Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Oct 10, 2009


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of erotic writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper

Chapter 37: Preparing For The Big One

Brandon and I lay on his bed in each other's arms those powerful wrestling legs of his still wrapped around my torso. We were both breathing rapidly as we were lightly kissing each other. Our hands were roaming over each other's sweaty bodies. I could feel Brandon's monster cock sandwiched between us as my wang began withering inside him.

Finally, I felt my cock fall out of Brandon's well-used rectal cavity with a plop followed by intermittent sounds of flatulence coming from his bottom. My warm semen began seeping out of his rectum running down his butt crack onto the bed. There was little doubt we would need to rest for a few minutes before another round; a round where I would attempt to take all of Brandon's mammoth manhood up my ass.

My mind was visualizing the idea of Brandon's huge member making its initial entrance into my ass accompanied by the searing pain. Although I was not a virgin when it came to getting cornholed I'd never attempted taking a cock the thickness of Brandon's before; however, I'd been researching on the Internet in preparation for the auspicious occasion. Thoughts were flittering through my head about what position might be best to try the maiden voyage of Brandon's behemoth piece of man meat making its journey up my Hershey highway to heaven.

I knew that the initial entry was going to be painful as it had been with other anal lovers; however, I was hopeful for paramount pleasure a few seconds after Branson initially entered me. Anytime I'd been cornholed before there was a certain amount of burning pain upon a cock or dildo first entering my ass, but within a few seconds as my sphincter got used to the object making entrance into my exit only bodily orifice great pleasure followed. I wanted to feel Brandon's very broad and prominent cockhead with its large crimson coronal ring rubbing against my prostate, filling my body with electricity every time it made a pass across my joy button.

The spongy head would be easy to take. It was the mammoth hard girth of that shaft that was going to be painful as Brandon plowed the eight plus inches of steel up into me. I wanted to see colorful aerial rockets exploding inside my head and the Star Spangled Banner playing in my ears as he eased into me and began pounding my ass with his huge pulsating pole. I looked over at the digital readout on the clock radio showing a few minutes after midnight. We'd just completed over an hour of blissful love making where we both produced powerful orgasms.

"That was so fuckin great," Brandon whispered into my ear, "I don't think I've ever cum that much before."

"Me either."

"I just love gettin fucked in my ass, especially when you are the one filling it, Gary."

"Oh God yes," I replied, "And I love fucking you, Brandon."

"So, you still want to try to take me tonight?" Brandon asked.

"Hell Yes! I just hope I don't end up a whimpering bleeding bitch on your bed after you're done."

"We're gonna take it slow and easy. May take some experimentin with a few different positions, but I think we can do it with minimal pain."

"I hope so."

"I bought some special lube that is supposed to make things a lot more slippery. I also got a special dildo that I think we better use to get you ready."

"You've thought this through, huh?"

"Yep. I know I'm big and you don't know how many times I've wished I wasn't so big, but that's life," Brandon replied.

"I hear ya. Some of us wish to be bigger and you want to be smaller. Go figure," I said looking into Brandon's eyes.

"Are you pretty clean as far as your bowels?" Brandon asked.

"I took a good dump earlier, so I should be empty."

"Why don't you go take a shower and to clean yourself while I get the stuff ready. Oh, use some of that Irish Spring body wash."

I got up and made my way to the shower where I cleaned myself. I wanted to be as clean and smell as fresh as possible because I was sure Brandon was going to rim me before filling my ass with his log. As I stood in the shower letting the water rain down on me I thought about Ronny. I hadn't heard from him in a few days. Usually I got an e-mail or he'd call his parents and they'd relay to me he was okay.

His lack of communication was a somewhat of a worry to me, but maybe he was getting an early return stateside. I couldn't wait for my Marine be home and in my arms. The first thing I wanted was to inhale his manly aroma, make love to him and hopefully he still wanted to make love to me.

Suddenly, the shower curtain came open and Branson with his big cock leading the way stepped into the shower standing behind me. He pressed his log between my legs and as I looked down I could see the big pink head protruding from beneath my darker scrotal sac. He began kissing me on the neck and shoulders as he was reaching around rubbing my full erect nipples. His touch was so sensuous.

I was moaning saying to him, "You can take me right here in the shower if you want, baby."

Brandon just moaned a little while he continued kissing and tweaking my nipples as he was turning me around in the shower. Oh, I wanted him to stab me in the ass with that monster resting between my legs. He took the green plastic bottle of body wash squirting the gel in his hands. As my hands supported myself on the back of the shower stall one of Brandon's hands went to the front of my body the other went to my ass crack. Brandon began stroking my cock with his right hand as the soapy fingers of his left hand found my sphincter where he began massaging the sweet smelling silky soap into my ass.

Slowly, he stroked my manhood as he entered my rectal cavity. "Oh yes," was all I could say.

His right hand moved back to my nipple as his fingers continued searching deeper into me, stretching my ass, readying it for the big surprise. Again, "Oh yes. Oh My God," was all I could utter as I moved back bending forward presenting my ass to my lover.

Brandon's lips were kissing me and I was melting as his hands were fondling me. I felt him withdraw his fingers from my ass and place his spongy cockhead against my ass. He'd been rubbing the stretching the opening and I wanted his cockhead inside me, but he wasn't trying to enter me, just working the big spongy head against my asshole in a most sensual manner. Then I felt it rubbing up and down my soapy ass crack. "Oh yes, go ahead and put it in, baby," I begged.

"Not yet," Brandon whispered, "Come on let's get out and dried off so I can eat that scrumptious ass of yours before I fuck you."

We dried off and got into Brandon's bed where I was shivering with wanton desire. Brandon fell on top of me. Again, I could feel the monster sausage sandwiched between us. Brandon was smothering me, kissing me voraciously all over my face, ears and neck. He would then bury his tongue in my mouth nearly sucking my breath away. If he didn't lighten up soon I was going to cum.

God, what had gotten into him? He'd never acted this amorous before. It was if this was our first or last time together. I reciprocated in kind. Brandon began kissing his way down my body towards my bottom. As soon as he reached my crotch he was kissing my cockhead, then he moved onto my balls before hitting my taint.

Once he reached my taint I pulled my knees deep into my chest and then reached around grabbing my ass cheeks pulling them apart to give Brandon full access to my quivering wrinkled brown pucker. The handsome young wrestling champion dove in with the same gusto he'd shown on the mat during his wrestling days at school. I was soon moaning in pure ecstasy.

My lover of the night was taking his time pleasuring me. I didn't know how much longer I was going to last. His tongue must have been a good two inches into my rectal cavity. It was so hot. I was delirious thinking about him filling me with his monster cock. I glanced at the clock radio and it was almost two in the morning.

Note To My Readers

[Hello to all my faithful readers. As fall sets in I'm back to work in San Francisco writing as time permits after an eventful summer at my home in Florida. A vacation filled with everything from illness to great pleasures of sex, recreation and leisure. I appreciate all the e-mails I've received requesting that certain stories not be abandon and to continue writing; thus, I want to thank all my faithful readers for sticking by me as well as Nifty for posting my work online.

I still need some feedback, letting me know what you, the readers, think of the story MHOL and where it's headed as well as my other ongoing stories posted on Nifty. I've received many responses to the story MHOL; everything from there is far too much sex in the story to not enough sex, while others wanted the main character in MHOL to enter into a sexual tryst with Ronny and Brandon's father and even have a foursome. That's not happening. Oh well, I can't please all my readers.

One response I get as far as MHOL deals with when is Ronny coming home from his Marine deployment to Afghanistan; will he come home alive, wounded or dead and will Gary and Ronny resume their love affair. Most readers didn't want Ronny killed off for one reason or the other. As you've just discovered in this chapter Ronny has been spared although he was wounded in action and will be returning stateside.

The big question is how much longer should I continue the MHOL story line? Should I work towards a culmination or keep writing about all the characters herein? Should I, after the revelation that Ronny was wounded in action, still let Brandon have sex with the main character or break off the relationship with Brandon and go solely with Ronny? Other responses I've received relate to circumcision, penis size and certain sexual acts.

Although there may be some truths and certain facts told in my stories remember these are fictional stories. Yes, I do draw from my personal experiences. We each have our personal preferences regarding the issues of circumcision, size and types of sexual act in which we engage or like to read about. If I offend a reader with my preferences then may I suggest that the reader doesn't read any further.

Throughout my life I've preferred circumcised lovers; however, I am open to and have engaged in sex with uncut guys. I've enjoyed a couple of beautiful uncut cocks back in the day and I try to work these characters into some of my stories. In fact, the story Christmas Cocks has just introduced a new partner for the main character who is Hispanic with a modified circumcision. Another thing I don't care for is the disfigured, ugly, bent or twisted dicks, so I don't write about them in my stories. I guess I am truly a snob when it comes to my preference for cocks. I try to keep the size of my character's penises believable. That is an average size range from five to seven inches in length and five to six inches girth. Yes, a couple of my characters do possess the illusive eight or nine inch cock with girths the size of beer cans or baseball bats, but most characters are endowed of average size manhood.

As for anal sex I can't speak for others, but I am a bottom slut who enjoys safe anal sex with the right person. I am not a total top or bottom. I'm a versatile lover, so I write from the heart about male to male lovemaking. And finally, yes I served in the military. I draw from the time I served in the military as food from which to write my stories.

Finally, I may, because of problems I am having with my Yahoo e-mail provider change e-mail addresses to another e-mail service provider; thus, I will probably combine the stories under the new e-mail address. Also, I do not have any part in Nifty's decision making process as to where to position my stories. They are submitted to Nifty and the editor positions them under the category they feel is appropriate. I have no choice in positioning.]

The following are some of my ongoing stories posted on Nifty that I have authored under different pen names:

Marine Home on Leave by Randall Rumper -- Gay/Military (ongoing); Christmas Cocks by The Rumpranger -- Gay/Military (ongoing); Anal Awakening, by Randy Rumper -- Gay/Adult Friends last post 09/11/07 (ongoing, but on hiatus. I lost the file with all the stories on it.); College Brothers by Randy -- Gay/Military last post 20/07/07 (in limbo until I can resurrect the corrupt file); Cock Snob by Dick Lickerish -- Gay/College (ongoing); Bi Cousin's Summer by Dick Licker -- Bi/Incest (ongoing).

If you read or have read these stories give me some feedback. Remember the only paycheck we as authors who write and post on Nifty get is in the form of responses from you the reader.

The following stories have been discontinued for many reasons; mostly due to a complete lack of interest on the part of the readership, that is no feedback or in some cases very negative or even threatening feedback. In some cases the author has chosen cease writing for one reason or the other. If there is ever enough interest to resurrect a discontinued story please feel free to send the author your feelings about a particular story on the list:

Weekend Pass in a Texas Town Gay/Military; The First Time I was Digitally Diddled Bi/College; Latch Key Kids Turn a Profit Gay/High School last post 01/16/08; Two Cocks for Christmas Gay/Encounters 12/06; Envious of Extra Inches Gay/High School; Tails of Rump Rangers Gay/Military last post 19/04/06; Smell of War Scent of Sex Gay/Military last post 20/07/06; California Dreaming 2007 Cyber Boy Friend Gay/Military 2006 The Care Giver 2006 Thanksgiving Day 2004 2005 Anxiety and Guilt 2005 Spring and Sex in Bloom 2005 Boy Meets Sex 2005 Mid Life Odyssey 2003 2004 The Coach 2004 Young Army Buds 2004 Summer of Enlightenment 2004

Next: Chapter 24

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