Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Sep 29, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about Ronny's new life after the Corps, rehabilitation and Jason.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Part III Ronny's New Life

Chapter 55: Seduction and Satisfaction

Ronny Driver lay wiped out on rumpled white sheets covering the king size bed in the hotel room. The room reeked of raw sex as the recently medically retired Marine lay there reflecting on the past few hours.

For the two men the evening had started off innocently enough hours before, then rapidly developed into the surprising situation they found themselves in that Friday night in the hotel room. Laying there next to his sexual partner the Marine was experiencing a sense of guilt, yet at the same time a sense of blissful satisfaction.

The Korean-American lying next to the Marine was equally spent that Friday evening after more than three hours of the most erotically enjoyable and intense sex either man had engaged in for months. For Ronny, he hadn't experienced sex with anyone other than a blowjob gone wrong since before he deployed to Afghanistan. The men had made mad passionate love with each other for hours to the point of total exhaustion.

Ronny realized as he lay there next to the exotic appearing young man lying next to him that he was most proficient at the art of seduction; moreover, the Marine was surprised at how easy it had been for him to accept the temptation and then ease into a liaison with his bed partner. He couldn't remember ever being lured into anything before. The man lying next to him had finessed him to the hotel room a few hours prior and then into bed.

The young medically retired Maine had never known a lover with this man's sexual prowess either. Although the Marine was in a state of pure bliss he was experiencing pangs of guilt. Ronny was struggling remembering the prayers and promises he made in those prayers asking for Jason's full recovery, but as a libidinous young man what was he to do?

At his age the recently retired Marine was horny, needing sexual stimulation and satisfaction and that was what the man next to him had delivered. The strikingly handsome Asian man had definitely made Ronny forget all the sadness in his life as the two explored all aspects of male to male love making.

The men had squealed and screamed with delight over and over again as they performed different sexual acts with each other throughout the previous hours. Although Ronny wanted more he was just too damn tired to go another round.

Ronny knew another sexual go round was going to have to wait for a proper amount of recover time. Jason's neurosurgeon had befriended Ronny inviting him to dinner where he could privately discuss the Marine's former caregiver's condition and long-term outlook for recovery.

After weeks of interaction with Ronny, his mom and Jason's mom Doctor Tom Thorn was sensing that there was something more than just friendship between the two boys. The dinner with Ronny was an attempt to make him fully aware and understand the seriousness of what had happened to Jason's brain in the accident; therefore, there was not much hope for a full recovery.

The doctor explained as best he could in layman's terms to a very sad and at times tearful Ronny earlier in the day and again that Friday night that Jason would probably never return to his former self.

Of course the doctor had discussed this matter at length with Jason's mother at the hospital hours prior with Ronny and his mom present. At that time Ronny ran away before the doctor finished explaining, refusing to accept the fact that his friend was not going to return as the Jason he knew. When Mrs. Hall had been told that her son would in all probability remain in a persistent vegetative state for the rest of his life she was reluctant to accept that diagnosis, but finally accepted the fact.

Additionally, at the meeting with Mrs. Hall unbeknownst to Ronny Dr. Thorn had suggested two excellent out of state assisted living and recovery research facilities for Traumatic Brain Injuries where Jason could be moved to for excellent long-term care. Since that first hand movement there had not been any subsequent movement. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging with and without contrast agents showed more serious damage to certain portions of the brain than what the neurosurgeon first thought after the spontaneous movement in his hand.

Dr. Thorn had made arrangements for Jason to be moved to the facility where he thought the young man might have the best chance for some type of recovery and life. Although the doctor had been optimistic at first he didn't hold out much hope for Jason to return with the cognitive and physical abilities that he once possessed.

Sensing that there was a soulful connection between Ronny and Jason during that meeting the doctor invited Ronny to dinner, in an effort fully explain things and to try to help him cope with the loss of a friend he had once known.

Plans were for Jason to be moved within two to three days, not leaving much time for good-byes. When the evening first started the doctor didn't have any designs on seducing Ronny that night. He felt that he needed to get to know the Marine better before attempting to seduce him. That would be left to a time after Jason had been moved.

The doctor thought the Marine might at some point in the future after Jason's transfer to the out of state facility, might be more receptive to a sexual liaison. The doctor's first inclination that Ronny might be tempted into a late night affair that evening came when the doctor gently put his hand on Ronny's arm as a sign of comfort and then taking Ronny's hand into his while explaining the long-term prognosis for Jason.

When he noticed that Ronny didn't jerk or push his gesture away as most American heterosexual males might, or in anyway rebuff his advance Doctor Thorn was secretly excited. The doctor for some strange reason had been drawn to Ronny weeks before.

Doctor Tom Thorn, a gay man, thought Ronny to be very physically pleasing to the eye as well as possessing a caring and compassionate personality when they first met. He immediately picked up on certain signs that the Marine might possess homosexual tendencies as he watched him interact with his friend. The gay neurosurgeon wanted to approach Ronny in a tactful manner.

The doctor didn't want to blow his chance of seducing the grieving Marine at some future date; therefore, he had to play his cards close to the vest while dealing with Ronny. Doctor Thorn reached out to brush a tear from Ronny's cheek, knowing he would have only one chance with the grief stricken friend to gently bring him over.

Again, noticing that the Marine didn't push him away the doctor began engaging in his stealthy strategy to win the Marine's heart. He knew that he now had to become Tom Thorn the lover, a romantic and sexual partner rather than Jason's physician. As the two were sitting in their secluded booth at the dimly lit restaurant the doctor drinking dinner wine while Ronny drank beer the doctor maintained his romantic quest.

As Ronny sat listening to the doctor's bleak forecast about his friend, Tom would every once in a while interject discreetly, questioning the Marine about his sexuality. At times tears would well up in both their eyes. Again and again, Tom would reach out to wipe the tears away from Ronny's face. Finally, Ronny broke down crying uncontrollably with his head buried on the doctor's shoulder.

The doctor moved closer to Ronny in the secluded booth at the Italian restaurant so he could further console his sobbing friend. With a candle flickering on the table Tom eased his arm around the Marine's shoulder, pulling him closer to comfort him. As the minutes wore on Ronny began confessing his secret love for Jason.

Ronny sensed that he could talk openly about his feelings to the older physician, and Tom appeared to be a most receptive listener. The doctor began asking Ronny if he had ever had a male lover, had he ever loved another man before and did he think he could love anyone in the future after Jason.

The Marine began explaining to the doctor that he didn't think that he'd ever been in love before. He felt he was just too young to fully understand true love, but there had been two people in his life he thought he loved. He told the doctor that there had only been one person in his life with whom he'd engaged in any sexual activities, and that was Gary.

Ronny then went on explaining to Tom about the sexual antics he and Gary participated in before he deployed. Then finally he revealed the oral copulation episode that led to the estrangement between his brother, Gary and him weeks before. Ronny further related that Gary and his younger brother were now a gay couple living together. As Ronny continued unwinding his tale of woe to his new friend their faces brushed closer together. Their lips met briefly.

The doctor began lightly kissing Ronny on the face and then the lips. Doctor Thorn told Ronny while tenderly kissing his hand and nibbling on his fingers how much he was attracted him and how much he wanted him, if just for one night.

After a few more minutes of light kissing in the secluded booth the doctor suggested that they leave the restaurant and move to a better rendezvous sight. Ronny agreed and they were off to a new location.

Thinking Ronny's agreement to a sexual affair might be due to alcohol the two walked for some distance to clear their heads before stopping in at a drug store where the doctor picked up a bottle of wine and other items. The time walking gave the alcohol they'd consumed a chance to wear off, giving Ronny time to change his mind.

Noting that Ronny hadn't changed his mind after they departed the drug store, especially after the Marine seeing the items the doctor had purchased, they continued walking towards a nice hotel where the doctor rented a room for the weekend.

Once in the room the physician took the lead and began kissing Ronny passionately. The Marine eased the shorter man up sitting him on the dresser where he began kissing him back, their hungry wet mouths meeting in meaningful kisses. One could tell they wanted each other as their mouths opened accepting the other's tongue. They slipped their tongues into the oral caves as if searching for the other's soul.

The men continued the deep embrace, nuzzling each other's cheeks and necks, whispering their deepest desires into each other's ears. Ronny pulled Tom's shirt over his head throwing it to the floor and Tom did the same with Ronny's shirt. The younger man found the doctor's erect nipples on his well-developed chest and began lightly biting, licking, kissing and suckling the hard nubs. They began whispering words such as I want you,' I have to have you,' and `make me complete tonight.' Both men were at a high state of sexual arousal.

Slowly, the doctor slid off the dresser, so that they might inch towards the big bed. Sensually stripping each other's clothing off one piece at a time, leaving a trail along the way as they edged closer to the bed; when they reached the foot of the bed both men were totally naked and at the peak of sexual arousal. They were breathing rapidly; the room was quickly filling with scents of sex, and wanton desire for the other. Fully undressed they gazed upon each other's bodies, drinking in the beauty.

As Ronny stared at the physician's light caramel colored body he was impressed with what he was observing: a tight smooth body with nice ass. With subtle touches of foreplay they stroked each other's smooth bodies, titillating erogenous zones along the way. An impetuous Ronny could wait no longer. Taking the lead he pushed his newfound partner down onto the bed falling on top of him. Immediately the two began frotting, panting, and writhing on the bed deep into the throes of passion.

Within minutes of getting naked together on the bed the two were ready to take things to next level as sweat and sensuality oozed from every pore in their bodies. The two young men were drenched in oil and sweat as they ground their hard hot bodies together. They were kissing soulfully, eating each other's faces and other body parts.

The feelings the two had for each other were at the highest level ever. Finally, they began making unencumbered lustful love to each other, and it was an earth shattering mind blowing sexual affair lasting well over three hours. It was as if electricity was flowing through their bodies driving their sexual motors overloading the circuits with sparks crackling in the atmosphere, and colorful fireworks exploding in their heads. Throughout it all Ronny was amazed by the doctor's ability to maintain an erection and not reach orgasm.

Next: Chapter 41

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