Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Oct 7, 2008


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Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com

Subject line: Marine Home on Leave.

Marine Home on Leave By Randall Rumper Chapter 20: Horny as Hell

Autumn is in the air and Halloween is around the corner. Brandon and Ty are off attending their first year at college, while redeployment status for Ronny is still six months away. The three-way Ty and I had discussed earlier in the summer never came to fruition, and I'd only had one more session of sex with Ty before he left. I was sexually frustrated and a little depressed. Needless to say, I'd been without any real physical sexual contact for weeks and was horny as hell. I didn't know if I could wait six months for Ronny to return.

To overcome my horniness and melancholy I'd asked Ronny's dad for the day off and was enjoying a leisure day roaming around the mall. Thus far, I'd purchased a new pair of Levis, a package of underwear and a new shirt. Of course, while shopping I was scoping out good looking guys in the mall. I'm a people watcher and was looking for a hunk to pickup to satisfy my sexual cravings.

I enjoy sitting out of the way unnoticed watching people interact. While watching people I would try to determine certain characteristics about them. I try to estimate by the bulge in the crotch or lack thereof what caliber Johnson a guy might be packing; furthermore, I try to decide whether the guy is gay or straight. Unfortunately, I had not been blessed with the gift of gaydar. Due to that fact I'd probably missed out on a lot of spontaneous sex during my youth. I decided to stop at the food court for a quick snack before taking in the movie.

The movie I planned on seeing didn't start for another hour, so I had plenty of time to eat and watch guys. The food court is always a good place for people watching. I'd just find an out of the way table and then kick back watching the meat parade while nibbling at my food. I walked up to the counter to place my order when I heard a familiar voice ordering next to me.

I turned and immediately recognized the person. I greeted the lanky Korean-American teen standing next to me with, "Hello Lee, fancy meeting you here."

"Hey Dude what's up," Lee replied in typical teenage vernacular.

"Nothing much and you?" I asked.

"Gonna see a movie this afternoon, but it doesn't start for a while."

"Me too," I said as I handed my money to the girl at the counter, "you wanna sit and eat with me and chill while we wait for the flick to start?"


We both turned around eyeing possible seating in the food court. There was an ideal table with two chairs in the far corner. I took the lead heading for the vacant table. Lee and I sat down and began eating my sandwich without a word. After a few minutes I broke the silence asking what movie he was waiting on. Come to find out we were both going to see the same flick. I looked at the clock on the wall to see that we had at least forty-five minutes till the theater opened, so I suggested we sit together in the theater to which Lee quickly accepted.

Lee acceptance of my invitation was a good sign. As we sat eating our sandwiches I couldn't help get the feeling that Lee was eyeing me. Of course, I was sneaking peeks back in his direction and each time our eyes met his eyes dropped back to his meal, but I was sensing he might be interested in me. I'd had the hots for Lee since the first time I met him in high school, but because I was a year ahead of him nothing ever developed. Now that he was over eighteen and out of school I wondered if there was a possibility that we might hook up for some spontaneous sex.

Lee had been part of the high school wrestling team and was a member of Brandon and Ty threesome, so I figured he was either bisexual or gay. I decided to engage him in conversation trying to feel him out.

"So, how come you aren't off attending college like Brandon and Ty? I asked.

"I'm doing my first two years at junior college and then I'll to transfer," Lee said, that way I can save money and help my folks with the family business. What are you doing?"

"Me, I'm still working for Ronny and Brandon's dad while I take classes. I haven't seen you around campus."

"I attend classes and then it's straight to work. I don't have much time to socialize," the teen said.

"What about girl friends?" I asked.

"No, girls are just too damn clingy. You know, once they get you inside their web they tend to smother ya," the teen answered, "what about you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know, you got a steady lady friend?" Lee asked.

"Nope. I feel the same as you when it comes to women. Too clingy, too costly."

"I hear that," Lee replied with a smile as he went back to his sandwich.

I thought to myself there may be some hope for a little sexual rendezvous with Lee after the movie. I continued our conversation trying to delicately determine whether I should make the move or let Lee make it. I decided to see what happened inside the theater. I made a couple of offhanded remarks about two guys sitting on the other side of the food court. I told Lee that I thought they might be a couple and were very hot. He agreed with me. Finally, the clock indicated it was time to get moving towards the theater.

Lee and I got up; putting our trash in the container we sat our trays on the table as we exited the food court. We headed across the mall to the theater where I bought the tickets for the late afternoon feature.

"Thanks Dude, but remember I get the treats after the movie," Lee said.


We went inside and found seat about half way up towards the middle: ideal for viewing. We sat down as the trailers for upcoming films filled the big screen. We sat motionless not saying anything while the trailers played. By the time the movie started there were only a few people in the seats below us and none above us. Of course, it was a weekday afternoon and the film had been released for a while.

As we watched the movie I felt Lee's leg make contact with mine. I didn't pull away and before long he was lightly rubbing his leg against mine. I put the casual contact off to nerves. My arm was laying on the arm rest between our seats. Within a few minutes Lee placed his arm next to mine. I was almost sure this was his sexual signal. There was no one seated around us, so I took the imitative. I lay my hand on top of his and began lightly stroking the top of Lee's hand and fingers. He did have beautiful hands.

A few minutes later Lee took my hand gently putting it in his crotch for me to feel his erection running down the inside of his thigh. I did the same with his hand. We both caressed each other's cocks through the fabric. Neither one of us spoke a word, our actions spoke volumes. We finished watching the film. While the credits rolled we took our hands and put them back in our laps so no one would see what we had been doing. We sat for a few minutes to let our raging erection deflate.

"What about treats?" Lee asked.

"I think you'd make a tantalizing treat for the night," I said with a wry smile.

Lee smiled back at me and after a few minutes we got up to leave the theater.

"So, why don't you follow me back to my apartment for coffee," I said as we walked through the lobby.

"Only if you got sugar to go with the coffee," Lee replied with a smile.

I took that as acknowledgement that we might be on for a night of sex. I got into my vehicle and headed towards my apartment with Lee following close behind. My head was filled with lustful thoughts about the lanky Korean-American who was following me home.

Next: Chapter 13

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