Margarets Return

By Bob Black

Published on Oct 17, 2016




Thanks to Nifty for maintaining this valuable archive. I greatly appreciate the many wonderful stories I have found here, and I encourage you to support Nifty by making a donation at

Thanks also to the many readers who have emailed me with comments about my stories -- every one is a real thrill! I appreciate hearing what you found stimulating, what you'd like to read, about your own experiences. You can contact me at

--Bob Black

As I got together with Margaret and Jack for some threesome pleasure a week or so later, I learned a bit more about their new life together.

It was early summer, and they had come to town to put Margaret's house on the market. They hoped to find a buyer and to sell the house before the end of the summer, then return to Florida, where Jack already had a home.

"We've only been married a couple of months, Bob," Margaret said, softly caressing her clitoris as she watched Jack and me play with one another's cock. "Coming back here was near the top of our list of things to do -- so we could put the house up for sale, of course . . ."

"And also," said Jack, completing her thought, "so I could meet you and Ed and Paula. . ."

"I told Jack all about you . . . and everything, really . . . right from the very beginning," Margaret said. "I knew from the first time we met that Jack was special, and I wanted us to be honest with one another -- and it was important, to me, for him to really know me, all about me. . ."

"And I felt the same away about Margaret," Jack said. "I wanted her to know that I'm a bisexual man -- who the hell shares that sort of thing on a first date?"

"We did!" said Margaret, laughing with glee. She paused her pussy play just long enough to kiss Jack, who lay next to her on the bed. I lay next to him, and we were jacking one another.

It was just a week after the day that Margaret and her friend Paula had kicked Jack out of the house -- so they could be alone to enjoy some girl time together -- the same day that Jack and I hooked up with Paula's husband, Ed, for some man-to-man fun of our own.

Margaret and Jack told me they had met on a Caribbean cruise. After she left town more than a year and a half ago in search of herself and a new life, she had done some travel (including the cruise), had had several short-lived flings, including two with women. On the very first night of the cruise, Margaret and Jack happened to arrive in the ship's main dining room at about the same time. As two singles dining alone, the maître d' had seated them together -- and by the time that they survived the first few awkward minutes, they had begun to discover they had much in common.

Margaret told him she was a widow, that her late husband, Jim, had died suddenly of a heart attack not quite two years earlier. Jack told her he also had lost his spouse (nearly five years ago, to breast cancer). They both had grown children (Margaret a son and a daughter, Jack two daughters) and both had grandchildren (three for Margaret, five for Jack). They were close in age (Margaret was 63, Jack 65). And they were about the same size: Margaret was about 5'6" tall, weighing 150 pounds or so, a slightly buxom woman (with pillowy large breasts, which Jack of course admired at once), not at all frumpy -- rather a bit filled out -- with a ready smile and pleasant demeanor, while Jack was 5'7", about 175 pounds, an attractive man with a slight paunch of the belly, a neat dresser, with an engaging personality that appealed to Margaret.

As the meal progressed (neither remembered what was on the menu that evening), their budding shipboard romance began to blossom, and both wanted to make sure it got off on the right foot. For Margaret, that meant confiding -- almost in the opening minutes after their conversation turned intimate -- that she was sexually active with multiple partners, including same-sex partners.

"I liked him from the start, and I thought, `If this is going somewhere, I want him to know the truth,'" Margaret said. "I didn't want it go along for awhile and then blow up ll of a sudden when he found out I had a past or that I like making love to a woman from time to time."

Margaret's frank revelation was a refreshing and welcome surprise for Jack, who had a confession of his own.

"I'm bi too!" he blurted out. They both laughed as they told me how they looked around at their fellow diners at adjacent tables in the dining room to see if anyone had overheard. Jack told her that he had hidden this part of himself from his late wife, Susan, but had determined that if a new woman ever came into his life, he would be up front about this aspect of his sexuality.

By then, it was clear to both of Margaret and Jack that something special had begun on this first evening of their cruise. They spent the rest of the week in one another's company, spending their nights making love, first in Margaret's cabin, then in Jack's, then alternating by night until the shipped docked at week's end.

"I don't think I've fucked so much in my whole life, including my honeymoon with Jim!" Margaret chuckled, pinching one nipple as she vigorously fingered herself with her other hand.

Their story was both romantic and arousing, and I bent to lick a thick dollop of precum glistening on the tip of Jack's cock. He had my hard cock in his hand, jacking it.

"Oh, God! I love to watch the two of you together! It makes me so wet!" Margaret exclaimed, her fingers furiously busy between her legs.

Jack moaned and arched his back slightly, turning his head to kiss her.

"Margaret told me all about you, Bob, that first night in bed, the first time we made love," Jack said. I had Jack's seven-inch cock in my mouth, massaging it with my tongue, tasting his precum. "She told me about how the two of you met."

"That was one of the hottest days in my life -- I'll never forget it!" I exclaimed, looking up from sucking his cock. I lay back once again beside him as we continued to jack one another's cock.

"Margaret found my messages on Jim's phone -- and called me to find out why we were meeting!" I recounted. "She knew, of course, so I thought I was going to meet an angry widow -- but we ended up masturbating together!"

"Right in the living room!" Margaret added.

"Oh, God! That's so hot!" Jack moaned.

How Margaret and I met was unusual, to say the least. Margaret's late husband, Jim, and I had gotten together several times to suck each other's cock. Of course Margaret knew nothing of this. Jim had kept his interest in cocks secret from her, just as I did from my own wife, just as most married men do who enjoy man-to-man fun.

I had come to Margaret's and Jim's home, in fact, the very day that Jim died, probably a few minutes before I arrived. When he didn't answer the doorbell, I dialed his phone, left a voice message, then sent a text message before finally leaving.

Some weeks later, Margaret discovered the voice mail and text message on Jim's phone. It was clear from the content why we were meeting -- to have sex together. But of course this was all news to her, and she had so many questions.

"Margaret told me you were such a comfort to her," Jack told me.

"I was hurt and confused -- I didn't know whether Jim was really gay and our marriage was just a masquerade. . ."

"No, Jim was bisexual, like me, like a lot of men," I said.

"Like me," Jack added, nodding in agreement.

"I don't feel any sort of romantic attraction to men -- I love cocks but not the men they're attached to."

"Yes, you helped me understand that about Jim," Margaret said. "It was a comfort."

"That first time you and I met, Margaret -- we came to a pause in the conversation, and you suddenly asked me to show you my cock! I think you were curious to see the cock your husband had sucked," I said.

"Oh, God yes! I was definitely curious!" Margaret panted at the memory of that morning. "I don't know how I ever blurted that out, to show me your cock -- I'm not like that, at least I wasn't then -- but I can't tell you how turned on I was when you unzipped your pants and pulled out your cock!"

"And you got naked too . . ."

"And we masturbated together, right in the living room!"

The image of the two of us together, naked, masturbating together, Margaret pinching her hard nipples, her legs spread wide as she brought herself to orgasm, me pumping my stiff cock, my cum erupting on my belly and legs -- the scene was vivid in my memory and evidently just as vivid in Jack's imagination:

"Oh, God -- I've got to do something about this, now!" Jack exclaimed, holding up his stiff, erect cock for Margaret and me to see. Without a word, Margaret and I both bent toward his cock. She took it in her mouth, gave it a few sucks, then held it out for me. I took his cock in my mouth for a few sucks of my own -- I could taste Jack's abundant precum.

We took turns bobbing up and down on Jack's hard, pulsing cock, trading back and forth, until he finally arched his back and shot his load deep into Margaret's mouth.

She held his cock still in her mouth for a few moments, until he began to relax, then released it and raised her lips to mine. We kissed deeply, and she transferred what remained of his cum from her mouth to mine.

Neither Margaret nor I had cum yet, but neither of us was in a rush. We wanted to prolong the experience, continue our erotic pillow talk. As Margaret and I lay on either side of Jack, we resumed our pleasure, me by slowly jacking my stiff cock, which was oozing precum profusely, Margaret by massaging her clit, which was swollen and prominent.

"I discovered early on, when I was just a kid, that I liked both girls and boys," Jack said, his breathing now restored after his orgasm.

"We had a clubhouse in the woods at the back of a vacant lot, and all the kids in the neighborhood hung out there -- both boys and girls," Jack recalled. "There were five or six of us boys and maybe four or five girls, all of us fairly close in age, and we were all curious about sex. I remember how we used to get naked together and play doctor -- and of course we experimented together, boys with boys, girls with girls, boys and girls together . . ."

I have written previously about how I find cumming-of-age stories particularly stimulating -- and Jack's remembered adventures of his childhood were having a predictable effect on me: My cock was throbbing, oozing precum, and I had to stop stroking it, lest I cum too soon, for I wanted to extend the pleasure as long as possible. Sexual pleasure lives as much in the imagination as in the actual physical act of sex, and I wanted to hear more stories from Jack.

"I guess I have been bi all my life," Jack continued, relating several memories of his early adventures with both boys and girls. "But I hid my taste for cum from my late wife, Susan. She wasn't a prude by any measure, but she was fairly conventional about these things. Our sex life was enjoyable -- while it lasted -- but it was pretty plain-vanilla."

Jack described how for years he secretly went to adult theaters, a fairly typical story for a lot of men our age. This was back in the Golden Age of Porn, in the 1970s and 1980s, when the porn was on 35mm film.

"I used to take a long lunch hour every couple of weeks, to watch some hot X-rated action at the theater -- and also enjoy some hot action of my own," he recalled. "Sometimes a guy would give me a blowjob or I'd give him one, or a couple of us would jack off together in the back row while we watched the film. One time there were five or six of us in the back row, jacking and sucking each other."

After the theaters closed one by one, adult book stores -- with their back-room viewing booths and the occasional gloryhole -- became the principal places for Jack (and others, including me) to go for man-to-man fun.

"I had a couple of very brief flings with women over the years I was married," Jack confided, "but I never wanted to go too far with that -- I didn't want to jeopardize my marriage. I wasn't looking for anything romantic, just a woman to fuck now and then, other than my wife."

I had never fucked another woman during the whole of my marriage -- until Margaret -- for the very reason that Jack was describing, so I understood him completely. Margaret looked thoughtful, even as she tweaked her nipples and massaged her clit.

"Say -- I've been meaning to ask you about the other guy that Margaret told me about," Jack said, turning to me as he began to stroke my hard cock slowly. "You know, what's-his-name -- your suck buddy."

"You're thinking of Denny," I replied. "We were suck buddies for 12 or 13 years -- we got together every few weeks to swap some cum together. But alas! I guess that's in the past now. Denny got married again a few months ago, and we don't have a place to meet. We always met at his place, because I can't host, but not now, with her around."

"Oh, I'm so happy for him! He's a nice guy!" said Margaret.

"Yes, he is a nice guy," I agreed. "Denny's happy and in love -- and I'm glad he has a woman in his life again. But I miss getting together with him."

"Well, I'm glad I'm here to help, at least right now!" Jack said as he bent to suck my cock.

"Arrr . . ." Margaret cooed as she watched intently, her fingers rapidly moving between the lips of her wet pussy, tapping her swollen clit. "I love you, Jack -- it's so hot watching the two of you together! I love watching you suck cock!"

I was already super-stimulated from the morning's activities -- from all the talk and from sucking Jack's cock with Margaret and sharing his cum, from watching Margaret masturbating, smelling the heady aroma of her wet pussy, admiring the sight of her naked breasts and hard, pencil-stub nipples, her open pussy between her legs.

Within moments my cock erupted in orgasm, and I shot my hot cum into Jack's mouth. Just as Margaret had shared Jack's cum with me, Jack now shared my cum with her, Margaret shuddered in climax as she received Jack's jism-coated tongue in her mouth.

Jack and I both knew Margaret experienced multiple orgasms, and as soon as I had recovered a bit, I joined him between her legs, spread wide. We took turns licking her hard, stiff clitoris, plunging our tongues deep within her hot, wet cunt -- and all the while, Margaret reached one plateau after another, her fists tightly gripping the bed covers as we brought her to climax after climax, at least five or six.

Finally, all sated at last, we lay back spent and contented on bed.

"Oh, God -- I never knew it could be so good!" Margaret sighed.

"Hmmm . . ." Jack moaned in agreement.

"Jack, there's something I want to ask you," I said after a moment.

Jack lazily turned his face slightly toward me.

"The other day at Ed's, he and I were both a little amused when you first saw his cock . . ."

"Yes, I don't think I've seen one that short, not since I was 12!" he said with an appreciative chuckle.

"Oh, you two are mean!" Margaret exclaimed. "He can't help it if his cock is little!"

"No, no!" we both protested earnestly in unison, adding, "I like his cock!"

"What you said, about not seeing one that short since you were 12 -- well, that's just the thing that I want to ask you," I said.

"Yes?" Jack said with curiosity.

"His cock makes me think about when I was young, when all of us had cocks just about that size. You sucked your first cock as a boy, but not me, but now I wish I had."

I continued: "Three or four of us guys used to jack off together, and a couple of times I remember we jacked off each other -- but we never sucked each other's cock."

Jack and Margaret listened intently as I continued.

"So now that I'm a mature man, and I've learned the joy of cock sucking, I wish we had done that when we were young. Every time I get together with Ed, it's sort of like a do-over -- of going back to when I was a kid, getting to do something with my buddies that I didn't do back then. I was just wondering if you had the same feeling."

Jack thought a moment before replying: "Well, that didn't occur to me the other day, but now that you mention it, yes, I can see what you mean -- he does remind me of one kid in particular back when we were growing up. His cock was about the same as Ed's, and now that I think of it, he was a lot like Ed -- I mean, he really wanted you to enjoy it when he sucked your cock!"

My cock was stirring again, and so was Jack's, and I noticed that Margaret's fingers had begun to tweak her nipples again.

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