Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 30, 2023


Once they knew that Joel's mom's surgery had been successful, Joel and ed could start planning their wedding. Of course, Hannah wanted to be involved and essentially took command from her hospital bed. For Joel, it was going to be the first of a few lessons where he had to learn to GIVE UP being in control, but we'll get to some more of those. If there were anyone happier than Hannah about this wedding, it was ed. He couldn't put his finger on it, nor could anyone else, but he was THRILLED to be "being a husband," as he told one of his friends. His eyes glistened, his smile got wider, and even work - which he had come to tolerate, but not love - was better when he thought that, in front of all of their friends, he was going to say "I do" to Joel, and become his husband.

"You know, none of this would have happened if I hadn't tried to bully you, Sir" he said to Joel one night, after they had come back from dinner. ed had made a reservation at a high end place, they had dressed, and he was sitting there in his "fancy pants" as Joel called them, his tie opened and hanging from his collar, Joel's arm firmly around him, and his leg thrown over ed's.

Joel smiled, and looked at him "It would've happened sooner than you think ed." He smiled. "I suspect you've always wanted a DOM. You just weren't ready to admit it. And then it had to be the RIGHT one." Joel smiled and began running a circle around ed's navel, teasing him. "You thought he'd be bigger than you, stronger than you, and just overpower you, when you didn't know it. You never thought a geeky skinny boy like me was gonna challenge you and take you on. " He looked at ed's face , somewhat surprised at his analysis, and went on. "You could've fought it harder. You could've found a way to leave. You could've done a LOT of things. But you know what, marine boy? Every time I had to 'convince' you that you were my bottom sub, there was a smile on your face when you gave in. It amazed you that your thought of who it would be... was wrong. And you loved it." ed took a deep breath and moaned as Joel moved his fingers up to his nipples. "I still do Sir. You still do things to me that.... GEEZ, I can't imagine anyone else doing them ." "And no one else will , soldier boi." He put his hand on the back of ed's neck. "Let's go to bed. I got things I wanna do to you. Gotta work off that pie. And then tomorrow.... that marine boi hooker shirt is coming into action. "

ed was amazed at how Joel was ALWAYS ready to go: any time of day or night, with or without "warning," ed could find himself on his back, his legs in the air, or on all fours, or tied to a chair with weights on his nipples, anything. And he had stopped resisting because... well, he liked what Joel did to him too much. He wanted to get to it: the way Joel was getting to it before they went to sleep. He had ed's legs up in the air and bent back as far as they could go - for all of his work and all the yoga classes, ed was never going to be flexible - and his thumb circling ed's hole, as he teased.

"Remember when this was virgin? Remember when you fought to keep me out of it? Remember when you gave up, and begged me to fuck you? " "Last night Sir?" "Ha ha. The first time." "I do. I thought it was the end of my life." "Well, it kinda was edmundo." Joel began to push in. "you stopped being fake, and started becoming, like Peter Pan, a REAL BOY" ed relaxed his muscles as Joel drove all the way in. "NO regrets Sir. NONE," he said through gritted teeth." "Stop talking. No bedroom philosophy. Or we'll use the new ball gag. " The ball gag Joel was referring to was something a friend had made them. ed didn't like using it because he drooled when it was in his mouth, and he was always fastidiously clean. On the other hand, he LOVED when Joel used duct tape. Even the thought of black duct tape over his mouth, could give ed a hard on. Tonight though, he didn't need the tape. Joel was taking special care to rub up against the sweet spots in his canal, and to pull that nipple ring just enough to straddle the line between pleasure and pain. "FUCK ME SIR. FUCK ME. LET ME FEEL THOSE JUICES... " And Joel did just that, blowing a BIG load inside of him. When they were finished, instead of lying on top of ed, he moved to the side, and gently, very gently, stroked ed's cheeks. "You hate your job, ed, don't you?" ed made a big sigh. "I do Sir. I liked it at the start, but this finance stuff: it's not for me. It's just, well... it's just numbers, in and out, every single day. " Joel smiled. "Well, I bet you're the hottest number pusher there, but.... you know, with mom, and the wedding, and everything else, I haven't been good at bringing this up." Then he did climb on top of ed and kissed him. "Remember when I told you about my fantasy of you being my house husband?" ed laughed. "Oh yes I do Sir. I remember it very well." Joel was silent. ed's mental wheels started spinning "Are you suggesting....?" "What I'm suggesting, edmundo, is that since we're gonna get rid of this monstrosity, we seriously.. SERIOUSLY look for that house we talked about. I KNOW you've built houses. I've seen the photos. " He smiled. "My future husband, splitting logs, framing a house, shirtless, bending over, his sweet ass out there. " He paused and then smiled. "ed, you haven't had a chance, but you LOVE working with your hands." "I do Sir. I miss that a lot." "Well, let's see what we can do about it. Start house hunting this weekend?" ed smiled. "You mean it?" "As much as I mean it when I say I can't wait to make us official." "WOW. I know how much that is Sir... One request. Seriously, one request. An important one." "Ok, let me know" "Well, and I know what I'm doing Joel. On this one, I'm the one who has to wear the top man boots because, all due respect, you know nothing about this. NOTHING. I've seen you try to hang a picture. You think I'm gonna let you decide on a house? Let me run this one Joel. I promise.... you can do anything you want to me, as long as you want to." Joel smiled. "Well, I already do that." ed paused and then a wicked smile formed on his face. "You know that torture wheel you're always talking about? Looking for one in an antique store? I'll build you one . To your specifications. " "Hmmm. I just had a vision. Captured sailor. Camouflage pants, no shirts, stretched out, being tortured for information." "You'll never get it out of me." "Sure I will. By getting it into you." He kissed ed again. "Of course. That makes perfect sense. You're running the show on this ." He sighed. "Geez. Mom is running the show on the wedding, but she denies it. You're running the show on the house... I guess SOMEONE's got to earn the money." He hugged ed. "Seriously, love, let's find an off ramp for that job. I think I make enough to support us all. Mom's got money too. We'll figure it out this week."

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The agenda for that week was full: the news that ed wanted an off ramp didn't surprise Joel: the "deadness in ed's eyes" that some had spoken about, was from a job he hated. Then there was the trip to look for a house. Regardless of what his mother said, and regardless of how she seemed to have more energy than ever, Joel worried about her. And then... something new. Our couple had sent out wedding invitations after they had a date. While most invitations came back almost immediately, the invitation to ed's parents was not one of them. He waited. And waited. And finally, when the deadline for finalizing the list was getting close, he called. His father picked up the phone. "Son, it's good to hear your voice. How's things?" "Eh, so so Dad. I'm not thrilled with the job, but it pays the bills." "That's the right attitude son. You know, whatever it is, it'll pass. You'll start to enjoy the job soon enough. Geez, it took me 25 years to learn to like what I was doing." (ed didn't respond to that comment). "Dad, this is kind of an embarrassing question to ask, but... I was wondering if you and Mom had gotten the invitation to our wedding." "Oh yes, thank you. We did. We didn't send an answer did we?" "No Sir. That's why I was calling. " "Well, let me be honest, son. You're a man now, so you can hear this. We think Joel is a fine young man. Not good enough for you, but a fine young man. And Hannah..." he laughed. "It would be good to see her again," then he took a breath. "But not at your wedding, son. Give us some space. This is something we can't get our heads around." "So.... you're not coming...?" "No son, we're not. And I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. What can I say? I have feet of clay. We wish you both the best on your special day, and when we get to NY, maybe we can all get together. Please give Joel and his Mom my best." Stunned, ed had to struggle to answer "Ok Dad. I get it. Be well. Please give Mom a hug for me." He didn't say anything to Joel after the telephone call, but he was shaken. His parents weren't coming! He thought his heart was gonna break. He barely touched his dinner that night, and Joel tried to make a joke "Is my meatloaf THAT bad, eddie?" "Oh, no Sir. It's delicious. I'm just not very hungry." "Some shit at work, then?" "No, no. Work is ok." "Well, something's eating you ed. Wanna fess up?" ed put down his fork, and looked away. He pulled his composure together as best he could, but the tears came anyway. "I spoke to my Dad today. He and Mom aren't coming to the wedding. He said 'they can't get their heads around a wedding'. " That's when the dam burst and he started sobbing. "DAMN IT JOEL. WHY ARE THEY BEING SO MEAN?" Joel got up, and hugged ed from behind. "Screw the meatloaf. Let's sit. I won't say anything. I'll just hold you." "Thank you. Thank you Sir." And this big, solid, blond marine, just cried non stop for about 20 minutes, and Joel kept his promise: he said nothing. When he could hear the soft sound of ed sleeping, he shook him a little. "Hey. Let's go to bed. Just cuddling. Promise. " "Thank you. Thank you." As ed slept, Joel realized this was something he was ill equipped to handle. He didn't know how to fix it. He knew who would.

"So he spoke to his father and his father said they're BOTH not coming?" "That's right Mom. ed's a bit of a wreck. NO, he's a total wreck." "Oi vey. MEN. You and ed excluded of course. " Joel knew that his brother wasn't coming to the wedding, but he hadn't been in touch with him for a while. He was good with that. But ed REVERED his parents. "Mom, is there anything we can do?" He heard her breath on the phone. "Well, I COULD call, and I'd probably guilt his father into coming, but you don't want that, do you?" "I don't think so Mom. All they need is more tension." "Ok, then I'm going to ask you to sit tight. Expect a call from his Mom, close to the date. There isn't a Mom on the face of the earth who wants to miss her son's wedding. She'll be here. Make sure you keep an extra room available. Or she could stay with me. Maybe not. She's already going to a gay wedding, God forbid she stayed at a Jew's house." "Mom, are you sure?" "No, not really, but what options do you have? What options do we have?" "I'll trust you Mom. Thank you." "Hey, no thanks needed. I'm gaining another son. It's what a Mom does."

There were enough other things to do before the wedding, especially house hunting. ed had been right: he knew just about everything there was to know about house construction, wiring, foundations, you name it. He was asking questions about things that Joel had never heard of. After he had talked with the seller, or the agent, he would come back and "translate" for Joel. Nothing passed his inspection at a price they could afford.

On one of their trips he looked at Joel. "Sir, I want to put a house on the list to see. It doesn't sound promising from the description. "NEEDS WORK!" usually means it's a wreck, "TLC" means a little less work, but this one sounds, well, promising. "Ok, let's see it first and then come back to it." The descriptions exaggerated the state of the house. "NEEDS WORK" was an understatement. "It's a shambles! " Joel exclaimed, but he saw a smile on ed's face. He was staring off into space. "I. Can. Do. This." He said to no one in particular. "Joel, I think this is the one. I know what this house needs. We'll just have to stay in the apartment for a while because I'm gonna need to come out and get to work." "Oi vey" Joel thought to himself. But then he thought about how much he loved ed, and how ed wouldn't say something like this if he didn't think he could do it. "If this is the one, this is the one. Let's make a bid." ed smiled and hugged Joel so hard, he thought his ribs would break. The house had 7 rooms, 8 if they split one of them . There was a basement and an attic. More than enough room for a private "play space," and room for Hannah. The house was SUCH a wreck that ed felt he would have to quite his job, and spend all his time on the project. "Well, let's see if we can manage on my salary," Joel said. And so it was. The house was such a wreck, and had been on the market for such a long time, the price was more than reasonable. They low balled their offer and it was accepted. And just like that, two weeks before their wedding, Joel and ed were home owners. "The agita is gonna kill me Mom," he told her in a phone call. "Where are we gonna get the money?" "Oh Joel, STOP. You did this for your man. You do stuff for each other. He supported you through the summer: during times when you didn't even brush your teeth for three days." "It was never that bad Mom!" "HAH. Don't lie to mother, Joel. You kinda owe this to him. It'll be fine. Just wait. Worry about important stuff. Is he excited about it?" "Mom, he spends all night looking at manuals on home repair, wiring, all that stuff. " "Thank God SOMEONE does Joel. It's not our people for sure." And so it was, as the date of their wedding approached. Three days before, the phone rang, and ed picked it up. There was a high pitched female voice at the other end. "Well, I'm gonna be at that La Guardia in three hours. You gonna be there to pick me up son, or do I have to find some nice cab driver and some nice boy to help me with my bags?" "MOM? You're on your way here?" "OF COURSE I'M ON MY WAY. YOU THINK I'M GONNA MISS YOUR WEDDING?" "But, Dad..." "OH PLEASE. When he told me what he did I sent him to the guest room and he hasn't been allowed back yet. Now are you picking me up or what?" "Uh, how much luggage do you have Mom?" "I packed light. But it's a WEDDING dear. A WEDDING. " "HOW MANY BAGS MOM?" "Six." "SIX?" "And two hat boxes." "Oi vey" slipped out of ed's mouth. "Well, we'll see you in three hours. We kept an extra hotel room just in case. " "HOTEL ROOM? I can't stay with you?" "Mom, there's one bathroom and two gay men." "Hmmm. good point. Maybe I could room with Hannah?" "Don't miss your plane. We'll work it out when you get here." He got off the phone and found Joel, who was working in the bedroom. "She's coming." Joel looked up. He saw the smile on ed's face. "YOUR MOM?" "YES. YES SHE'S COMING" Joel got up and threw his arms around ed. "OH MY GOD. My mom was right. I have to call her." He dialed his Mom, and she got on the phone. "Can I call you back baby? I'm on the phone with Sally." Joel got off the phone. "I think she's staying with my Mom." Indeed, she was. When Sally arrived, and the porter wheeled the luggage cart out with her 6 bags and 2 hat boxes, and after she and ed had had a tearful reunion, they got back in the car. "Mom, Hannah made dinner. She wants us all to eat at her place. " "Oh, that sounds exciting. Does she know how much luggage I have?" "Uh, no. We kept that as a surprise." It was. Hannah in her usual blunt way, looked at Sally. "I thought you were visiting, I didn't think you left him." Sally looked puzzled. "I didn't. it's a wedding. Everything in this bag is essential" "Boys, bring in the goods. Sally, come wash your hands. You're going to taste the best soup you ever had."

Matzoh ball soup. Brisket. Overcooked vegetables. Noodle pudding. Hannah had pulled out all the stops. "OH LORD Hannah! I ate so much, NOTHING'S GONNA FIT. I may have to go and shop tomorrow." "I have an emetic. We'll get you to fighting weight Sally." Sally smiled. "OH MY GOODNESS. I haven't used one of those since I was in beauty pageants. THANK YOU" Joel left ed with his mom at the table. He went into the kitchen with his. They were both trying not to laugh, and not succeeding. Finally, Hannah looked at him. "She came. That's all that matters. She came." Out at the table, Sally was reaching into her purse to pull something out. "Now, ed, this is something you can talk about with Joel, but no further. Let me give you the bad news first: when we got the invitation, your father changed his will. He left you out of it." ed's expression didn't change. "That doesn't surprise me." "BUT..... " and he saw the wicked look on his mother's face. "One of the joys of a joint bank account is that you don't need to explain anything." She handed ed an envelope. In it, was a check for 300,000.00 "MOM! That's more than..." "I know, I know. It's only fair in my view. Now, the other news is: remember who inherits if you don't." She smiled. "YOU! I learned that when Joel was struggling with that class." "GOOD BOY . Now, your dad is not the only person who can change his will. You get everything son. Everything. I just gotta outlive that meat head." "You eat enough matzoh ball soup you'll live to be 300, God forbid," Hannah came out. She hadn't heard the discussion, but she figured it out. "So, you REALLY wanna see the scar Sally? You sure?"

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And so, then there was the wedding. Hannah was matron of honor. They found a way to make Sally the head flower girl. It wasn't huge: Joel's family except for his brother, classmates, workmates, for both of them, favorite teachers. Sitting at the table as Hannah's date, was the deli owner Mort. The wedding was a mix, of Protestant and Jewish tradition, and some of Joel and ed's own. So, when the vows were said , ed brought his foot down on the glass , wrapped thoroughly in a thick cloth. "MAZEL TOV" came out of Joel's family. Their own contribution to the wedding, was something they had seen at another wedding. There was a HUGE glass vase at the center of the altar. At the sides were two different colored sands: Joel had picked red, ed had chosen yellow. While they each held one of the other's hands, they poured the sand into the larger vase, "so that our lives may be together as long as the sands we pour today are." Sally learned how to dance the horah that night.

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So, what happened next? Well, gentle readers, the boys decided to put off honeymoon until the house was finished. ed handed in his resignation the next week, and during the day, he was out at the house, either working or supervising. The check from his mom, and the money that they received as wedding gifts, went far in making things easier. With Joel's salary, they didn't suffer. And there was enough money left for Joel to learn how to drive: as a native New Yorker, he never had. ed seemed to have found his element in renovating that house. Joel would find a way to get out on the weekends, and watch his husband, sexy as always in a tatttered sweat shirt or sweater, an oversized flannel shirt on everthing, tearing apart rooms, rebuilding them, rewiring. "GOD he's hot," Joel thought. The new house was too much of a wreck to do anything in it, and too dangerous: way beyond "I'll get a splinter in my ass," so things didn't get steamy until they got home.

Until that unseasonably warm day, when Joel took an earlier train out. He had a plan. ed didn't expect him for another hour, so the grab from behind surprised him. "HEY. WHAT THE?" "Contractor man... I've been watching you for a while. I've wanted you from day 1. And now... I'm gonna have you." ed struggled. He really DID struggle. But Joel knew how to handle him, and he had him pinned on what would be their front lawn. "You're not working so... if I give you a hickey...." Joel dug his scruff and his teeth into ed's neck flesh, and ed moaning didn't encourage him to stop. It was cold, but Joel worked fast at getting ed's jeans down, and then.. fucked him hard.

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There was one evening when Joel got home and threw down his briefcase, looking for ed. "Must be at the gym," he thought, and got to work making dinner. Nothing fancy during the week: he was too tired after the day, and getting ed to stay awake more than an hour or two required some serious Hitachi work. When ed wasn't home in half an hour, he began to get nervous. He texted. No answer. He texted a second time. This time, he got one. "Sorry Sir. On the train. I stayed late. Big surprise for you. " When ed got home, he had the big smile plastered on his face. "Sir, I think it's time for a victory fuck." "What do you mean, marine boy, not that I'm EVER adverse to a victory fuck of you." "I mean... WE CAN MOVE IN NOW SIR. It's not finished, but it's finished enough. SIR, IT PASSED THE HABITABILITY TEST TODAY." "You mean.. you mean..." "YES. We need furniture, but that's the easy part. " ed got up from his chicken and massaged Joel's shoulders. "I know it's untraditional, but it's time for me to carry you over the threshold Sir." Joel grabbed both of ed's wrists. "About as untraditional as a little skinny geek fucking a marine hunk, but we're not about tradition here." ed was tired, but he was revved. And so was Joel. They didn't make it to the bedroom: Joel got ed on all fours, and fucked him in the middle of the living room. Dinner got cold, neither one of them cared.

So, a couple of weeks later, with Hannah in the backseat, giving instruction all the way, they drove to the house. Furniture had been delivered, and it was spare, but usable. They were going to spend the night. Hannah had a small bag with her, and a big one. "Dinner. Don't tell me no." Of course, there was matzoh ball soup. When they got to the house, she looked it over. "Smells very much like mothballs." "That's CEDAR Mom. There are cedar trees growing." "So which one is mine," she ignored Joel, looking around. He showed her to the bedroom for her. There was a bathroom within the room. "Privacy. So important for a girl." She looked up. "I can move my stuff here?" "Whenever you want Mom." Gut. you boys come and help me pack it up. I haven't used my good china in about 20 verkochte years. SOMEONE should use it. Have a party. " "Not yet Mom, but Mort can stay if he wants to" "MORT? You see this hand?" She held it out. "Not a ring on it. He doesn't stay over until he does what that Beyonce' lady says. It's a good plan. I'm not young like you kids. Call me traditional." Joel looked around the outside of the house. ed was with him, holding his hand. "Look at what you did. It's GORGEOUS." "No, YOU'RE gorgeous Sir. YOU . My husband." They kissed in front of the house. "You think Mom could take a picture of us in front of the door?" "Go say cheese. Pick a good one." Hannah was there. She had an old fashioned camera. "Mom, you can use your phone." "And I could let Mort violate me without a ring. Stand in the doorway and say cheese." After she took the pictures, and they were starting to move away, she stopped them. "WAIT. We're not done. Kiss each other. NO TONGUE. OK, maybe ein bischen tongue. " Joel was red and also amused. ed was just amused. "Ok, one more series. eddie, you gonna pick him up and do the traditional thing? It's the closet my son is ever gonna be to an honest man. "NO. WAIT. NO..." This time, ed surprised HIM. He grabbed ed, and as he lifted him he said "it can be over my shoulder or in my arms, but we're crossing the threshold. OH HELL. WHY AM I GIVING YOU A CHOICE." And so, those pictures have Joel, laughing hysterically over ed's shoulder. "Ok, Mom is gonna go get dinner together. Have fun boys." As she walked away, Joel said "you know, eddie, I have an idea. Take a bunch of photos. Let's send them to your folks. I have a feeling. I JUST have a feeling.." "You think?" "Just try it. " When they were done, ed said "Now, I have a surprise for you, Sir. I lied about the habitability certificate. It was approved two days ago. I was out here making a surprise for you. In the garage." They walked off. "Didn't you want something like this, Sir?" Working wood into a circle is challenging, but ed had met it. He had built Joel a big, wheel shaped "torment board. " There were restraints all around the perimeter, and it was cut... to ed's size. "SHIT. I'm getting hard already ." "Me too Sir. " "Mom is making dinner." "I guess we'll have to wait." They didn't wait long.

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So, here's a final wrap up, readers. The photos DID work and ed's father called him. They were on the phone for about 3 hours, talking about details of construction, wiring, etc. Joel thought they were speaking Korean, but his husband was smiling. That was good enough. Mort eventually DID "put a ring on it," and Hannah had him stay over. They fought for about an hour over how to make matzoh ball soup. They each made one and had the boys judge. When they picked Mort's, Hannah went and sulked for a day. "FINE. Let HIM come out and cook for you. "MOM. ed does the cooking." "Huh. Still can't make decent matzoh ball soup, with all of you in him.' "MOM!!!!!" A few months after they moved in, they got the dog. A rescue dog: probably a mix of lab and springer spaniel. They named her Bonnie. And then, out of the blue one day, they got a visit from someone in the nearest town. He had been admiring ed's work for a while. He wondered if he'd be interested in working for his firm. When he found out that ed had the MBA, he offered him an office job. "All due respect Sir, I left that behind so that I could do that. No. Put me on the crew. It's what I love." He did, and ed found his work bliss.

And finally, they had their honeymoon. Where? Venice. Neither one had ever been to Europe. Hannah had mapped out just about everything, based on what she knew from 30 years ago, when she had last gone. Much of what she had known, wasn't there anymore. But they found a little bed and breakfast type of Inn on one of the outlying islands: they could get to Venice proper by vaporetto in less than an hour. They met a married gay couple there. A retired restauranteur, named Richard, and his partner, davey, a retired phys ed teacher and coach. No, gentle readers, there were no foursomes, nothing like that. They became very good friends. Joel and ed learned that now that they were retired, Richard and davey came to Venice every year, for at least a month. Back at home, their sons were running the restaurant, while their daughters were in school. One night, over way too much grappa, they exchanged stories about how they had "met." Joel smiled when davey told theirs "That's so romantic." "Pardon my French, but that's so fucking hot," Richard said when ed told them about how he and Joel had gotten together.

And there we are friends. Yes, "our story now has ended." I have heard from some very talented writers through the length of this tale. Thank you for all your comments. I hope I gave credit if I used your ideas. And there are enough ideas here so that, if one of you wanted to pick up this story, you could. BUT... before you go.. there were 20 installments to this tale. Take a minute. Did you enjoy the story? How about a couple of bucks for each chapter to keep Nifty going? I plan to make my contribution, how about you make yours? It's nearly the end of the year folks, so a safe, happy one to all. And come back. I've got more stories. All you got to do is search for my authorship line.

Ciao for now.

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