Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Aug 20, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about the Marine, Ronny's rehabilitation. Part II of the story may sound familiar to some readers as I wrote an earlier story about a care giver.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Part II Ronny's Caregiver

Chapter 51: Comforting and Supporting

A weary Mrs. Driver had returned home after a busy morning comforting and supporting Jason during the aftermath of his ordeal at the coffee shop off the Interstate. She truly needed sleep, instead she was in the kitchen preparing a big hero's breakfast in anticipation of Jason's arrival. She'd tried a couple times to call Jason by way of his cell phone, but got no response. After a couple calls she was becoming curious about what was taking him so long.

She thought to herself Jason should have been just a few minutes behind her; however, she dismissed her worry thinking to herself maybe Jason stopped for gas and got tied up in a conversation, maybe he had been followed by news media or he got tied up in morning commute traffic. She tried a couple more times to call him on his cell in between fixing breakfast. Again, no responses, it would roll over to his voicemail. Mother Driver decided to wake Ronny up.

When she returned to the kitchen Ronny's father was there filling his brushed stainless steel liter travel mug full to the brim with coffee.

He gave his wife a peck on the cheek saying, "I got a tow this morning out on the Interstate. Multi vehicle pileup."

"Well, have a bite to eat before you get going."

"No thanks coffee is all I need," Mr. Driver said downing a gulp of his coffee, "Oh my, what's this?" Mr. Driver asked opening the box smelling of pastries. He fetched one of the fresh glazed doughnuts from the box, polishing it off in three bites. He licked his fingers and then washed the last bite down with a slug of coffee.

"I know where these doughnuts came from. The Korean guy's doughnut shop out off the Interstate," Mr. Driver said, "Did you go all the way out there just for these this morning, hon?"

"Not really, they were free after I met Jason out there."

"What happened that you had to meet Jason?"

"I'll explain everything when you get back. Now get going."

"Okay, I'm out of here," Mr. Driver said as he walked out the backdoor with his electric insulated coffee mug in one hand and box of doughnuts in the other.

After her husband departed Mrs. Driver was becoming more concerned about where Jason might be. Maybe he got caught up in the traffic jam from the big accident on the freeway and stopped to help out. That would be like Jason to stop, rendering aid and assistance she thought.

Mother Driver put the batter in the Belgian waffle maker, scooped up a large helping of scrambled eggs with cheese, mushrooms and onions and then put a big piece of ham on the plate before yelling, "Get moving in there everything is ready except the waffle."

After yelling at her son she finished preparing the plate. Ronny appeared in the kitchen exclaiming, "Oh boy! Everything smells great, mom."

The Marine seated himself at the table where he downed a tall glass of OJ along with his daily dose of morning pills.

His mom sat the plate of food on the table saying, "Waffle will be up in a minute, honey, and Jason should be here shortly for breakfast."

"Great," Ronny replied with a big smile, "I owe him so much, mom."

Ronny's eyes seemed to sparkle after his mom made the announcement that Jason would be joining them for breakfast. The Marine went on telling his mother how he thought Jason was going to make an excellent doctor once he completed med school. Mrs. Driver noticed that Ronny seemed to get energized any time he was around Jason or talked about him. Almost like the old Ronny when Gary was around before her son deployed to Afghanistan.

After the conversation with Jason a few hours before Mother Driver was now pondering about her oldest son. She wondered about Ronny's sexuality. Had something transpired between the two boys during those days when they were alone together?

Suddenly, Mrs. Driver's cell phone went off.


The voice on the other end was Mr. Driver, "Honey, don't wait for Jason he's not going to be there. They just life-flighted him out to the level one trauma center at Allenville. He was involved in this crash out here on the Interstate. He's in pretty bad shape. I'll let you know if I hear anything more on his condition," and with that Mr. Driver hung up.

Mrs. Driver slumped into the chair across the table from her son and began weeping.

"Mom! Mom what's wrong?" Ronny questioned looking at his mom sitting across from him pale with a pained look to her face, "Mom, is it dad?" Ronny said as he moved around to comfort her, "Is dad okay?"

"No son, it's Jason."

"What's up?" Ronny questioned.

"He's been in a terrible accident this morning on his motorcycle out on the Interstate. They airlifted him to the trauma center in Allenville."

"Wow!" was all Ronny could say as he hugged his mother.

"You going to be okay, honey?"

"The question is, are you going to be okay, mom."

"Honey, I've got to get over to Jason's mom's house she'll need some comfort and support when she hears about this."

"Let me get dressed and drive you over."

With that said the two went about their business in silence, preparing to go to Jason mom's house. After Mrs. Driver brushed her hair she grabbed her purse and headed out the door. Ronny dressed and followed her shortly making sure everything was turned off before locking the back door.

Ronny was in a state of shock and hoped the bombshell that had been dropped wouldn't impair his driving, but he felt better him driving than his mother. She was an emotional wreck. Plus, she was sleep deprived from being up all night, something Ronny still didn't know much about.

The car phone in the big Lincoln went off. Ronny responded, "Hello," speaking into the hands free speaker.

"This is dad."

"Yeah dad how bad, how bad is Jason hurt?" Ronny asked his eyes beginning to tear up.

"Bad, buddy. It was a bad one. Five vehicles involved, including Jason on his bike. He was thrown off his bike; however, he was alive when the helicopter took off. Have you gotten to Jason's house yet?"

There was a pause before an emotional Ronny spoke again, "We're just about there."

Once he parked the car in front of Jason's mom's house he helped his mother from the back seat of the vehicle and they walked towards the door. Ronny rang the doorbell and Jason's mom answered. Jason's mom was crying; she'd been notified. The two women embraced, hugging and holding each other like distraught women do. Ronny suggested that he drive them to the hospital and they needed to get going.

Once outside, Ronny opened the back doors assisting both women into the back seat of the Lincoln Town Car. Once all were seated and buckled up Ronny began driving towards the trauma center at Allenville. They all rode in silence the women holding each other for comfort; there was no talking nor was the radio playing inside of the spacious Town Car. The silence was eerie.

After the long drive Ronny pulled the big Lincoln up to the main entrance at the hospital. He quickly noticed camera crews from a couple of the local area television stations milling about. Not wanting to give the camera crews a chance to rush his mother or Jason's mother he began looking for a closer entrance to let the women out.

Ronny decided to take the women around to the emergency entrance. Once he got around there he noticed that there was a disabled parking spot, so he quickly pulled in parking the car and putting his disabled placard on the dash. Once the car was parked he assisted the two women out and escorted them into the ER. He was lucky to have spotted the disabled spot.

Once inside Ronny approached the desk asking about where to find Jason, explaining that he had been life flighted to the hospital earlier in the day. The lady at the desk made a phone call and within a couple minutes a lady approached the desks saying that she was the hospital social services person.

Ronny led the woman over to where the two women were seated. She asked them to follow her. Once in her office the social service worker delivered that bad news about Jason.

Next: Chapter 37

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