstances. Over the following months the Marine and his caregiver would grow close. They would bond and eventually fall in love.

Although their love for each other had been a long distance affair for months it was time to demonstrate their physical love for each other. They would spend that night and next day making passionate love. They would finally consummate a relationship that began months before.

Jason grabbed hold of Ronny pulling him through the doorway into his awaiting arms. They embraced and their hungry mouths met in a soulful kiss. One could tell they longed for each other as their mouths opened accepting the other's tongue. They slipped their tongues in as if the were searching for each other's souls.

Jason pushed the door closed and locked it so they could continued their passionate embrace in private: French kissing, nuzzling each other's necks, whispering their deepest desires into each other's ears. They whispered words such as I want you, I love you, and make me complete.

Slowly, the two inched towards the big bed sensuously stripping off each other's clothing, one piece at a time dropping the items along the way, as they edged closer to the bed. Both men were at the peak of sexual arousal. Their hearts were racing and breathing was labored. They were each filled with wanton desire for the other.

Fully undressed they gazed upon each other's stunningly beautiful bodies. With subtle touches they stroked each other's skin drinking in the beauty of the other's body. Jason could wait no longer he pulled his lover down onto the bed on top of him. The two began frotting, panting, and writhing on the bed deep into the throes of passion.

The two were totally naked together in bed ready to take their love for each other to the next level: the sweat and sensuality oozed from every pore in their bodies. The two young men were drenched in sweat as they ground their hard hot slick bodies together. They were kissing soulfully, eating each other's faces up.

The love the two felt for each other was at the highest state of bliss ever that Friday afternoon, months after their initial meeting. Finally, the two would make unencumbered lustful love to each other for the rest of the day and into the next.

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