Marine Bottom Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 4, 2023


"Sir, did I hear you say we're going out tonight?" "Yes marine boi. We're going to Ruby Jeans. I made a reservation. 8:30" "I'm sorry Sir, I think I'm not hearing right. Did you say Ruby Jeans?" "I did. You seem puzzled, eddie boy" "Well, Ruby Jeans is a .... straight place Sir. " "It is. It's supposed to have good food, and a live band, and there's even dancing." "But it's straight Sir." Joel paused. "ed. Are you embarrassed to be seen with me in a straight club? " "NO. NO Sir. That's not what I meant at all! We go to straight places all the time. I just thought, well... you'd want to go out to a gay place.." He stopped and smiled. "Because it IS six months since I surrendered the first time." Joel smiled. ed had remembered. "Look if you don't want to go, we don't have to. I just thought we should celebrate with some good food and drink, and some music. Yeah, there's dancing, but we don't have to dance. I'm a sucky dancer anyway. Not like you southern boys who all had those classes when you were growing up." ed smiled. Yeah, he DID get dance classes. He remembered how all the little girls wanted to dance with 'the cute blond haired blue eyed boy,' and all the gifts he'd get from parents "to just spend some time with my girl." If they only knew. "How should I dress Sir? Are we putting on the ritz?" "Nah. I have a vision for how I want ya tonight ed. Once sec." Joel dived into the closet, and he came out with a pink shirt, a button down, and a pair of olive pants. ed might have thought of this: he knew it was one of Joel's favorite outfit. Inevitably, when he wore it, he got laid. He was hoping for that later tonight. "Get gussied up stud. Product and everything. " "Yes sir." as ed walked off, Joel smacked his butt, and regretted not having shaved him earlier in the week. There was tomorrow though, after the slanting board arrived...

ed had gotten into the shirt, rolled his sleeves, opened the buttons the way Joel liked, and had gotten into the pants. Both were snug, the way Joel liked him to dress. He was smearing some product in his hair, when he felt Joel's arm around him. He saw the black cashmere of the turtleneck, and felt the wool of the rich trousers. He felt Joel's mouth go to his ear and whisper "You are so freakin sexy." Then he felt Joel's hand close around a chunk of his flesh down near his belt. Joel could drive him crazy with the way he worked that part of ed's body. He began to giggle. "C'mon Sir. You know what that does to me." "Yeah, I do. And right now, I'm dragging you to the bed so I can do it." ed didn't fight. Not because it was useless, but because he wanted it. Joel was at the side, and he was running his fingers horizontally on that line of ed's body. "Tickle, ed?" "A little Sir. But it's making me feel fat." "Aw, sweetheart, you're not fat. You're just looking extremely sexy because of the fit. But if you'd rather..." He moved his fingers up and caught ed's left nipple, the unpierced one, and began to play with it. "MMMMMM. You gonna play with the other one Sir?" "Not now. I'm saving that one for tonight, when the REAL fun begins." "I'm having fun now Sir." "So am I ed... So am I." Joel lowered his mouth and kissed ed, kissing him deep. He finished the kiss and sighed. "You belong to me, soldier boy, so I don't need to ask, but I will, because I have manners: no question you're my bottom, my sub, my property." He circled ed's lips with his finger "Are you my boyfriend?" ed practically melted. "Hug me Sir, and I'll answer." "OK... although you know, I could just pull the ring and get an answer." "Please Sir, hug me." "Hmmm," Joel thought. "He's never like this." He wrapped his arms around ed, but made sure that he had pushed ed's legs apart so he could tease his cock with his knee. ed struggled to move his lips to Joel's ears. "When we make love like this Sir, I realize: I've been your boyfriend for a long time. You conquered me. I surrendered. But I wanted it. I wanted a guy who could take me, who could put me in my place, and would, to be my protector, my ... everything. That night when you kicked out Stewart, I realized: yes, I'm your bitch... And I'm your boy... But I'm also your boyFRIEND. So yes sir, I AM your boyfriend, and I have been for a LONG, LONG time." Joel smiled. "You're so sweet when you're like this." "You know Sir, in bed, you have two speeds. The first one, like this afternoon. I think of that as "my DOM fucking me." And, then , like this. I think of that as "my DOM making love to me." Honestly, I don't know which one I like better, but I want them both." Joel whispered "How about you get the other one tonight?" "MMMM. Sounds good to me Sir. " Joel arched up and looked down at ed. "Are you SURE you're ok with going to this place tonight? " "It's a celebration Sir. We both deserve better food than we can cook ourselves."

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Joel kept his hand on the inside of ed's thigh as they headed off to the club. He had made ed wear a white bomber jacker - satin - that he had bought for him. It was too small to zip up, but the white satin, against the pink cotton, and ed's light coloring, well... if you knew where to look, you could see the ring pressed up against his shirt, because Joel didn't permit ed to wear undershirts. And of course, if you knew the "code" , there was the slave choker around ed's neck. There were many "hints" if you knew what to look for. But as they went into Ruby's that night, MAYBE some people thought "what a cute couple," but mostly, they looked at ed and wished they were sleeping with him. "Do you want to sit opposite each other, or adjoining Sirs?" The maitre'd asked, and ed realized how uncomfortable he was with being called Sir. "I think adjoining," Joel answered. "It's a special anniversary for us." The maitre d smiled. "WELL MERCI BEAUCOUP for spending it with us. " He led them to a booth. Joel laughed as they sat down. "That's Jack. Or, as he calls himself now, Jacques. He's from my old neighborhood. Even gayer than me." "Is that possible Sir?" ed joked, and got a squeeze of his crotch in return. "He sat us here because he thinks you're stunning, and he wants the whole restaurant to see you. In his view, HE bagged you, because you're in HIS restaurant, even though he's making a princely 22.00 an hour. " "How do you know all this Sir?" Joel smiled. "Wait until you experience your first Jewish mother: mine. Hannah. You'll meet her soon. She knows Jack's mother. That's how it goes. She gets the info - her hobby is gossip - and she passes it onto me. " Joel ran his hand over ed's thigh again. "Jack was right to sit us here. You ARE the most stunning man in this restaurant." "I think I'm sitting next to the most stunning man Sir. " "Well, let's not argue. Let's order." The food at Ruby Jean's had a good reputation, and rightfully Sir. ed had learned a lot about food when he was in the Marines, from all the visitors who came through. He could even fight his way through basic French . "I thought the only French you knew was what I taught you, soldier boi," Joel joked. "You've only scratched the surface," ed answered. "OH good. A reason to plow deeper. Ha ha hah." Then he paused. "Bet you can't imagine what I've been thinking of the last few days ed." "Actually no Sir. I haven't. " "Well, on a simple level, are you getting tired of apartment living?" "A bit Sir. We always had property. And a garden. And a dog. I miss doing push ups in the yard." "And the ladies whistling at you." "Well, that too." "See, I was thinking... Not for now. We got school to finish, but what about a house? With a basement? We could turn it into a playroom, or a dungeon or something? Or an orgy room if we felt like it." ed was still. "I need to ask you something Sir. That means you're thinking of us, together, after school?" "Well, YEAH. I mean, we got through six months." ed turned to him. "Would it embarrass you if I kissed you here Sir?" "Not in the least. As long as it's above the table." ed's kiss was passionate enough for two tables to applaud gently. " "When you're ready to move Sir, just tell me. I'm ready." He paused. "Now, if you can excuse me Sir, the drinking, the excitement... I need the men's room." ed got up, ignoring the stares as he went to the facilities. Their waiter came over "The maitre d would like to buy you gentleman a round of champagne, Sir." "I think we could do that. Please send my thanks to.. Jacques. And could it wait until my friend returns?" "OF COURSE SIR. I will be watching. " "Like everyone else," thought Joel. Then he stopped being cynical. The band was playing one of his favorite songs. They were doing it in waltz time. ed returned to the table, but he didn't sit down. "Sir... " he held out his hand. His voice was plaintive. "Could I please have this dance. Of course you'll lead." Joel's heart nearly flew out of his mouth. He smiled as ed took his hand and then, onto the dance floor. He had a feeling he knew how much this had cost ed, psychologically, so he didn't put his hands on ed's ass the way he wanted to. Then Joel moved one . "That's where that hand belongs Sir." They drank their champagne, and necked in the cab all the way home. ed got his wish. No love making that night: just fucking. Joel began sliding in slowly, but ed begged "HARDER SIR! HARDER." He couldn't not honor his boyfriend's request. But just to make sure they were on the same page, he locked ed back in the chastity cage before they went to sleep

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ed was always up first in the morning, although it was getting closer. He kissed Joel. "Wanna go get the papers Sir? And maybe get breakfast?" Joel looked at his watch. It was 9:30. So ed HAD slept in a little. "Oh, Sure. As long as they have coffee." Joel threw on some clothes. ed put on what he was wearing the night before, but he didn't tuck in the shirt. "DAMN he just looks fuckable all the time" Joel thought, as they left. As they hit the street, ed reached for his hand. "Unless you want them behind me Sir." "Nope, soldier boi. Being seen on the street with my boyfriend is a-ok with me. " Their apartment was on the same street as Jake Gold's friend Melissa, but further west, where the less expensive places were. Joel was a little surprised to see her, Jake and anthony walking toward them. They had a golden retriever with them. "Ok, so we're surrounded by blonds," he thought, as Jake waved to them. "HEY. ed, right ? Long time no see. You're still using the gym I can tell, but not at school?" ed looked at Joel to see if he could speak. "I use one closer to here now, Jake. We live in the neighborhood." "NO KIDDING. Well, how do you like that?" Joel saw that Jake's eyes had been drawn to the imprint of the nip ring on ed's shirt. He smiled. "I see you're broken. Good" Joel heard and stepped in front of ed. "Professor Gold, I'm sure you have more important things to do than to spend your valuable time with graduate students who aren't in physics. If you'll excuse us, we're heading off to breakfast. Have a good day. " He looked at anthony. "I remember: your name is anthony isn't it?" "Yes sir." "I see a ring. Congratulations." "Thank you Sir. " anthony smiled. As Joel took ed's hand, he added. "Get a promise. Your friend knows what I'm talking about." He walked off with ed. "DO NOT LOOK BACK MARINE BOI OR I WILL LOCK YOU UP FOR SIX MONTHS." "He creeps me out Sir. I always feel like he wants me." "He does. He wants you even though he's engaged. I think his fiancee' is going to put an end to that. Let's go eat."

After breakfast, when they got back home, there was a HUGE package waiting for Joel. "The staff don't work on Sunday Sir. Can you wait until tomorrow?" "Nah, no need." ed went over and grabbed it, pulling it into the elevator. "There's a certain poetic justice to this," Joel thought and smiled. "What'd ya get Sir?" ed grunted as he strong armed the box into the house. "Something for us... And something for you. Let's look at we have for you first." He handed ed a smaller box. Ed opened it. "Is this..." "It's a leather harness ed. I wanna see you model it." "Yes sir." While ed was off in the bathroom, fastening the different hooks and other clasps, Joel opened the slanting table. ed came out in the harness. "Smells good Sir." "And you look good in it. Hold on..." He went back to the bedroom and came back to the living room ,with an arm band. He tightened it around ed's right arm. "NOW. You look like the epitome of a proper sub. Flex for me. " "Yes sir." ed went into a flex pattern and Joel smiled. "DAMN. I'm glad they came at the same time. Now THIS... This is a table that goes horizontal or, as we're gonna use it today, vertical." He shifted it into position. "See the restraints at the corner? We don't have to use the dining table anymore. Get against it." ed gulped. He saw that there was a hole positioned right where his butt would rest. "Yes sir. I didn't flirt with him Sir." "I know you didn't. This... is just for us..." He restrained ed's wrists, and his ankles. "OH MY. Don't you look HOT. Now I gotta get you chaps." He pulled down the zipper on ed's jeans, and he pulled out the locked cage. "Looks like you're charged and ready to go edmundo. That's good." He unlocked the cage, and ed's cock sprang to life. He pulled a pair of tit clamps out, and attached them to ed's nipples, and ed began to moan, as Joel began edging him. "Just gonna keep this up, for as long as we can edmundo. And if you moan too loud... I'll get a gag." ed's moans were, apparently, just fine, because Joel never gagged him. It took 40 minutes of edging , and then ed couldn't take it anymore. He shot across the living room floor, knowing that he'd have to clean it up appropriately. Joel left the tit clamps on and then, from behind, he pushed ed's cheeks apart, and pushed his cock in. "OH YES. TAKE ME. TAKE ME. " "YEAH. Your boyfriend is gonna fuck you NICE AND HARD BLOND BITCH BOI." In that position, Joel could get some real balance, and ed was POUNDED , probably harder than he had been since the start. Joel screamed as he came into him. "You wanna change now, or hang out, bud?" Joel asked ed. "I wanna do what my boyfriend wants, Sir." Joel smiled. "Then I'm gonna take you down, and you're gonna clean up your mess. Then you're gonna put on your marine boy slut suit for the rest of the day." Meanwhile, Jake was going home alone. anthony had handed him back his ring and asked if he could stay with Melissa that night. She agreed."

Next: Chapter 17

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