Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Sep 15, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about the Marine, Ronny's rehabilitation. Part II of the story may sound familiar to some readers as I wrote an earlier story about a care giver.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Part II Ronny's Caregiver

Chapter 53: Domestic and Business Needs

Over the next few days the crowd that had gathered at the hospital began to slowly dwindle away as many family members and friends had obligations elsewhere. Many had assembled with bibles and would conduct prayer vigils, hoping that their prayers would be heard and Jason would awaken from his coma.

The family members and friends hadn't given up hope. The supporters had done all they could do, now Jason's recovery was in the hands of the gifted doctors and God. Jason's loved ones would await news about his condition by way of electronic means at their homes. Janie had started a blog for those distant relatives to keep them updated on Jason's condition, and there was money starting to pour in to help offset medical expenses. The two most dutiful that remained at the hospital were Mrs. Driver and Ronny to support a very distraught Helen Hall as well as be there in the event there was a positive turn.

The Marine could not give up on his loyal caregiver. He just could not entertain the thought of deserting Jason who was lying on the Intensive Care floor of the hospital in a coma or his mother. Jason had not abandon Ronny during his time of need and the Marine was not going to forget his former caregiver.

As father, son and daughter sat in silence at the breakfast table eating oatmeal Ronny's dad was angry and frustrated. He looked across at his son and daughter with a look of bewilderment. So many things had changed over the months since his son arrived back home after being injured in Afghanistan and dad was having a difficult time internalizing all the stressful issues facing him as head of household.

The family patriarch had dealt with cancer and it was now in remission. Ronny's injuries for the most part had healed. Now, the accident that had left Jason in a vegetated state was causing pain for all involved. There was palpable tension throughout the Driver household. Not to mention the he and his wife hadn't had much of a sex life since his surgery.

Since Ronny's return and now with Jason in the hospital Mrs. Driver had not been there as usual being a wife and mother for the past weeks and months. Janie the dutiful daughter had stepped into her mother's shoes, doing domestic chores. Truly, Ronny's sister had being the neglected one in the past weeks and months, and was quickly growing up beyond her years.

The thirteen year old had sought solace in the arms of her fifteen year old boy friend. David had become a silent fixture around the house since the days after Ronny returned home.

After Ronny got on his feet he could see the difference in his sister's body since he'd been back from Afghanistan. She was no longer that innocent little girl he remembered from the days before he deployed. She'd turned into a beautiful young woman while he was away. Ronny could see why David was smitten with his sister and the two teens were dating.

The Marine was sure the two teens being left alone for hours at a time were doing more than `playing house' in the living room or kitchen. When Ronny first came home his mother was constantly hovering over Ronny caring for him with the help of Jason, forgetting many times about her daughter's needs. Ronny was sure his mother hadn't even noticed how her daughter had blossomed into a beautiful young woman.

With Jason in the hospital and Mrs. Driver was spending one hundred percent of her time supporting Helen who was grieving over her son. She once again was neglecting her daughter as well as husband's needs. Both women knew instinctively that Ronny was aching emotionally and physically and Janie was feeling completely left out. Ronny knew he should be spending more time with his sister.

Suddenly Mr. Driver broke the silence asking, "How much longer are you going to continue moping around the hospital, son?"

"I don't know, dad," a gaunt appearing Ronny answered, "I just feel I need to be there for Jason."

"What you need to do is get out and start doing something; instead, of spending all your waking hours at the hospital. It's not going to help Jason."

"I know, dad, but I just feel I need to be there."

"Look, why don't you both come to the shop with me today? Your mom is with Jason's mom again today."

"Do you really need me?"

"Yes, today I do," Mr. Driver said unequivocally.

Although Mr. Driver was aware that Ronny was sad about his friend he knew that his son could not keep sitting around the hospital waiting on word about Jason's condition; besides, there was business that needed attention.

"There are business matters that need to be taken care of today, and after that the three of us will go to the mall for lunch and I'll buy you both a new pair of Vans to start school. Maybe some other things you might need too."

Ronny and his sister both lit up when their dad mentioned buying new shoes, but then Ronny asked, "Why don't we just meet you for lunch and then we'll get the new sneakers?" Clearly the Marine didn't want to go and sit through a dull ass business meeting with his dad.

"No! I need you at a meeting today, son," Mr. Driver exclaimed in his no nonsense tone, "You know, since I was diagnosed with cancer I've been giving serious consideration to the family business future and what might happen to it should something happened to me. So, I've asked my attorney and accountant to stop by the shop this morning around nine for a sit down conference with key employees. I want you there to be aware of certain things concerning the business."

Ronny looked across the table at his dad. Ronny's dad gave his son that look of `don't give me any shit young man,' you're going.

"Janie looked at her dad and asks, "What about me?"

"You come too," Mr. Driver said before looking back at Ronny, "Son, you and the rest of the family stand to inherit the shop if something should happen to me. Brandon and Gary are off going to school. I don't know what Gary's intentions are after he graduates, but Brandon has assured me that he doesn't want to work in the business after college. Hell, I don't even know whether the two of them will ever return after they graduate."

Ronny and his sister sat there listening to their dad. Ronny knew what his dad was saying was true and he also knew what Brandon and Gary wanted. In Ronny's mind he figured all the two were interested in was going to college class and fucking each other senseless for the rest of their lives. They were so far away that they were sure no one would ever discover that they were living a gay lifestyle together.

Mr. Driver continued his diatribe, "If you don't want the responsibility of becoming a businessman and running a business then let me know and I'll consider putting the shop up for sale or maybe your sister wants to run the place. You know, I'm not getting any younger and I'd like to start enjoying life with your mom and the family I've worked all my life for you all."

"Okay dad, I understand. I'll finish getting dressed and we'll take off for the shop. Do you want me to dress up or wear something casual?"

"Both of you wear something causal but nice looking."

"Can David go?" Janie asked.

"No, I think this will be family only day this time, baby."

Ronny excused himself, rinsed his bowl in the sink and headed off to his room to get dressed followed closely by his sister. As he dressed he thought about what his dad had said. Did his dad know something about his health that he wasn't sharing with the family? As far as Ronny knew the cancer was in remission, but had the doctors found something else? The thoughts about his dad's health had taken his mind off Jason.

The three arrived at the auto repair facility and towing shop. Ronny was wearing a pair of dress slacks with a conservative front button shirt. Janie was wearing a skirt and blouse. Once inside Ronny put his sunglasses on top of his head as they were greeted by the select group of employees that were to attend the conference. All were dressed appropriately for a business meeting. Mr. Driver's assistant approached her boss handing him his morning coffee saying, "Sir, the others will be here shortly. I have everything setup in the conference room."

"Thank you dear," Mr. Driver acknowledged accepting the cup of coffee from his assistant.

"Can I get you all any thing to drink?" The young woman asked of the two Driver siblings.

With a `no' from the two sibs the group walked up the stairs to the second floor conference room and took seats around the big oval shaped table. Mr. Driver was at the head of the table sitting in the big overstuffed swivel chair while Ronny took a seat to his dad's right and next to him was Janie. Normally, Mr. Driver's young assistant sat where Ronny was sitting, but she had taken a position behind and between the two Driver men. The two chairs along the left were occupied by the office manager and shop supervisor. Of course the most imposing figure in the room was Sheldon who headed up the towing department for Mr. Driver. Two seats at the opposite end of the table were still vacant awaiting the Attorney and Accountant.

Mr. Driver spoke. "I've called you all together for this meeting today to look at the future of the company. I think all-in-all we done pretty well the past couple decades. Now it's time to make certain decisions about the direction and future of the company."

There was a round of applause before Mr. Driver continued. "I've ask my oldest son and daughter to attend this meeting because in the event that something should happen to me Ron will take over the day to day operation of the business and Janie may come to work here in the future. At least that is my plan at this point."

All eyes were on the youngest members of the assembled group. Ronny felt as though he had been stopped by the local law enforcement. There was that burning sensation from the red lights and unknowing feeling crawling around inside his belly while his sister chewing her gum seemed unconcerned.

"Once my Attorney and Accountant get here they'll go over the financial standing of the business and then talk about incorporating. Again, if something should happen to me and Ron decides after today's meeting to accept the responsibility of management I hope all of you will stand behind and support him."

Mr. Driver went on explaining that his son was still recuperating from his injuries and faced a couple more surgeries before he would be back capable of working full-time. The proud father also explained that his son was starting school at the local college where he would be studying business, and his daughter was starting high school. Suddenly, the intercom broke into the conversation announcing the arrival of the Attorney, Accountant and Dr. Ling.

"You all have seen these two around the shop before," Mr. Driver said pointing to the people entering the room. "My accountant Mrs. Golden Silver and my attorney, Mr. Silkensoft. However, I don't think any of you know Dr. Ling my personal physician. First off I want to let Dr. Ling give you all assurance that I'm going to be around for a long time to come."

"Good morning Mr. Driver, family and all employees assembled. You all know that Mr. Driver had a bout with cancer months back. There was surgery required to remove the cancer and following the surgery aggressive chemotherapy. I gave your boss a thorough physical a month ago along with his oncologist for many reasons: one of them to increase his personal insurance. I'm here to tell you all that the old man is fit and should be around for many years to come. Ron, Janie and the rest, I hope that sets to rest any negative feelings about your old man's health. Okay, I've got to run, but Mr. Driver asked me to stop by to assure you all that he's in good health."

Dr. Ling waved good-bye to the group before exiting the conference room. Ronny and Janie as well as the others beamed at the good news about the father and boss.

"I've invited my Attorney and Account here today to help lay out the future of the company. Now, I'm going to turn the meeting over to the legal and money experts behind the company," Mr. Driver said as he brought forward the Attorney and Accountant to begin explaining with the help of power point assistance different graphs and charts explaining where the company had come from and through to the future.

The two complimented not only Mr. Driver but the others in attendance for growing the company in such a positive and profitable direction over the years, especially during the recent rough economic times. There was much talk about new growth in a couple new areas and possible purchase of new equipment. There was a very positive financial report as well as customer care and satisfaction report. The managers as well as others were given credit for those accomplishments.

Finally, the attorney broached the subject of incorporation and profit sharing with employees. After all that was taken care of Mr. Driver said, "If there is nothing further let's adjourn this meeting and we'll all meet back here in two days to finalize everything. One more thing, if my son doesn't want to take on the responsibility of the running the business I will offer it for sale at some point down the road. Of course, any one or all of you may want to consider the option to purchase."

Over the next few days the incorporation was made final and filed with the court. Ronny told his dad that he'd decided to follow his dad in the family business. He began taking classes at the college and began putting in a few hours at the shop. He also had medical appointments at the VA that he had to keep. Of a night after all was done he would take his books over to the hospital and do his homework sitting with Jason in his room.

Jason was still in a coma and on life support systems. At times it was hard for Ronny to concentrate with all the machines going in the room. After Ronny finished his work he would sit and hold Jason's hand, talking to him letting his former caregiver know he was there for him. Ronny knew that he loved Jason; however, he had never got to tell him that.

Next: Chapter 39

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