Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Oct 3, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about Ronny's new life after the Corps, rehabilitation and Jason.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Part III Ronny's New Life

Chapter 56: Surprises

Doctor Tom Thorn and Ronny Driver lay sprawled on the bed basking in blissful afterglow. Their heart rates were still elevated and their breathing was rapid as they recovered from their sexual marathon.

Rolling up on his left side Tom propped up on his left elbow with his right arm and hand coming to rest on the Marine's chest. His forefinger and thumb found Ronny's nipple and they began delicately flicking the pink nub before asking, "Ronny, do you have any regrets about tonight? If so tell me now."

"No! Hell No!" Ronny exclaimed rolling over propping himself up facing the exotically handsome doctor.

"Do you feel that I took advantage of you tonight in any way? I ask that question considering my age, maturity and the fact that we were drinking before all this took place."

"No way Tom! Look, I'm an adult I knew where things were heading," Ronny replied looking into the Asian doctor's face that exhibited a slight five o'clock shadow. "In fact, I think we needed each other tonight. In so many ways tonight was an outlet for some pretty painful and stressful times I've been experiencing lately."

"I'm glad you feel that way because I needed you tonight for some really gratifying sex. I hope I satisfied you as much as you satisfied me, Ronny?" Tom said now playing with Ronny's semi flaccid cock.

"Oh Hell Yes! Tom, you definitely know how to work that colossal cockhead inside me. Every poke you'd bang my "G" spot. You had electricity flowing through me and fireworks going off inside my head tonight. I couldn't ask for anything more."

"I'm glad you enjoyed the way my cockhead worked you, Ronny."

"What's not to enjoy, Tom? I'm looking at one damn gorgeous cock, especially that beautiful cockhead." Ronny said as he looked at Tom preparing to ask one final question. "Just one question, how the hell do you keep that cock of yours so fuckin hard for so long and hold-off your orgasm?"

"I'll explain that later and if you're willing I think I can teach you to be a skilful long-time lover," The doctor said with his infectious smile as he moved down towards Ronny semi flaccid cock taking it in his mouth.

Tom began performing CPR on Ronny's dying solider attempting to bring it back to life in short order. Ronny sucked in a deep breath as Tom's wet mouth touched the head of his cock. Tom performed on Ronny's semi limp member for a few minutes bringing his cock back to life while listening to the Marine moan and sigh with pleasure.

Ronny could feel Tom's talented tongue circling the coronal ring. Every once in a while flicking lightly underneath in the frenulum area before his tongue would pry open the piss slit, scooping out some flowing precum. Finally, Ronny ejaculated in Tom's mouth and the physician cleaned up all the remnants in short order.

The Marine had to push Tom's mouth away as his softening cock was becoming sensitive to touch. Tom began working his way back up to the Marine's face. As he kissed on Ronny's nipple the young man sucked in a deep breath. His nipples had become sensitive also.

Moving on up face-to-face the two began kissing. Ronny could taste his spunk in Tom's mouth. They continued making out until Ronny broke the embrace and asked, "So, where do we go from here?"

"I don't know. Let's just take things one step at a time. For me this is just the beginning of what I hope will become a beautiful weekend between us and hopefully a meaningful relationship with many more weekends together."

"Sounds good to me," Ronny said rolling towards the doctor putting his arm over him giving the doctor another kiss while squeezing his buttock.

"By the way I've rented this room for the entire weekend. I hope you don't have any plans for the rest of the weekend," Tom whispered.

"None that I know of, I'm free, Tom. All my homework is up to date and I don't have any work or family commitments for the weekend; however, I should call to check-in with my family as I still live at home."

"I understand. In fact, I've got to check in with the hospital service even though I'm not on call," Tom said, "After this weekend if things workout between us then it will and if it doesn't then it won't -- no regrets on my part."

"Same with me," Ronny replied," And I think that's smart. Let's just enjoy the weekend together and maybe get to know each other a little better before we make any long-term plans."

The two continued conversing with each other. The doctor confided in Ronny that he was definitely a gay man and had known that since high school; however, he was not an openly gay man and wanted to keep it that way.

Ronny in turn passed along that he too was not an openly gay person and didn't know for sure whether he was gay, bisexual or what he was. He explained that he'd only been with one gay partner and that was Gary, which, at the time, he considered just a fling. They continued sharing more about their backgrounds, families and goals in life.

"Well, I want to assure you that you are only the fourth male partner I've been with in life. I have no sexually transmittable diseases; I'm HIV and Hepatitis negative as well."

"Good to know, however I kind of figured you'd have to be working in a hospital and all," Ronny replied, "but how do you know so damn much about all the sexual shit we did tonight, Tom?"

"Back during my days at the university I had a great sex education teacher who was gay and then there was my partner who was very knowledgeable. There was also the Internet."

"Did the Internet teach you how to maintain that fantastic fuckin erection even after you'd ejaculated twice or was that something one of your other lovers taught you?" Ronny asked.

"One can learn a lot from the Internet. The fantastic erection was due in-part to chemical enhancement and other things. I'll tell you all about it a little later if you're interested."

"Oh hell yeah, I'm definitely interested," Ronny replied ecstatically. Tom changed the direction of the conversation filling Ronny in about his family in between caressing each other's bodies. Ronny would learn that Doctor Tom's family had made a roundabout journey to America where he would become a neurosurgeon.

From his father's roots in Korea Ronny learned Tom's dad moved to Brazil to receive a free college education and there married Tom's mother. After living in Brazil the family migrated to America where they earned advance degrees and gave birth to Tom. After growing up in southern California which enabled him to attend University of California, San Diego he then went onto Stanford University before taking the teaching fellowship at Allenville.

Ronny filled Tom in on his dad's plans for him to take control and run the family business at some future date. The Marine told the doctor that he loved his father and didn't want to disappoint his dad or dash his dreams for at least one of the siblings to carry on the business when he passed on. That was why he was taking business major courses at the local college.

The doctor asked Ronny, "So what would you really like to do with your life?"

"I don't know," Ronny replied, "I guess although dad was proud of me joining the Corps because he'd served he was sure once my enlistment was over I'd return to the family business."

"I hear what you're saying, Ronny. I followed my mom and dad into the medical field, but it was something I wanted."

"So, both your parent's are doctors?"

"My dad is cardiologist in New York and my mom holds a postgraduate degree in Biomedical Engineering. All of us children chose some type of medical field or science."

The Marine expressed concerns about the difference in their age, culture and education. Tom assured Ronny that if they were to become a discreet couple the doctor felt they could overcome those obstacles. Finally after another couple hours of conversation and caressing the two decided it was time to get up, clean up the mess around the bed and take a shower.

There was nothing they could do about the mess left on the sheets, but they could collect the used condoms, tubes of lubricants and wipes before heading to the bathroom for a shower. Ronny looked at his watch on the nightstand before they entered the bathroom. The dial showed a little before five in the morning.

The two men bathed each other while caressing each other's bodies and kissing. Finally, after a half hour it was time to get out of the shower and dry off.

While drying their bodies Tom asked Ronny, "So, where you want to go for breakfast?"

"Wherever you feel comfortable, Tom."

"Well, I like to start off the day with a hearty breakfast because I usually don't have time for lunch and as for dinner I'm on the run while I'm on duty. I guess that's what keeps me slim," Tom said with a laugh, "Oh by the way when we're out in public there is no show of affection. We are just friends, and call me doctor."

"Sure, no problem I wouldn't want it any other way. But answer me this why did you take a chance at the restaurant last night?"

"Ronny, we were well-insulated at that particular restaurant. I'll explain it later. Hey, there's a great pancake house a couple blocks down the street."

"Sounds good to me let's go," Ronny answered.

"Let me call the service to check in and let them know what I'm doing and where I'll be today."

"Sure, let me call home so my parents won't think I've been kidnapped," Ronny said with a chuckle.

Both men took out their cell phones. Ronny stepped out on the hotel veranda to make his call while Tom stayed inside to make his call.

"Hello, Janie where's mom and dad at this early hour on Saturday morning?" After a pause he replied, "Okay, well just checking-in I'll check back later today. Tell them I called."

Once both men finished checking in they were ready to go for breakfast. They walked to the pancake house and were seated. The waitress brought menus and coffees. The two had just taken sips of their hot coffee when a familiar voice got Ronny's attention.

"Son, where you been?" Ronny's father asked.

Ronny turned looking up almost choking on his coffee before answering with a surprised look on his face, "Dad."

The doctor immediately chimed in to save the day for Ronny and possibly himself. "Hello Mr. Driver. We've never actually met, but I know you. I'm Doctor Tom Thorn one of the neurology fellows at the VA hospital. I divide my time between the VA's Neurology Department and Allenville's Trauma Center."

"Good to meet you doctor," Mr. Driver acknowledged shaking hands.

The doctor continued, "After delivering the devastating news yesterday at the Allenville hospital Ronny ran off. I knew I had to track him down and when I found him I offered to buy him dinner late last night so we might discuss things. After dinner we sat and talked at length about Ronny's future until early this morning. Then we decided to have breakfast."

"Well, I certainly thank you, doctor for taking care of my son. You know he's just finished recovering from some pretty serious injuries."

"Yes, I know," The doctor said, "I work in the Neurology Department at the VA hospital where Ronny is a patient."

"Please, join my wife and me for breakfast," Mr. Driver requested.

The two men glanced at each other briefly, and almost as if the two were reading each other's thoughts, in the interest of peace they simultaneously got up from their seats to move, following Mr. Driver.

The waitress followed moving the patrons their coffees and menus to the family booth.

"Look who I found, honey," Mr. Driver said to his wife, "Ronny and the neurologist."

"Hi mom."

"Good morning Mrs. Driver," The doctor said extending his hand to the woman.

The three seated themselves in the curved booth. The waitress asked if she could take the orders.

"I'm hungry. I'll have the Belgium waffle special, three eggs scramble and four bacons well with a bowl of fruit," Ronny said.

"Sounds good same for me." The doctor ordered, "Except no bacon for me."

"Do you want me to hold your orders?" The waitress asked looking at the parents.

"No, don't hold their food on our account," Ronny piped up.

"Put all the meals on my ticket," Mr. Driver advised the waitress. Ronny looked at Tom projecting his thoughts, `Do not to object.' Ronny was thinking that the two in a short period of time were becoming more attuned to each other's thought process. That is he and Tom could project their thoughts to each other.

Mr. Driver and the doctor began conversing back and forth while waiting on breakfast to arrive. In the meantime, Ronny's mother was sadly looking across the table at her son. Ronny couldn't help thinking his mom knew exactly what had happened a few hours prior and what was going on. Mom's have that keen intuition when it comes to their children.

Just as Tom finished responding to Mr. Driver's last questions the food arrived. Ronny couldn't be more thankful as the waitress began setting the breakfast plates on the table in proper order and refilling the cups with coffee. All began to eat without any further conversation.

Next: Chapter 42

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