Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Mar 7, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and hopefully the first of several planned installments.

I hope/plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive.

I welcome feedback, comments and suggestions, both positive or negative as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

This chapter may answer some questions but others will arise. I broke this up into 2 parts, because as I reread it all, I had the Kleenex out and I was writing it. It's just a lot to take in.

Now back to the story.........

Chapter 7 - On the road, Noble style (part 1) (Present day)

"Well, when do we leave? When do we leave?" I remembered saying that morning nearly 4 years ago as a soft beeping noise behind me slowly awakened me. It almost sounded like my alarm clock at home. As I opened my eyes I noticed that I was not at home at all. If I remembered correctly I should be at the hospital. The room was dimly lit and the TV was on but muted. I didn't notice or hear anyone else around. Nothing looked familiar. "Where the hell am I now?" I thought to myself. I looked toward the window and it appeared dark outside. I looked at the TV and tried to focus to see what was on. It was some old movie that I didn't recognize, so that didn't tell me squat either.

I did have the urge to goto the bathroom, and I was thirsty. Might as well kill 2 birds with one stone, right? I removed the sheet and I was wearing a hospital gown and nothing else. "Thanks as usual, guys, for leaving me something so my ass doesn't freeze off," I thought to myself as I slowly sat up and put my legs over the side of the bed. My side felt tender, so I felt it and found it was bandaged. I thought appendicitis was a routine procedure and didn't require much recovery time. Maybe mine was not ordinary much like my last four years since I met this family.

I squinted to try to regain my focus and look around the room. There were several bags sitting in some chairs, a purse and, of course, several arrangements of flowers and cards scattered about the room. I leaned over to smell the closest bunch of red roses (which happen to be my favorite) sitting on the tray stand next to my bed in a big vase of water, and they smelled freshly cut. They were arranged very interestingly just like the way my love has always done them. "He sure knows what makes me tingle, doesn't he. God I love that man," I said to myself. I wonder where the hell he is now.

Then I noticed that the bathroom door was closed but the light was on. I slid off the bed onto my bare feet. "HOLY CRAP this floor is ice cold!" I said hoarsely and started the tiptoe dance, while trying to hold the back of the gown closed to keep my ass from exposure. I noticed too late that there was an IV in my arm and while I was tiptoeing frantically around it got caught around the tray stand and tipped it over. The vase crashed on the floor and the water spilled everywhere, including my line of walk.

My feet flew out from under me just as the bathroom door suddenly opened and slammed me in the face and temple. I lost all control and whaled about until I fell backwards, hitting the back of head on the concrete floor.

As I was losing consciousness, I was unable to move but heard that familiar voice of Doc rushing in and saying, "Oh holy crap, n o w why didn't y o u stay with him? You know he always awakens from traumatic events faster than most people. Marcus if you can hear me, I'm sorry I left you alone."

Right before I lost consciousness from the pain, I heard my love next to me, holding my hand, crying and saying, "I didn't mean...."

***** (Return 4 years earlier)

"Well when do we leave?" I said excitedly

"I didn't mean right now. As soon as everyone is up. It's still a bit early in the morning. I'm sure everyone was as beat as we were, getting the bridge repaired yesterday," Shane said, stretching (unaware that his semi wood was pressing clearly against his boxers).

"Wow, busy beavers!! I still can't believe I slept over 18 hours. It only felt like a couple of hours. Today should be a good day then!!"

I then noticed Alex, who appeared to have a sad look on his face. I asked, "Are you OK, Alex?"

"Why are you in such a rush to leave? Sam was right, you're just going to forget about me when you leave here."

Shane remarked, "Sam said what?"

"Alex, what makes you think I'm going to forget about you? Whatever Sam said isn't true. You're a great friend and totally unforgettable."

"Well, once you're gone from here and get back to your life, why would you come back here?"

"OHH Alex, these past few days made think that life is an adventure and no matter how much you plan out things, you're going to be thrown a few curve balls along the way. I think it was in the cards that I ended up here meeting you. I wouldn't change anything."

Alex looked at Shane and started crying on his arm.

"What did I say wrong?" I asked

"I think you said something right. He really likes you and that's probably the best thing he's ever heard from a new friend"

Alex turned to me crying and asked, "Is it OK if I hug you? I don't want to hurt you?"

"I definitely can handle a hug, buddy."

I was surprised, as emotional as he was, he was very considerate not to hug me roughly. He said, "Marcus, you're my bestest new bud, and you're way cool, just like Shane."

"I think you're awesome too, Alex, you're very smart for a 12 year old, and way cooler than Shane," I said, hugging him back and winking at Shane.

Alex grinned while his eyes lit up and said, "I'm only 11 1/2!! Of course, we way cool and cute guys stick together."

Shane got a good laugh at that and joined us in a group hug. Alex had us both in his arms and kissed both our cheeks, saying, "You guys are the bestest."

We kissed him back on his cheeks at the same time and I made a "raspberry" sound on his cheek with my lips. I don't think he ever experienced that before. He moved his head back quickly and started laughing, which forced Shane's face and mine to move together and touch lips. As soon as his lips touched mine, I felt the most sensational feeling from him and my dick went hard. (Luckily I still had the sheet over my lap so it wasn't quite noticeable.) We didn't move for a couple seconds, and then pretended that we meant to do it so Alex would laugh. Shane just had to grin and bear it, and picked up a book to cover his bulging boxers.

Alex laughed so hard at that I thought he was going to wet his pants. That's when Shane and I started to laugh with him.

He finally asked, "What was that?"

"I've always called it a flurbbert. My Grandpa did it to me a lot when I was kid your age. Usually it's done on the stomach or back to get someone to laugh."

Still laughing he turned towards Shane and put his face to his stomach and tried it. His first try mainly got Shane slobbered on. I said, "Usually a little meat on the bones helps to get a louder effect, and since your brother is just about all muscle...." Then he tried again and it was a loud one. Alex turned and said, "I DID IT!!!" He turned back to Shane and did it again and just started laughing his pants off again.

"I guess it doesn't take much to entertain him, huh?"

"You guessed that right, he could talk about a rock for an hour if he wanted. Wait till we start our walk latter today, you will get to hear an earful then." Shane said

As Alex calmed down from laughing, he wanted to try it on me. Shane told him that wouldn't be wise to do at this time since I still injured. So Alex carefully hugged me again and said, "Wait till I show Sam that, he will love it."

Shane then said, "We should ...."

That's when the door opened and in walked Sam. He was rubbing his eyes without his glasses on and it was the first time I seen him not looking like a farmboy. He wore black lounging pants and a white tshirt. He was really a slim guy, I think Alex has more muscle on him. Hell, if he put on 20 pounds, he would look more like Shane. I didn't get why he wore such loose and odd clothes most of the time. When he stopped rubbing his eyes, I had a flashback of seeing them up close that night of the wreck. I always loved that particular shade of dark blue eyes, but his glasses seem to hide them.

Sam said, "Who's making all the racket in here? Some of us are trying to get a little rest before we get out of here this morning."

Alex got that look in his eyes and Shane picked him up before he tried to give Sam a flurrbert, not knowing how Sam would react it.

"Marcus finally woke up, so he and Alex were just having a bit of fun."

"Is that why the two of you are all wet and he isn't? Is Marcus being a practical joker on the two of you?" Sam said while Alex just giggled.

Sam stood with his arms folded and his mouthed puckered up. He said, "You didn't break anything else in here did you, Marcus? I am keeping a tab of the things you break so you can reimburse me later." He said that with a very serious look, and then after a few intense seconds he broke out a smile and said, "I'm just joking guys, lighten up, as you like to tell me. I'm going to lie down for little while longer, so keep the party down a few notches, OK."

"You could stay and chat with us for a few couldn't you?" I asked

"I would, but I think there will be a lot of talking done later today." He said, looking at Alex, and then added, "I would like to get some more rest until then" and then closed the door.

Shane looked at me shaking his head and said, "Once you get to know him, he is fun to be around. I just don't get what's really been bothering him lately."

Alex looked down at the floor, stammering like he wanted to say something.

I asked him, "Alex, something you like to say to us?"

"Well, we got in a fight yesterday, that's why we were dirty when you saw us. I got mad at him because I don't think he wants you around. He said once you're out of here, we won't see you again."

"I don't think it's me, I just happened to be brought here. From what I heard, he was like this before I got here. So it must be something on his mind that is causing him frustration. I'm new here so I don't have a clue what he is going through."

Shane said, "Let's not pick him apart now, let's see if he comes out of that shell later today on our way out. Let's just lay back down for awhile and get some rest for the big day ahead."

I knew these two were probably still tired from their work yesterday, so as they got back on their sleeping bag, I just laid back and stared at the ceiling and thought about what I needed to do after getting home. I have to catch up on my school work, find out if I still had the opportunity to get my interview, etc. I hadn't thought about all the pressures of school and home since I got here. Even though I feel like I've been beaten up several times, I still feel refreshed being here with this family. I do miss my electronic fixes, and I've been craving Reese's Pieces for days now. I was not expecting this detour in my life.

I must have dozed off for a few moments, because the next thing I heard was the door opening and Susan hollering, "WAKE UP!! WAKE..." followed by a wham thump and both Shane and Alex groaning, "SUSAN! Watch were you're going."

I sat up and looked down to see her, giggling and rolling around on top of her brothers. She said, "Why are you lying in front of the door anyway? Mama and I use the rocker to watch HUbmU ... HAMBUN..."

The three of us guys all said, "HAMBURGLAR" in unison, laughing at the whole scene.

She jumped up next to me, smiling and giggling, and said, "Now you're going to tell me about you, everything starting wif where you're from, how old you are and your family and your house, your car, your school ..."

I cut her off saying, "Woah, hold on there buckaroo. You're blazing a mile a minute."

Shane grinned ear to ear and said, "You're going to have your hands full today with these two in both your ears. She is just getting revved up!! It takes Alex a few minutes to catch up with her so he won't feel left out." He got an elbow from Alex for that remark and laughed.

Just then both Doc and Lidda came through the door and said, "Rise and shiners! Let's get the bacon sizzling and us on the road."

I thought to myself, "Who says 'Rise and Shiners' anymore? Odd but funny."

Lidda said, tongue in cheek with a slight southern drawl, "OK everyone go get ready; your father says we is on a time schedule."

The younger two ran out quickly, but Lidda stopped Shane and hugged him saying, "Thank you for staying with him."

He whispered back, "You're welcome. You needed your rest too." And then left to go get dressed, winking back at me.

Doc sat next to me and asked, "How are you feeling this morning, after your long, well- deserved rest yesterday?"

I grinned ever so slighty and said, "Feels like someone beat the hell out of me. I'm sore as crap and this damn headache is about to drive me batty. Other than that, just peachy. If I sound slightly annoyed, I am, I don't like feeling this way."

"I totally understand, son. We hope to get you to the clinic by lunch time. We will get you all fixed up again. We brought some loose fitting clothes for you to put on, and sunglasses. Do you think you can get them on yourself, or would you prefer us help you?"

I heard Sam's voice behind them say, "I'll help him put those on. You guys go get the rest of the gang going."

As they left the room, Sam carefully helped me put on the loose fitting outfit. He was back in his usual loose shirt and overalls.

I didn't say a word to him but looked him in the eyes. He looked at me and smiled then said, "I figure if I ripped it off, I better put it back on."

I smiled back and said, "Thanks."

A few minutes passed and I heard a lot of commotion going on outside the room. Doc and his brother came in and told me what the plans were to get out to the road. I now noticed how similar the two brothers looked. Both were built much the same except Spencer was younger and more toned. Doc had more gray coming in on the sides but still was fit. I finally put a finger on it and thought he resembled Richard Gere in a way.

I was going to be in the truck with Lidda and Susan while the others made their way ahead to clear the way if needed. I asked, "Do you happen to have rope, a bow and arrow, duct tape" and a couple other supplies that I don't think they had anticipated.

"What is all that for?" Spencer asked.

"I may not have been a boy scout, but as an engineer you never know when you may need to pull a McGyverism."

"Good thinking Marcus," both men replied.

The sun was just starting to rise and I was sitting in the truck with Lidda and Susan, right before the makeshift bridge, while the rest of the gang made sure it would hold us. Lidda said, "This is making me nervous. Someone else is going to have to drive over that."

Shane walked up to the truck and told Lidda, "I can drive over that if it's making you nervous, Mom." She didn't hesitate to let Shane have control of the truck.

He grinned at both of us when he got in and said, "Ready for some fun?"

"Haven't these past few days been fun enough already?" I said while Susan giggled.

"I'm sure the road home latter will be just as fun and exciting."

We made it over and the road ahead looked like a challenge in the making. There were trees and rubbish strewn everywhere.

Lidda took over driving the truck again while Spencer and Eric took the chainsaws, Doc and Shane had shears, and Sam and Alex cleared the small stuff. I got a good look at Eric now that he was cleaned up from the previous time I saw him. He didn't look like either of his brothers, nor do Doc's boys resemble him either. He wore carpertener jeans and one of Shane's body hugging t-shirts on. I did enjoy the way the jeans just seem to sit on his hips and how well his back was defined in that t-shirt. Maybe he was adopted or something. I just don't see the family resemblance.

I told Lidda, "I should be out there helping them. I feel like (sorry about this Susan) I feel like little girl that can't do anything."

"Marcus, just relax, you know with your injuries that's not possible."

"I know, just kinda thinking out loud. How far is it to the next bridge?"

"Oh, I hope this doesn't have to be a play by play all the way there," Lidda said while starting a good giggle. Susan held her hands over her mouth and giggled with her mother.

"AAhh, your boys did say you have some sense of humor."

Lidda smiled and said, "I let it show every once in a while."

Lidda then said, "I have been curious about what your family maybe thinking about your disappearance. I'm sure your parents are getting very worried about you."

"Actually, no they won't be,.."

Susan's jaw dropped and interrupted me asking, "Your momma and daddy don't care about you?"

Lidda said, "Susan that is something you just don't ask to a guest in our home. Marcus I'm sorry for her rude directness."

"But Momma we aren't at home now, he is sitting right here next to me."

I said, "If you let me finish you silly gooses, they left the same day I did to take a 2 1/2 week Alaskan cruise, so I don't expect them home for another week or so. They never call to check up on anything when they vacation. My two older brothers are out of town also. My friends at school are probably wondering where I'm at but not the type to start a frantic search"

Both of them said, "OH, ok" Lidda looked a little embarrassed though.

I looked at Susan and she looked like she was bursting to say something between giggles.

I looked at Lidda and she shook her head as if to say, "Go ahead and get her started."

I asked, "Susan, you look like you want to say something?"

She looked me and said, "Hey buckaroo, I'm blazing a milky a minute."

I started laughing and said, "That's, you're blazing a mile a minute?"

This little girl loves to giggle and laugh and talk and take a conversation in any direction. She then said, "Have you ever been to Dollywood?"

"No I haven't, but my cousin Scott worked there for a couple years."

"You will love it. I want you and I to go there when you get better. I'll show you everything. Alex goes with his best friend Zach and their moms during the summer." She talked about Dollywood for well over 20 minutes. I could practically walk in there and know where to go and what to do without a map.

While she was telling me the Dollywood story, I noticed Alex following Shane a lot and looked like he was talking up a storm. Shane didn't seem annoyed by that at all and would turn and acknowledge him at various times. That must be why he is called Shane's Shadow. I think the boy idolizes him. I also noticed Sam keeping to himself while the others conversed at various times.

I then noticed the guys stop and all converge on a group of twisted trees along the road.

Lidda noticed also, and said, "We are near Mrs. Wilkinson's driveway, I wonder what they are deciding."

Alex was sent back to the truck. He told us, "I think Mrs. Wilkinson's car is under all that. They didn't want me to see anything."

While they were all working in that area, I happened to glance up the hill and thought I saw a young boy jumping up and down.

I asked, "Lidda, what do you see up there?"

Susan hollered, "It's Toby! It's Toby!"

All the guys stopped when they heard Susan and looked up the hill to see the young boy. Shane was the first to take off up the hill to see what was going on. His father was yelling, "Be careful, be careful, its probably ..." as Shane dropped out of sight.

I heard Lidda and Susan gasp.

Eric was a few feet behind him and stopped in his tracks as he saw Shane drop out of view. He yelled back, "Get the rope and harness!!" Spencer already was at the truck getting the gear, then up the hill in a flash like he already knew what Eric was thinking

Sam started up the hill too, but he took another direction to get to the boy. He reached him fairly easily, being careful where he stepped. It appeared the child was attached to a limb which made the illusion that he was jumping up and down.

Doc was in the truck bed getting his medical bag ready just in case anyone was hurt.

I said, "I really do want to help," as I started to open the door. Doc held the door and said, "We don't need you in any more danger. You're not 100% or even 75%, so for your own health stay here." Susan then grabbed me lightly by the arm and said, "I don't want you to get hurt."

I have never felt more useless and angry at myself in my life as I was right then, but I knew they were right. I guess I can get a bit hardheaded.

We then saw Shane being pull up into view carrying a woman on his back. She looked rather disheveled. Sam arrived with the young boy, who was dirty but looked quite calm. Doc asked Toby a few questions but the boy wasn't answering. He looked like he didn't even hear him. Doc said, "I think he may be in shock about whatever occurred in this area in the past few days." Toby looked to be the same age as Susan. I looked at her and it seemed for the first time she was speechless.

Shane arrived with the woman and sat her down. Both of them were filthy. She was awake but looked very shaken and shocked and then she seemed to slowly realize life existed and she noticed everyone, including her boy. Very weakly she said, "Is this for real, are you all really here? Toby, are you OK? Toby?"

Doc asked, "Paige, what happened?" She shook her head and seemed to cry while holding her son.

I then noticed Eric and Spencer pulling a rather big man up out of the hole. He was definitely taller than either of them and wider too, just all bulk. It took both of them to get him down the hill to the truck. He too looked to be in a shell shock state.

Toby finally got the life back into him like his mother had and looked around. When he saw me, his eyes popped open and he started crying more in horror than happiness and pointed at me. He said, "Mommy, Mommy! Daddy is back; daddy is back; don't let him hurt me!" and ran into her arms. Talk about weirdness to the max!

Everyone looked at me and I said in amazement, "I never met any of them before?"

Lidda said, "Toby doesn't talk much except to his mother and Susan. Other than that if he says anything to anybody that is substantial."

As Doc and Lidda checked out each person out, they seemed to get more aware of the surroundings. Doc said, "They check out OK but are dehydrated and weak from lack of sleep. We need to get them to the clinic also."

Shane came around to my window. He looked a mess. I said, "I think you need a spa bath," with a huge grin.

He said, "If you're volunteering, I'm game when we get back"

I asked, "What happened to you up there?"

"The hillside slid and cracked open, and both of them were trapped in there. I didn't notice it until too late and look at me now. I feel like I almost broke something working in that tight area."

"I get the feeling that you really don't have much trouble working in tight areas," I said with a shy grin. Luckily the sunglasses hid the sparkle in my eye. He grinned while he took his shirt off to wipe some of the dirt off his face and moved to the back of the truck to get a clean shirt. I was afraid my pants were going to show off my erection upon seeing his awesome torso glimmering, wet in the sun.

I started thinking it was nearing lunch time and we were probably behind Doc's schedule according to Lidda.

Doc verified this, looking at his watch and saying, "OK guys, it's getting close to lunch and we are behind schedule."

We all agreed to get going and pass around the food as needed.

Lidda introduced me to her neighbor Paige, Paige's son Toby, and her brother Larry. Larry looked like a bouncer and was as big and bald as Mr Clean. They all still looked a bit confused, but clearer than we first saw them. They could all use a good washing down also, both for dirt and smell, or we could just spray them with something. After they had something to eat and drink they soon dozed off in the back of the truck

The guys made good headway the next half mile and then stopped. Lidda said, "This is about where Spencer's and Eric's drive starts. Sam and Eric went through the downed trees and were gone a few minutes. They returned and said, "The hillside with their driveway washed away and left a nice gully across this road. Another makeshift bridge will be needed. Luckily what we have in the the truck should work."

Once they got the trees cleared and the patchwork bridge in place, Sam said, "The truck will need to be as light as possible to make the several feet over the makeshift span." So we all had to get out. Doc told Shane to take care of me since he knew he could carry me steadily. I was rather excited at having him hold me once again, even though he was dripping wet and dirty. His shirt was again clinging nicely to his wet chest...."

Doc had everyone go to the other side first and then Sam would drive the truck across since he was the lightest driver available.

It was Shane's turn to take me over the temporary bridge and about halfway over, I think Sam accidently hit the horn and it went off, scaring me. I was struck with some type of panic attack. My head started spinning and I groaned in pain then yelled out something. I think I may have clawed my fingers into Shane and it startled him into losing his balance. I heard Lidda scream in fear. What happened next was a blur.

The next thing I remember is laying across the laps of Doc and Lidda. They were trying to calm me down. Fanning me with some cardboard. Both of them said, "Take a deep breath and let it out slowly."

I lay there for a few moments, doing as they said. I looked over and saw Shane laying in the laps of Alex and Susan with Eric and Spencer attending to him. Doc saw me move and said, "He will be OK. He saved you first before he took a fall himself." I looked up at them and starting crying and slowly shaking my head. I never felt so bad about putting someone else into harms way because of me.

"Marcus, it's going to be all right. You didn't know this was going to happen. It's going to be OK, it's not your fault, just relax." Lidda had the most soothing motherly voice. It was working. I started to relax and then heard Shane's voice, "I'm going to be ok. You're safe with us; we'll make it," which helped me get a grip.

I realized Shane wasn't hurt as badly as I had thought. He bashed his elbow and had a few scratch marks that I made in my panic. I asked Doc, "What would cause me to have a panic attack like?"

"Most of the time it's the feeling of not being in control, and facing unknown events. You have had plenty of that over the last couple days and it just happened to catch up to you today at that moment at the sound of the horn."

I started to feel better except I was perspiring heavily. Everyone took a small break while I regained some of my composure. Sam got the truck over the gully safely and we all got back to our positions.

We soon were back on our way and it was getting to be late afternoon. I looked over at Lidda while Susan was nappin in my lap. I asked in that southern drawl, "Do you think we are off schedule by much?"

She looked at me and just laughed and then said, "Better not let Tom hear that or he'll have a short circuit." We both chuckled over that one.

We came to a fourth drive connecting to this road. The guys walked up it and came back after a few minutes. Doc came to the truck to tell Lidda, "There seems to be no sign of the Fishers." Lidda replyed, "Oh I think they told me they had a business trip and would be back in a few days. If that is correct, they should be back by now. Did anyone check the house to see if they are there?"

"Spencer and Eric are doing that now while Sam is checking around the perimenter to make sure."

Once everyone returned to the truck and found no signs of the people that lived there, we started our trek once more.

We finally came to a bend in the road between two rock cliffs, and Lidda said, "This is our entry way to the back of this valley and it doesn't look too promising." The guys slipped through the trees and were gone for nearly 5 minutes.

They returned to the truck with glum faces and Doc said, "Well we figured out why no one has tried to come back here. The bridge was sheared away so neatly that with the trees down, it doesn't even look like there is a road back here."

"So what does that mean exactly?" I asked.

"Well, unless we have the materials to build an instant bridge, we will need to learn some rock climbing." Sam said with a rather annoyed tone.

I said to Doc, "Do you remember me saying you never know when you may need to pull a McGyverism? Well I have an idea!!"

Part 2 will be coming soon

If you like to make a comment about this story just contact me at

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Next: Chapter 8

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