Marcus Summer Twist

By Scott Scott

Published on Feb 9, 2006


The following story will contain graphic sexual scenes and flirtations involving adult males in following chapters.

If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.

This is purely fictional work, any similarities between characters and events and any real situation are purely coincidental.

This is my first multi-chaptered story on this site and hopefully the first of several planned installments.

I hope/plan to add more as time permits and if you are enjoying the story. Your feedback will be what keeps the story alive.

I welcome feedback, both positive or negative as long as constructive, and comments or suggestions can be directed to me at

I want to thank Jon for his time and help in editing the story. Thanks Jon

I have had the pleasure of reading other stories on this site and found 3 or 4 I look forward to reading on a regular basis that gave me inspiration to try my hand at this also. 2 of them are taking on a life of there own and have a good following of readers and have there own yahoo group. Please support there efforts so we can have many more months of reading pleasure. They are truly originals.

In the gay male college section.... "The road home" and "alex and zach"

Now onto the adventure, enjoy the story.....

Chapter 4 (Water everywhere)

Sam sat in his truck for a moment to think of the best way to get to that car and see if anyone needed assistance without putting himself in danger also. He couldn't waste any time though. He had to do this alone, and quickly. He started by gathering some gear that would be useful and tied a rope to the truck and to himself. He was nervous and scared as anyone would be trying to save another life.

Making it down to the car wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. He lost most of the gear along the way and was losing energy fast.

His main thought was, "How the hell did this happen and why me?"

Just as he approached the car, the lights winked out. He only had his flashlight and knife now. He also heard a loud rush of water and breaking trees over the general noise level of the storm, and knew time was running out fast.

He flashed the light in the car and saw that there was someone in there who was not moving. He tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. The other side of the car was against a tree, so there was no other way in except through the window.

He slammed the flashlight through the window and started talking to the stranger. He didn't respond, so he started shaking him and yelling at him. The man awoke, but was apparently rattled and injured.

He tried his best to be careful getting him out, but this young guy was a little bigger than Sam and more muscled so he had to get a little rough.

The guy moved sluggishly and then turned to dead weight while being dragged up the ravine. Sam thought it could have been worse, most people would have been unconscious the whole time going through a horrid ordeal like that. He must have kept blacking out. Sam could only keep a good grip by his jeans, which were getting pretty torn up. His shirt had already been ripped mostly off by the window glass. It took every last ounce of strength for Sam to pull this guy up to the top of ravine.

Finally Sam got to the top and just collapsed with the near naked stranger falling right on him. It was hard to breathe as it was, but he talked to the stranger to see if he was still conscious. All he got for an answer was some intelligible muttering.

He finally rolled him off of him and realized the stranger had passed out once again. Sam used every ounce of remaining energy to carry him into his truck.

Sitting in the truck soaked, muddied, shivering and drained of energy with a stranger in even worse condition than himself, he decided they both needed to get dry and warm at least and turned on the heater. It wasn't heating up fast enough. He knew it would be wise to share there body heat together.

So he slid the stranger over to him so his chest was to his back and then covered them both with a warming blanket from behind the seat. He held the stranger close and noticed how well toned he was. As he was carefully sliding his hands around on him to warm him, he noticed the stranger's pants were ripped open at the zipper and he could see the bulge. He couldn't help but look and also noticed it was slowly expanding even when this guy was unconscious. Then he noticed the stranger's blue boxers and what appeared to be a reddish hue instead of the brown mud color. That's when the stranger moaned painfully and tears started strolling down his face. "OH my gosh, he is in incredible pain!" he thought, as Sam started crying himself. He took any remaining mud from himself and caked it on the stranger, hoping the mud would act as a temporary bandage to slow any continued bleeding. He covered the stranger with the warming blanket and knew he had to get him help fast

He wondered about going back to the diner to get assistance, or going straight home to his father, who was a phyiscan. Either route would take 15 minutes. He felt his best bet would be for his father to treat the stranger. The storm seemed to be letting up a bit since he left work but still felt he would be safer at home with his family.

The drive home wasn't without incident. He almost didn't make it over 3 of the small bridges that lead to his family farm. The last one broke apart just as he crossed it from the huge amount of water gushing by.

He got to the house and saw no lights there either. "Either the power is out or everyone left." he thought. He then saw a flashlight waving back and forth from the back porch. He stopped the truck and ran up to his father. He yelled, "Come quick, this guy was in a wreck and is injured."

He pulled him back to the truck, showing him the stranger he had saved. Sam had a feeling of uneasiness and just couldn't quite figure what it was.

He walked up on the porch as Shane rushed passed him to help his father in the truck, his mother embraced him saying "they were so scared something awful happened".

He told her, "Ill tell you latter." Then sat on the rocking chair and fell asleep.

"S a m." He heard faintly

"SAM. SAAAAAMMMMMMMMMM!!!" invaded his thoughts.

He then felt a hand on his shoulder, which brought him out of his deep memory.

"Sam, snap out of it! Have you heard a word I have been saying to you?"

"Dad, what are you talking about? You've been going on and on about Marcus this and that. I've heard you. Why is it all about him? Geez!" Sam said in a gruff tone.

"Well it sure looked like you were out in space to me. I also don't appreciate you getting snippy with me. You didn't even notice Martini whinnying for you before she dozed off."

"I'm getting rather tired of all this." as he grabbed a small electrontic device and began tinkering with it.

"You really haven't slept well since you arrived home with Marcus the other night. It's making you cranky. Exactly what are you tired of anyway, son?"

Sam stopped tinkering with the device for a moment and looked at his dad with a dead serious look , and was about to talk to his dad.

Lidda appeared in the doorway of the barn and asked, "How are things out here with you guys?" Her voice trailed off. She noticed a rather tense expression on both of their faces.

Sam said, "Never mind."

Doc told her quickly what transpired, and added that Sam probably would spend the rest of the morning out here with his horse.

Doc asked Lidda how Marcus was doing and she said "Shane is preparing him for a bath." Doc looked a little amused by that and said, "The boy should be getting as much rest as possible, not getting dragged around the farm." Lidda shook her head and said she agreed but you know how Shane can get when he gets one of his ideas.

Sam picked up the device again and walked over to Martini with his back away from his parents.

"Lets go get that idea out of his head then. It's 3 am anyway. Boy, if it isn't one then it's the other. I think I need a pair of skates," Doc said as the two starting walking back to the house and looked back at Sam watching Martini.

Sam looked up from the device as they headed out of the barn. His face was turning red and a tear streamed down his cheek.

While Lidda was outside, Shane got Marcus prepared for his bath by wrapping his cast water-tight.

"We should go out the front way, since I'm sure dad thinks this will be a bad idea this time in the morning," Shane insisted.

"Maybe he thinks moving me around too much, will only cause more harm."

Shane finished wrapping the cast and moved around to where he could pick me up.

"Well, like you said, you're tired of being cooped up in here, and a little fresh air could do you good. I'll be as careful with you as I can. If you start to feel worse at any point you tell me, OK?" Shane smiled.

"I will do that."

He scooped me up in his arms like he did it everyday as a hobby. He headed out of the bedroom and down the hall to the front room, where he sat me down in his fathers lounge chair.

Even though it was dark, I was able to notice this room felt nothing like Sam's room. As Shane was putting on a helmet light and an odd looking backpack, he said, "I think you will enjoy this. Let's roll."

He scooped me up once more and they headed outside. I immediately took a deep breath of the early morning air, which had a slight chill to it, and started shivering. I hadn't smelled or felt anything like this since the last time I was camping. Shane noticed the shivering, and commented, "Ahhh sorry, I should of got you a cover. You're not used to this, are you?

"No. I'm from Florida where it is a little warmer than here, but this chill does wonders for your nipples." I giggled

"And this paint is drying fast too. Sure does wonders to other appendages also." Shane wrly smiled.

As Shane headed for a dark canopy type tent, he asked, "Where in Florida do you live?"

"Deltona, just a bit east of Daytona." I said

Shane remarked, "Ahh, never been there. Sounds like Timbuktu to me," with a smirky grin. I noticed Shane had great balance and wasn't even breathing hard. "So Shane, do you do triathlons often?" I asked.

He glanced at me oddly and then realized the pun of the question. "Only every 6 months on the trails of the Alaskan tundra." He chuckled. "My best friend, Trey and I own a construction company, so lifting and carrying heavy loads is becoming natural."

"Are you calling me fat and lumpy?" I laughed

"Of course not, your built like a concrete bag." Shane smiled back and then added "Plus you been giving me a good work out picking you up so much."

"I do what I can. I thought you were in college from the way your dad talked?"

"I am going to graduate in the fall semester. Trey, my partner, and I started the company about 4 months ago and work on projects in our spare time."

I thought, "Trey??, best friend and partner. Should I delve into that right now?"

As they entered the canopy, Shane sat me down on wooden bench. He turned to the door and latched it shut. "I'm sure the Doc(winking at me) is going to find us sooner or later, but we do need to get cleaned up. You're going to find this rather interesting."

He then walked over to a panel and cranked a handle a couple of times. Something started to hum. A small panel of lights started glowing and I could see two oddly shaped, roughly rectangular pools.

Shane sat by me and started opening the backpack and said, "You're not going to believe it, but Sam created this spa. He talked to some area farmers and they always found it frustrating if one of their livestock was injured and needed cleaning up but it took at least 2 people to do that. So he came up with this "farm spa". It's all solar powered. It's the same basis as those indoor swim spas where you can swim in place while the water flows by, except he installed a harness system to allow for one person to clean the animal in case it's injured. So I convinced him to make one for the live stock and one for us for recreation."

"WOW! that's an ingenious idea. Why hasn't he marketed this?"

"Well, he's still working out some kinks and some mechanics of it, but it's very close and it does work but not as perfectly like he wants it to."

Shane then got up and walked over to one of the pool and attached the packpack seat. By this time the water was bubbling and stirring about. He put his hand in it and said laughing, "Perfect, this sure won't cause nipple erectus like outside."

"That isn't always bad you know!" I slyly smiled back at him

He walked back over to me and asked, "Well, would you prefer with or without shorts? As far as I can see, both of ours are messed up. I'm not shy, but I just want you to be comfortable."

"I'm not shy either, and if I am cleaned up better, that's what counts." My heart started racing, knowing I would soon get to see Shane in the buff.

I added, "You have already seen the entire package anyway." Waving my hand from head to toe.

"In a clinical sort of way, you know." Shane grinned rolling his eyes

Shane dropped his shorts, leaving me in awe of this perfect image of a young man. "Damnit! Whhooaa, totally awesome", I thought. Even with my blurred vision, I could make out Shane's perfectly sized and shaped cock. As I was gawking at Shane, taking in every line and crevice his body shaped. Shane helped me out of my borrowed boxers. I felt my entire groin ready to explode with excitement.

He picked me up. The warmth of his skin pressed against mine was tingling. He walked to the backpack seat and carefully sat me in it. Then Shane also stepped into the pool and used a lever to lower me into the flowing water.

It was quite comfortable, and I was able to remain in a seated position just like Doc had instructed.

Shane then pushed a couple of other buttons and walked over to me. He said, "This seat and arm system has complete flexibility, so we will able to get you all washed up nicely. You just sit and I'll do everything for you, OK?" He lowered me into the water to my navel.

"Do you feel any water in your cast?"

"No." I managed to feel more relaxed and more excited at the same time

"Again, if at any time you feel worse, you let me know." I just shook my head as I was staring right at his torso and lower abs and noticing his very thin cute happy trail.

Shane picked up a larger than normal sponge and said, "Guess what? This is another of Sam's little gizmos. It's a combination soaper, comb and shower head."

He flicked a little button and it started spraying a light mist. He put it to my head and started scrubbing my hair. His chest was directly against my back. I could feel his very warm smooth skin against my back. As he was soaking my hair he kept his other hand wrapped my chest. I was tingling again all over and got a good case of goosebumps. Shane must of noticed that and asked, "Are you OK? Is the water too cold for you?"

"No I feel fine, and the water is perfect." That was true, but there was more. I was enjoying Shane touching me immensely.

"Good, you tell me at anytime if your not feeling well, OK" I'm going to lower you down just a bit more up to your chest."

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH" was all I could get out. As Shane lowered me, he was still close enough for our skin to touch and I could feel his firm smooth stomach. Then I felt the water flow speed up a bit and got a touch warmer. Shane's breathing was obviously speeding up a bit and so was mine. I started wondering if Shane was gay, and sexually interested in me.

"The paint in your hair is unbelievable. We should have shaved it down more, but then you would be pretty bare."

"Um, no; it's short enough as it is, thank you. I have a light sprinkling of hair in all the right places too. "

The tingling in my body was as fierce as ever and now was making my cock throb and bounce about like there was no tomorrow. I could also feel Shane's cock brushing up against my back, every once in while tucked between our bare bodies. I just wanted to twist about and suck it so badly!

"Well I'm glad I shut the door. I sure wouldn't want Susan running in and seeing what a good form you have. She's still a little young for that kind of eye candy. She may enjoy it in about 10 years."

"Since you mentioned that, you don't resemble much like any of the others. They all have sandy blond hair while you're dark haired and taller."

Shane shifted his hands and sponger around to my face and chest, carefully taking his time and said, "My mother died when I was only 1, and Lidda was her caretaker. So, as Mom's last wish she wanted Lidda and Dad to marry, and here we are today."

"I'm sorry about your mother, that must be awkward."

"Thanks, but I was only 1 she died, so I've known Lidda as mother all my life, so I call her 'Mom' too. So it's not awkward and we can talk about it as much as you want."

Shane then said, "Hey, since you asked me something, we've all been wondering where you were headed the other night."

"Long story, but to Nashville for an interview."

"Oh. I guess you're not going to make it on time then, huh?"

"Probably not. I kinda figured that out while Sam was pulling me through the car window."

"If you were at the airport, we should ask Sam if he knows anything about what went on that night. He works there."

"He didn't mention that."

The hum of the power display stopped. Then the lights slowly faded out. It must have been getting to be early dawn since a dim light shown through the canopy. At least the water flow still worked.

Shane shifted positions so now he was in front of me. He let go completely and handed me the sponger. He said, "See, it works. You're in perfect form. I'll be right back." He turned and did a half dive into the oncoming water and did a few strokes. The view of his back and ass was mesmerizing.

He then stood up and cleaned away the paint that was on him. He came back to me and turned and said, "Anything on my back?" I just stared in awe at his perfectly designed back and his ass, sticking half way out of the water but definitely firm and smooth. I just wanted to touch every part of him. I said, "Your back looks clean." He turned back around, grabbed the sponger and started started cleaning my legs, moving slowly up to my crotch area. He said, "Do you mind if I clean your crotch area? You've got paint absolutely everywhere."

"I don't mind. Just be careful of the stiches, its still tender"

As he slowly started towards my upper thigh, I noticed his upper torso glistening, and slowly started to put my hand out to Shane's face.

We heard a dull thud against the other side of the door leading to the barn. It sounded as if something was thrown, and a faint voice said "Dammmit."

Suddenly I heard a soft ringing up above, and the lights seemed to get brighter. The ringing got louder and the lights shown brighter. Shane and the pool disappeared.

***** "M a r c u s.............." I heard very faintly.

"Marcus, Marcus...." The voice grew louder

I looked and saw a bright light above me and a blurry vision of a couple of faces looking over him.


"Markus, son, can you hear me?" I heard Doc ask.

"Can you hear me now, sir?" As I spoke up also

"Markus, focus on me.."

"Doc, I'm as focused as a camera. I hear you, I just feel groggy. Where the hell am I?"

"Just a pre-op waiting room for the time being," Lidda chimed in.

"Waiting room for what? We're not in purgatory are we?"

Doc and Lidda chuckled, "No, we're not there," as their voices went soft and seemed to choke up slightly. Then someone added, "The important thing now is to get you well."

"Oh Great, What's wrong with me now?"

"What do you remember from today's events?" Doc asked.

"Well I was, I was (feeling a sharp pain in my side) .... OOOOOOHH my gosh, OHHHH my gosh OOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW." as I screamed in pain

Lidda took ahold of my hand, and put a cool cloth on my forehead

Doc said, "That's what we heard earlier also. We've got to get you in the operating room now. Your appendix needs to be removed. That's why you passed out when you got here. How long have you been in pain?"

I looked at Lidda; her eyes were red and looked like they was about to spring a leak. I probably didn't realize I must have been squeezing her hand to pieces and she was dealing with a loss also.


I could feel a needle in my arm, and Doc said, "Count backwards from 10."

"10, 9....."

I heard the door open while my eyes felt heavy once again along with the pain in my side.

"8, 7...."

Lidda looked up and back down at me and started crying.


I looked at her and mouthed, "I love you too"


I heard a table rolling along with other people coming into view.


Then I smelled that distinctive aroma


and the love of my life saying, "Dad, is he going to be ..."


Next: Chapter 5

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