Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Mar 19, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and the story is progessing into installments.

I plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive.

I welcome feedback, comments and suggestions, both positive or negative as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

and now back to the continuing events.......

Chapter 8: On the road, Noble style (part 2)

They all looked at me and said, "a MacGyverism?"

"Yeah, didn't you ever watch MacGyver?"

Sam said jokingly, "Somebody watched too much TV as a kid. You all thought I was a nerd."

Shane put his arm around Sam's neck and said, "But our favorite nerd," and got an elbow in the side.

"What's a MacGyver?" Alex and Susan asked at the same time.

Shane replied, "I'll show you sometime later. I just happen to have some shows taped."

Doc said, "OK, guys we don't have all day. What's the plan Marcus?"

"The basic concept is a suspension bridge. Who is an expert with a bow and arrow?"

The family slowly looked over to Eric. He smiled ever so coolly and said, "Well, I did have a little practice in high school and college."

As I detailed out the plans, any gaps were filled in with Sam's knowledge of tinkering with gadgets, though he showed some resistance with his usual shortness.

Everyone was involved with this project in some way or another. Paige, Toby and I were the ones who stayed in the truck per orders by Doc.

As they were getting the gear together and I was sketching a drawing of the plan. I had the feeling I was being stared at from behind. I turned and looked to see Toby staring at me. His mother was half asleep next to him. I asked him, "Are you feeling any better?"

He didn't say anything for a couple seconds and then squinted his eyes.

He then said in a crackling voice, "BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! My wife's a dirty whore."

I looked at him a bit shocked at what I thought he said and I asked, "What?"

"What?" he said back and acted like nothing was wrong.

I just shook my head and went back to my drawing, thinking, "This kid needs a little something something done with his brain."

As Spencer and Shane cut the downed trees in the road out of the way, Eric practiced with the added feature of rope tied to the arrow. The rest of the gang were putting together the bridge, overseen by Sam with my instructions.

The project didn't take that long to get together since we had everyone helping. Even Susan was being useful. It turned out she was an expert at tying knots.

As I showed the sketch of what should happen to everyone, they all had a look of 'wow' on their faces. I explained it wasn't hard to do, it just took some knowledge of gravity and leverage.

Spencer asked, "And you got this idea from watching Macgyver?"

"Well, I have a professor that calls improvising an idea like this in a crunch a MacGyverism, and I had MacGyver on my mind when I thought of it. Most of the idea came from a project I had do this semester."

Sam asked, "So did that one work?"

I smiled, "Not on the first try, but we will be finding out in a few minutes. I think I worked out the kinks with your help."

He got this look of annoyance on his face and said sarcastically, "What the hell did we just do all this for if you're not sure it's going to work? I knew it! I fucking knew that you didn't know what the hell you're talking about! You're so full of it, and everyone is just ga ga over you for it! Unfuckingbelievable!" He threw the shears towards the woods and started walking back to the house.

Everyone was in disbelief at what was coming out of his mouth, even me. I thought, "Damn! Someone loses his temper at the drop of the hat and I'm the one in pain here."

Doc didn't waste a second in finding out what Sam had thrown a fit about. He was immediately on him and grabbed his arm. Doc said to him, "I have had enough of your 2-yr-old fits with this family the past few months. You go apologize to Marcus now. He is the only one that had a good idea about this and he is the one injured. Otherwise, I promise you, you will not like the consequences. NOW do what I say dammit."

I thought to myself, "About time you put your foot down Doc, but then again the guy is old enough to make his own decisions."

Sam's face turned bright red but he kept a look of sarcasm on his face and said, "As always, you take a complete stranger's side over your own son's. How fucked up is that, old man? You forget that you have a family, your patients aren't family, you get that all screwed up and leave me in the dust. I'd rather get lost than have to put up with the crap from this family. Oh and good bluff Dad but what can you do to me, I'm not Alex's age anymore you old fool."

I started crying because of their fighting. I couldn't take hearing Sam talk to his dad like that. If I ever said anything like that to my dad, I wouldn't be sitting here now. I slouched down in my seat. Shane must have seen that and walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

I said in a hoarse voice, "If I'm causing this much anguish for this family, then you should leave me and I'll find my own way back to town."

Sam heard and said, "Finally, a good idea out of you."

Doc shook his head and said, "Enough out of you Sam. What is eating at you?"

Spencer and Eric walked up next to Shane, to my surprise, said, "You're not going anywhere without us."

Lidda had made her way over to Doc and Sam with tears in her eyes and told Doc to let go of him. He gave her a quizzal look. She looked at Sam, saying "We love you with all our hearts, just as much as any one is this family. You did the most courageous and bravest thing I have ever seen by saving Marcus. Are you regretting what you did for him?"

Sam stared at them for the longest time, and said, "I..." and started walking away.

Doc was going to say something but Lidda gave him a squeeze like a secret language between them and he stopped what he was going to do. I thought, "How many people are able to do that? Just touching them tells them so much about your thinking. It blows my mind to know that can happen."

Lidda said, "Sam, do you remember when you were about Susan's age and wanted to go help your father and Spencer with fixing the tractor?"

He didn't say anything but slowed his walk just a tad.

"Well I have very fond memories of that little boy. He felt he could do anything that anyone else could do, and do it better. I remember you saying, 'I can hold a wrench just as gooder than anyone. I knew you were capable of great things and that little boy body wasn't growing fast enough for what you wanted to do. That really frustrated you."

I thought to myself, "What does this have to do with what is happening now? He's just a spoiled brat that gets angry when he doesn't get his way." Shane whispered in my ear that Lidda has a way with him that seems to work much of the time. This may be Sam's way of breaking out of that shell. I said, "Well what about yesterday when he yelled at her?" Shane replied as he watched his brother, "Ill tell you about that one latter, it didn't have to do with this."

Sam stopped in his tracks and turned to his mother, and said softly, looking at the ground choking up, "I.... just ..wanted to ..."

"This is the same thing dear, you just wanted to be more helpful and feel left out. You think Marcus should not have input in a family event, but his idea is going to work because you were involved and did your best to work together to work out any kinks."

His eyes full of tears and said, "But.."

Sam fell to his knees crying while both of his parents went to him and held him. We all had tears from watching this event unfold. They said something to each other for a few moments, but I couldn't hear what is was. Sam's brothers and sister looked like they saw a miracle in the making.

Sam then got up, regained his composure, walked back to us and said, "I apologize if I upset any of you." Alex and Susan went to give him a hug around his waist, he hugged them back in a way that didn't seem very genuine

I nodded back at him. The look in his eye didn't exactly sit well with me. I had a feeling that something else was bothering him, because he didn't finish that sentence.

He then said, "Let's get this thing to work, it's getting late and we're way off of dad's schedule." He looked over to his father and winked at him while walking up to me to get the drawing.

Everyone worked together and as planned the whole idea worked. We had enough room to get the truck over the ravine and started the next leg of our journey.

Doc said, "It appears no one has tried to make it back this way. This road hasn't been cleared."

Shane was searching around the road and said, "But there have been others that passed this way." He showed us the tracks of another vehicle.

I asked Lidda, "How come nobody came to see if you guys were OK?"

"Well, we had planned a family vacation and were going to leave that morning when Sam got home from work. So basically the people we work around knew we be gone. I'm guessing I would have thought that there was nothing to worry about also."

"Yeah, I guess that would make sense."

She asked, "Are you sure there is no way of getting in touch with your parents? I would think they would have wanted to have some way to be in communication."

"My parents aren't like you and Doc. When they leave town, they leave town and don't want to be bothered no matter what. I never understood it, even when I was about Alex's age and we went somewhere. It's like a disappearance. All I know is the flight they left on and the one that brings them back."

Lidda was looking at me as if I was talking another language and said, "No way!!?"

"Way!" I said and then giggled at her humor.

Susan just looked at me with those cute little eyes and said, "Toby can say no way, way, no way, way, no way ... in triple time. Wanna hear him?"

I never laughed about something so hard before while shaking my head no to her and soon Lidda and Susan were laughing just as hard. The group outside looked back us and shook their heads as if they knew Susan was probably the reason for the laughter. Unfortunately it didn't help my headache much

We continued on, still having to clear some debris but not as much as on the other side of the ravine. I noticed they all stayed in little cliques. Alex was Shane's shadow, Spencer and Eric seemed closer to each other than to Doc, but I guess that's to be expected and Sam spent much of his time with himself but did interact some. I had my own little wind up doll, Susan, who was given the gift of gab usually laying on my lap or kneeling next to me chatting in my ear about all the great stuff we were going to see in this neck of the woods when I get better. I bet she ends up with her own TV talk show when she grows up.

We came upon what appeared to be somebody's man-made waterfall/lake with upper and lower levels. I said, "Man it would be nice to take a dip in that to cool off for a few minutes."

Shane said, "Old man Williams probably won't mind if we do that. I think that's exactly what everyone deserves, were about stinkin' to high heaven."

Lidda said, "I brought a couple extra towels just in case this happened, and also some waterproof wraps for Marcus."

Eric grinned mischievously and said, "Anyone wanting to skinning dip go up and all others stay down."

Nobody flinched at the idea and took off, and Shane came to pick me up. Doc told him, "Be careful with him, watch for any sudden changes." Shane shook his head replying to his dad

Doc went with Lidda, Susan, Toby and Paige while the others took off up the neatly paved wooded path.

I asked Shane, "How do you know I want to skinny dip?"

He grinned and said, "I am a good guesser."

Shane and I brought up the rear right behind Larry. The others were soon shedding clothes, even Sam and Alex. Shane had sat me down on a log to help me remove what I had on, but I couldn't get a glimpse of any of the naked bodies since Larry was right in the view of them. By the time I did, they were waist deep or more in water. However, I got the luxury of seeing Shane in the buff once again. I loved how the sun glimmered off his sweat drenched body. It showed how well he kept his body. And, I was held skin to skin with him again. I thought to myself, "Now this is paradise!!"

He waded in and Alex giggled and said, "I can see your butt."

I stuck out my tongue and said, "Well at least mine is under water now." He flicked me with water and went to mess around with Sam and Larry. I heard him say, "Hey, I got something to show you...."

Sam seemed a bit shy being in with us, and kept to shoulder-depth water.

I noticed Spencer and Eric waist-deep in water. Both had nice chests and a good tan developing so soon in the spring. Spencer had broader shoulders and Eric's chest appeared to be neatly shaved, it made it look more defined and it looked quite nice too.

As Shane carefully waded me about in the water to help cool me, he said, "Would you mind splashing some water on my back and chest? I can still feel sawdust back there."

He must have known this was going to happen because he had picked me up holding me with my good arm free.

I cupped my hand and brought the water up to his neck and released. Anytime I got a handful of water, I brushed against his ass. I said, "Remember this? I think this dust gets in about every crevice and sticks." I laughed.

"Oh, don't do that here now! You're so wicked. I'll never get my freaking cock to stop throbbing."

"Well, I don't think you have to worry about that now. I feel it pressing up on my back!"

Next dip down, I casually slipped my hand between his ass cheeks.

He said, "I'm going to get you for this."

"Uh UH!" I said playfully

He casually strolled away from the others to deeper water so they couldn't tell what was going on. I happened to notice Alex, Larry and Sam in a splash fight because Alex was trying to show them the flurrbert. That would keep them busy. Spencer and Eric had gone to a deeper part also, and seemed awfully close for a brotherly relationship. But then again, this whole family seems to have quirks.

During the stroll to deeper water, my hand was having a hay day in Shane's ass. I thought, "Damn, I love the feel of it, he's hard but soft at the same time."

He whispered, "UMmmm, yeah, I'm about to unleash a load if you keep touching me like that."

I said, "If I remember correctly!" I said smiling "Like this?" as I increased the speed and depth that my hand was exploring his ass.

I could feel him tense up quickly and he was quite casual in how things looked to the others.

He said, "I'm going to get you for this ... oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" as quietly as he could manage.

I smiled and said, "I'll hold you to that," as I felt his dick throb and once again without being touched, I felt his warm ooze on my back. I thought myself, "Man, I wish I was that well in tune with my body to do that."

Then we heard Doc yell up from the road, "Ok guys, play time is over, let's get going."

We all got dressed rather quickly. Again the others were done before I could see anything. I thought, "Damn, how many times does this happen in a lifetime to see these many fine bodies in one spot? And I have to miss it because of a big bald guy and his hairy ass in the way."

We got back to the truck and everyone agreed that was refreshing.

Even Paige and Toby looked more alive. Toby still had a look of shyness to him, but he looked at me with those eyes while he held onto Larry's leg. Toby then said looking at me, "Daddy, why did ya do it?" Larry said, "Toby, he isn't your father." Then looked at me and said, "I never seen him act like this to someone new."

"I'm sure he will grow out of it."

When we got back to the road it was late afternoon. We came to a turn in the road where a huge tree was in the way. I saw Alex pick up something and tell Shane what he found, then he looked back at us in the truck. He then went to show Doc the find. He looked a little restless over this and gave Lidda that secret language look.

I asked, "Lidda, what do you think is going on?"

"Honestly, we knew this moment would come."

"What are you talking about?"

Lidda looked at Susan and said, "Would you and Toby like to help Alex move some debris?"

Susan looked at me and then at her mother. "Are you trying to get rid of me because I'm too young to hear this?" Lidda replied, "I thought you would like to get out for a minute to stretch your legs."

When Susan was with Alex, Lidda turned to me and said, "I want you to know will we all be here for you no matter what, OK?"

"You're starting to worry me. What is going on?"

Doc approached the truck peering thru Lidda's side and said, "You have been with us for several days and one thing we noticed is that you haven't shown much emotion about your ordeal. No nightmares or any strange behavior until your anxiety attack. Most people don't get this opportunity to confront that particular memory."

"What does an anxiety attack have to do with this?"

"Subconsciously, it was your mind's way of protecting you."

As he was talking, I glanced out the front and noticed Sam behind the tree limbs with Shane and Eric, peering over the ravine. He was looking emotional. It dawned on me what was happening. This is the spot where this all began. That's the tree that hit the car.

"I have a feeling this is the spot that I wrecked. Am I right? May I see the object you found out there?"

Doc held up a mud caked shoe and said, "Do you recognize this?"

"Yea, it's one of my shoes."

"Do you want to see the area that you were rescued?"

"I get the strong feeling you think this will this help in my recovery. What are you expecting to happen that you two are being so overprotective about?"

Lidda said, "Most people who do this experience some uneasiness, and it may unblock some memories. It could get very emotional for you."

"Do you mean like Sam is experiencing?" I looked to the boys by the tree and both Doc and Lidda looked in that direction and gasped.

"I told Shane not to let him do that just yet unless one of us was with him."

"Thomas, I think it's OK. It's Sam's way of sharing something with his brother that will help connect them better. Otherwise I think he would have waited."

I reached out to Lidda's hand and said, "I do trust you with my life and if you believe that this will help me recover, then I will need to do it. I want you two to help me."

"Anything for you, son. Just let us know when you're ready," Doc said.

"No better time than the present."

As Doc and Lidda were helping me out of the truck, I noticed the others act busy around the tree.

Doc carried me to the tree. I looked over at the rest of the gang and said, "I want you guys to help me with this also. You've all been a part of this from the start. It should be a family event."

Shane spoke up and said, "This is something you should do in your own way with the two people you grown to trust most."

Sam was still showing signs of his experience but added, "Be strong."

Doc brought me closer and showed me the area around the tree, and then down on the pavement, there were broken pieces of car remnants and a skid mark.

As I was staring at that, I was experiencing some flashbacks of that night and the moment the tree fell and I could tell I was starting to feel uneasy.

"I'm ready to see over the ravine."

I then got the chance to look down and see the remains of the night that changed my life. Lidda and Doc walked me over to the ravine while I held Lidda's hand. As we were walking to the side, I got this strange tingling and goosebumps all over me. It felt as if every hair on me was standing on end.

I noticed the slope had slid down somewhat from that night. I heard Lidda say, "Just take deep breaths." Then I glimpsed the car, which was nearly covered in mud and rocks, with just the rear end sticking out. I was starting to breathe heavily and have more flashbacks

I asked Doc if he could let me stand on my own feet. He carefully let me down while they both held my hands to help steady me

I took a few more steps forward to try to get a better look. The tingling I was feeling must have been felt by Doc, since he said, "Do you want to stop and try later?" I shook my head no.

The flashbacks just flooded my memory. There was nothing I could have done differently at that moment. I felt my stomach and chest tighten and got a lump in my throat, then felt very nauseous. I took off the glasses and I leaned over farther for a better look and the sudden feelings that came flooding back overwhelmed me, and I just started bawling. The memory of being thrown about in that car in complete darkness. The memory of cracking my wrist on the steering wheel and my foot sliding off the brake between the two pedals. The thought of being all alone at that moment was the most overwhelming feeling I have ever experienced. All I had on my mind was what would have happened if Sam hadn't found me. I could still be in that car and probably would have had a slow and lonely death.

Lidda and Doc started crying with me and saying, "It will be alright, we are here with you. Just let it out."

The feelings that were bombarding me were fear, pain, anger, loneliness and shock. I had never felt anything this emotional. I crushed the glasses with my hand. I hollered in anger while I shook and started sweating heavily, "Why ME?" and uncontrollably sobbed. I felt the hands of other family members on my shoulders and heard them saying soothing things to me but I couldn't comprehend them at the moment.

I then turned and saw Sam crying too. He came closer and I reached out for him and he took me in a hug. I was crying into his neck and saying, "Thank you" over and over again.

I must have overpowered him; he fell backwards with me on top of him.

We went from crying to a laughing fit. He said, "This is just like deja vu. Except, we have done this before."

I gazed into those blue eyes again and remembered how I saw them that night. I thought to myself, "He did a courageous and unselfish thing for a complete stranger. How many other people could do that?"

Doc and Shane helped me up off him while I was still doing a laughing/crying number. I looked at Sam, who was getting up and brushing off dirt. I said, "I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving me. You really are courageous and I owe you so much." He looked at me with an odd look and ran off behind the tree crying.

I said, "Now what did I say?"

Shane picked me up to help take me back to the truck while his dad went to talk to Sam.

Shane said, "He may be dealing with the emotions too. I am proud you were bold enough to face your trauma. It was hard enough to watch. I doubt if I could have dealt with it."

Still a bit shaky and still feeling the effects I said, "I think I would have had to at some point and knowing you guys were with me, helped. I couldn't have done it by myself. By the way, did you find my cell phone or laptop?" He just grinned and shook his head.

We then heard the sound of another vehicle in the distance coming toward us. As it came into view, it was a rather large truck with a snow blade on the front apparently to clear the road of the debris. The truck stopped and two men popped there heads out of the window. Sam said, "Thank God, it's Officer Petry and his brother."

The familiar looking driver looked around at us and said, "What are you doing standing around, waiting for a parade?"

Doc and Sam quickly approached the truck. The driver got out to talk to Doc and Sam. All three of them stood shaking there in heads in disbelief after a few minutes of talking. After some discussion, everyone piled into either truck and we took off for town.

It was just dusk when we arrived at the clinic. I was growing really tired from the long day of emotional ups and downs. It was hard to keep my eyes open. Doc opened my door while Shane was walking briskly to the truck, accompanied by the ER nurse with a wheelchair.

Doc said, "I'll be with you the whole time we are in here even though I may not be working on you. I have been too involved to keep an objective view."

"Thanks. I owe you and your family so much for your help."

"That's what we are here for, for each other. My family has really been taken with you."

As I was being put in the chair, Lidda leaned in to me and kissed my cheek and said, "We will be right here for you. Anyone I can call for you while you're being checked out?" She had a pen and paper ready.

I told her two phone numbers. One was my brother's, (he should be home by now from a business trip), and the other was my grandparents'. I told her, "Thanks! Once you're done with that, would you mind coming in my room and sitting with me? I've grown accustomed to knowing you're there and it helps relax me." She smiled and had a tear run down her face and she said, "You bet, I have grown accustomed to you also."

They wheeled me in to a private room and sat me on the bed. I saw Paige, Toby and Larry in the room across from mine in separated curtain cubes. They were getting changed into hospital gowns. Larry was having one heck of a time with his gown. It barely fit his huge body and good thing my vision was still a blur because his ass was out in the open for anyone to view passing by.

Doc was already talking with his colleague while a young male nurse came up to me and spoke in what I thought was an Australian accent and said, "Hi, I'm Jeff Hunter. You look rather like you got into a fight and lost," He said jokingly. He added, "I'll be checking a few of your vitals and then we'll get you out of these clothes so Dr. Nick can examine you better. Will you be comfortable with me doing that for you?"

I said, "Thanks, and no I don't mind. I appreciate you asking." I looked at him up and down. He looked kinda cool in his scrubs. He was very clean cut and took care of himself. He sat next to me and put my arm on his lap. The top of my hand was right on his crotch. I just wanted to feel what was under those pants but resisted. As he was taking various vitals and moving around, my hand was brushing up against what felt like a nice thick one. He made idle chat while he took my vitals. He then asked, "Are you ready to get out of those clothes?"

"Ready" I said. I thought, "Hell, I been naked and touched by more hotties this week than the past 6 months."

He said, "Let's lie back. Doc Noble told me to just cut them off since it will easier than putting you in any unnecessary movements."

He pulled out a pair of shears and carefully cut the fabric. Then he leaned over to the other side of me to cut that side. He was talking to me just to calm me and keep my mind on other things.

I could feel his groin against my arm every time he moved. He had his firm stomach right on my groin while he was cutting my pants off. I thought to myself, "Now how many guys can say that I got my pants cut off by a male nurse." I was showing obvious interest with a growing erection and must of turned a shade of red.

He looked at me and said, "Don't be shy, it happens, so don't sweat it."

He did a good job of removing my clothes, and soon I was lying there in the buff. He said, "I'm going to give you a sponge bath to get you cleaned up for the doc and get you a bit more sterile after your little trip today. Will you be OK with that?"

"Yes and again you're very kind asking if you can do all this. However, if I happen to sound a bit crikie, it's because I hate feeling this way so if we can shorten this up I would be happier. Just let me know in advance if something is going to hurt. I just want to get rid of this dam headache. UUGGHh. And I know how these doctors can be, so I've a got a code phrase ready and when you hear it, please interrupt them."

"I completely understand and will do my best to help you get better. Doc Noble assigned me to be your exclusive nurse till you're released from here with strict instructions not to leave you when you're sleeping. Now why would he request that?" He started with the sponge bath.

"I guess I have a habit of waking at short intervals and getting myself in trouble"

He was very careful and had great technique handling all areas of my body (and I do mean all). If I had to guess, I would have thought he and Shane took sponging 101 together.

He said, "I will keep a very close eye on you then."

As he finished with the bath and covered me with a sheet, both Doc Nick and Doc Noble came to talk to me and said, "The first thing needed is the unpleasant task of removing those casts and getting full x-rays and scans. Depending on those, the worst case scenario would be rebreaking the bones to set them properly and recast. We think the most concern for you will be when we approach the problem of your vertigo. This can be an unpleasant experience, but you will need to be awake for the procedure...."

I interrupted, sounding annoyed and using a phrase I just recently heard, "Blah blah blah, my wife's a dirty whore." They froze at that statement and I continued, "Now that I have your attention, check with Jeff for the play by play." My irritation wasn't with them but with the feeling of wanting to have this over and done with. I just wanted to feel better.

Even before I finished what I was saying, Jeff had both docs by the arm and was leading them to the door for a quick chat.

I heard Doc say, "In the few days I've known him, he hasn't shown an ounce of rudeness, but I can understand his frustration."

I must have dozed off for a moment, because all three of them and Lidda were looking over me when I opened my eyes again. Doc said, "You OK?"

"Tired," I said, keeping it short.

"I'll be here with you during this whole procedure." Lidda said.

"Thanks," I said with a smile, looking into her eyes.

She said she talked to my grandparents and were happy to know that I'm alive. She said your grandpa said to give you a big ..florrbet. I half smiled and said, "Thanks. That's...oh, ask Alex, he will know." Trying to be short as possible.

They started with x-rays and did lots of various scans. I was spared a lot of the play by play unless they were needing information. I could take the scrubbing of scabs, the poking and restiching in my groin and refit of casts but I never ever want to experience the feeling of having my neck stretched and cracked to help relieve the vertigo and headaches. I think I must have cried for well over 15 minutes because they needed me fully aware without any type of anesthesia for the procedure.

By now it was early morning and I must have only gotten an hour of nap time in the past 24 hours. All these procedures have had various degrees of pain and now I'm just feeling stingy uneasiness

Doc and Lidda came into the room and sat next to me.

"Ok, what's the bad news this time?"

"Who said anything about bad news? Can't we just visit you and show our support?"

"Well, lets see, you're a doctor and anytime in the past 14 hrs you been in here, you have had your sidekicks with you, so lets just get to the part of, I hope you take news well."

"Well it depends the way you look at it really, but we like to think of as good but probably something you didn't want to hear."

"Please tell me." I said dryly

"First, are your vision and headache better?"

"The headache is less intense but I can't tell with my vision, since I think I cried more in the last 2 hours than all year."

I think once you get some rest, you will notice more improvement."

"Anyways, we talked to your grandparents since your brother hasn't called back yet. We told them exactly what was going on and they thought the same way we did after we told them your condition.


"Many patients with your vertigo condition end up staying for a week or two in the hospital, but that's when they have severe cases and don't show much improvement. Those who show improvement are encouraged not to travel too far and are not allowed on aircraft for up to 3 months," Doc explained.

"So what are you trying to tell me?

"You have shown more improvement than anyone of us thought you would this early in the treatment, but you shouldn't be traveling though for at least another week.

"A WEEK? I don't want to stay in this place another..."

Doc interrupted, "Hang on there slick, let me finish."

"We talked to the family and everyone agreed you should stay with us for that time. That's if you want to, but your grandparents thought best of it too until your parents get back in town."

"Where is your family now?"

"Everyone has been in the lobby waiting to hear how you're doing."

"Wow that is really nice of them!!" I said

"What about my school work? It's finals week and I'm screwed! Not to mention that job in Nashville -- they probably have burned my application by now. Geez, I really didn't want to go back home and go back to class in the fall...." It seemed like all my anxieties arose at that moment and seemed I was yaking on and on. I was really starting to feel depressed and annoyed.

"HEY there Marcus, slow down just a notch. Don't let yourself get all worked up. I have heard it can be taken care of fairly easily, most colleges I know will allow you to catch up in cases like this and usually online." Doc mentioned

Lidda then said, "As far as your job prospects, we have an idea about that and would you believe Sam thought of it."

The story continues next week.........with Chapter 9: Where am I going now

If you like to make a comment about this story just contact me at

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Next: Chapter 9

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