Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

Published on Jan 29, 2008


Warning! This story is sexually explicit, if you are not of legal age to read such or are offended by this type of writing do not read any further. To contact the author cut and paste making appropriate corrections and E-mail: bn2rumpranger "at" yahoo "dot" com

Marine Home on Leave

By Randall Rumper

The hand painted sign displayed in the front window at Driver Auto Repair said WELCOME HOME: OUR MARINE HERO. Janie Driver had made the sign and posted it in the window of her father's business to welcome her older brother home. Ron Driver was due home on leave from the Marine Corps and his family wanted to let him know that he had been missed and they loved him. The Driver family was well-known and respected in the community; a community that supported Ron and his fellow service members, serving and defending the country during a time of Global War on Terror.

Mr. Driver told me when I came into work that Ron would be home on leave sometime that day. I had recently graduated from high school and was working part-time at the auto repair shop while I attended junior college. I had been working part-time at the repair shop for about two years during high school. Ron graduated a year ahead of me and decided to go off and join the Marines, so I took his place at his dad's shop. With Ron gone I moved up to repairing cars. Prior to that time I'd been a pick up and delivery boy as well as parts chaser for the shop.

For me since arriving at work had been filled with anxiety as I awaited Ronny's return. I hadn't seen my best friend in almost a year and missed his companionship. Ronny, his younger brother Brandon and I had been best friends since we were in grade school. We had shared so many things growing up. All of us played sports, been in scouts and raced motor cross together. In short, what ever activity one of us was involved in so was the other. We were all so very competitive. We had also gone through puberty together. My dad had been killed in action in the Gulf War, so Mr. Driver was somewhat of a surrogate father to me. Dad had been a helicopter pilot and was one of the last casualties of the Gulf War.

With another war going on and growing in unpopularity I worried about Ronny being in the Marine Corps, especially the fact that he was about to be deployed to Afghanistan. Ronny wanted to be part of the military from the time we were kids in grade school. He loved war movies and wanted to be a jet fighter pilot in the Navy or Marines; however, when he got into high school he discovered that he was color blind, so that dashed his dreams of becoming a jet fighter jock. Instead of becoming an aircraft driver he had settled on being a helicopter mechanic in the Marine Corps. After boot camp he'd gone to helicopter aviation school and graduated top of his class, and was now ready to take his training onto a combat zone to support Marine Corps aviation in Afghanistan.

I was lying on a creeper underneath a car tightening a muffler brackets when Mr. Driver kicked me on the foot saying, "Hey, crawl out from under there."

I rolled out asking, "What's up sir?"

"Get up," Mr. Driver said extending his hand helping me to my feet, "For the next two weeks, unless I get really bogged down, I want you to spend the time with Ronny while he's home on leave."

"Sure, but what..." I started to say before Mr. Driver interrupted.

"Your on the clock and you continue to draw a pay check for the next two weeks," Mr. Driver said, "just make sure Ronny has a good time and is happy while he's home."

"Thank you sir. Will do."

"I just want Ronny to have a good time before he has to go over to Afghanistan. You never know it may be the last time we see him," Mr. Driver said with what appeared to be a tear in his eye.

"No problem sir we'll try to have a good time while he's here."

"Go clean up and get outa here. Ronny should be home by the time you get there," Mr. Driver said with a smile.

I walked towards the latrine and locker room to wash up and change my clothes. I put my street clothes on and waved goodbye to Mr. Driver. On the way out the door the old man told me to plan on staying for dinner. Outside the shop I hopped on my motorcycle, fired it up and rode towards my house to take a shower. After taking a shower where I thoroughly washed my ass crack I put on clean drawers and clothes. I figured that was in order if I was staying for dinner with Ronny's family and what may happen after dinner.

Chapter 2: My Marine is Home

As I rode over to Ronny's house the hum and vibration of my bike kept my cock hard. All I could think about was my Marine. I wondered what he was going to be like after all the months in the Marine Corps. Had he changed? What kind of changes? Would he be the same old Ronny or had he become a stiff Marine? I was going to find out shortly.

Once I arrived at the Driver house the missus greeted me saying that Brandon was on the way home from the airport with the guest of honor. I milled around the kitchen smelling the good scents of what Mrs. Driver was fixing for dinner. She was preparing a pull-apart pork barbecue, potato salad and baked beans, Ronny's favorite. She'd also baked a couple of fresh pies for desert.

Brandon and Ronny boisterously burst through the back door into the kitchen. I started to move towards Ronny to welcome him home, but deferred to his mother, letting her get to him first for well-deserved hugs and kisses. Finally, it was my turn to hug my best friend standing there in his Marine uniform. God, he looked so handsome in that dress Marine uniform. Ronny appeared to have grown an inch or two and put on about ten pounds of new muscle since he'd been away, but maybe that was just my imagination. Ronny had been in great physical shape before he shipped out for boot camp. At six foot two and one hundred eighty pounds Ronny was a good three inches taller than Brandon and me. He'd played football throughout high school, but hadn't made the cut for scholarships.

As we hugged I couldn't believe that my best friend was home from the Marine Corps for two weeks leave. I released my grip on the big hunk and looked him over from head to toe.

"Damn Dude, I mean Private or Marine, you sure look good," I said.

"You're lookin good too bro."

Mrs. Driver broke off a small piece of pull-apart pork and put it in Ronny's mouth. As he smiled all he could do was chew on the succulent meat and moan, "Ah! Ummm!"

Once Ronny was finished taste testing he said, "Wow! That was scrumptious mom. So when's chow gonna be ready?"

"About and hour. Your dad's on the way home and as soon as he gets here and cleaned up we'll eat."

Ronny and Brandon headed upstairs to their bedroom with me in trail. I was anxious to see what Ronny looked like in the buff after months of Marine Corps conditioning. I wondered if that physical training had made his cock grow. Once in the bedroom Ronny began taking his uniform off and carefully hanging it up. He stood there in nothing but boxer shorts and a T-shirt looking around the room for a few minutes before focusing his attention back on us. He told us that he was going to take a quick shower before dinner. As he shucked his underwear, dropping his boxers to the floor and walking out of them I couldn't help but look longingly at his well-developed glutes. Nice looking ample buns with shallow dimples on each side, an ass to die for. As he walked away I fantasized about burying my face in his ass crack.

Ronny made his way towards the bathroom teasing us with that beautiful ass of his. As I watched him disappear I couldn't help thinking how delicious it looked. I wanted to let my talented tongue eat it out and then fuck it before dinner. As I took a seat on Ronny's bed to wait I thought what mouth-watering appetizer; in the meantime, Brandon left the room. After a shower my best friend was back in the room again standing naked in front of me smelling so good. As Ronny dried his head with the towel I thirsted for a taste of his beautiful cock.

"You look a little hungry Gary," Ronny said with a smile standing with his exposed crotch about two feet from my face, "do you still like the looks of my weenie?"

"I guess I just forgot for a minute how fuckin good you look in the raw."

The smooth muscled tanned back and body standing in front of me was the epitome of a Marine. Of the three of us Ronny always had the most beautiful and powerful looking body; moreover, he had a totally awesome appearing cock. He stood there in front of me almost as if tempting me to attack his dick. Ronny's skin was darker more naturally tanned, taking after his dad's side of the family. His black hair was cut high and tight in traditional Marine Corps style, but the treasure trail and pubic bush were natural, curly and tightly bunched around the base of the brown pole. Ronny body was dark and smooth not a lot of body hair except for the pubic area and under his arms. His nipples were pronounced little nubs that stood out about a quarter of an inch on his powerful pecs when erect. But what really had my attention was the brown trouser snake with its pink head.

The awesome appearing semi flaccid penis protruding from the tangle foot of black pubic hair hung over his dark wrinkled scrotal sac about five inches: God it was captivating. I wanted to reach out and touch it in the worst way, but hesitated. If we'd been alone in the house I would have been on it in a heartbeat like I had so many times before. I would have pumped it to full size in seconds. Brandon, Ronny and I were all circumcised, but Ronny had the best looking dick among us. A very sleek looking pronounced penis with a glans that reminded me of an F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter when it was erect. The prominent glans swept back from the tip, flaring out at the top and sides widening to a rather conspicuous crimson coronal ring at the base.

A cockhead I'd always found to be so very provocative and delicious. I'd been in awe of Ronny's cock since our days of puberty. The first time I laid eyes on the pink glans with its deep red coronal band attached to the brown shaft I wanted it. I also enjoyed playing with his balls that were about the size of walnuts in his scrotal sac. I wanted to reach out and take hold of Ronny's rod, bring it to my lips and breathe life into it. I knew I didn't dare attempt to give it CPR because someone might walk in on us; besides, I didn't know how Ronny might react to my attack on his manhood now that he was a Marine.

"Do you think it's grown since the last time you saw it?" Ronny asked looking down at me with a smile.

"Yeah..., I mean..., I'm not sure, but it still looks delicious to me."

"Later on tonight maybe we'll go some place so you can taste it again," Ronny replied.

"So, the Marine Corps haven't changed you?" I asked looking up at my best friend.

"Nothing will ever change our special friendship Gary."

Mrs. Driver yelled up to us that dinner was ready. Ronny pulled on a pair of boxers and some casual clothes before we headed downstairs. Mr. Driver was already sitting at the head of the table, finishing a before dinner cocktail looking at the paper. Ronny and I took seats across from Brandon and their sister Janie. Brandon was a year younger than me at seventeen and Janie was thirteen. Mrs. Driver put the last of the food on the table and poured everyone a big glass of ice tea. After grace was said we all dug in for healthy helpings of grub. As we began finishing our meals Mr. Driver asked Ronny what his plans were for the next two weeks, telling Ronny that I was on leave form the shop too.

I could feel Ronny's leg nervously rubbing against mine under the table which was arousing me. Ronny and I always sat next to each other whether it was eating, watching television or riding in the car. We enjoyed secretly sexually teasing each other by rubbing our legs and feet. Many times we would sit in the spa and play with each other's cocks and balls with our toes. When we stayed over night sleeping in Ronny's bed we would start out nervously stroking each other's legs with our feet before moving onto fondling each other's cocks. I wondered now that Ronny was a Marine had sleeping with each other ended. Ronny thanked his dad and told him that he hadn't given much thought about what he was going to do while on leave.

Mr. Driver made a surprising announcement. He said that if we wanted to go he had scored passes for the family to attend a big NASCAR race. Needless to say, we all lit up with smiles that looked like Las Vegas signboards. Everyone at the table was nodding in agreement and saying yes. The old man said that if we wanted to go the three of us boys needed to plan on devoting a full day at the shop getting the motor home serviced and ready. We all agreed that would be no problem. Ronny said that he wanted to take the bikes out for some cross country riding before he left. Brandon seconded that. Mrs. Driver asked who wanted pie and what type.

There were two different pies: cherry and apple. Mrs. Driver said that there was ice cream to top the pie off or whipped cream. Everyone opted for ice cream. Ronny and I decided on cherry pie. Mrs. Driver sat two large pieces of cherry pie a la mode in front of us. We both tore into the pie and ice cream with gusto. After desert everyone excused themselves. Brandon and his sister remained behind to help clear the table and wash dishes. Mr. Driver excused himself to smoke his pipe on the back deck, while Ronny and I went out to the garage.

Chapter 3: Decisions

Inside the family garage Ronny asked, "You gonna help me wash my truck up bro?"

"Sure," I replied.

The two of us rolled the cover off Ronny's truck and carefully folded it, laying it on the work bench. Ronny got behind the wheel and started the beast. The truck was a customized Ford F-150; a labor of love that we had all helped Ronny build. The exhaust system bellowed as Ronny gunned the engine, deep sounds echoed throughout the garage as he backed it out. We got the bucket and all the stuff necessary to wash the vehicle. After a thorough wash we chamois the truck dry, vacuumed and cleaned out the interior. Once we were finished Ronny asked, "So where we off to tonight?"

"Dunno. You gonna go see Cheryl?" I asked.

"Naw broke up with the bitch before I left for boot camp. She's probably boning some other asshole by now," Ronny said in a disgusted tone, "besides I don't need no bitch hangin round waitin on me while I'm gone."

"Wanta go to the show?" I asked.

"Sounds good."

We told Ronny's parents that we were off to the show and would be home late. I snatched up the entertainment section of the paper on the way out. After we got into the truck and cleared the driveway I found a couple of interesting flicks at theaters close by. We decided on one and we were off. We got inside the theater and hit the snack bar before finding a seat. There weren't too many people in the theater on a week night, so we had our pick of seating. With no one around us we ate our pop corn and drank our sodas in silence as we watched the movie. About halfway through the film Ronny surreptitiously slipped his hand over the seat into my crotch.

At first I jumped, flinching at the sneaky attack on my manhood, but immediately relented to Ronny's tender touch. His arm dangled over the seat rest searching my crotch for the prize. Ronny let his fingers inconspicuous fondle my burgeoning boner beneath the fabric of my cargos. As we watched the movie his finger tips lightly traced the outline of my pumped up pecker inside my right pant leg, driving me wild. My mind had lost track of the movie, thinking about what might take place after we left the theater.

"Are you interested in this movie?" Ronny whispered quietly.

"Not really," I replied.

Ronny removed his hand from my crotch and we sat watching the film for a few minutes more to let our dicks deflate before exiting the theater. Once we were out in the parking lot we mounted up in Ronny's truck and drove.

"Where're we headed?" I asked.

"I dunno, someplace secluded so we can be alone," Ronny replied.

"What about your dad's shop? When I left today there weren't any cars scheduled to remain overnight," I said.

"You sure it's safe? Is there any night security? No one's working tonight?"

"Naw, your dad never believed in rent-a-cops and there ain't no dogs either, so the place is all ours," I said.

Chapter 4: Sex at the Shop

We arrived at the Driver's repair shop. I got out and made entry through the front office door, entered and locked the door behind me. I went through the shop to open the single roll up door on the side of the building. Ronny pulled his truck in as quietly as possible. Parked it and turned off the engine while I closed the door. I got into the cab with Ronny where we both made small talk before unzipping the front of our cargos to expose our meat. We both were hard as we reached and began fondling each other. Sitting in the truck stroking each other's cocks was just like old times. We had done it many times before, but that night I wanted to taste the forbidden fruit that I'd been missing for almost a year.

With no lights turned on in the shop or truck cab all we had was the ambient light. The darkness made recognition difficult. All I could see was the outline of Ronny's body next to me behind the steering wheel. I didn't need illumination to find Ronny's cock; my nose guided me to it. I leaned over grasping Ronny's hard cock, taking the stealthy shaped head into my mouth where I began gobbling it up.

Ronny was moaning and groaning with desire as my wet mouth serviced his manhood. I could taste some of the clear precum seeping from his piss slit. Although we had done this many times before I wanted more that night. Since Ronny had been gone I'd been on the computer learning about new stuff. We had never done much more than jacked each other off and given each other a few blowjobs. We never kissed or made out; mostly we just whacked wood, but occasionally we had rubbed our naked bodies together to get off. I discovered in the Internet that was called frotting.

If Ronny was game I wanted to change to some sexual stuff that might be more gratifying for both of us I thought to myself. I pulled off Ronny's cock to reposition myself. I asked him to slide over into the passenger side of the tuck seat. After he moved I attempted unsuccessfully to pull his cargos and boxers off.

"Why do you want my pants all the way off? Can't you suck me with just the fly open?" Ronny whispered.

"You'll see, just drop them damn things onto the floor of the truck."

Ronny complied removing his pants and boxers without another word as I made my demands. Once we were both naked from the waist down I got into position straddling Ronny's naked crotch. We positioned ourselves on the truck seat facing each other. I was in an awkward top position; a clumsy position that made what I was trying to accomplish difficult. Finally, Ronny said, "Damn, it's cold on my ass."

"I guarantee in a few minutes you'll never know it's cold," I replied.

I was trying to get comfortable straddling Ronny's legs. Somehow I managed and our cocks were now touching. They began jumping as we touched. I moved my head in close to Ronny's head whispering into his ear, "I want you tonight baby. I want all of you buried inside me. I want you to fuck me senseless baby."

"Wow! Gary..., we've never done anything like that before. I just thought you wanted to jack off..., you know, get a nut. Maybe suck each other off. I had no idea."

"Shut up asshole," I said pressing my lips to Ronny's, cutting him off as I pushed my crotch harder into Ronny's again feeling the warmth of our cocks together. I could feel that both of us were leaking precum.

I broke the kiss and whispered into his ear, "Tonight I want you, all of you buried inside me, just fuck me. Give me all the spooge that you've saved up for the past months. Fill my ass with your saber and seed."

Without another word I pulled Ronny's T-shirt up exposing his chest. I fondled his erect nipples. I bent my head down slightly where I began kissing the nubs one at a time, listening to him moan and groan as I bit down lightly on them one at a time. The buds on his chest were hard. My attention that was focused on them making Ronny jump and twitch with desire. He kept telling me to suck on them and not bite too hard. I suckled on his nipples for what seemed like hours, taking breaks to root my nose in his arm pits. I would lick his arm pits and smell the raw sex oozing from every pore in his body.

Pure Marine aroma was all I smelled as I moved down the front of Ronny's bare body scooting back over his knees, kissing and licking as I traveled south. Finally, there it was again, the treasure, seven inches of steel Marine saber. I kissed the head of it and then inhaled the knob a few times. My nose rooted around in his crotch, sniffing his black bush seeking the musky aroma of a Marine; a Marine with a steel hard saber that I wanted to impale in my throbbing ass. I didn't know if I could wait much longer.

My sphincter was twitching and throbbing with anticipation. I was ready to let my Marine deflower my asshole. I wanted to gobble up Ronny's stealthy cockhead with my ass and take all seven inches of it full into my rectal cavity. I wanted to feel Ronny's thick coronal ridge rub against my prostate again and again, coaxing every bit of pent up spooge from my nuts as I milked his cock with my sphincter muscles. I wanted him to spray a full load of semen inside me like an electric gattling gun on a helicopter spraying lethal fire from its six barrels. I was ready for my Marine to fuck me and fuck me hard.

With Ronny moaning and writhing about on the seat of the truck from my touches I moved up his body and kissed him on the lips. I tenderly bit his lower lip, pulling on it. I wanted his tongue in my mouth. Ronny dropped the false front of the tough Marine and accepted my tongue. We kissed and made out as though we were high school lovers. I would bite his lip tenderly and he would bite me back. I was all over his face kissing him everywhere.

As I moved around the side of his face I whispered into his ear, "I'm ready when you are baby. Ready to let you take my virginity."

"Oh God! I'm ready too," Ronny replied breathlessly.

We broke apart and enough for me to retrieve my pants on the floor of the truck. I fished around in the pocket of my cargos for the condom and a packet of lubricant I brought along hopeful something like this might happen. I disposed of the condom on the floor and tore open the small packet of lubricant. I squeezed some jell out and began rubbing it into my asshole. I squeezed some more out and again inserted the slippery substance inside my rectal cavity with my two fingers. I drained the remaining lubricant from the packet and rubbed it around the glans of Ronny's beautiful cockhead.

"Hold onto the base of your cock to steady it and help guide it into me," I whispered.

I rose up repositioning myself on the seat in front of Ronny, so my ass was directly above his hard cock as I prepared to lower myself onto it. I felt the slick hot head of my Marine's cockhead and began to push down on the spongy head. I gasp grimacing with pain as the soft glans slipped past the first ring of my sphincter into the neither area. I had to stop for a minute to catch my breath and wait for the pain to subside. In a few seconds I let my ass began to expand and contract, trying to gobble up the rest of Ronny's big cockhead. As my body dropped down more I felt the cockhead breech the second ring. Ronny's cockhead was finally inside my rectal cavity. My ass was on fire with desire and pain as I waited before sliding the rest of the way down the brown pole.

My hands looped around Ronny's neck and I began kissing him. I pulled back from Ronny's mouth again to regain my composure. I leaned forward whispering in Ronny's ear, "Oh my God, you're inside me baby."

"I know and it feels so great. You're so fucking tight and hot."

"Now, I'm going to gobble the rest of that fantastic fuck stick up," I whispered as I slowly let my ass slide all the way to the base of Ronny's dick.

Slowly, ever so slowly my ass slid down the brown hard pole to the point I could feel Ronny's bush tickling my bare ass. I was there; my Marine was all the way inside me. I sat there clumsily straddling Ronny's body on his truck seat. My right leg in its bent position was beginning to numb. I could feel every inch of his hot poker in my pucker.

I whispered into Ronny's ear, "Don't you dare cum until I'm ready."

He replied, "You're controlling the stick baby."

I bit on Ronny's lower lip as we kissed and made out for what seemed like an eternity as he was buried all the way inside me. I wasn't bouncing up and down pumping his pole. I wanted to savor the time his saber was buried inside me before he ejaculated. I continued whispering in his ear how much I wanted him. I told him how many times I had gone to bed while he was gone dreaming about what we were now doing. I told him I wanted him to fuck me at least once a day for the next two weeks; more if he could. He told me that he was a Marine and could fuck me indefinitely.

I whispered into Ronny's ear, "Before you get over to Afghanistan my mission is to make sure you're one well fucked Marine."

"Oh God, I hope so," Ronny said.

"While you're jacking off in some remote bunker over there I want you to remember this night," I said.

Let me know if you think this story line needs to advance further or should I end it as a short story? E-mail me if you want to see me continue the story line or if you want to make suggestions. If I don't get any feedback from readers on my stories I tend to drop them.

Next: Chapter 2

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