Marie My Only Love

By moc.loa@592teloiV

Published on Jan 13, 2013


I first met Marie in a casual encounter. We attended a Friday afternoon get together at a mutual friends home. There were maybe sixty people there, I am not out publicly so the crowd was mixed and I flirted with all comers. Marie arrived socially late, in a short plaid skirt and sweater, cut low across her ample breast. To say I noticed her walk in would be an understatement. My breath became shallow and I wanted so desperately to meet her and hoped against hope that she might have lesbian inclinations. I was willing to settle for a novice, as she was breathtaking in all ways.

I tried in vain to maintain my cool an observed her making rounds with the guys and some women as she found a drink and settled in to the party. I was engaged in conversation with a pod of folks but my attention was following Marie through out the room.he had grace, a killer smile which she used without thought and her legs were the nicest I had ever seen. I am not partial to moles and beauty marks and Marie sported none to the visible eye. I was quite frankly in love at first sight. As I kept my attention focused on her, she occasionally would make quick eye contact with me, I mean she had to as I was virtually staring at her the entire time. I would glance away in embarrassment but she never seemed to mind. The evening wore on and I found myself unable to detach from the group I was in and make my way toward her. The fear of disappointment lingered in my mind, I had just been dumped by a woman I adored but the feeling was obviously not mutual as I came home sick one afternoon and found her in our bed with another woman. I did not argue I did not fight, I just told her to pack up and leave.

Several months had passed and the emotional wear and tear were gradually wearing off, so I found myself ready and more than willing to meet Marie and see what happens. I studied Marie from afar and realized she was a true fem, my kind of woman, perhaps she was straight but I was thinking I could turn her if need be. Either way, she had my libido up and I knew if I did not get to know her at least she would be in my dreams tonight .Rarely had I seen such a breathtaking individual. I decided to give my fantasies a break and engage in the conversation at hand. The topic was politics, not one of my favorites but I can state my opinion in no uncertain term. UI was deep in argument over the past election when I felt a presence in our circle of conversation.

Marie was right by my side and I felt weak in the knees. Her scent was so appropriate for her and delicate but ever present. I kept up my end of the conversation as if she were not there, the whole time wishing I could thwart society and just turn and give her a deep kiss. Marie hung in there and worked her way into the conversation slowly but surely as if she desired to be there. I was so aware of her, my breath got shallow and labored. She eventually took center stage in the conversation and I found myself just absorbing each word. Once in her passion to express herself, her arm brushed mine and I almost fainted. I had to get a grip on my emotions. Did you ever find the woman in your dreams that would fade away when you awoke but try as you might you could not recreate her? Marie was that woman and she did not fade away, she only brought excitement to my dreams.

I try not to be crude, because I am a lady but I have to confess that Marie had me racing and wanting nothing more than to kiss her. I think one touch of our lips would lead to an orgasm. Marie continued to speak and pour out her opinions and all I could hear was her voice, like a siren singing me to submission. Fate was on my side, all the group was tire ring of the subject matter and in need of a drink refreshment, so the pod broke up of its own accord, leaving Marie and myself alone for the first time. I never felt more awkward as an adult in my life. I suppose I was in love and unable to express it for fear of rejection. Marie turned to me with no agenda and introduced herself, she took my hand and held it in a handshake for a beat too long. I felt electricity in our connection.So close to her, the breast, the legs and the scent almost overwhelmed me, but I managed to give her my name and not pass out. "shall we get some fresh air?" She asked, waving her arm toward the patio.Need you ask, I followed her out.

Marie was all charm, her demeanor was as polished as her looks. I suppose in retrospect she knew exactly how infatuated I was with her but at the time, I only felt awkward and out of place. Try as I might, I kept sneaking peeks at her breast, I am a big breast woman, I have always been that way. I think one time I actually noticed her nipples making an appearance in her seater but was too afraid to assure myself for fear of looking like a predictor have to admit, I am easy when there is a glamorous woman at hand .I have never understood the whole butch thing, to me a woman is meant to be soft and gentle and also as lovely as possible.Not that I disapprove, relationships are far and few between and if that is your thing, I am happy for you. For me however, give me a well dressed, made up, well scented feminine woman every time. Before me stood the epitome of the perfect feminine woman, I was nearly helpless in her presence. Outside we felt the cool night air open out senses and refresh our minds, the cigarette smoke inside and the closeness was overwhelming. I found myself drifting toward the railing that overlooked the valley below. Marie came and leaned on the rail beside me. I was beginning to settle down inside and since we were alone, I felt a bit more confident. Marie was quite close to me now and she a actually moved a couple inches closer before she spoke. "I noticed you staring at me before" I was stunned and speechless, the ball was in my court and I was reluctant to take it. "I was just surprised to see you, I mean the crowd here is so normal you just came in and added so much class to the room." The words just tumbled out, I had no control of them. Marie smiled, seemingly content with my answer. Struggling to recover I blurted out," I mean women of your stature are rarely at a party like this." Crap what had I said, I am in too deep,I have blown it. Marie threw her head back and let out a peel of laughter, "Oh my god, you are smitten!" She chucked for a moment before adding, "I was looking across the room and wondering how to meet you, You are so sexy I was wondering if I would out myself by running after you."

Next: Chapter 2

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