Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Jul 25, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about the Marine, Ronny's rehabilitation. Part II of the story may sound familiar to some readers as I wrote an earlier story about a care giver.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Part II

Ronny's Caregiver

Chapter 48: Confrontation

The congenial caregiver didn't get to see much of his ward the next few days. The recuperating Marine was back in the hospital for some minor surgical skin grafting procedures as well as having a new cast put on his arms chest and leg, exposing more of the arms, hands, lower leg and foot. Jason did make it a point to visit Ronny briefly everyday at the hospital. One day Jason ran into Brandon and Gary while they were visiting Ronny. After their visit Jason confronted them in the vacant waiting room afterwards.

"So, what's up with your two? I haven't seen much of you guys around the house," Jason said as the other boys exited Ronny's room.

Brandon replied as the three began walking towards the waiting room on Ronny's floor, "Well, we've been getting our things together for school. We both applied for and have been accepted at a university in Arizona. Gary will be leaving first to secure housing and then I'll follow."

"Yeah, we've really been busy applying for grants, loans all the financial aid shit that's why we've been kind of invisible the past weeks. We been workin and doin our school work as well as doin all the paper work for money at my place," Gary said a little shamefaced.

"Yeah, I been staying over with Gary to give everyone around the house more space," Brandon replied, "Things get a little tense sometimes."

"To give the family more space, huh? How's your dad taking the fact that both of you are leaving town?" Jason asked, "And Ronny for that matter?"

"Dad's not too happy, but he's glad we got accepted to the same school and that we'll have each other for support while were away from home attending college," Brandon said, "besides, he's known like forever that I'm not interested in being a mechanic or truck driver for the rest of my life."

"So, support is what you call it? What are you going to do once Ronny gets to the point where he can take care of himself somewhat, Jason?" Gary asked, "Because he's still going to need certain support during his rehab."

"You know, I'm still attending school in the area. I plan to transfer once I get all my core work done here to the four year registered nursing degree program or if I can score high enough maybe even go onto med school," Jason said, "but I'll always be around for Ronny even if I'm not getting paid. We've established a special bond over the past weeks."

"What do you think the chances are of my brother going back to the Corps?" Brandon asked, "you've been privy to his medical reviews and all."

"I'd say probably slim to none. I think it is probably going to be a year or more before Ronny is back at 100% if there will ever be 100% for him. At some point the Marine Corps will probably offer him a medical retirement. From there the VA will rate him 100% for a while, during that time, if he wants, the VA will send him to college or some school on their dime," Jason said, "at least that is what I'd want for him."

"I hope you're right, Jason," Gary replied.

"What do you guys want for Ronny? Brandon you're his brother and Gary you're his best friend, seems to me that you guys are abandoning him during his time of need -- being a little selfish. You know Ronny is going to miss you guys," Jason replied harshly.

"We'll be around for few more weeks before we leave, hopefully he'll be out of his casts by then. What do you think, Jason?" Brandon asked.

"After he gets out of the casts he is facing months of physical therapy as well as some more skin grafting, not to mention months or years of mental health rehab. All pretty painful stuff," Jason said looking directly into the eyes of the two standing across from him.

"Well, I think he knows we can't put our lives on hold waiting for him to recover; besides, we can be back here in a few hours by way of plane if he takes a turn for the worse," Brandon replied.

"Okay, guys let's cut to the chase," Jason said, "Have you all told Ronny that you're a couple -- a gay couple?"

Both boys looked like deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car. They been busted and didn't know how to react to Jason's accusation that they were a gay couple. "I got to get back to work," Jason said as he turned to walk away in open disgust. His parting shot was, "By the way he knows."

Brandon and Gary stood there not saying a word. What was there to say? They were a gay couple and they both were escaping their hometown, brother and best friend to get away from family scrutiny of their relationship. Although Brandon's mother and sister knew the father did not and if he did he would not be accepting of the two boys, one being his son, involved in a homosexual relationship. The two boys with heads hung low began walking towards the elevator. As they departed from the hospital they didn't know how to resolve the dilemma.

Jason felt a sense of relief as he headed off to resume his duties at the hospital. Jason now knew why he was seeing less and less of Brandon and Gary. The other visitors had dropped off too, and Jason was sensing depression setting in with the wounded Marine. He made the suggestion to the home health nurse that maybe a social service or mental health counselor should drop by to evaluate Ronny. The big problem was that Jason was falling for the Marine big time.

After Ronny returned home Jason while attending to the wounded Marine asked, "So, what's happening with Brandon and Gary as well as your other friends?"


Ronny said, "Brandon and Gary are working and doing their own thing lately. You know there a couple."

"When did you discover that?" Jason asked.

"Didn't have to it's written all over them when they come visit me. You know, they're both together, the body language, the way they look at each other. They're both together and both seem to be ashamed and not want to visit long," Ronny said, `my body got injured not my brain, Jay."

"Too bad you all can't come to some understanding among you all," Jason said.

Jason began giving Ronny his daily foot and leg massage. The caregiver truly enjoyed caressing and rubbing Ronny feet and legs. The wounded Marine made a confession to Jason, "Jay, I hope you won't think less of me when I tell you that I think I may be gay too and I'm falling for you."

"I've been wondering about that from the day you had the wet dream event. Feel free to tell me about your feelings, because I think you know I have feeling for you. I also think you maybe going through some PTSD and need help in that area."

"Gary and I were partners; in fact, Gary popped my cherry before I deployed to Afghanistan. After he fucked me I was considering going AWOL. I'd had dreams about Gary doing me, but never acted on them."

Ronny went on explaining how the two engaged in that explosive time between the two of them that night in Ronny's truck inside his dad's shop. Ronny also went on explaining all the other times he and Gary had sex before going to Afghanistan.

"I wondered about that. I'm a pretty perceptive person and I've been watching the interaction or the lack thereof among you, your brother and Gary."

"Yeah, at first after Gary told me about some of his sex partners while I was gone I wasn't mad or anything. I just figured we both had needs. I had a jack off buddy while in Afghanistan and I felt that was what was happening with Gary. Then it dawned on me after a few weeks home that Gary and Brandon were lovers more so than sex partners," Ronny said.

"Yeah, I know," Jason said,

"I didn't mind Gary running wild while I was gone. Now I find out he and my brother are in love, a solid couple, they've even told my mom and sister about their relationship. Dad doesn't know. That would kill him and he would probably kill them."

"You're probably right. As I said before I've got a confession," Jason said, "I am attracted to you and as soon as you get out of the casts and can get around I'd like to start dating you, of course that would be secretly. I wouldn't want to cause any problems between you and your folks. They have been so great towards me and my family."

"I think I'd like that too," Ronny replied.

Jason began gently kissing the side of Ronny's foot working his way up his leg to his knee and from there he began kissing inside Ronny's knee. All Ronny could do was let out little moans and sighs of pleasure as his pecker jumped with each kiss. "You've got the most beautiful penis I've ever seen, Ronny."


"Of course, yours is the only penis I've ever seen fully erect. As you guys in the Corps would say, I'm a cherry boy."

There the beauty stood at attention only inches away from Jason's face bouncing and throbbing as the blood pulsed through it pumping it up to full mast. A most perfectly sculpted penis with a well-defined pink head that flared back to a dark red coronal band; a lighter circumcision scar that was high and tight, and then the darker shaft that was rooted into an undergrowth of pubic hair at the base of Ronny's tree trunk. Beneath that was the darker hairless scrotal sac hanging loosely over the taint.

"That's truly a thing of beauty, Ronny. May I give it the attention it needs?"

"Oh God yes, please do. I've dreamed about that since the very first time we met, Jay; the first night you touched my fingers I felt that surge of special energy pass between us. That's why the wet dreams. I've dreamed about you and me making love every night since the first night you arrived and touched me as you were leaving, Jay."

Jason replied, "Same here. I guess I was scared to cross any boundaries. I've dreamed about you every night too, Ronny."

"Why didn't you say something earlier, Jay? I've dreamed about you and me together after I get out of this fuckin cast. That's what has kept me going all these weeks."

Jason saluted the beautiful boner he was fondling before him. He touched it softly stroking its full length.

"Oh God, Jay, don't stop what you're doing."

Jason bent forward letting his soft moist lips tenderly kiss the pink head of Ronny's penis. Jason's tongue began circling swirling around the full circumference of the darker coronal band.

"Oh my God!" Ronny exclaimed as Jason's lips touched the head of his cock.

The caregiver licked his way to a point where his tongue was titillating the very sensitive area just below the piss slit. Jason could taste a trace of soap as he continued nursing Ronny's engorged member. Ronny continued moaning and whimpering uncontrollably. Jason cupped Ronny's hairless ball sac in his hand to feel the walnut sized nuts inside the scrotal sac and then began kissing each nut. All the time Ronny was moaning with desire and pleasure. Jason began to taste a hint of Ronny's seminal fluid that begun seeping from the piss slit. So, sensing that Ronny may be about to explode in an orgasm Jason ceased caressing and licking Ronny's wang.

Jason moved up to Ronny's face. He put his right hand behind Ronny's head drawing the Marine's face to his. The two locked into a passionate kiss, tongues darting around dueling inside each other's mouths. Jason changed hands putting his left hand behind Ronny's head to cradle it. His right hand brushed a tear from Ronny's face as he whispered into his right ear, "Don't worry baby I'll be here for you as long as you need and want me."

Ronny whispered back, "Forever."

"For ever and ever, I love you Ronny Driver."

Jason broke off the soulful kiss whispering in Ronny's ear, "Right now I'm going to give you the best blowjob of your life, Marine."

"Jay, I only wish I was in a position to reciprocate."

"No need for that now, there'll be plenty of times after you get out of the cast, if you still choose to recip."

Having said that Jason moved back towards Ronny's crotch area where a throbbing cock was awaiting his warm wet mouth. A cock that appeared much bigger, with a bigger and pinker glans. Jason observed that not only had the head gotten pinker the penis shaft appeared to have gotten thicker while the two were making out. Jason began kissing Ronny's navel slowly kissing down the treasure trail the pubic bush where his nose began rooting around inhaling the mild scent of soap at the base of Ronny's tall timber as Jason fondled Ronny's balls.

Jason knew he had a couple hours of total privacy to titillate and make love to Ronny. Jason was going to work on Ronny building him up for the most explosive orgasm ever. He could tell when he touched a responsive nerve; Ronny's body would convulse, shaking with desire and his penis would jump. Ronny's penis jumped up and down dancing like a low rider full of hydraulics. Meanwhile Jason's hard cock was trying to escape and get into the fray.

Jason could feel Ronny testicles drawing up and his penis expanding. Jason was tasting precum. He had never had anyone ejaculate in his mouth, but he was going to let Ronny be his first.

"Oh Jay I'm gonna cum. I'm cumming!"

With that exclamation Ronny pumped five loads of creamy white spooge into Jason's mouth. Jason took it all, swallowing in a couple gulps. Suddenly, before Jason could clean the remnants of cum off Ronny's penis Brandon yelled out, "What the fuck are you doing to my brother you pervert?"

Startled, Jason almost bit the glans off Ronny's penis as he jumped back pulling off the Marine's cockhead. Jason didn't know what to say as he looked around facing Brandon and Gary looking pissed off standing at the foot of the hospital bed.

Next: Chapter 34

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