Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Feb 15, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters. If material of this nature offends you or not allowed wherever you are, LEAVE NOW.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and hopefully the first of several planned installments.

I hope/plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive.

I welcome feedback, comments and suggestions, both positive or negative as long as constructive which can be directed to me at

I have had the pleasure of reading other stories on this site and found 3 or 4 I look forward to reading on a regular basis that gave me inspiration to try my hand at this also.

In the gay male college section.... "my roommate nick" and "three roads"

Now back to the adventure, enjoy the story.....

Chapter 5 - An Eruption (return to the farm 4 years earlier)

Doc and Lidda entered the house and checked the younger children's room to make sure they were still in bed. Then they separated and searched the other rooms with both ending back in Sam's room. Nobody was there either.

Doc asked, "Where did he say he was taking him?"

Lidda replied, "Well, from what he said, either the spa or the springs."

"The springs is too chilly for Marcus to be in now, so I would be more inclined to think the spa, which means he is using the rest of the stored solar energy we have left. Dag-nabbit that means the recharges won't be fully charged till tomorrow morning. That boy means well but he doesn't think it thru much."

"Oh, Thomas, let him finish what he started. If Marcus is in any danger he will come back fast. Besides, I couldn't think of a better way to get Marcus cleaned up. That paint oozed everywhere, if you catch my drift."

"I know, dear, I was up close enough too but with as many cuts as he has, he should be resting in bed in here, where I set up a sterile environment. That's what I'm worried about."

"OK, if you want to retrieve them, I'll get some light breakfast ready. It's been a long night for everyone and I know he hasn't eaten since the afternoon. He can eat, right?" as she looked out the window and noticed the sun was starting to rise.

Doc strolled out the door and said, "Is that sarcasm I detect? I'll get you for that later, deary," with a little smile.

"Since when have you known me ever to be sarcastic?" she asked, blowing him a kiss.

Doc knew she was right and stopped on the porch on his way to the spa for a few moments to soak in the morning sunrise. He yawned and said, "Damn I need a nap!"

He casually walked to the spa door enjoying the early morning air and pulled on the lever, it was locked, and he could hear the water flowing and some splashing going on.

He knocked loudly until he heard Shane reply, "Who's there?" in a girly voice. Doc said "Funny, Shane, you be careful with him. That water isn't sterilized and might infect all those cuts he has. Also, why did you lock the door?"

Shane was holding my erect penis. We both burst out laughing and Shane replied with "So Susan wouldn't just walk in by accident sleepwalking and fall in the spa." Doc shook his head and said, "Get him back to the house as soon as you're done. Mother has a light breakfast in the works, and he needs a quick check up and rest, while we need to get to work on that bridge."

"OK Dad, it won't be .... long." We both had big grins as Shane slid his hand carefully up and down my cock, supposedly to get the paint off. "Amazing how this stuff just gets in every crevice and sticks, isn't it?" Shane seemed mesmerized by what he was doing.

"So you think that noise earlier was Sam on the other side of the barn?"

"Don't worry about it. He couldn't know we were in here. I'll talk with him later about what's bugging him," he said. His touch was sending all kinds of wild signals to my brain through my fully erect dick.

"Ummmm Shane, Shane," I said quietly as he kept on cleaning, with a look of enjoyment. Then I said, a bit louder, "Shane!"

Shane looked up at me and noticed I was beading sweat and breathing faster, and my face looked discolored.

Shane's face expressed surprise and an "Oh shit" look and he said, "Oh my gosh, are you feeling nauseated again, or dizzy? Let me get you out of here as quickly as possible then."

"Oohh, no its not that...." as I tried to have a look of shyness.

"What man, WHAT? Just spit it out!!!!"

"Its ... well..."

"WELL WHAT?" he said

I tried to look as innocent as possible with a slight fake embarrassed smile "Well, I haven't shot a load since the night before I left town. That's what, 3 1/2 days ago?"

"OOHHH'!" then a much louder, "OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!" as Shane lightened his grip of my cock and realized what was happening to me.

"I'll stop. Sorry about that. I didn't ...." It was the first time I had seen Shane with that embarrassed look. I wasn't sure whether he was really embarassed, or like me being subtle and feeling out the field.

"Nothing to be sorry about. I just didn't know how quite to tell you. Well, I am close, and like you said earlier, if you're not shy, neither am I. Not to sound perverted or queer, you know," I said, testing the gay factor rather subtly and cleverly.

Shane grinned and said, "Nothing queer or perverted about a natural human act! It's been a day and half for me, and believe it or not, I was getting worked up also. Hell, who wouldn't, being naked."

I thought to myself, "He sure can walk that tight rope without giving away any signals and I definitely noticed he was worked up. His hard-on was pressed up against my back and now bobbing around my own dick"

I said with a silly grin, "You got worked up also? I didn't notice that!"

To my surprise, he took ahold of my hand and said, "Here, see" as he guided my hand to the most perfect dick I had ever laid eyes on, let alone felt. My mouth was watering just to get a taste of it.

But I just said, "Yeah it sure does look that way." Apparently my face turned a light red.

He said, "Oh, didn't mean for you to be uncomfortable doing that. I just thought since I've been fondling you, it would be fair for you to do it to me also."

I laughed slightly and said with a country twang, "Is everyone around these parts this friendly?"

That got a grin from Shane and he rolled his eyes and casually went back to cleaning around my groin area again, being extra careful around my stitches. "Do you think if you came that might cause you pain?"

"Well, I'm just a bit concerned if it's going to hurt, with these stitches."

"Have you felt any pain so far?"

"No, just a tight feeling around the stitches are around my sack, but that's probably just because I'm loaded and ready."

"OK before we do that let me get the last part that we haven't gotten washed. Have you felt any dizziness? Because I think if you can stand up a bit and hold this bar, I'll still be able to hold you steady."

I looked a bit confused and asked, "What last part have you forgotten?"

"Well, you've been sitting this whole time, so your backside needs washing too. Then we'll both take care of our loads."

My eyes bulged out and I thought, "He's gonna touch me there too! Holy cow, this is only getting better by the minute."

"Oh, OHHHHHHHHHH OK, I think I can do that," I said softly.

Shane lowered another bar in front of me to grab onto. I held it and slowly rose from the seat, until the water just at my waistline, the seat was still useful as an extra barrier to lighten the weight off my ankle.

"Any dizziness?"

"No, I'm just unsure of my balance, and remember my ankle is still sore," I replied.

"No problem. I'll hold you, and you just relax."

Shane slowly moved around to my back and used the sponge to carefully clean there being careful not to cause any of the scabbing to be damaged. He said "It looks like your back is healing ok"

Shane kept one arm around my waist with his hand firmly on my hip. I know he could feel my cock bob up and down, and brush against his hand. I could feel his heartbeat was speeding up as he got closer to my ass.

I then felt Shane's hand and the sponge slowly slip between my ass cheeks and between my legs and felt his fingers rub against my balls. My ass tensed up from pleasure. Shane noticed and asked, "Did I hurt you?"

I said, "It's not every day that someone is doing that." Shane just kept his hand steady and passed lightly through my crack several times.

"This stuff got everywhere man! Unbelievable! It's like you sat in it several times as a workout routine."

"Apparently. You've had that sponger in nearly every crevice more than once."

"Just doing my best to get you neat and tidy!" as he once again brushed his hand against my hole. That motion, and feeling his tone body and pulsing dick rubbing against me, was enough to cause all kinds of erotic emotional load.

I said, "UMmmm, yeah, and I'm about to unleash a load if you keep touching me in that area." As I started to tense up, the goosebumps came back with a vengeance.

Shane got closer and rested his chin on my shoulder with his face next to mine, and put his lips close to my ear, and then moved his hand from my belly to my erect penis, stroking it very tenderly. He said, "Like this?" as he moved his other hand up and down my ass slowly around my crack, rubbing against my hole.

The sensation was all I could take, and I let it out. "Oh, ... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH ... shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiittt, man." Just like that! "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I shot several loads and I bucked about. Some of it shot up onto my shoulder and Shane's chin. Shane didn't let go of me as much I wriggled about. "Just let it out, as much as you want," Shane whispered as he held me close, with his hard cock pulsing against my back.

As I was calming down from that explosive event, I said, "You were quite subtle about that. I haven't cum that much for quite a while."

I felt so much energy released that my headache faded, but I was still unfocused and felt a twinge of heartburn.

"I bet, you stud," Shane whispered in my ear. Then I felt Shane tense up and held me tighter, and his breathing sped up and his cock throbbed. Then I felt warm ooze shooting onto my back. Both of Shane's hands were still around me, so he came without even being touched. "WOW, that's some stamina," I thought as Shane panted, and he seemed to unload several times also. He held me several moments before saying, "That helped, huh?"

"Very much, and thank you. Would you believe my headache is less intense, but if you let go, I will lose my balance?"

I could feel Shane's warm thick juices slowly sliding down my back and my butt cheeks.

He asked, "I never tried this, may I?"

I seemed a bit confused for a moment about what he was talking about, when I felt his tongue on my shoulder near my cum.

"Ummmm, we pretty much shared everything so far, if your game, so am I"

Just about then, I became very woozy and weak-kneed and my stomach made a loud growling sound.

"OK, I think we overexerted you and someone is hungry aren't they?" Shane asked.

"I don't think I have eaten anything since yesterday afternoon, so yes, I'm feeling light- headed."

Shane said, "We can do this again later if you want, I better get you inside before the entire staff comes after me." as he cleaned the mess on both of us.

"Yea, I think that would be fun to do this again." Then thinking to myself "OH HELL YEA, that is a given, Duh!!!!"

He got me out of the spa and carefully dried me off. As he quickly dried himself also, I gasped at the view of his awesome body. He pulled out some new boxers, loose fitting of course, and put them on me, then put some new shorts on himself. He carefully picked me up again and was able to open the door when I heard a dull thwack against his arm and heard him say "Crap, that hurt!" He paused for a moment, then added, "I'll have to tell him about that."

I looked puzzled, so he explained, "I need to tell Sam to put in a auto foot lever opener, so busted elbows are eliminated if you are carrying anything. He will bust over that one," he said, snickering as we headed back to the house.

The change in brightness from inside to outside caught me off guard, and I instantly squinted, causing the bruises and scabs on my face to feel like they were cracking, that caused my headache to return to that low level throbbing rhythm again.

As we got outside, it was very early morning and the sun just rising, so I was able to get my first good view of the farm. It was more massive than I had thought, and I loved the architecture of the house. It must have been built in 1890 or so, along with the barns. The view was just unbelievable, from what I could see with my blurred vision. I gasped when I saw it and Shane heard me and smiled.

I also noticed the landscape out further from the house looked like a tornado had ripped through.

I said, "This is truly just too beautiful. I love this old architecture. This was built around 1890 or so, wasn't it?"

"Well, I hope you take news well, try 1999. It's a replica of exactly what was here at the time it was built. The original was really worn down and we salvaged what we could to add to the duplicate. We made some variations inside though. Mom and dad insisted the outside look exactly what it did 100 years ago so no one would know it wasn't the original. You must have studied architecture to be that keen."

"I love it as a hobby. I'm actually studying to be a structural engineer."

"Well, you and Mom will have a lot to talk about then."

Looking confused a bit, I said, "How?"

"Mom is an architect."

"I thought she was a nurse, caretaker, at home mom."

"Not full time anymore, basically consulting."

"Wow, your family just keeps getting more interesting by the hour."

"Well, so do you, as you tell and show me about you," he winked.

As he started up the porch steps the door flew open and Sam came rushing out in a huff, nearly knocking us over. He was saying something like, "I'll get it done no matter what!"

We both asked, "Hey, what's the big rush?"

Sam, walking briskly away, snorted "YOU!" and headed toward the driveway.

We just looked at each other in a bit of a confused state.

Doc was the next to appear in the doorway appearing to be following Sam. He looked as a moment then his expression changed and he must of thought I was in desperate need of help because of the way I was squinting

"Marcus, what's wrong now, son?" trying to get a closer look at me and not letting me answer fast enou.

"Shane, what's wrong with him now?"

I said, "I'm just squinting from the brightness out here."

The look of relief that came over doc was amusing. He said "Well make sure you have sunglasses next time we get you out in the daylight"

He added, "Shane needs to get you back to bed so you can rest. Lidda will have some light breakfast and something to drink for you and I'll be i a bit to check you out."

Shane said, "I'll go have a chat with Sam and find out what's on his mind."

His dad replied with, "No, I'll go talk to him. He's been wanting to tell me something. He's been like this for a while, but the last few days have brought out the worst of it."

Doc started out the door and stopped as soon as he passed me, his face showing a rather stunned look.

He said, "Shane, get him to Sam's room quickly now, son."

"Dad, what's going on?"

Doc reached out and touched me underneath Shane's arm and showed us a bloody stain on his fingers.

As Sam was briskly walking away from the house and huffing grumblings under his breath, he heard someone following him.


"SAMMY!!! Wait up for me!!" Alex was walking as fast he could to catch up with his brother.

"What do you want?" Sam looked back at him while increasing his own speed to keep ahead of his brother.

"Why are you walking so fast? I want to come with you!!"

"Go back to the house Alex, I don't need your help."

"But Sammy, you and Dad were arguing about someone and making Mom cry! And I heard you said those awful things to her. Wait up."

Sam stopped in his tracks and turned to his brother who was still walking up to him. Alex stopped with a shocked look on his face with his jaw dropped.

He noticed Sam's face was redder than he ever seen, and Sam raised his hand pointing at him. Sam said in a very annoyed tone "If you don't turn around and get back to the house, I swear that you will hear far worse than what I said to Mother."

"What did I do to you? I only want to talk to you. Why are you being such a cranky ass lately? You never talked to me like this before."

Sam yelled, "ALEX you little ass, get back to the house NOW!"

"NO. NOOO, I WON'T, YOU TALK TO ME NOW DAMNIT!" Alex burst into tears and kept slowly approaching Sam.

Chapter 6 just around the corner

(HOLY COW, another cliffhanger!!!!)

If you like to make a comment about this story just contact me at

I want to thank Jon for all his time and help in editing this story. Thanks Jon

Next: Chapter 6

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