Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Jul 9, 2010


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. This part of the story will be about the Marine, Ronny's rehabilitation. Part II of the story may sound familiar to some readers as I wrote an earlier story about a care giver.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper Part II Ronny's Caregiver

Chapter 47: Confessions, Secrets and Intimacy

The shifts Jason worked as part-time caregiver for the wounded Marine came and went without any problems. Mrs. Martin was very impressed with Jason's ability and his compassion caring for her recovering son. One Sunday she left the two alone for the first time while she went shopping. When she returned she relieved Jason and he bid Ronny farewell, again, before leaving Jason did something that had become a ritual between the two. Jason would touch Ronny's fingers or toes as he said goodbye or goodnight: secret goodnight kisses between the two.

The subsequent days caring for the wounded Marine came and went easily; however, one Saturday morning, after few weeks on the job, there was a torrential downpour, so Jason drove to work in her car with her riding along. She didn't want her son riding his crotch rocket across town in the pouring rain. Jason drove up the driveway and parked under the portico. Mrs. Driver, who was waiting with an umbrella, stuck her head inside the vehicle inviting Jason's mother in for some hot tea before returning home.

Jason got out of the car while Mrs. Driver covered his mother on the passenger side with the umbrella helping her out of the car before they went inside. After hiring Jason as a part-time caregiver Jason soon found himself not only as Ronny's caregiver but something of a confidant. From that first meeting the two bonded sharing so much that Jason would stop by on his on initiative early of a morning before school and each evening after his shift at the VA hospital to look in on Ronny and see if Mrs. Martin needed any help.

Once all were inside Jason went about his work tending to Ronny's needs. In the meantime the two women were visiting getting to know each other on a more personal level while drinking hot tea and eating fresh pastry in the kitchen. The two women struck up an immediate friendship and got along great during that initial meeting, so much so, that Jason's mother invited Ronny's mother to her ladies only card club the next Saturday for some respite.

Saturday went by uneventfully passing quickly as all parties got to know each other better. Jason discovered midweek that he didn't have to work at the Driver's on Friday as Ronny was being transported to the hospital for a full day of medical follow-up. Again, the next Saturday Jason's mom dropped her son off and picked up Mrs. Driver for another lady's day out, again providing some respite for Ronny's mom.

That is truly what respite care giving is all about, providing rest and relaxation for the primary caregiver. Jason was the secondary caregiver and Jason's mom had been filling in inviting Mrs. Driver out to get some R&R from her son. After the two mothers bid their boys farewell they drove off for their day of recreation. Jason's mom told the boys not to expect them back early because the two women might go to dinner and take in a movie later. The two women departed leaving the boys alone. Jason asked Ronny, "Had breakfast yet?"

"Yeah, mom fed me earlier, Jay, but I had another accident in my sleep earlier this morning," Ronny replied, "I thought I was going to have to ask mom to clean it up, but I'd rather you do it if you don't mind?"

"No problem, buddy. I'll take care of it," Jason replied with a smile, "you know me I'm here to take care of your every need."

Jason thought maybe Ronny had pissed or shit himself in the bed; however, as he pulled the sheet back, to his amazement there were remnants of a wet dream. There was a big mess of drying semen in his crotch and matted in his pubic hair.

"You need to get out of this cast soon my man. Find you a lady so you can get some pussy," Jason said with a smile.

"Yeah, guess so, but I'm really not interested in any pussy right now."

Jason thought that was an odd answer as he went into the bathroom where he collected a pan with warm water, some soap, a wash cloth, and towel. He returned to his patient and began giving him a sponge bath. Much to Jason's surprise Ronny began springing another erection as Jason gently cleansed his genital area cleaning all the spooge off. Jason was enthralled with Ronny's smooth skin as well as the beauty he was discovering between his patient's legs.

"So, have you been experiencing more erections recently, Ronny?"

"Yeah, I've been waking up with more of them lately and now the wet dream thing. I'm just glad you were here this morning to clean me up. I would've just died if Mom had found me like this."

With Ronny sitting up on the bedside commode Jason continued working between the outstretched arms sponging Ronny's exposed upper body parts and back. As Jason was reaching around his patient's body he thought he felt Ronny's lips brush against his face and ear.

Jason thought he heard Ronny say something and was taken aback. He didn't know quite know how to react to what he considered a sensuous touch asking, "What'd you say?"

"Nothing. Sorry, didn't mean for that to happen, Jay."

"No problem, Ronny. I enjoy working with you, helping you and making you feel better."

Jason blushed as he continued wondering what was on Ronny's mind as he finished washing his neck, ears and face. Jason made up Ronny's bed while he finished on the potty. Once that was done he wiped and thoroughly washed Ronny's ass crack before putting him back into the bed. Jason laid a towel across Ronny's mid section before positioning himself at the foot of the bed to begin giving Ronny his foot massage.

"You know in a week or so you'll have another leg to massage, Jay"

"How's that, you getting the cast off?"

"Yep. Well, at least part of the leg from what the doctor tells me. My foot and part of my lower leg will be uncovered."

Jason began washing and drying Ronny's feet, and then began applying the warm massage oil saying, "That'll be great, Ronny."

The caregiver began to massage his patient's foot; however, Jason's thoughts that morning were not about massaging Ronny's feet, but rather what it would be like to be massaging his manhood. He was thinking how beautiful Ronny's body was and how much more beautiful he was going to be when he was out of his cast. Jason wondered about the wet dreams Ronny was experiencing. He wondered what was causing them, who was Ronny thinking about to become so aroused to get off.

There were no girly magazines or photos or anything sexually stimulating for a heterosexual male around the sterile environment. No female had visited him.

"Jay, how come you always cover my crotch up when were alone and stop the massage with the calf muscles? Why don't you massage my thigh?"

"Covering your private area is what I've been trained to do, but I can uncover you and do your thighs and other areas if you want, especially when it's just you and me. I guess I just need your permission to do so."

"You know, I've noticed you eyeing my dick when you attend to me. What do you think of it?"

"I hope you won't think badly of me when I say I think you have a very beautiful body, from what I can view, a great looking penis. It's beautiful and just the right size."

"Right size for what?"

"The right size for anything."

Jason wasn't sure where Ronny was going with the questions so he suggested, "I'll remove the towel if you like."

"Thanks," Ronny said smiling.

Jason thought for sure he had seen movement under the bath towel. He was almost sure Ronny was getting an erection. Jason wasn't sure, but he was beginning to sense that Ronny might be sexual attracted to him. Jason pulled the towel up on the midsection of his patient in a tantalizing manner exposing Ronny's semi hard penis.

Seeing Ronny's penis in full view caused arousal in Jason's loins. His burgeoning boner inside his pants wanted some personal attention, but he knew that his primary focus was on Ronny's care. Jason needed to focus on Ronny's wants and needs.

"So, how big is it, your dick that is when it's hard?" Jason asked guardedly.

"I'm not sure. I haven't measured it in a while. You want'a measure it?"

"Sure if you want me to. So, where's the measuring tape?"

"I think there's one in that sewing basket over on the bar."

Jason moved towards the wet bar in the room and opened the sewing basket. Sure enough there was a thirty-six inch fabric measuring tape rolled up on the top. Jason retrieved it taking the rubber band off and began unrolling it stretching it out to its full length saying in a humors manner, "Think this is long enough?"

Ronny began laughing, "Yeah. Oh yeah that'll do."

Jason put the end of the tape against Ronny's pubic bone and measured along the topside from the pubic bone to the tip of the penis, "Looks to be a little over seven inches long. Not bad. Now let's see what this thing measures around."

Jason wrapped the tape around the shaft saying, "Looks like six inches mid shaft," then he moved the tape up to the coronal band, "six and three eights around the corona. Nice sized cock Ronny, nothing to be ashamed of, and a very beautiful knob."

"Really! So, you think I've got a good size dick?" Ronny asked.

"Very nice one, but the head is what really makes a nice looking penis as far as I'm concerned, and that knob on yours is a total beauty."

"Thanks Jay. I'm glad it didn't get messed up when I was injured."

"I know this if you were gay I sure as Hell wouldn't kick you out of bed; besides, all that shit about size is way overrated as far as I'm concerned. You know all the stories about guys with big cocks having more fun; personally I think that's bullshit. I'd much rather engage in sex with a guy your size or even smaller than a big guy any day."

Jason immediately felt that hot sensation throughout his body; the type of sensation one feels when the police light you up when they catch you speeding. Jason felt he might have gone too far, fucked up and let the cat out of the bag about his homosexuality.

"Really! So, are you gay Jay?"

"You know I don't really know at this point in my life, I think I might be," Jason responded meekly, "just not sure."

Jason went on explaining his life and his sexual identity issues while massaging Ronny's thighs moving closer to Ronny's crotch. Jason told Ronny about how there had been guys in school that he had been attracted to and who sexually excited him, but didn't want to take a step forward for fear of being outed and labeled a queer.

Ronny told Jason that he had experienced the same type of feelings from the time he was in the seventh grade. But he never acted upon them because he didn't want to disappoint his Mom; he didn't want to tell her about those feelings, and he definitely didn't want to be labeled as gay. Without warning Jason bent down tenderly kissing the tips of Ronny's toes. Jason could see Ronny's penis jump to attention. Jason did it again and again watching Ronny's dick jump with each little peck.

"Would you like for me to massage your penis, Ronny? Maybe if I did that once or twice a week for you, you won't have another accident. You know just therapy."

"I think that would be great therapy and of course it stays between us, Jay."

Jason moved to the bedside where he was within reach of Ronny's crotch. He began working the warm gel into the crotch area, massaging Ronny's nuts and hard cock.

"Oh my God, Jay," Ronny responded softly, "your touch is driving me crazy."

Jason didn't say a word. He continued stroking the seven inches of man meat paying particular attention to the sensitive glans. Then he would move to the scrotal sac massaging each walnut size testicle.

"Oh God Jay, don't stop."

Jason thought he knew where all the sensitive areas were located on a male's penis as he had stroked his hard cock so many times. What Jason wanted to do was lean down taking the beauty into his mouth and sucking Ronny's hard cock, but he refrained controlling his emotions.

Finally, Ronny busted a nut, shooting three powerful ropes of spooge. Jason continued stroking Ronny until he told him he had to stop. Jason knew what the problem was and ceased. He got another pan of warm water and began cleaning Ronny up again. Within an hour the two mothers returned from their outing. Jason bid Ronny goodnight kissing Ronny's fingers and toes on the way out. He said goodbye to Mrs. Driver before he and his mother departed.

Next: Chapter 33

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