Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Mar 28, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and the story is progessing into installments.

I plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive.

I welcome feedback, comments and suggestions, both positive or negative as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

and now back to the continuing story.......

Chapter 9: The Shock!!

I asked, "Sam thought of what?"

"Well, he asked me if my firm was willing to hire an intern, since the opportunity in Nashville might not work out as you planned," Lidda replied.

"Not to sound weird or anything, but how come one minute he can't seem to stand me, then the next he does something unexpected like this?"

"It only has been in recent months that he started acting this way, we just don't understand why he started behaving this way. He doesn't take to strangers quickly, unlike the rest of the family."

"Hmm, interesting. Every family deals with different personalities." And then I asked, "I'm confused; Shane said you worked part-time as a consultant."

Both of them smiled and said, "Don't take this the wrong way, but there are things you don't know about us and I'm sure we don't know about you. We have only known each other for a couple of days and just got to talk briefly at that. However, from what we have seen from you, you seem like a well adjusted young man."

"Thanks. Yeah, I can understand that. Your family is interesting and I enjoy them. You're nothing like my parents."

"We know this is a lot to take in, and we're not expecting an answer until you're ready."

"I really am appreciative of your hospitality. I have never known a family like yours, just willing to help out a complete stranger and bring them into your home without expecting something in return. I do need some time to think about this, I really appreciate your offer."

"We both have had similar experiences and we will always do our best to make others feel the generosity we received when our luck was down. We feel what goes around, comes around."

I smiled and said, "I have heard that saying before and never gave it much thought but now it has taken on a whole new meaning."

Doc said, "I think it's time you get some rest; it's been a long day for you."

"Oh, can you do me one more favor? I had Jeff write down some phone numbers at my school. Can you call them, Doc, and let them know what has happened?"

"We have already taken care of that for you. They are express mailing a package to you which should arrive today or tomorrow."

I laid back and looked up at them and said, "You guys are great."

Jeff came back in the room and lowered the lights as both of them exited the room.

He sat in the chair next to me and asked, "You really like them don't you?"

"What surprises me is that they don't know me, yet, they would do just about anything for me, if I asked. I have never had that happen to me."

"They are rather amazing people. Well, your sleep med is about to kick in, so you get your rest. I'll be here for you at anytime."

I smiled as my eyes steadily got heavier and said, "Thanks"

I awoke to the sound of giggles, but I didn't open my eyes.

I knew it was Susan and Alex and they tried hard to contain their giggling. I could hear others in the room saying "shuuush" very quietly to them.

I was trying to think of something fun to do again without clueing Susan in with the same antics as last time, when I felt the remote to the TV and room functions very close to my hand and giggled to myself. Oh the fun this will be. I found the power key and pushed it. The TV turned off. I pushed again and it turned on.

I had done that a few times when I heard Alex say, "Am I going nuts, or is the TV on the fritz?"

I stopped, and the others must have looked at it. Shane said, "What was it doing?"

Alex replied with, "It flickered on and off."

I then pressed another button and it changed channels, so I slowly kept pressing that back and forth. I heard Susan say after a few moments, "Now who is changing channels, ALEX?"

"I don't have the remote." he quickly said.

I found the volume buttons and pressed them in increments. The sound notched up and then down.

"Alex, stop with the horseplay," I heard Doc say to him. "I do not have the remote. What part of that did you not understand?"

"Well it just can't do it by itself," Shane told him

I let it chill for a couple moments and found another button. I pressed that a couple of times and heard the door open and Jeff's voice say, "You paged me, sir?"

"Umm, no we didn't," Doc told him.

"Well the station light ... " as I pressed the TV on and off again

Doc asked him, "Have you had problems like this latetly?"

"No sir, it's rather odd indeed, but I'll check with some of the staff."

I heard the door close. It was really hard for me to keep from laughing out loud. The family shuffled about and must have been looking at the TV. So I ever so slightly squinted to see what they were doing. All of them were glued to the TV. I felt around for more buttons and found two more. I thought they must be for the radio or something

So I pressed one. I had never heard of automatic blinds in a hospital before, but I heard the curtains slowly close.

"Now that is weird. I think we have a ghost." Doc said sounding a little freaked out.

"It wasn't me. IT WAS NOT ME!" Alex sounded surprised and must have had "the look" given to him by his parents. They all scooted over to the window to check it out. So I pressed the other button next to the one that closed the curtains and I think the lights turned off. "ALEX, where is that remote?"

"I don't have it, how many times do I have to tell you that? GGGEEEZZZ"

I pressed the call button again.

The door opened again and Jeff asked, "You called again? I have the electrician coming by to check things out."

I couldn't keep it in any longer, and started snickering out loud.

"Ohh," I heard all of them say, Then Doc said, "We have a weisenheimer in our midst!"

I opened my eyes and laughed even more as Alex came strolling up to me and poked me in the chest. He said, "They always blame me," and strolled out of the room acting very annoyed.

"That was very clever, Marcus," Shane remarked.

"Humbarkluar, you're too funny. You got me twice now!!" said Susan as she giggled more than anyone.

"Well, the twin snickerdoodles weren't very quiet when they came into the room."

"Snickerboodles?" Susan asked.

I just looked at her and slightly grinned. I then asked, "What's up guys?"

"The kids wanted to see you, even if you weren't awake," Lidda replied as Alex came back into the room with a roll of tape.

"Where's the rest of the group?" As I looked around the room I saw all kinds of ballons, banners and cards, and added, "And where did this all come from?."

"They are here, just waiting their turn. Hospital rules say a few at a time(as she glanced at Doc). A lot of these came from your friends and family at home. You have a lot of people who care about you," Lidda replied. She showed me a card from my grandparents and after I read it, tears ran down my face. I cried because they added at the bottom, from mom and dad also. They always seem to cover for them. This had a great impact on my decision.

Alex was facing away from me and interjected, "We're gonna hog tie ya up and carry you home with us," as he pulled the tape out like he was going to put it on me and turned around with a look of surprise by my emotional outburst.

I looked up at Doc and Lidda with tears still in my eyes and said, "I thought about what we talked about this morning."

Doc and Lidda asked everyone in the room to leave for a moment so they could talk to me.

The gang left except for Doc and Lidda.

Lidda held my hand and said, "Would you like to talk about it?"

"I miss my family as anyone would, but once again my grandparents cover for my parents. They have no idea what is going on and they are out doing whatever they like without any regards to being responsible. You and Doc have shown more interest in my well being than they have most of my life. I have decided to make changes in my life now."

Lidda replied "Oh honey I know you're upset with them, but shouldn't you be talking to your grandparents about all this too?"

"I have so many times and it is time for me to change all that."

Doc told me, "You are a grown man and can make your own decisions. Our offer hasn't changed, your more than welcome into our family" As Lidda squeezed my hand to restate her concern for me.

"Will you let the others back in? I think Alex and Susan will be happy with my decision."

The group came rushing back in.

"and?" most of them asked.

"Hey Alex, what would you say if you got to show me around the farm more this week?"

His eyes popped open wider and he said, "Whobe whatie?"

Susan hopped on the side of the bed and said looking at Alex in a loud voice, "He said he wants to see more of the farm, which means I have another gossip buddy!!" as she clapped her hands.

"I'm actually looking forward to that."

Lidda replied, "You're more than welcome to stay as long as you want."

Shane said, "I'll go tell the others that we have a house guest for another week."

I added, "Maybe longer!!" he winked back at me.

"So when do I get out here then Doc?"

Doc Nick and Jeff came in about that time and Doc looked over at them.

Doc Nick approached me and asked, "Good Morning!! How are you feeling, Marcus?"

"Besides needing to sleep, pretty blah, but my headache seems to be fading a lot."

"That's a really good sign, and all your test are looking good too. As far as I can see, you have an adoptive family that is willing to look after you and I don't see any reason for you stay with us here and clutter up the place."

"So you mean I can leave?"

"Jeff will help you get ready and give you instructions on what you should do for the next week and Thomas will have them too"

"We'll give you some privacy," Lidda said.

They all left as quickly as possible and it was just Jeff and I staring at each other.

"You look better every time I see you and that's not bad for almost two days here."

"You wear some interesting scrubs every time I've seen you also. So how are you going to dress me if I don't have anything to wear?" I then thought to myself, "Dumbass, what kinda of thing is that to say? Since when do I get a loss for words?"

He opened the drawer in the small dresser and pulled out a few boxes. He opened them and said, "These are speciality blended fiber clothing. Mostly used for burn victims but with your cuts and abrasions these will help your skin to heal with less scarring."

He put them on the bed and asked, "Would you like help putting them on?"

"Probably, I'm still a bit clumsily."

Jeff sat next to me and said, "Can I talk to you about something first on a personal level?"

Shane made his way to the private family room down the hall from Marcus' room.

He walked into the comfortable looking room with huge sofas and recliners and found the rest of his immediate family sprawled out on each of them watching TV. Larry, Paige and Toby were playing a board game in the corner at a table.

He cleared his throat and they looked up at him. It took a moment for them to register that he was going to say something, but then they sat up with interest.

Shane said with a slight grin, "Marcus made a decision about what he wants to do for the week before going home."

Sam looked up at Shane and said half sarcastically, "Oh great, I knew it."

Shane looked at him and asked, "I thought you would be the one that would enjoy his company most, since you've been treating him so well."

Sam squinted his eyes at him and said, "Like you?"

Shane replied, "Get to know him, and you may like him too."

Spencer added, "Sam, I would have thought your parents would have rubbed off on you. You know if someone is in need of help you should offer it ... ."

Sam stood up, turned to his uncle without letting him finish and said, "Oh get over it, I can't believe you fall for that insane attitude!"

Sam then heard a voice behind him say, "Who has an insane attitude?"

Sam turned to see Paige's younger brother next to Shane in the doorway and said, "Oh you show up at the most opportune times."

Toby turned and his face expressed total shock and yelled, "UNCLE RYAN!" and went running into his uncle's arms.

Shane turned back to Sam and said, "You, brother, are on my last nerve with your constant sarcastic attitude and lack of compassion."

When Sam started to walk out of the room, he brushed past his brother and said, "Get out my way, dork...." Just then Doc and Lidda walked up to the door.

"Now what is the issue with you?" Doc asked sounding irrated. Lidda touched Doc's arm and said, "Sam, let's go for a little walk, OK?"

Sam looked at Shane and his father, shook his head and walked out the door to his mother. He grabbed her hand and took off with her down the hall.

Doc asked, "What did he say now?"

Spencer walked up to Doc said, "Let's go get a cup of coffee outside."

Ryan, looking a bit confused said, "What did I miss?"

Larry was shaking his head at Paige and trying to hold her in place in her seat. She had a very angry look on her face, got away from him and stomped her way up to Ryan. She took Toby out of his arms, put him down on the floor and told him to go back to Larry. She looked back at Ryan then slapped him hard, saying through clenched teeth, "Bastard, get out, get out!!"

***** I looked at Jeff with a poker face and said, "Sure, I hope it's good news."

"As you probably have guessed, I'm gay and so is Doc Nick. Nick and I are partners. This may be none of our business but we sensed that you are too. Before you react, I just want to help you. I noticed because a few times when I was with you, you asked about certain members of that family. Also, you mumbled in your sleep about ... things. And, I overheard Doc and Mrs. Noble discuss they are concerned about your homelife. It seems you and your parents maybe aren't on the same page. What you tell me, stays with me. They don't know I'm talking to you about this. Am I right that you're gay too?"

I didn't really know what to say, but he obviously was concerned about me. So I said, "Lock the door first please."

He did as I asked. He turned around and I looked at him and said, "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?"

"That's what I want to talk to you about. Nick and I wanted to let you know that if you needed to talk about any feelings you're having dealing with this, you can talk to us anytime. We can tell you're on the fence about wanting to stay in the closet, and about wanting your parents to know.

"Well, I have been dealing with this for a few years. I want to be me and really don't care what other people think. I am trying to figure out how I want to tell my parents."

"Good that's a big step to take. You may want to rethink the parental outlook. Will your objective be met if you tell them? Will it make or break the family? Just some thoughts from those of us who have been through this already. Like I said, you can talk to me or Nick anytime. So if I can boldly ask, who do you have the hots for in there family? I think Shane or Eric and Spencer but Sam is getting to be a fine young man." As he started to help put the clothes on me.

"Thanks for the advice. I will give it some thought. Ohh, I think you got the first guess right. He's just so likeable and easy going."

"Like you?" he asked. It didn't dawn at me at what he meant.

I asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"I'll let you figure that out on your own. I'm just offering an ear and sounding board when you need to talk."

"OK. Thanks. So, how long have..."

"We been together for 2 years." He said without letting me finish

I asked with a sly smile, "Well I do have a small request if you don't mind?"

"Sure, anything?"

"Well since you got to see me naked, how about returning the favor."

He got up without answering and just removed his clothing and turned completely around for me to view. This young guy was solid as a rock just like I had felt when he first leaned over me. "Dam", I said, "You have the most extremely well toned swimmers body I have ever laid eyes on."

He smiled back at me and said, "Visit the pool a lot?" and took the conversation into the instructions the Doc Nick gave him standing there in the buff while I looked at his neatly shave crotch and his thick dick which was slowly rising up. Even my own cock was instantly hard.

Doc and Spencer stopped at the coffee machine, got their coffees and walked outside. Spencer said, "Thomas, I just brought you out here to get a bit of fresh air. You've been needing it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, you once told me, if I ever saw you at the point of telling your kids off, to stop you and take you outside for a bit of fresh air or an ass kicking. I thought the fresh air would do you more good than the ass kicking. Besides, I'm too beat to try to kick your ass."

Doc half smiled and said, "I guess I have been a bit stressed lately, haven't I?"

Spencer cocked his eyebrow and said, "A bit," as he used his thumb and forefinger in a pinching motion.

"I just don't know what has gotten Sam so riled up in the past few months. It's getting hard to talk to him."

"Hey, I think it's called growing up and he is scared shitless about it, so he lets out as sarcasm. He thinks if he came to you with his problems all the time, he won't leave the nest. If you know what I mean. I know you tell your kids your open to talk at anytime and that's great. I wish mom and dad did that for us, but you can't always do that for them. If you remember Shane when he was about 16 and you walked in on him with his girlfriend having sex for the first time in your bedroom. You didn't go nuts. You almost have to treat Sam in the same regards."

Doc seemed to be in deep thought for a few moments. "Yeeeeaaah, I understand where you're coming from, but Shane and Sam...."

"I know, they have different personalities and issues but not by much. I would let Lidda handle Sam more at this point. He tends to lean towards being a momma's boy. She just has a way with him and just show your support."

"You are right again brother, thanks for the fresh air and not an ass kickin. Well, I think we should get everyone together, Marcus should be ready to go soon."

As they were about to open the door to go back in, Ryan came rushing out with quite a red cheek and had tears streaming down his face.

Doc did a double take and asked, "Ryan, are you OK?"

Ryan didn't hear him at first until Spencer walked up to him and tugged on his arm.

Ryan turned around and said, "Hey Mr Noble, I ...."

"What it is son?"

"I shouldn't have come and upset my sister. She is still quite angry with me. I was going to offer them to stay with me until her house is fixed to try to help smooth things over."

"Ryan, you did the right thing, she will come to realize that soon."

"Thanks Mr Noble. I have to get going again, another flight out in awhile."

"Well, do you have time to have lunch with us?

"I don't think so, my flight leaves in 3 hrs. I don't think it's great idea while she is still mad but thanks for the offer though. I will take a raincheck though." As he walked to his car and drove away.

Then we had to get dressed. Jeff then said, "Remember you can talk to us anytime or even come visit us." And winked at me.

"Oh both Docs wanted to make sure I told you, keep that bandage on your temple, that is going to be tender for awhile and you don't want any more damage done there."

It was time to leave now.

The family met me in the lobby as Jeff wheeled me out. They all cheered and came and gave me kisses.

"What do we want to do now?" Doc asked the family

Just about every response was, "EAT!!!"

"Marcus, do you have a particular place you like?"

"Bennigans is my favorite, but since I don't know the area, I'll let Alex and Susan choose."

Both of them looked at each other and shook there head, "The pit stop" they said

Jeff wheeled me out to the truck and handed me a new set of crutches. He said, "If you don't like those, I could always send you this chair."

"Crutches" I smiled back. "I don't plan on using them for long."

"Good attitude, see you in a couple days for that checkup."

"Hey wait, why don't you come with us?"

Doc nodded at him and Jeff said, "That would be a delight!!"

We made it to the diner that I had passed the night before the wreck I told Shane, who was sitting next to me, "This gives me d‚j... vu."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, that officer we saw the other day (Petty?) was out on the highway that night and suggested I stop in here to rest. If I had stopped in here...."

"It's Petry. And you can't change the past." That's the first time I have heard him be short and to the point, case closed.

We all walked in the diner and all of sudden we heard "AAAAAGHHHH!" with a cackling laugh, and then, "Well shoot me red and tie me up side down. I can't believe the whole family finally showed up."

"Hi Andrea!!" Sam, Doc and Alex shouted back, in spite of a crowd of people staring at us. This lady was a sight to see. She looked like a true southern gal. She and Larry should think about hooking up at some point.

I think someone called ahead because there was area ready for us already set for the exact number we had in our group.

The lady called Andrea came running over to Sam and bear hugged him and started crying. She said, "OHHH I thought we lost you" and was just kissing him to death. It was the first time I saw Sam face turned crimson without being mad.

She then let go of him and went to greet everyone else and like I sorely wanted to do (but she could get away with it) she about ravaged Shane. She patted him down like he was made of gold and said, "Wooo doggy someone sure has been eating his wheaties twice a day. Son you're hard as rock under that shirt." She sure knew how to give a guy a red face. Then I got thinking, "Oh crap I'm next."

She turned to me and said, "Suga, What in tarnation happened to you? You look like someone tried to use you for a soccer ball." She gently squeezed my cheek, and added, "But not all soccer balls are as adorable as you. Without all those bandages you look like you could be one of those poster models." Sure as shit, I joined the others in the red faced crowd. She didn't let me get a word in as she kept talking a mile a minute to the rest of the group.

Jeff was next to me and she was about to say something when Jeff said in an Australian country twang, "Suga, if you wanna squeeze my cheeks, you're gonna have to eat more Wheaties." She laughed and wrapped her arms around him and said, "You're new. Did you and Shane share those bowls of Wheaties? You feel like my washboard at home. I could just scrub my clothes all over you instead that board. Wooo doggy, it is just so hot in here with all these fine fine gentlemen, I'm gonna need some ice to cool off." She headed to the back to the kitchen, cackling away.

We all got seated and as usual we sat in the family cliques. I was next to the coolest looking 50's juke box I have seen. My mom is a big collector of old juke boxes. She would freak to see one like this one. Andrea was next me, ready to get me a drink when I asked, "What music do you have in the jukebox?"

Everyone at the table snickered. I looked around at them kinda odd. My face expressed, "WHAT?"

In a real country twang she said, "Oh Honey, We's have both kinds ............. COUNTRY aaand WESTERN!!!" and she started laughing like a wild hyenia.

I thought to myself, "I know I have heard that phrase somewhere before"

She stopped laughing and she said, "I always get a kick out that question, of course, it's from my all time favorite movie, The Blues Brothers."

So she stuck a quarter in the machine and said, "This is my favorite; I about cry anytime I hear it." The song was "Lean on Me." Now it's freaky she chose that one, since it is one my favorite also, in the oldies category and a great movie.

Everyone at the table just burst out laughing. We all had a good time eating and socializing. I had a feeling I probably would be back this week to eat again, since Andrea told me she would have to get my picture on the "IT'S JUST MEAT" board of fame. I asked coughing, "It's just meat?" while everyone laughed at my surprise.

"OH honey, that's the wall of fame back there for anyone who eats the house special, Two pounds of hamburger with ham, bacon, sausage, chicken mixed together with our country gravy."

"and lived to tell about it?" I jokingly said

"Oh doll face, you crack me up!" Andrea replied

Toby was sitting across from me next to his mother. He seemed to stare at me a lot. Shane leaned over and said, "He is harmless, actually a fun kid when he is around a smaller group."

Toby leaned in to me a bit and said, "My daddy killed his mamma." Paige heard him and replied with, "TOBY, behave yourself. Stop trying to freak Marcus out."

"Mission accomplished a while back Ma'am," as politely as I could sound.

She whispered in his ear for a few moments and he stopped looking at me and walked over to Larry.

Andrea came up to Doc and said he had a phone call. He went to get the call. When he returned he said, "It appears the electricity won't be back on for another 4 days and phone service may take longer. Luckily we have room for everyone, and last time I checked our solar power was back to normal."

I turned to Jeff and said, "I'm glad you got the chance to come with us. I have enjoyed your company these past few days."

"Right back at ya. Just remember, you can talk to me anytime." He slid a card into the pocket of my pants.

We made our way back to the Nobles' farm. It seemed a bit more cleared now. The suspension bridge was still in place, but had a warning sign posted "pass over at your own risk." Sam said, "That sign was probably posted because wasn't on the county books to be here, or safety tested."

I was now enjoying the scenery on our way back. It was so relaxing and everything just seemed out of the way with no hustle or bustle. It's kind my fantasy to find some hidden cove like this in the hills where the birds are chirping, smell the sweet smell of spring, hear the water gently lapping against the bank of the lake and looking into the eyes of the man I love. Now that would be paradise.

When we pulled into the drive of the farm, it was the first time really I got to see it in this much daylight. I gasped at how beautiful everything looked. I was still amazed that this was new, but looked like a page from 100 years ago. The house and barns seemed to blend right in with the landscaping. The house was built for a large family. It was 3 stories and the porch wrapped around the entirety of it. They had quite a few rocking chairs and swings around the entire porch.

I asked Lidda, "When you get a chance, would you care to show me how you and Doc recreated all this?"

"Of course."

We stopped at the house and I asked generally out loud, "So you guys have enough room for everyone in this place?"

"We have more rooms and space than it looks like, and everyone will be comfy," Doc replied.

Shane said while running around the house, "Ill get the solar box cranked up."

"Do you have any running water so I could actually take a shower?" I asked Doc I watched as he looked around and thought about something for a moment.

Doc hung his thumbs from the pockts of his jeans and pulled up his pants higher than normal. His face cringed looking like an old man and mimicing Andrea's voice said, ""Oh Honey, We's have all kinds of running waters...........HOT aaannddd COLD !!!"

Then continued with "We's got indoors running waters AND outdoors running waters. We's got waters that you can swim in and water you can stand unders. We's just have all kinds."

The entire family was in tears from laughing so hard from his mimick of Andrea that I even thought I was going to wet my pants.

Then I noticed Sam's face turn serious and yelled urgently, "SHANE WAIT! IT'S......" then started to run to where Shane was headed.

We then heard a big bang from where Shane had gone back to turn on the solar box................

OHHH another small cliffhanger!!!

The story will continue.........with Chapter 10

If you like to make a comment about this story just contact me at

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

***I want to thank Gary, an avid Marcus reader, for allowing me to use part of a description he sent me in this part of the story.

Next: Chapter 10

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