Marias Sons

By R.E.M.

Published on Sep 29, 2000


The following is a work of FICTION. That means it didn't really happen!

This work contains descriptions of sex acts between boys/boys, boys/young men, boys/anyone else that may come along during this story's development. If reading such material is disagreeable to your sensibilities or the legal structure of your residence, don't read any further!

I've only just writing recently, so any constructive input or advice you can offer will be appreciated. Flamers, bitchers and moaners needn't bother replying.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I would like to thank all of you who've read and responded to this work of mine. The feedback and encouragement has been great. It's e-mail like that that keeps this...and other...stories of mine going (at least until someone starts paying cash). Keep the fan mail coming, and feel free to toss any ideas you may have into the ring while you're at it. Who knows; it could wind up in one of these chapters (with proper acknowledgement to the provider, of course). You folks are great!

(from Chapter 2)

Slowly, the wave subsided, and we stood there, holding to each other, bonded one against the other with our ejaculate. Our breathing evened out as our bodies began to sag against each other. Our climax now being taken over by exhaustion, we slowly slid to the floor. Still wrapped within the cloth cocoon, we laid on our sides. I looked down at him. His eyes were glassy and far away. Then those deep, black pools cleared and he was gazing at me with the most open affection and longing. I felt a heavy thump deep within my chest as I let his eyes draw me in, a slight smile on his lips.

Then his eyes slowly closed, the long dark lashes coming to rest against his high cheekbones. He then turned his head and pressed it against my chest as I pulled him as close as I could while we lay there. My own eyelids were heavier than I'd ever felt them before. I let them close, feeling warm and secure in a way that I'd never felt before.

Maria's Sons -- Chapter 2 (Jose and Me)

I don't know how long we lay there on the floor. I did know that it was the most wonderful feeling I'd ever experienced; lying there wrapped in the soft terrycloth, and in Jose's arms. Eventually, we both managed to regain our breath. He turned his eyes up towards me and said, "Wow! I've never had that happen before."

"What," I asked, "cumming? Cumming from a kiss? Kissing another guy? What?"

"Well, I've cum before of course. I mean the other two. Kissing...and cumming from it. Both of those were a first for me."

"You've never kissed another guy before?" At first I didn't think that was possible. Then I remembered that I hadn't kissed another guy either. In fact; I'd only had sex once in all my 15 years of life. Ironically, it was with the older brother of the boy I lay wrapped in the towel with now. But as I thought about it, I recalled that he hadn't kissed me that time, just a week ago. "'ve just been jacking yourself off, huh?"

Jose's eyes turned downward quickly. He suddenly found my chest very interesting, and he began softly rubbing his fingertips across it. "Yeah...mostly just that," he replied, talking to my chest.

"'Mostly'?" I asked. I knew that he was holding something back. I'd always been a curious person, so I pursued the question he seemed to be evading. "So, mostly' means not always'. You've fooled around with someone before? A guy? A girl? It's ok; I'll keep it between us."

Without looking up, Jose gave a brief, quiet chuckle, his fingertip making small circle around my nipple. "Oh, I'm not worried about that. But I think if I tell you, you might be upset, and may not not want anything more to do with me."

My curiosity was definitely piqued now. I assured him that I wouldn't be upset. He even made me promise not to get mad, which I did. Then he began to tell me the whole story.

"Well," he started, "you remember when I said I felt like we'd been set up? After Alex had pushed us in the pool?"

I thought back to then and did recall him making some mention about being set up. "Yeah, I remember. What about it?"

"Well, I think our getting this, I mean...was Alex's way of playing matchmaker."

I thought about it for a minute, and in retrospect, the way Alex had brought us together...and especially his pushing us both in the pool so that we would have to change clothes...did seem a bit planned. Now Alex knew that I was gay, so he must have known that Jose was also. It seemed to make sense, and was even a little sweet of Jose's older brother to try and put us together. Ok...nothing to get upset about in all of this. Then like a bolt out of the blue, the "upsetting" part hit me. How did Alex know that Jose was gay? Sure, brothers live together and share stuff. So just how much had these two brothers shared?

"Jose; why is it Alex would think about putting us together `like this'? I mean, how would he know about you being gay?"

Jose began to fidget in my arms, so I held him closer. He looked up at me with those dark, beautiful eyes and knew what I was wanting to know and that I wasn't going to let him wiggle out of it. "It's ok," I said. "You can tell me."

He sighed deeply, and then haltingly began to tell me the whole situation. As he talked, I could feel him relax in my arms as I let him speak without interrupting, and not giving any sign that I was upset.

Eventually he finished telling me how he and Alex had been fooling around for almost a year now. it turned out...was mostly straight. Last week that part would have upset me; making me feel as if Alex, who I cared about quite a bit, had used me. Now though, it didn't really bother me, knowing that there had been other motivations.

Anyway; Alex and Jose had been carrying on for a little while, but being mostly straight, he limited himself as far what he did "in the sack". He didn't kiss or suck other guys...thinking it "too gay". He didn't mind jacking another guy off, and certainly enjoyed getting sucked and fucking a tight ass. The two of them had even tried fucking a couple of times, but Jose couldn't take all of the older boy's thick 10 inches. So they weren't "lovers" in any sense. They loved each other as brothers, and enjoyed pleasuring each other sexually. I knew that it was an odd sort of relationship, but I'd heard of worse types. Certainly Jose didn't seemed at all "damaged" or anything by it. He was only concerned about what my reaction would be. Since I was an only child, I really didn't have much to say on the subject.

As the big brother, Alex watched out for Jose quite a bit, especially since Jose was smaller than most kids his age. But now that he was going away, Alex was apparently concerned for his 14-year-old brother. Since confirming last week that I was gay, he apparently decided that the two of us should get together and see how things turned out. And so that was how he set us up.

"Alex told me about what the two of you did last week," Jose continued. "But sometimes he can be a real asshole about some stuff, so I didn't know whether or not to believe him. That's why I had to kind of check out the territory. Had to make sure he wasn't playing some sort of trick or anything on me. So what do you think? Are he and I terrible?"

He was looking up at me expectantly. I had to admit to myself that it was a sort of twisted tale, but certainly nothing bad. And I was touched that he seemed to feel so strongly that I be ok with all these new things that I'd learned about Alex and Jose. He must have thought I'd be a real asshole or something about all of this. He was so serious as he watched and waited for my reaction that I had this sudden urge to laugh. Not at him, but at all the worry he'd built up in his mind.

Instead, my sense of humor got the best of me, and I answered him in my best dead-pan voice, "Hmm...well, yeah, I guess you two are pretty terrible. I guess I should go call the cops or something, huh?"

He suddenly pulled away from me; his eyes and mouth flying open in shock at my answer. The expression on his face was just too much, and I broke out laughing, reaching out to pull him closer, telling him that I was just teasing and that everything was really, really ok.

Apparently he didn't appreciate my little joke at his expense. He pushed away from me, slapping lightly at my hand. "You're such an asshole! Get away from me!" he said, his face drawing in with an expression of anger. But I could tell he was just teasing too; his expression was obviously being over-done.

Jumping up, he walked quickly down the hall. I lay there for a second, just taking in the sight of his trim back and his flawless, bouncing ass as he walked away from me. I was pretty certain that he wasn't really mad at me so much as at himself for getting suckered in...if for just a my little joke. So I guessed it was my turn to make things better.

Finding him in the bedroom of the pool house (imagine that!), I walked up to him slowly, wearing my best, most contrite expression, hamming it up with the apologetic expression. He was standing there in front of the dresser with his arms crossed in front of him, still trying to look angry, but still just terribly cute. When he saw my expression, I saw corners of his mouth twitch and his lips tightened as he held back his laughter. I knew I had him hooked now.

Walking up to him, feeling a little ridiculous since we were both totally naked still, I hung my head and in my best `bad little boy' voice said, "I'm sawry sweetie."

I thought his head would explode he was trying so hard not to laugh and my little antics. Stepping right up to him, I gently placed my head on his shoulder, still looking at him with my big, sad-looking eyes. He jerked his shoulder, trying to bounce my head off of him. My head came up, but then I started planting wet, noisy kisses on his shoulder, pausing between every couple of them to make more silly apologetic noises. My hands started reaching around his slim waist. He tried brushing them off, but was also trying to back away from my little pecks on his shoulder.

Soon he was caressing my arms instead of trying to brush them off, drawing them around himself, letting me embrace him at last. I stopped the silly kisses and looked down at him, smiling. There was still a small crease of tension on his forehead, so I knew that I'd forgotten something.

"Seriously; I'm sorry about my little joke. I'm really really ok with the situation, and I'm really really glad that Alex thought we might be good together, cause I think I'd like that too." With that said, the last crease on his forehead disappeared and now he was smiling up at me completely. I leaned down to give him an affectionate kiss. He returned the kiss, and then pulled back, leaning out a little from my embrace.

"Well...ok then," he said, then after a brief pause, "but you're still an asshole." he finished.

Without missing a beat I responded, "no...but I do have one. If you're really nice I might let you play with it later."

That look of shock and surprise was back on his face, but this time we both broke up with laughter at the same time.

Eventually, the laughter tapered down to giggles as we stood there holding each other. Soon I began slowly moving my hands around on his back while he did the same with me. Soon, even the giggles subsided as we pressed more firmly against each other. His warm, smooth body felt so good against me. Then we were kissing; gently at first, but each one becoming more impassioned than the previous. Soon our tongues were dancing and darting in and around each other's mouths.

I began moving my head to the side, kissing his cheek, then his ear. My tongue licked gently around the edge. When I reached the lobe, I sucked it gently, letting my teeth scrape lightly along the skin. I felt his small body grow taut against mine as I continued to nurse his ear. He was gripping me tighter and tighter.

I then moved downward, trailing my wet tongue down the side of his slender neck. When I reached the base, I sucked and chewed gently at the junction of his neck and shoulder. He gasped loudly, and he became rigid in my arms. Continuing downward, I ran my tongue down in between his small, firm pecs. Sliding to one side, I began flicking the erect, brown nipple with my tongue. He gasped again, ending in a moan as he cradled my head in his arms. Quickly I sealed my mouth over his nipple and began sucking hard. Now he clutched my head to his chest, groaning and panting as I worked the hard brown nub with my tongue and teeth.

My hands ran down his smooth sides, following the gentle curve in towards his narrow hips. They then moved around to his back, sliding up this time to just below his shoulder blades where I pressed him to me. I could feel his hard cock pressing against my stomach. Moving down again, I licked and kissed and nibbled his tight, slim torso towards it. Soon I was on my knees, the heat from the hard muscle warming my cheek. My hands were exploring his hips and legs now, so smooth; soft yet firm with young muscles. I pulled back and looked at the prize at the end of my short journey down his body.

It seemed even longer and fatter than the first time I'd seen it. Aiming upward at the base between his smooth legs, the shaft then curved downward in a long, graceful arc. The skin was darker than the rest of his skin, the head a deep, purplish-brown. The shaft not as flattened along it's length, making it more tubular. Even though Jose was only 14, his dick was larger than most adults, being a little over 8 inches in length. I was fascinated by it. I reached out and gently wrapped my fingers around its girth. The tips of my longest finger and thumb couldn't quite touch each other.

I looked up to Jose. He was now leaning against the dresser, looking down at me, his eye's dark and half-closed as he watched me manipulate his large organ. Looking back down, I moved my head forward, lifting the heavy tool slightly to aim the head towards my mouth. Gently, I pressed my lips against the spongy flesh. I felt something warm and slick against my lips. Sticking out the tip of my tongue, I tasted his sweet pre-juices. Slowly, I rubbed the tip of my tongue along the underside of the fat head, feeling more of the warm fluid ooze out and into my mouth.

Opening wide, I stretched my lips around the girth of his cock and moved my head forward, taking half of it in until I felt the head bump against the back of my mouth. Jose gasped, then sighed as I took him in, suctioning hard as I drew my head back, easing the fat tube out. Then back again, this time pressing the head more firmly against the opening to my throat. His cock was almost as thick as Alex's, so I was certain that I could take all of him. But the shape and angle were different, so I was approaching things slowly.

Soon my mouth became accustomed to Jose's large, steel hard cock. Good thing, too, because I was definitely hungry for it. Now I pressed hard when I felt the head at the back of my mouth, and kept pressing until I felt the turgid glans pop past the entry to my throat. I felt Jose jump slightly and gasp loudly, so I waited a moment, then slowly began feeding his hard, hot tube down my throat. The hard muscle stretched my windpipe as I moved my head forward, my throat squeezing rigid muscle in a tight, wet grip. In just a couple of seconds, I had the whole thing lodged firmly inside me, as my nose was tickled by the sparse growth of pubes at the base of his cock.

My brain was going into overload as I held him in my throat. He fit there so perfectly that I didn't want to let him go. Unfortunately the demand for air wouldn't allow that, so I slowly withdrew, gripping the base, then using the thick combination of saliva and his pre-cum as lubrication for me to start jacking the large, curving meat. I looked up and it was obvious from the look on his face that he'd liked what I'd done.

"Oh wow!" he gasped. "That was incredible. Now I know why Alex likes this so much."

"Oh...that was just the beginning," I said with a grin. I stood up and walked over to the foot of the bed. Sitting down on the floor, I put one arm on the bed and patted the empty space next to it. "Sit here," I said.

He walked towards the bed, his lithe little body moving gracefully, his monster cock dancing and bouncing with each step. I was hypnotized by the swaying member, so out of proportion with the lean, firm body it was attached to. When he reached the foot of the bed, turned and sat down. Leaning down, he kissed me quickly and deeply. Rising up to my knees and turning to face him, we continued to kiss. Then I began moving down again, licking and kissing and nipping his smooth, light brown skin all the way.

When I reached his hips, I grabbed the curved shaft and buried my face between his legs. I sucked both of his hairless balls into my mouth at once, working my tongue around and between them. Jose was beginning to jerk and grind against me. I slipped the firm testicles out of my mouth and attacked the smooth, tender flesh just below the nuts. Now Jose was going crazy, gasping and panting loudly. He leaned back, planting his elbows on the bed, and spread his legs wider, giving me freer access to suck, lick and gnaw the sensitive space between them.

With his big cock in my hand, I was jacking him off slowly. The piss slit was oozing out vast amounts of pre-cum, quickly soaking my hand. I used the warm fluid to further lubricate his prick so my hand slid up and down the full length freely. Lifting my head up, I plunged it back down on his leaking cock, taking it all the way in with one downward stroke. Jose cried out with pleasure as I began bobbing up and down on the rigid tool. The sweet scent of his juices filled my nose and mouth, the slick tube of muscle sliding in and out of my stretched throat easily as I devoured the monster 14-year-old pecker.

Jose was moaning and writhing, his narrow hips thrusting upward as I consumed him repeatedly, his young muscles taut as the pleasure poured from his straining cock. Suddenly he sat up and grabbed my head in his soft hands. He began pushing and pulling my head up and down on himself, driving me even harder onto him.

Suddenly he pulled my head away from his lap. Leaning down again, he kissed me passionately. Then sliding further up onto the bed, he invited me to join him. I climbed onto the bed beside him, turning around so that my hard, aching 7 inches was aimed at his face. He didn't waste any time. As soon as my hip hit the mattress, he had my cock in his mouth. It was warm, wet and incredibly soft. In an instant he had me all the way in and down his throat. Now it was my turn to cry out, my senses reeling as I got my own, first ever, blow job.

Very quickly he had me on the brink as he drove his face into my crotch. I had to pull away, but he was in a frenzy now, like a starved animal. He attacked my aching nuts now, drawing them in to that hot wet cave, licking and sucking at the smooth, hairless flesh. Next he moved down in between my legs, using his arm to lift the top one. His soft yet strong tongue began lapping at my perineum. Then he sealed his lips on the tender flesh, his tongue gliding quickly across the surface, his teeth occasionally scraping it gently.

Jose shifted his weight and maneuvered himself on top of me. With his knees on either side of my head, his burning hot pole was pressed against my cheek. I turned my head and popped the hard flesh into my mouth. From this angle, I couldn't take all of it in because of the curve of the shaft. But I could still suckle on the first few inches, sucking and milking more of his juices out of him. My hands came up and I began kneading the firm, round little bottom just inches from my forehead.

He then put both of his arms between my legs, hooking his elbows under my knees. Pulling his arms back to his sides, he lifted my legs and hips off the mattress. Holding me up like that, my asshole was pointing almost straight at the ceiling. I could feel his hands on my butt cheeks, rubbing and teasing the smooth flesh. With a low growl, he drove his face in between the raised mounds, his tongue pressing firmly against my tight pucker. He was pressing his face rhythmically against my elevate ass, his tongue sliding and diving across and against my rapidly loosening hole.

Pinned beneath him, it was my turn to start writhing and crying out as he worked his mouth on my ass. My hands clutched at his perfectly shaped ass and I was moaning loudly, sending the vibrations through the hard muscle of the cock stuffed in my mouth.

Soon I turned my head, releasing the hard tool with a pop. "Jose," I moaned, "Jose...I want you inside me. I want to feel you all the way inside my ass."

Guiding him down so that he lay on his back, I threw one leg over his slim hips, straddling him, my tight, quivering hole over his leaking hardness. Grasping him firmly, I began lowering myself onto him. I felt the fat head of his cock come into contact with my smooth asshole. Slowly I started easing myself down onto him, the engorged glans pushing and spreading me slowly open.

The head soon broke through my tight ring of muscle, and I gasped loudly, my free hand clutching Jose's waist. Jose gasped also, then with look of concern on his face asked, "Are you ok? We don't have to do this."

"'s ok," I said. "It's just a shock at first. It'll be fine in a minute. I want to do this. I want to do this so-o-o bad."

I leaned down and began kissing him, sucking his tongue into my mouth as I began pressing down and back, letting more of his fat tube into my stretched ass. Then I sat back up, and eased myself the rest of the way down until my butt cheeks were resting on his upper thighs. My ass was firmly clenched around every solid inch of him as I sat, impaled, on his hot prick. I began to slowly rock and sway my hips, stretching myself to accommodate him. My fingers clutched at his smooth chest and my whole body shook and quivered as I felt him move around inside me.

Jose lay very still and tense beneath me, still worried about hurting me. Then I lifted myself up about halfway up the length of his rigid prick, and lowered myself back again. His worries disappeared as a blissful smile spread across my face, my eyes dark and glassy as I bathed in the warmth spreading outward from deep inside my ass.

Pressing my hands onto his chest to support myself, I began to raise and lower my hips, sliding the tight grip of my guts up and down his length. Soon, he was meeting me with upward thrusts of his hips as I would come down on him. It was overwhelming to feel him so hard and hot, moving around deep within my bowels.

All too soon my thighs began to ache from the tension. Lowering my chest to his, I held tightly to him and began rolling over to my side, and then back as Jose followed my motion until he was on top, his cock still buried inside me. Pushing my knees up to my chest, Jose pressed down with his hands on the backs of my legs, pressing up to elevate my hips some from the bed.

Rocking his hips slowly, Jose began sliding himself in and out of me. His shoulders barely moved as he pumped from the hips. I watched his lean, flat stomach muscles flex and relax as he filled an emptied my ass with his huge cock over and over again. It was amazing to watch his slender, graceful young teen body in motion while feeling the hugeness of him deep inside.

I reached up to him, fondling his smooth body, feeling the muscles working under my hands as I explored him. Across his chest and down his sides to his slim hips then up the flat plane of his stomach my hands roamed. Reaching down between us, I felt with my hands his pounding rod as it pulled and stretched my tight sphincter. Just barely I could reach around his hips and cup his flexing ass. His cheeks were so perfectly rounded and smooth, growing hard as rock and then soft again as he began sliding himself into me faster and faster.

Leaning forward, he took his hands from the backs of my knees, planting them on either side of me as he hooked my legs into the crooks of his elbow. Wrapping my arms around his ribs, I pulled him even closer, raising my spread legs a little higher as I pressed his chest to mine. I grabbed the back of his head, his thick, luxuriant hair running through my fingers as I pressed our lips together, our tongues dancing and fighting with each other.

His thrusts were coming faster and harder as I started bouncing on the bed beneath him. He was moaning into my mouth as his climax approached. I could feel his already huge cock expand even more inside me. His thrusts were becoming shorter and harder and I began to feel my own testicles draw up tight between my legs. In an instant, my own cannon let loose, firing one volley after another of hot boy cream up between us. I was soaking us both from our pressed together bellies to our heads as he began shooting off inside me.

His body went stiff and hard as the first two squirts were sent deep into my guts. Then he began to buck wildly, bouncing and pushing us up the length of the bed as shot after shot of burning seed filled my ass to overflowing. I could do nothing but hang on as my as convulsed on his huge invader slammed and jerked in me.

As the last of our seed was spent, he lifted his head. Our eyes, glassy and unfocused, met. Something passed between us that I'd never even heard of, let alone experienced. I can't even try to put into words what it was, but we both felt a massive thud deep in our chests, violent enough that we could each feel the others. Then he sealed his mouth against mine, his whole slight frame collapsing onto me, his still hard cock buried inside. We held and cradled each, my legs wrapped around him, other as our breath slowly returned.

Eventually, he grew soft inside me (I wouldn't let him take it out when he offered), and I was able to lower my legs, my hips aching from keeping my legs up and still for so long. I straightened my legs out, running my hands up and down his back, pausing to cup his perfect ass as he lay still on top of me, our bodies glued together with my cream. Lifting his head from my shoulder where it had lain, he looked at me and I at him. His face glowed, his dark eyes sparkling at mine as a small, wistful smile spread across his lips.

"Oh my God," he said, still a little breathless. "That was the most incredible thing I've ever felt. You are so wonderful. I'm so glad that Alex brought us together like this. We'll have to find a way to thank him."

I instantly agreed with him on all of his points. And yes...most definitely...we would have to find a way to thank Alex.

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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