Marine Encounter

By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Oct 14, 2023


DISCLAIMER: This is a work of FICTION. It is NOT TRUE. Any resemblance between any character and any real person is thoroughly and completely accidental. This story contains scenes of sex between males. So you're forewarned. If this story warps your sex-drive or your previously held opinions, feelings or desires, then it has been successful.

This story is dedicated to a real member of the USMC who is my friend and whom I care very much about.

Marine Encounter by RimPig (c) 2001

I love walking on the beach at night. Of course, living in Fort Lauderdale the way I do, it is much easier for me to do this than most people. I especially love to walk down by the water's edge late at night with a full moon. You have never truly seen the magnificence of the moon until you see it rising full over the Atlantic Ocean. The reflection of its light on the water makes the night so bright you could almost read by it. You certainly could make love by it. But not in Fort Lauderdale. The Lauderdale cops are far too uptight to allow 'faggots' (as they love to call us) to go "fuckin' on the beach".

But this isn't a problem for me. First of all, I've had sex on the beach. No, not the drink! The act! And, trust me, it is far over-rated as an activity. First of all, whether you realize it or not, sand is not soft! And second of all, sand gets everywhere! And I mean - everywhere!!!

So, for my money, a walk on the beach at night, alone, is about all I want. Notice I said "about all" in the same sentence with the dreaded "a " word - alone. I would much rather share the walk with someone, but there hasn't been a "someone" for a damn long time. Now I realize that a large part of the reason for that is me. I have very high standards about who I'm going to spend my 'emotional capital' on. And those standards have nothing to do with looks or money. They have to do with character and values. Things that, unfortunately in this society, are in short supply (or appear to be). And I'd rather have no relationship than a bad one. So, here I was on the beach. Alone.

Or at least I thought I was alone.

About 20 yards ahead of me, I suddenly noticed a guy sitting in the sand, drinking a beer and looking out at the water. Something about him seemed to scream "Military". Perhaps it was the "high-and-tight" haircut, or the set of his body - like he was sitting "at attention".

It isn't unusual to run into military personnel in Fort Lauderdale. After all, Port Everglades hosts a large number of navy ships, including aircraft carriers, every year. But what was unusual was to see one alone. Most of the time, sailors and Marines traveled in packs, like wolves hunting for whatever kind of fun was on their agendas. Never less than 2 and hardly ever more than 6. I don't know whether this is some kind of naval rule or not. It just always seemed to be that way.

As I came closer to him, he looked up and saw me walking along the waters edge.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" he called to me.

Ahhh! The direct approach. Probably a Marine. Marines are usually very direct. You spot your objective and you make your move. Hit the beach. Take no prisoners. Carry your dead and wounded.

Actually, this is a very endearing quality about them. You always know where you stand with a Marine and they don't waste time on a lot of bullshit. Of course, if you're looking for romance and subtlety, you'd best forget about a Marine. This is not to say that they don't love. On the contrary. They love as fiercely as they fight. And once a Marine is in love with you, you'd best just make up your mind that you have a lover and protector forever - if that's what you want. Remember the Corp's motto - "Semper Fidelis", Always Faithful.

"Yeah, it is. I love the beach at night." I replied, stopping to look at this young warrior. I couldn't tell exactly how tall he was, but he looked like he was probably 6 feet or above. His "high-and- tight" didn't show much hair, but what there was seemed to be a dark golden color. His eyes were stunningly beautiful even though the light was too low to really tell color. He had a ruggedly handsome face with dimples on both sides when he smiled. And, oh! That smile! It made the brightness of the moon seem dim by comparison. His body was evidently well developed. Even at rest, the musculature in his arms and chest showed.

He seemed older than most of the Marines I usually saw hanging around town in the bars. Probably about 26-28, I figured.

"Yeah, it's quiet here. Not too many people around. Not like a Navy ship. Too many people around all the time." he replied.

Figuring from this that he wanted to be alone, I went to say goodnight and move on, but he stopped me.

"Oh, I wasn't talking about you. I'll admit, I did come out here to be alone and think about some things, but I don't really feel like being alone at all. I just would like to be alone with the right person, ya' know?" he said looking into my eyes.

How he figured that I was "the right person" or what about me made me "the right person" was beyond me at that point. But I got the hint. He wanted me to stick around. 'Ok,' I thought. 'I can handle that' and sat down next to him on the sand.

"So, which ship are you off of?" I asked.

"Oh, it shows, does it?" he asked ruefully.

"Well, you don't see a lot of 'high-and-tights' on civilians." I explained.

"No, I guess not. Yeah, I'm a Marine. But I'm not off a ship. I'm on leave. Decided to come here rather than go home. There isn't anything there for me anymore." he said.

"Where's home for you?"

"Ohio. I was born and raised outside Marion. You know where that is?" he asked, sure that I didn't.

"Of course I do. I was born and raised in Cincinnati." I said.

"Most people here seem to be from someplace else. Guess everybody is looking for fun in the sun." he seemed to be disgusted by this. I wondered why.

"I think most people make the mistake of figuring that a 'geographic cure' will help whatever problems they have someplace else. What they don't think about is that they bring themselves with them when they come here. And that's usually the real cause of their problems." I explained.

"Yeah! I think you're right. I thought coming here would get me away from things. It's just made them worse." he hung his head for a moment and then looked up at me. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to be morose or anything. The problems are mine, not yours. I don't want to bore you with them."

"I don't mind. Really. I know sometimes it helps to talk to somebody you don't know. Somebody you don't have a history with." I told him quietly.

"Nah! There's no use both of us being down. You wanna beer?" he asked, digging in a soft cooler behind him and coming up with one.

"No, thank you. I don't drink." I told him.

"You don't drink? Religious convictions?" he asked startled at my response.

"No, self-defense! I used to drink. Got to be a problem for me so I quit." I said simply.

"You don't mind if I do?" he asked.

"No, not at all. It's none of my business what you do. Hell! I don't even know your name!" I laughed, trying to lighten the moment.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I'm Shawn. Gunnery Sergeant Shawn Reilly, USMC, at your service, SIR!" the last said in 'parade ground voice' and followed with a salute to me. I laughed.

"Glad to meet you Gunnery Sergeant Reilly! My name's Robert. Robert Greyson. But my friends call me Bobby." I reached out my hand and his much larger one gripped it in a firm handshake. Not hard, like he was showing off his strength, but firm.

"Then, if you don't mind, I'll call you Bobby." he said, not letting go of my hand.

"I'd like that very much." I said. And then I looked down at our hands which were still joined.

Shawn looked down too, as if they were completely foreign objects to him. Then he quickly realized that he was still holding my hand and quickly let go, somewhat embarrassed by his actions. He looked away, took a sip from his fresh beer and I changed the subject.

"How long are you down for, Shawn?" I asked.

"I've got a month's leave. I've been here two days. I don't know how long I'm going to stay. Like I was saying, I think it was a mistake to come here." he said.

"Why?" I asked. He obviously wanted to talk and I was willing to listen.

"Well, I was supposed to be getting married this coming weekend back home." he said.

"Oh, and she dumped you, huh?" I asked.

"No, the other way around. I dumped her. Wrote her about a month ago and called the whole thing off. Now everybody: her parents, my parents, her - they're all pissed at me. But I don't care. I didn't love her and I didn't want to get married."

"Good thing you found out before you got yourself legally entangled. I wouldn't worry about it, though. Give it time and things will come around. Eventually people will see it was a better thing to stop it before more people were hurt. Like, say, if any kids were involved." I explained.

"Yeah! That's just the way I see it. Why go through something you know is a lie just to keep other people happy? It seems I've spent my whole fucking life trying to make other people happy and now, I figure it's my turn to find out what makes me happy!" he all but growled this last statement.

"What would make you happy, Shawn?" I asked. Ok. I was hoping he'd say pounding my ass for about 14 hours. A guy can hope, can't he?

"Well....what I really want is to make love with someone who doesn't want to own me. Doesn't want to take over my whole life and tell me what to do with it." he said, almost vehemently.

"Gee! I always thought that's exactly what Marine's wanted. I thought it was why guys became Marines, to have someone tell them what to do?" I was confused here.

"Nah! I know it looks that way, and maybe in some ways it's true. But discipline in the corps is based on respect - not coercion. You give your loyalty to the corps and to your commanders because they have earned that loyalty and trust. But with women, it's 'You do this or no more pussy!'. Oh, they aren't usually honest enough to come right out and say that. But it's there, all the same." he sighed.

"Don't get me wrong. I don't think all women are like that. Nor do I hate women or anything like that. I been able to figure out two things so far. Number one, I got entangled with the wrong female. And, number two, it's not a female that I want. And that's what got me so torn up and confused inside." he sighed again.

"So you're looking for a guy, right?" I asked. Well...looks like this is going in the right direction.

"Yeah, I guess so. I'd never really had any experience with guys until I got in the Marines. Oh, a couple of mutual jerk-off sessions with some of my friends growing up, but nothing intense. Just kind of normal 'jock' games. But some buddies of mine, when I was a grunt, took me to this place in New Orleans that turned out to be a gay club. Got my cock sucked and my ass eaten for the first time and I loved every minute of it. Went back the next night without them and sucked my first cock and ate my first ass. That's when I knew it was guys I wanted the most. But I got scared. I knew that if anyone found out I was gay, that would be the end of my career in the Marines. So I just pushed everything aside and figured I could go ahead and get married, raise a family and just forget about other guys. But it isn't like that. I can't live a lie. I can't be something I'm not."

Marine's are usually men of few words. For him to get out all of this, to me, meant he was hurting real bad inside. My heart went out to the young warrior. Not to mention my cock which was tenting my jeans from the wonderful aroma of his body that was wafting over in my direction.

"So how much experience do you have?" I wondered out loud.

"Just those two nights in New Orleans. I was too scared to ever do anything like it again. That's why I figured I'd come here and check out the gay scene while I was on leave and see what happens. But it's been a disaster. I don't really fit into this scene. I'm not interested in playing games and I don't seem to have enough money or the right kind of job to be interesting to most of the guys I've met. Except for some older ones who offer me money for my cock. I'm not into that either. So, I don't know what to do. I don't know where else to go."

"Not all guys are interested in playing games or how much money you've got." I explained to him. "Some guys are looking for someone who is real and who wants to find real love and build a life together. But, I'll admit, it's not an easy thing to do. It takes a lot of courage and a lot of work."

"I think I've got plenty of both. I just need to find someone who feels the same way." he asserted.

"But to you think you can just find love in a month? Love takes time. Just finding someone takes time. And you just got out of a relationship. Do you think you're ready for a new one?" I asked.

"That's not true. There wasn't a relationship. I was just using her to try and make my life easier. I'm just lucky to come to my senses before I got entangled. But you're right about it taking time. I'm just stupid enough to believe in love at first sight." he laughed to himself.

"Not stupid. Just romantic. Something I didn't quite expect from a member of the Few, the Proud." I chuckled as well.

"So I guess I'm not much of a Marine then! I know, we're supposed to be out for all the tail we can get and not care if somebody gets hurt along the way. Well, I'm not like that. Never have been." he smiled at me.

"Well, maybe not much of a Marine, but more of a man than any Marine I've ever met! There's nothing manly about hurting people or using people. I wish more guys would learn that one!" I said bitterly.

"Sounds like you've had some experience at being hurt yourself." he said, picking up on my feelings.

"Who me? Get real! I don't get hurt because I don't care! Can't let myself care. Too much pain that way!" I vowed.

"That's the first bullshit I've heard come out of your mouth. You care. You just hold back so hard and won't let yourself. You're afraid of the same thing that I am." he pointed out.

Ok. He had my number and I understood where he was coming from. I knew right there and then that the best thing for me was to get up, say good night and get the fuck out of there! Don't get involved with this guy. He was real dangerous to me! He could destroy me from the inside - just what I was afraid would happen. But I couldn't move. Even knowing how much danger I was in, I couldn't move! Somehow I wanted to find out if there was any chance that there really was a way to find what I always wanted.

I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. But he said it for me - with his arms.

I felt his arm go around me and looked up, directly into his face - not 3 inches from mine. There was no smile now. Just the look of a man hungry for contact. And I was lost in the intensity of his eyes. He moved forward the rest of the way and I felt his lips gently touch mine. I pressed back against his and felt his tongue pushing for entrance. I couldn't withstand his desire, so I opened my mouth to him. His tongue breeched my mouth and quickly took possession of it. I sucked on his tongue as he tried to lick all over the inside of my oral cavity.

At the same time, I felt his hands moving down my back and cupping themselves around that cheeks of my bubble-butt, staking his claim to that objective. I felt him take possession and pull me even closer. I knew that I should put a stop to this. First of all, we were in a public place and the cops in Lauderdale are about the most homophobic on the east coast of Florida. Second, this was getting far too far, far too fast. I wasn't into allowing myself to be what this Marine needed. And I wasn't about to admit that he was what I needed.

I placed my hands against his chest and gently pushed him back. He leaned back and looked at me oddly.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"This isn't really safe to do here." I said, giving the most innocuous of excuses. "And we're moving a little fast for me."

"I'm sorry. All that 'gung-ho' stuff. I try to go after what I want directly. Don't believe in beating around the bush. Sorry. I guess that's part of my problem." he apologized.

"No, it's not a problem. It's just I'm not really used to it anymore. You were right about me. I am afraid of someone like you. Your intensity scares me. Your need scares me. But you're exciting all the same."

"Well...I can arrange a more private place for this. I have a room at a hotel near here. Would you like to go there?" he asked.

"Actually, I was thinking about my condo. It's just a couple of blocks from here. I think we would be more comfortable there." I said softly, surprised at my own words.

"If that's what you want, that would be very nice. Do you mind if I bring some beer? Would that bother you?" he asked with true concern in his voice.

"It won't bother me at all. I know a little corner store where you can get some more on the way."

We walked the couple of blocks to the store and I waited outside while Shawn got the beer. Then we walked to my condo. We hardly spoke at all during this time, each of us lost in our own thoughts. When we reached the condo, we got aboard the elevator and I pushed the button for the penthouse. He looked at the button I pushed and then looked at me while raising one of his eye- brows. I smiled.

When the elevator doors opened, we walked into a foyer with two sets of double doors at each end. I shared the penthouse floor with one other apartment. I led him to the right to my apartment door.

We walked into the apartment and Shawn gave a low whistle.

"Son of a bitch! Is this all yours?!" he asked, his voice filled with awe.

"All mine." I said, watching him as he looked around the living room. He was particularly taken with the shiny black grand piano. I went over to the stereo and turned on some of my favorite music - Bill Evans and his trio. Old jazz, but I love it.

"Well, this is very nice, Bobby. But you were wrong about one thing. This is not the kind of place I feel comfortable in. In fact, I've never been in a place like this in my life. You must be very rich to be able to afford this." he said quietly.

"Well, yes. At least I inherited a lot of money from my parents. I sold their big house and bought this so I could be close to the beach. So I could watch the sun rise over the ocean every morning." I explained.

"It must be really beautiful to see." he said, looking out the panorama of windows through which the ocean and the beach glittered in the lights of the 'Strip'.

"You can see it in the morning." I said, letting him know that I wanted him to stay the night.

"Is that what you really want?" he questioned me, understanding what offer I'd just made.

"More than anything else in the world, Shawn. I want you to stay and I want you to feel comfortable here with me." I said, moving towards him. I could finally see the color of his eyes. A deep, emerald green.

He took me back into his arms and kissed me again. I melted into him. His hands again began to roam, as did mine. I felt his strong shoulders and back. I slid my hands down and felt the hardness of his ass. I slid my thigh between his and felt the hardness of his cock growing against my leg. His hands again gripped my ass and kneaded my butt-cheeks. I moaned in lust, wanting him to take me. Take me like an animal breeds with a mate. Take me strongly and roughly.

He reached down and I suddenly found myself lifted into his arms. I had no idea he was this strong, but it was an incredible feeling. Like I was again a child, nestling against my father's chest, safe, secure and loved. He looked down and kissed my forehead.

"Where's the bedroom in this place?" he asked.

"All the way down that hall over there." I said, pointing to a hall off the livingroom.

He all but strutted down the hall, carrying me as if I was no weight at all. He reached the french doors to my bedroom and pushed against them, making them fly open. He surveyed the bedroom. In the center was a raised platform surrounded by soft lighting buried in the base. On the platform was a king-sized bed with pillows and a cover made of soft, black leather. Small spotlights shown down from within a canopy of carved wood over the bed, softly lighting the surface of the leather.

A small, quiet whistle escaped Shawn's lips. I looked up and smiled at him.

"You like, soldier?" I asked.

"I like a lot!" he replied.

He carried me to the platform, up the two steps and gently lay me on the bed. He climbed on the bed with me and, covering my body with his, began to make love to me. He locked his lips on my neck and alternately sucked and nibbled on this sensitive area. I moaned in passion as he began to push my shirt off my shoulders and gently bite on them. I reached up and ran my hands over the stubble on his head. It felt soft and prickly to my hands and I loved the feeling.

He raised up and began to undress me. He first took off my shirt and then went for the buckle on my belt. He quickly undid the belt and popped the buttons on my 501's. Since I never wear underwear, he pushed the pants down off my ankles and I was naked beneath him. He then began to undress himself.

But in this he was in no hurry as he was to get my clothes off. It seemed he wanted to take his time and let me enjoy the gradual appearance of his body. He slowly slipped his T-shirt up his torso and over his head, showing me first his hard abs and then his beautifully muscular chest. He was almost hairless except for a trail of golden curls leading down from his naval into his pants.

He then rose of the bed and stood in front of me and gradually pulled his belt from the loops of his pants. Having done so, he turned around. I could see his hands working at the waist of his pants. I could see him open them and then they began to slowly drop so that his ass was tantalizingly revealed. I watched as the extreme white of his tightly stretched briefs were exposed. My mouth watered at the sight of his tight buns. I wanted to lick them and suck at them.

As I continued to watch, he slowly lowered the briefs until the crack of his ass began to be exposed. I could see sweat glistening there and wanted to taste and smell it. As he lowed the briefs to the floor, he finally turned around and for the first time I saw his cock. Or should I say his weapon! It was at least nine very thick inches long, pawing the air in full erection with the foreskin still covering most of it, only the very tip exposed and glistening with a drop of pre-cum that made my mouth water in anticipation of its flavor.

He approached the bed again and climbed on. He moved up to my head and knelt above my face. He slowly lowered his groin to my mouth and I could smell the hot, musky odor of a male in heat. I smelled something else, something deeper, more male. It was the smell of his dripping, uncut cock. I knew that there was a surprise waiting for me inside the sock of his foreskin.

I reached up with my mouth and captured the head of his cock. I shoved my tongue in between the head and his foreskin and began to lick the inside of his cock-sock. I could taste the 'cheesy' texture and began to clean all the debris locked below the head of his cock. He moaned as I did so, letting me know how much he was enjoying this. When I had pushed back the foreskin and thoroughly cleaned under the head of his cock, I continued to lick down his shaft and began to suck on his sweaty, musky smelling balls. He moaned and began rubbing his nuts all over my mouth and face, marking me with his male scent. I continued to lick his nuts, all the time moving farther down and back until I was licking the back of his scrotum and that patch of skin between his nuts and his ass.

Knowing what I wanted, he moved forward, allowing me access to his ass. At the same point, he reached back and spread the cheeks of his ass to give me full access to his ass-trench. The dark, strong musky scent of his ass hit my nose like a hit of poppers and I began to lick up and down his entire crack, pausing at his tender hole. His ass trench was hairless and I reveled in the taste and scent of it. I finally locked my lips around his pliant hole and began to gently suck the lips of his hole into my mouth while I gently inserted my tongue deep into his body. I tasted the dark tang of his inner ass and rapidly moved my tongue in an out, fucking him with it. He moaned above me and I could feel his pre-cum dripping down his cock and onto my forehead as I continued to suck at his spasming ass.

Finally, he could take no more and lifted off my mouth. He turned around and, stretching out above me, took my cock into his warm, wet mouth while his dangled above my lips. I reached up and took his cock as far into my mouth as I could and we lay there, pleasuring each other. I didn't know how far he wanted to go with this and tried to warn him by moaning that I was getting close to cumming. This only spurred him on to greater efforts and made his cock begin to spasm in my mouth.

Suddenly, I felt what seemed like quarts of jism flying into my mouth and down my throat. I swallowed a quickly as I could to keep from drowning while my own cock began to shoot what felt like one of the biggest loads I'd ever shot in my life. We continued swallowing the male essence of each other for what felt like hours, though it was only minutes. Then he spun around and laying himself over me again, began to kiss me deeply, sharing my load with me as I shared his with him.

After a while, he rolled over with me in his arms and held me with my head against his smooth, muscular chest. He gently kissed my forehead and rubbed his nose against mine. I reached up and gently stroked the back of his neck and head with my hand.

"That was incredible!" he said.

"No," I said, "that was round one."

End of part one.

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Next: Chapter 2

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