Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Feb 24, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. IF material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, PLEASE STOP READING.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and hopefully the first of several planned installments.

I hope/plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive.

I welcome feedback, comments and suggestions, both positive or negative as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

Now back to the story.........

CHAPTER 6 - Meet the Neighbors

"SAM! You talk to me now! Otherwise I'll never talk to you again and Marcus will be my new brother." Alex yelled

"Alex, you're on my last nerve, and you wouldn't understand anyway. Besides, Marcus won't be around long. He's gone as soon as we can get him out of here. He will forget about you. NOW GO BACK TO THE HOUSE before I kick your ass!" He turned and started walking briskly away from Alex.

Alex stopped crying, and his face showed he was quite angry at what Sam just said to him. He started running as fast as he could towards Sam and tackled him into the muddy grass off the driveway. . Alex started whaling on him and screaming, "Go ahead and try you ass, Marcus isn't leaving for good and he won't forget us! You hate him, don't you?"

As they rolled around on the ground with Sam trying to regain the upper hand, they didn't notice the two guys riding horses make their way out of the woods. Just as Sam got Alex pinned to the ground and started to raise his hand to smack Alex, he felt another hand grab his from behind.

Sam turned to look to see who had his hand and gasped, "How did you get here?"

The tall man looked at Sam and said, "The real question is, What the hell are you trying to do your little brother? He's a lot smaller than you and you look like your about to whoop his ass."

Alex stopped screaming with a look of utter surprise, seeing who was here now. The man said, "Both of you get up and explain to me why you are in this brawl."

Sam broke his arm free of the man's grip and said, "What the hell does it matter to you? You're not my keeper! The little shit won't leave me alone." He then noticed the horses behind the man and another male.

"Sam, how do you think a 12-yr-old boy can possibly hurt you?"

Alex yelled out as he got to his feet, "Uncle Spencer and Uncle Eric!!!!" He ran up to Spencer jumping into his arms.

Sam just rolled his eyes and muttered some foul words as he turned to head to the bridge. Spencer looked up and said to Sam, "I hope you take news well, but the bridge isn't there."

"DUUUUHHH, like I didn't know that! I'm heading that way to get away from everyone here and get help."

"My, My, someone sure didn't eat his Wheaties this morning."

Alex just starting snickering and said, "and and someone, and gots it bunches up in a wad."

Both Eric and Spencer bursted out laughing over Alex's bungling of that phrase. "Always the comedians aren't we?" Sam yelled back.

Alex whispered to Spencer and Eric, "He's been a crank for the past several days." Eric replied, "Something sure is yanking his chain."

"Glad to see you're concerned about other people's well being." Eric responded back to Sam.

"Almost didn't recognize you two, being filthy and smellin' something fierce, if we were strangers we think you two escaped from a penal facility or something" Sam said in a raised voice.

Spencer put Alex down and started patting him down to get the dirt off him and then said, "Looks like you're going to need a change of clothes and a shower, as dirty as you got."

Alex asked, "How did you get in here, if we can't get out? You look like you've been mining or you fell in a hog pit and you smell just like one."

"We'll tell you all about it in a bit. Is everyone OK here? Let's go talk to your mom and dad."

Then they heard an odd sound coming form a horse from the barn. They turned to see where it was coming from and then saw Sam running full steam ahead to the barn.

"We better go see what's going on in there, guys." Spencer got up on his horse and pulled Alex up with him, and they started to trot to the barn right behind Sam.

As they got to the barn, the horse noise was getting louder and they could hear Sam crying and yelling, "DAD ... DAD!"

As Shane and I were about to head back into the house to Sam's room, we heard a horse making an odd sound out by the barn, and Sam yelling for his dad

All three of us felt stunned and wondered which way to go. Doc decided to get a quick check of the seriousness of my bleeding and then we should all go to the barn and take care of everything there. Doc said, "I don't think you're in any immediate danger but we will need to get back here quickly after we see what Sam is yelling about."

Walking very briskly out to the barn, we came around the side and were surprised to see two men on horses with Alex sitting in front one of them and preparing to dismount.

I noticed Doc did a double take and then looked over to Shane and rhetorically said, "What took them so long to get here?"

Shane looked at me and explained, "My uncles."

"Ahhh," I said. I noticed the guy with Alex vaguely looked like the younger version of Doc, but the other one didn't resemble anyone else in the family in any way I could see. Then again they looked like a bag of mud was thrown at them.

We all just like looked at each other walking into the barn. Alex did say to Shane, "Marcus looks like a dummy and you the ventricklous, ventricklites,"

"Yeah, we got it, thanks," both of us said to him.

Spencer heard Alex's attempt at humor and whispered to Shane, "Is he your new shadow?" while looking at me. We both smirked grins at him.

I did notice as we walked in the barn that the uncles, Alex and Sam all were filthy. I glanced at Shane and saw that he noticed also. But I think it was the smell from the uncles that got our attention the most.

I finally got a look at Sam's horse. Even though she was about to squeeze out a new life, I thought I had never seen such a beautiful horse. I could understand why Sam cared for her so much.

As Doc helped Sam with the horse, we stood out of the way, giving them space to do what was needed. When we saw the beginnings of a birth, I became rather pale. We then decided to go outside and wait.

Once we got outside, Spencer and Eric introduced themselves to me. They asked who I was and who beat me up. I said, "I am Marcus Cooper. Good to meet you guys. I just had little run-in with a ditch."

Alex added, "Isn't he just too cool?" Spencer replied with a sly look, "Aren't you a bit worried that he is going to be known as 'Shane's Shadow' now instead of you." Alex had no reply but the look he gave his Uncle was priceless.

Eric asked Shane, "Just how long have you been holding Marcus like that? I would think your arms would just about be numb." Shane replied with a slight smile, "Well, he actually isn't very heavy at all, and I'm working out so I can get big like you guys." It seemed like only ten minutes passed while Sam's horse gave birth to a new filly. Sam said he would stay there for awhile, and Doc said he had to go check out Marcus again. . Doc made a quick exit from the barn to where the rest of us were talking.

Doc looked at Alex and asked, "What happened to you?"

Alex looked up at Spencer with a pouty face and Spencer answered for him, "He fell when he saw us coming up the lawn.

Doc said, "Funny, did he and Sam both fall in the same puddle?" Alex was studiously pretending not to hear his father.

Doc said to Alex, "Well talk about it later. We need to get Marcus in the house and check out that bleeding."

Then he turned to Spencer and gave his a brother a hug. "Hell, I'm glad to see you!!!" Then motioned to Shane and we all started walking to the house. Doc asked, "Did you two happen to fall in the same puddle at these other two? And what air freshner did you use before you left the house, La Oink Oink Piss Piss?"

Spencer and Eric looked at each other and said, "Not quite."

Doc said, "I'll want to hear more about it in a bit, but Marcus is the focus now."

Shane quickly got back to Sam's room along with his father. He sat me back on the bed and we both looked at the small bloody area on his arm.

As he was closing the door, I saw Lidda and Susan trying to peer in. Doc whispered something to Lidda as she wiped away tears.

He turned and said, "We need to get you out of those shorts." Shane volunteered while his father opened his medical bag. We both noticed the sblotchy red spot on the shorts.

Shane looked at me square in the eye. After looking at my backside, he got a determined expression and said, "I was trying to help. I didn't mean to hurt you again."

Doc said, "Marcus, we're going to lay you down, and Shane is going to raise your legs and separate them so I can get a look at what's going on."

I asked, "How serious do you think this is?"

"You may feel some pain, and I'm about out of pain relievers."

Doc looked around my groin area and I could feel a wet cloth being patted in the area. I could feel my dick begin to rise. Doc asked, "Have you had a hard-on earlier this morning also Marcus?" Shane kept his eyes locked on my eyes. Doc looked at both of us and then at Shane

I answered, "Yes, while we were in the spa, it just worked its way up." I never have felt nire embarrassed around a doctor talking about my woody's.

"Marcus, I think you're going to be fine, that would explain why a couple of stitches are coming loose. Also I need to take a closer look at something else in a minute. First, Shane, what did you do out there to scrape those? Second, let me see your arm."

Shane extended his arm and with another cloth Doc wiped the blood off his arm. He said, "It wasn't Marcus bleeding. Shane has a small scrape that bled between you two."

Shane then said, "Well the door to the spa slammed into it. I didn't feel anything scrape. So am I going to live, Dad?"

"Always the wisenheimer aren't you?" Doc grinned, then added, "You two are going to drive me to drink!! Well, since we have you in this awkward position Marcus, I'll finish your exam and then let you get some rest."

"Thanks, Doc. I think that is the story of my life now, totally awkward." I let out a nervous laugh.

As Doc was finishing his exam, Shane ran a cool washcloth over my face again to remove the beads of sweat from that little shocker.

"I think your going to be fine for a bit, but I'm still concerned with that abrasion on your temple. You still have that headache, don't you?"

"Yes, but it's less intense than before."

Shane found another pair of loose boxers and put them on me and helped get me tucked back under the comforter.

When Doc opened the door, Lidda was already waiting to come in. She said, "We thought we would a have a picnic here with you before you head off to dreamland. The other boys are not allowed inside until they are clean." Susan came strolling in close behind her. They both started giggling

I asked, "OK you two, what's so funny now?"

Susan laughed, "Oh nuffin, we were trying to think of a new nickname for you." She seemed to be hiding something behind her back.

"Oh great, what could you have come up with?" as I shook my head with a smile."

Susan couldn't hold in it and blurted out, laughing, "Hamburglar!" She held up a picture she said was drawn by Alex of what I looked like with all that paint on me.

Everyone in the room burst out laughing. Shane added, "Or Big Ham."

"Thanks guys, that's exactly what I needed to brighten up my day," I said with a huge grin.

Lidda then set a plate and a glass of water in front of me and we all ate breakfast together. "Are Sam and Alex going to join us also? How can it be a family picnic without them?" Susan asked, looking around for them.

"Sam ate earlier and wanted to get out of the house to do stuff (she sounded about to choke up and Shane and I glanced at each other quizically.) As far as Alex, I thought he was right behind us," Lidda said, looking at Doc. Her expression said, "She doesn't know the uncles are here now."

Susan then asked, "Why is Sam so mad latetly? Is it because Marcus stole his room and broke all his art stuff?"

"I sure hope not," I said, "Maybe he doesn't like the lack of electricity and phone service. I know I'm sure really starting to miss them."

By now my eyes were really getting heavy and Doc noticed I was slipping away into sleep. That's when he said, "OK everyone, Marcus needs some well deserved rest, so let's go help Sam out with the bridge. Everyone, let's roll!"

Susan ran up to me, planted a kiss on my cheek and said, "I told you I would give you one!! You're just like an instant new brother, only funnier. When you wake back up will you tell me more about where you came from?"

"OK, done!! A little hint though, Earth," I said. That got a lot of laughs, except from Susan. She didn't know what to think about that. I think the humor went over her head.

Everyone left except for Lidda. She shut the blinds. "I'm going to stay with you for a while. I think we really don't want a repeat performance of last night," she said with a smile, "Plus, your folks surely must be missing you by now."

"Thanks, I appreciate that,." I said, and added, "I'll fill you on them latter."

Susan looked back in and said, "Momma can I stay with you and Marcus, please?"

"Yes you may, as long as you remain quiet and take a nap with him. He really needs to get rested." Susan said, "I can do that."

She pulled a rocker up next to the bed. Susan sat in her lap and Lidda held my hand, humming some familiar tune which I thought was Unbreak my Heart, as I fell asleep.

Doc and Shane walked back out to the barn to where they had left Alex and the uncles playing with the horses.

Doc asked, "What happened to you two anyway?"

Spencer said, "We were at the house the other night and getting ready to leave when the gust of wind started ripping the roof off. So we thought we better get the truck and head over here to make sure you guys were OK."

Doc looked puzzled and said, "You do know that was two days ago."

"Of course. You didn't let me finish, as usual."

Shane added, "That's what doctors do you know." Doc gave him that "Oh shut up" look

Spencer continued, "We were about to back the truck out of the garage when it basically blew apart around us. We were trapped in there overnight. By the time we escaped from the garage the other truck had been squished by a tree. We tried walking down to the road but with the amount of trees and rubbish strewn about we decided to get the horses and try to ride out. The barn was being blown apart also. Luckily the horses got out, but we had to find them. Then path to your house here is gone too. The old homestead is pretty much in ruins. Getting here wasn't that easy either. We had to make a lot of backtracking. Your little creek is more like a mini Colorado River now, the horses could barely make it across."

Doc said, "So the damage from here to the main road is probably worse than we thought. Now isn't that just our luck!"

"Why the concerned look, Thomas?"

"Sam rescued that young man on his way home during that storm and he was pretty banged up. I need to get him to the clinic, but he's in no shape to be walking there or riding a horse. We had planned to get a makeshift bridge in place by day's end to get him the treatment he needs."

"SAM rescued him!!" both Spencer and Eric responded with surprise

"Guys, we'll help you with that project and try to get it done faster. We also need to find out if our kids are OK, but first were starved and need to shower and get fresh clothes. Care to help us out there ol' bro?"

"Happy to help out anytime. So the boys weren't with you?"

"Nope, went to their mother's for the week"

"Well, I think Lidda is in with our guest, but I think she had some breakfast leftover in the kitchen. It's not much since, the power and phones are out."

Shane added, "I'll get the springs ready so you can get cleaned up, and I'll let you borrow some of my clothes."

Spencer said "Well that's nice of you. We know how the springs works so you two go do what you need to do and then meet up with us. Also remember, I am a bit wider in the shoulders and hips than you. I'll look like the hulk wearing your stuff. Eric is closer to your size though."

Doc looked at Alex and said, "Son, you need to go with them to get cleaned up also. Shane will get your clothes for you. Mother will have a fit if you walk in like that and get dirt in the house."

As they headed for the springs, Doc went back into the barn to tell Sam something, but when he got there Sam was sound asleep next to his horse. So he left him alone to get a little shut eye. He sat next down to Sam and fell asleep quickly.

Shane had Alex go with him up to his apartment above the garage so he could help carry the clothes.

As they were heading to the springs, Alex was on one of his customary non-stop ramblings, talking to the ground, following his older brother, and not paying attention to anything else. As Shane came around the corner of the walkway bridge, he stopped in his tracks at what he saw and knew he had to keep Alex from seeing what he saw.

As he stopped suddenly, Alex, still chatting away, walked right into Shane's backside and fell back on the ground.

Shane swooped him up and started walking back on the bridge. Alex asked "Where are you going now? We were almost there."

"Oh, I forgot something up in the apartment. I only brought 1 towel when we need 3." Alex looked confused and said, "Well, what the hell did you put in your bag then, bags of chips?"

"No, but you know how I forget stuff. I put a variety of shirts in there that they could choose from."

"I'll go get them for you then," Alex eagerly volunteered, as Shane expected.

As Alex went back up to his apartment, Shane casually strolled back around the bridge to where he could hear Alex but still get an eyeful of the view.

He watched as Spencer and Eric, in the buff, scrubbing each other down, also having some fun in the process. He had never watched gay men in a sensual moment. He always admired their physiques, and was trying to get a close look at Eric's body. Spencer was the younger version of his dad, but Eric had a great body to look at, especially his ass, and his dick was bigger than Spencer's and even his own, about 8 1/2 inches. And Shane had never seen a chest that was neatly groomed. He had to shave it to keep it in that perfect T shape that complemented his toned chest and abs. Shane observed them kissing and fondling each other playfully. They obviously cared about each other very much.

Shane heard Alex hurrying back, making enough noise to wake the whole farm. So he whistled to catch Spencer's attention and they quickly separated.

As Alex and Shane approached the dry area of the springs, Spencer said, "When did you guys add that feature?" Pointing to a new fixture hanging over the dry area. They were thoughtful enough to hide there enormous erections from Alex's view for the moment.

"Sam thought of it a couple weeks ago, do you like it?"

"We don't really know how to use it," both answered, laughing. "Alex will show you in a bit when he is done cleaning up." Shane told Alex to get undressed and get over with the uncles while he got the soaker ready.

Alex got down to his boxers and stopped, looking down, obviously uncomfortable. Spencer noticed and cleared his throat for Shane to notice. He looked at Shane and Spencer moved his eyes to Alex.

Shane turned around and said, "Alex, are you OK?"

"Um, yea, I'm ok." But he looked like he was about to cry.

Shane walked over to him and sat next to him with Alex's back away from the guys, so Shane could look in their direction.

"Want to tell me about it?"

Alex shook his head no.

"Are you sure? Well, just whisper in my ear what it is then. You know you can tell me anything."

Alex fidgeted for a few moments and then whispered in his ear that he felt really embarrassed, being the youngest one here and, you know, not fully grown in a certain spot like they are and they will laugh.

Shane smiled and hugged him and whispered back in his ear, "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. We all were your age once and felt the same way. It's tough being a kid isn't it? Besides, you should laugh first, that will shut them up. Would it help if I took everything off also, so we all are equally naked?"

Alex nodded yes and then hugged his brother tight. Alex said with a big smile, "You're the best!!"

Shane looked toward to Spencer and Eric and mouthed "He's embarrassed," then said "Everyone is going butt naked!!!"

Spencer added, "Well, that should warm this water up more, with all these hot guys here. I'm sure Alex would get a lot of attention if we had girls here. They would just want to squeeze those cute cheeks, all four of them."

Alex got a braver look on his face and dropped his shorts. He put his hands on hips and said "TA - DA" But then covered his 'shy guy' with his hands and waited for Shane to undress. Shane quickly took his clothes off too and put his hand on Alex's back to lead him over to the falling water. Spencer and Eric made small talk with Alex to keep Alex's mind off his naked body.

After a few moments under the water, Alex then turned away from them but didn't move.

Shane bent over to him and asked, "Do you need help scrubbing?"

Alex shook his head no and seemed ready to cry again.

"Alex, can you whisper in my ear again what's on your mind?" Shane asked, knowing full well what Alex was crying about.

Alex whispered he had no control over his 'little guy' and it was sticking up.

"Well, do you know it happens to all of us? It's really totally normal for that to happen. It happened to all of us, too." As he spoke he started stroking himself to get his dick up, and then turned to the guys and motioned to "get 'em up."

Alex said, "No you don't, you guys have control over it."

"Not all the time, buddy. Turn around and take a look."

Alex turned slowly around in his full glory and noticed all the guys were sporting big ol woodys and loosened up. He seemed to check out each one. He asked the guys in a very curious manner like any youngster would, "Will mine ever get that big as Eric's, or round as Spencer's or a slightly curved one with a big end like Shane's?"

Eric answered, "Time will only tell buddy, but from the looks of it, you will probably enjoy the best of everything!!!" And they all laughed together.

Alex did what he did best and didn't shut up till they dried off.

(Latter in the wee morning hours)

I slowly opened my eyes to find the room darker than it had been earlier. I did notice a faint light over to one wall. It only felt like a couple hours had passed. I then heard heavy breathing occurring down on the floor.

I slowly rose to a seated position and looked around. It appeared there was a battery operated lamp near the door. My slight headache was still making its presence known. I looked at the floor and there were Shane and Alex sound asleep on a sleeping bag, both in just their boxers. The sheet that half covered them was mostly around Alex, and Alex was resting his arm on Shane's chest. Even when asleep, Shane still can look really good. He seemed to be sporting some wood. And so was I.

I coughed and felt my throat was dry. I was trying to carefully reach over for the water pitcher and clumsily knocked it off the table right onto Alex and Shane.

They flew up faster than anything I had ever seen, both dripping wet and looking around for something. Then they saw me.

With a very embarrassed look on my face, I said, "Whoooppps!"

"NOW you decide to wake up!" Shane said with a big grin as he looked at the comforter that showed my slight bulge.

Alex added, "What was that for anyway?"

"I was thirsty, sorry!"

"That's not surprising, you've been out for just over 18 hours."

"Eighteen hours! Are you serious? How the hell did I do that?"

"You snore worse than a drunken truck driver at a rest stop," Alex said, looking around for something to dry off with. Both Shane and I grinned at each at Alex's little quip.

"Dad said as much damage you have, and your lack of rest, you were due for it. We've all been trading times to stay with you, but we do have some good news. We are going to get you to the clinic today."

"Well when do we leave?" I asked, excitedly


If you like to make a comment about this story just contact me at

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Next: Chapter 7

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