Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Dec 8, 2009


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further.

To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper Chapter 41: Discovery

As Thanksgiving came and went Brandon and I were becoming more involved and committed to our relationship. When the Drivers returned from visiting with Ronny over the Thanksgiving holidays they brought back good and bad news. The good news was that Ronny would be transferred from the Naval hospital to the local VA hospital for recovery and rehabilitation sometime before Christmas. We all were ecstatic over the fact that we all would able to spend Christmas together. The bad news was that Ronny's injuries were serious enough that it was going to take weeks of recovery and serious rehabilitation before he could even get out of bed let alone stand on his own to take care of his personal needs.

Apparently, Ronny's body had been crushed so badly by the helicopter crash that the doctors had to use special titanium hardware to reconstruct his arms and leg. Initial prognosis was that he would walk and use his arms again; however, due to the severity of his injuries Ronny more than likely would not return to active service and be medically discharged from the Marine Corps.

Ronny would be on what has become known as the Wounded Warrior Project. Once he completed rehabilitation he would be tested to see if he was still capable of remaining in the Marine Corps or would he be better off retiring medically. Knowing that Ronny would be home for Christmas was uplifting for all of us. The big question that Brandon and I had been wrestling with every since we found out he was coming home was what and how were we going to tell Ronny about our new-found relationship.

When Ronny left for deployment to Afghanistan we were kind of committed to each other, but Ronny had assured me that if I strayed he wouldn't hold it against me and the same for him. He understood horny, especially young and horny. My big concern was would he feel the same knowing that I'd partnered with his younger brother and were now in a committed relationship. What a dilemma we faced.

Brandon and I had become closer than ever as far as boyfriends since Thanksgiving. There was a special bond between us. This was not just a sexual thing any longer for either of us, it was more than that. In fact, we were worried that we were spending too much time together. We had even discussed whether we were sending off signals to his parents and others that we may be a gay couple. The two of us had never used that word before, but now it was something we had to face head-on.

There was no denying it, we were lovers. I'd even gotten somewhat used to Brandon's monster cock fitting into my ass. The days and nights after we got word that Ronny had been injured in the helicopter crash we both had been struck with pangs of guilt. We prayed for Ronny and promised that we would never engage in sex with each other again if God would let him live. That last about two days. As soon as we discovered that Ronny was going to be okay we were having sex again.

After the family got word that Ronny was going to survive Brandon and I got back in the saddle again fucking and sucking each other regularly. We had even been discussing the possibilities of Brandon moving into my apartment when Ronny got home. Another thing we had been discussing was how we were going to break the news to Ronny about the two of us. I was torn between my feelings for Ronny and Brandon as well as guilt over what Brandon and I were doing.

How could I ever forget that first night Ronny was home on leave and how we made love in the front seat of Ronny's truck inside Driver's repair shop. Hell, we fogged up the windows of the truck that night with our steamy session of sex. And how could I forget all the times that followed. God, I enjoyed making love to my Marine.

Janie approached Brandon and me one night after the family returned from spending the Thanksgiving holiday with Ronny questioning us about our relationship.

She entered Brandon's bedroom and asked, "So, when are you guys gonna tell Ronny?"

"Tell him what," Brandon replied.

"About you two being a couple. You know, I'm not stupid. I've had a strange sense for a while that you two were more than friends. Just like you and Ronny were more than friends," Janie said looking at me with that crooked smile.

Brandon and I just sat there in total astonishment with pure terror filling our hearts. We'd tried to be so fucking discreet and now to be busted by Brandon's little sister. How'd this little girl know, I questioned in my head.

Brandon spoke up first, "So, you think Gary and I are like boy friends, like a gay couple?"

"Sure," Janie said, "As a matter of fact mom and I have even discussed the possibility."

"Oh shit!" Was all I could get out of my mouth.

"You all may pull the wool over Daddy's eyes and others, but not momma and me. We know what's going on; besides, we don't care. I think you guys are all super neat and make great couple. I consider Gary like a brother, and even though I had my eye on you when I got older."

Little Janie; the little girl I thought was so naïve was in fact quite astute. She'd been sitting around soaking it all in not saying a word.

"So, miss smarty pants you got any suggestions on how to handle our little dilemma?" I asked.

"Yeah, the truth," Janie replied.

"Well shit, I wish I'd thought of that," Brandon said sarcastically.

"And I think if you two are serious about each other you ought to give serious consideration to telling the family. You don't have to tell the world if you don't want to, but at least let momma and daddy know what's up."

Brandon and I just sat there looking at each other for a while and then I said, "When would be a good time to do this little goddess of wisdom?"

"That's up to you two. See ya," Janie said as she bounded out of the room.

Brandon and I sat on his bed in total silence as Janie left the room. We sat contemplating what had just taken place. What was there to say, we'd been busted. Things were now serious.

"So, what are you thinking?" I asked Brandon.

"I think we need to take mom out for breakfast or lunch in the next few days before Ronny arrives and discuss things," Brandon said.

"Yeah, I think you're right. Why don't we ask her to have lunch with us that way we won't raise any suspicions with dad?"

"I agree. You set it up," I said passing it off to Brandon.


"I'm gonna take off and go to my place. Let me know later or tomorrow," I said as I left Brandon in his room.

I left the Driver's, got on my Harley and rode, riding into the night, to no where in particular, just riding and thinking. I did my best thinking riding my bike. There were so many questions to ask myself and answer before meeting with Mrs. Driver and seeing Ronny in person when he arrived.

Next: Chapter 27

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